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Elite Afghan soldier kills US special forces’ mentor

Dealing with Afghans is very tough, he shouldn't messed with that Afghan!

The US also dealt with the Japanese, and nuked them. however they took advantage of the US reforms, and any aid they would provide, and look at them today.

You can be stubborn, and refuse to lose the tribal isolative mentality. But it won't help your living standards and world standing.
yet another afghan grateful for liberation.

how many us soldiers killed by afghans so far?
Now that's very sweet of you to say but honestly speaking, if you had an ounce of such positive intentions, Afghanistan won't have been in such a dilapidated state in the first place. Your very involvement in Afghan war that was not yours brought so much destruction to that country which continues to this day.

don't be offended buddy but with ur due respect I would like to say, u are an Indian and m 99% sure you have never been to Afghanistan but, u guys always talk for Afghanistan as this is what in afghan's mind, this is what they really want and this what Pakistan suppose to do but they never did. Kindly, let the Afghan speak up their mind and accuse Pakistan. Even if they use the same words like u had used, those words would be more reliable than yours. You can not judge our intentions for Afghanistan, because those were in our mind not in yours. Afghan-Russia war was not ours and, this present US war is also not ours, we want to get out of it but, as I have mentioned before even if Pakistan and Afghanistan don't like each other and they would rather like to cut all the relationship with each other, with the presence of such a complicated border and relationship of people across the border, they can not ignore each other.

The USSR came there because the Government of Afghanistan invited them to get rid of your tamed pets that were creating problem in the state.

If you were trying to "prevent USSR from taking over Afghanistan", you're totally mistaken because Afghanistan was a die-hard Soviet ally in the first place.

Well, that is a news for me that People of Afghanistan was in favor of USSR invasion and, it was actually afghan government who invited Russia to invade their country. I never heard an afghan saying this. I would like to do a little search on it, as I didn't know about it. So, u r trying to say that it was Pakistan who provoked afghans to fight against Russia's invasion otherwise they have no intention to get rid of Russians?
Or u mean that Pakistan supported those small numbers of elements in Afghanistan who were against this war and successfully achieved this without the support of a large majority of afghan public. Is this possible?

2ndly, afghans were not kids who followed what Pakistan has said to them. nobody had stopped them to think about their interest. if they were die hard ally of USSR they should had supported USSR not Pakistan. Pakistan was not a super power who can pressurize them to follow their instructions. put the blame where it goes. don't see the matters by wearing a pair of contacts those are just showing u the mistakes of Pakistan's.

This is why Afghans hate your meddling in their country. They find you as a hindrance to their independent mind. Bangladesh has relations with the Chinese too. Do you see us inventing radicalized loonies who bomb their country and destroy them from inside? No.

If they think like that I am afraid if they are correct. Pakistan was just supporting the government who was in good terms with Pakistan. In above posts, Sher Malang an afghan was saying that Afghans are very tough to handle and I also heard that they are worrier kind of ppl. U can not mingle with the mind of such kind of people. If u think we can then, thank u for giving us such a huge credit. even we are unaware about our these capabilities.
I heard that Afghanistan was in a continuous civil war and if they unite and start thinking like one, nobody can play with them not even Pakistan.
Tshering22 said:
This paranoia that the world is against Pakistan is the reason why you've gotten into such a position in such place. Stop this thinking. No one is after you as long as you don't meddle in others' businesses.

Let's see how many political or physical battled you're involved in:

- Us. for a matter that doesn't pertain to you since day one.
- Russia. Soviet war that has to this date put their underbelly in trouble.
- Israel. No borders or disputes with them, but continued political antagonism against them.
- United States + NATO, playing double agent and using Taliban against them despite they've nothing to do with you directly.

All these wars are none of your business and still you meddle with them. And then you think that you're being marked by every second country.

this topic was not about Pakistan's relationship with whole world but, first u accuse us for dreaming to return back to afghanistan and now all this but..
I am not very good in Pakistan's foreign affairs and politics but, let me try as a common Pakistani what I think about these issues.

when we have said that world is against Pakistan.

