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Egypt showered with Gulf billions in show of support for army

Saudi Arabia has, and I'm a witness of that. And if you are going to say it is to buy Jordan, then no it is not, Jordan disagreed and still disagreeing on very urgent things Saudi Arabia needed and still needing Jordan to do.

I didn't say it's necessarily political. It could have economical motivations. You know that it's some kind of loan, with long term or short term profits and if the receiver country fails to pay it back in time, then it will have the political burden of the donor on its shoulder and should get close in line with him, if not completely in line. Maybe Saudi help to Jordan was purely for humanitarian reasons, I don't deny, but I'm speaking of 99% of the times.
To help the Egyptian economy and thus the whole country.

KSA is the biggest donor to Palestine. What is your problem? Are you starting to apply for Iranian citizenship? Why do you take your historical enemies as friends - the eternal enemies of us Semitic people? Have you not learnt anything from history? Forgot about the comments made about Iraq from many Iranian members here?

Somalia is not an Arab country. They are Somalis speaking Somali. But they also speak Somalian so they are part of the Arab League and many have Arab ancestry and they are an Semitic country to like all the Horn of Africa (one of the oldest regions of Africa if not the oldest at least in terms of real civilizations). They are a special case in the Arab League.

This is about Egypt here.

Egyptian people have spoken. The army is a great friend of KSA and the Sunni Arab world and have always been that and always will be. We are neighbors and brotherly people. They ask for favors we give them that. They defended us and Makkah and Madinah for centuries. This is the least thing we can do.

Besides I am always a proponent of Arab cooperation so how can this be a negative thing? Should we have donated that money to our enemies?

It seems like this is just like Qatar giving Egypt money under the MB for their own plans, now its the other way around, the ones against the MB giving money for their own plans.
if it was really about the economy they would just give it anytime.

Forget Iran.
Oh, Iranians knowing nothing about our beautiful Arab world, our internal politics and not even speaking Arabic, interfering again and again while acting like "experts". Don't those clowns have something better to do than constantly meddling and commenting on Arab matters? Their country must be really boring apart from being poor, sanctioned, isolated, crime, drug and pagan infested. Just something truly amazing.Is the Iranian section, that I have never visited, really that boring? Don't have some fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's to discuss? Unbelievable. :omghaha:
You have repeated this sh!t 30 times since yesterday. Now, if you're disowned by Arabs, that doesn't mean Arabs are suddenly useless.

Qatar funding MB in Jordan is similar, let us talk sh!t about the agal & dishdasha wearing Arab in the name of freedom.

I will quit before this turns like the previous thread :partay:
It seems like this is just like Qatar giving Egypt money under the MB for their own plans, now its the other way around, the ones against the MB giving money for their own plans.
if it was really about the economy they would just give it anytime.

Forget Iran.

Once again. What is your problem of Arabs woking with fellow Arabs, neighbors moreover, and helping each other? What policy? The Egyptian army is ruling Egypt and have done that for 60 years. Since the Albanian Kingdom was overthrown. You need to make some reasrach on this.

Qatar or anybody else has nothing to do with it. Iran has financed the MB heavily too and wanted to have better relations with Egypt since Egypt has not had any diplomatic relations with Iran since 1979. But Morsi turned their back against them since he saw that such a move would never work in staunch Sunni Arab country where the majority dislike those foreigners and Shia Mullah's. Just look at what happened with that Pagan who cursed the Mother of all Believers (Aisha (ra) ) a few weeks ago and some of his cult members. Shia's are not even recognized as a religious group in Egypt!

But Morsi criticized the Iranian meddling and support to the Child-Murderer in Syria at a conference in IRAN and he also prayed for the Sahabah during that conference while those people curse them daily. So he basically used them and turned their back towards them. Or the anti-Child-Murderer/Shia/Iran rally he attended a few weeks ago!


OUCH, another failed operation/meddling by those heretical Mullah's.:yahoo:
And people never believed me when I said that GCC is seeking a more liberal-Secular neighborhood to make it easier to liberalize and seculraize the countries within.

You seemed lately to believe that "Arabs have went back to their old ways" haven't you? What do you think of this development?

Please Mosa, you know this has nothing to do with secularism and making change. Those monarchs want nothing but to stop and fail any sort of democracy in the Arab world, they don't want the evil democracy to spread within. What happened in Egypt is a shame on those who claim to be secularists and people of human rights. That is not Democracy or liberalism, that is complete fascism. Liberals across the middle east have been calling for human rights, freedom of speech, and equality. Once they got to be the ruling party, they closed TV channels, imprisoned pro-morsi people and declared a war on MB. What most people don't want to understand is that MB is not a simple group of people that you can shut them down with prison or killing or targeting. No, MB is a political party with supporters from around the middle east. A party that were used for being prosecuted for around 80 years.

Again, this coup has shown the true face of Arab "secularism".

What he hell is MB needed for? Are we not all Muslims and Arabs? At least us Sunni Arabs? Why do we need MB to become Muslims? We are Muslims by heart and should act accordingly. Let us leave the differences to the Shias.

I just can't get your point, MB is a political party the won people's votes and showed the true face of Arab liberals. MB are not preaching group nor they have ever claimed that they would be interested in such attitude. I will have to answer you with your own mentality, why is your king preaching secularism outside and pushing for hardcore sharia law on us ?. Are we not muslims? Should they tell us what haram or what is not?.

Thankfully, the Arab spring have shown the true faces of both liberals and Islamists. All of them want nothing but power and eliminate the other. The Arab spring have shown the true face of the child murderer in Syria, and the terrorist Nussrallat in Lebanon. It has shown the hypocracy of the Arab Secularists. It also showed the true face of the monarchs and their religious hubbies in bed.
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I didn't say it's necessarily political. It could have economical motivations. You know that it's some kind of loan, with long term or short term profits and if the receiver country fails to pay it back in time, then it will have the political burden of the donor on its shoulder and should get close in line with him, if not completely in line. Maybe Saudi help to Jordan was purely for humanitarian reasons, I don't deny, but I'm speaking of 99% of the times.

Most of Saudi money for other countries is donations, it's true that some for political motivation, but it's very different than the Western version, their approach is that Arab countries stability is part and parcel of Saudi stability, their support to Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon (before 2011), Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Mauritania, Palestine, Tunisia and Somalia speak for themselves. Even Iran received $400 millions of donations after the earth quake I think around 2001.
Please Mosa, you know this has nothing to do with secularism and making change. Those monarchs want nothing but to stop and fail any sort of democracy in the Arab world, they don't want the evil democracy to spread within. What happened in Egypt is a shame on those who claim to be secularists and people of human rights. That is not Democracy or liberalism, that is complete fascism. Liberals across the middle east