War with US... everybody knows due to WOT who involved whom. before this we were not in such bad shape with US.
Russia-Afghan war... I have already discusses my mind on it, and currently Pakistan and Russia are trying to improve their relationships.
Israel.... yes, we didn't accept them because of Palistine but, it was Israel who consider us and our nuclear program threat for them not us and keep giving statements about this not us. what do u think how a common Pakistani will perceive their anti Pakistan statements. Gov.t of Pakistan or any important official of our govt has never said anything like that. At least I never came across with such statements.
US+NATO... so, u are saying that we are playing double game with them and they are fair with us. We are helping the people who are bombarding NATO forces but, bomb blasts inside Pakistan has no links with Afghanistan. I am afraid to tell u but u are not a master in Pak-US+NATO relationship.

Only a tiny section of radicals hated the Najibullah regime and if you had not meddled bringing NATO in, this danger of radical jihadis would have been finished off by USSR. But you wanted to merge Afghanistan with yourself didn't you? Now see what you've done... put the whole damn region in danger.

I have my doubt on tiny section of radicals
Are u serious, we want to merge Afghanistan with us?
Who told u these stories.... what kinda book or ppl u follow about Pak- afghan relationship. I am not an expert of Pak-Afghan relationship but, u fairly dont have any idea what are u talking about. stop making stories by your own.

Very right. Which is what your generals don't understand when dealing with us or pretty much the larger world. They've got public opinions to worship some or the other benefactor in your country for the last 60+ years. Earlier it was US and now it is China. This gives them popularity and makes them legitima.

Indo-Pak relationships are entirely different case. U can't blame just my generals, ur govt is as much culprit of the whole situation as my generals. What happened within Pakistan in last 60 years has nothing to do with u. I would suggest u, don't pretend like u know Pakistan's and afghans internal matters better than Pakistanis and Afghans.

Why is it that you people see the planet in black and white without seeing your own country's issues?

Not only us, u are also following the same path. Just read ur post again.
The US also dealt with the Japanese, and nuked them. however they took advantage of the US reforms, and any aid they would provide, and look at them today.

You can be stubborn, and refuse to lose the tribal isolative mentality. But it won't help your living standards and world standing.

So you mean US should nuke us so than we could get a world living standard and standing? :lol:
another sad fragging incident...RIP to the dead..
So you mean US should nuke us so than we could get a world living standard and standing? :lol:

No I meant you can try to make best of the situation by working with the powerful nations like Japan, Germany and Korea did, instead of heading for another civil war.
The occupying forces have become used to dying to Afghan bullets. In most of these cases the American soldiers have been mistreating the Afghan soldiers, swearing at them and simply bullying them. No wonder the poor Afghan snapped. They don't tolerate things like that. Even our people-Pashtuns would surely do the same thing if the Americans treated them like this.

IED's and afghan soldiers shooting the Americans on their ***** has become the favorite way for the Americans to die. Eventually they know they will have to run back to America after they have pillaged Afghanistan of all its resources and turned it into a bastion of anti pakistani sentiment.
ok this will keep on happening till american army stays there. their culture their way its completely different you cant expect to abuse an afghan and think to get away he will kill you and most probably everyone related to you and thats how it is. these incidents will keep on happening the taliban will keep on getting stronger. its a war that couldnt be won and anyone who disagree,s is just being delusional.
total ISAF dead in OEF 2985 just 15 left to make it round about.
The Afghans (Pashtun & non-Pashtuns) are a hateful, delusional & divisive bunch. They hate each other, they hate the countries they are ethnically/historically/culturally closest to. They hate the current regime, hate the US/NATO Forces, hate the warlords, they dislike the Taliban, & the list goes on and on. They hate everyone. They are in complete disarray. What a poor excuse for a country.
The Afghans (Pashtun & non-Pashtuns) are a hateful, delusional & divisive bunch. They hate each other, they hate the countries they are ethnically/historically/culturally closest to. They hate the current regime, hate the US/NATO Forces, hate the warlords, they dislike the Taliban, & the list goes on and on. They hate everyone. They are in complete disarray. What a poor excuse for a country.

Not true. They are friends of friends and enemies of enemies. (Yaaron ka yaar). And they don't forget. So if Uncle Sam messes with certain pathans, those will remember and take revenge.. If Pakistan messes up with some pathans, they will remember too. And if Pakistan helps certain pathans or afghans.. that is remembered too.. They just have a good memory :D
there seems to be no respite in such attacks....in fact, i've even spoken to marines that were deployed --- some on two, three deployments

they tell me that there is suspicion, there is no trust....especially as of late. One day they can have tea and biscuit with you; but when something happens (Quran burning, wild trigger-happy goras going on shooting spree, etc) they can immediately become your worst enemy.

this was published in Dawn yesterday and it's quite telling

US not reporting all Afghan attacks | DAWN.COM

The Afghans (Pashtun & non-Pashtuns) are a hateful, delusional & divisive bunch. They hate each other, they hate the countries they are ethnically/historically/culturally closest to. They hate the current regime, hate the US/NATO Forces, hate the warlords, they dislike the Taliban, & the list goes on and on. They hate everyone. They are in complete disarray. What a poor excuse for a country.

it's an oppressed and suppressed society.....hatred amongst eachother has kept them at constant war for well over a decade.

it's sad. We are only obligated to be mindful and cautious about it simply because it has severe ramifications on Pakistan as well.....when they fall into a state of internal war, it is only Pakistan and Iran (more so Pakistan) that end up dealing with the consequences and expenses

I pray to God Afghans unite and become strong. I think NATO will soon be past news; but for now, Afghans must unite and work to overcome the corruption that afflicts their country. Hell - we need to do the same.
US never can win Afghan's heart. It is clear message that Afghan doesn’t like NATO troops in their country.

Your statement is quite bold considering that Afghans are experiencing freedom that was simply unthinkable under the Taliban rule. The Taliban dictators had the nation of Afghanistan suppressed under their rule, and people were tortured on a daily basis. Today, the people of Afghanistan are truly hopeful for their future, and continue to take steps towards recovery. Do you really think that the people of Afghanistan would hold a grudge against the U.S. and NATO forces for bringing these changes? Do you really think that the people of Afghanistan are unhappy experiencing life under a democratically elected government?

It is sad and tragic to hear about an incident like the one mentioned above. The incidents like these allow doubters to continue doubting, while painting a false picture of our efforts and progress. The fact is that it would not be possible for the ANSF to be where they are if we were not cooperating and coordinating successfully.

A senior NATO official spoke on the incident, "We are working hard with our Afghan counterparts to develop improvements to the overall vetting and recruitment process. When we analyze the problem, it occurs for a number of reasons, and not as many as you would expect show any evidence of insurgent initiation, or insurgent backing. Quite often people resolve their personal problems by resorting to the use of a weapon.

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
it's an oppressed and suppressed society.....hatred amongst eachother has kept them at constant war for well over a decade.

it's sad. We are only obligated to be mindful and cautious about it simply because it has severe ramifications on Pakistan as well.....when they fall into a state of internal war, it is only Pakistan and Iran (more so Pakistan) that end up dealing with the consequences and expenses

I pray to God Afghans unite and become strong. I think NATO will soon be past news; but for now, Afghans must unite and work to overcome the corruption that afflicts their country. Hell - we need to do the same.

What do the Pakistani Pukhtoon's think about the situation in Afghanistan and what future relations we should have with them ? I've heard everyone from the common Pakhtoon, from Bajaur, working in the market to a couple of friends who study with me to People like Mahmood Khan Achakzai ? And I'm more confused then ever ?

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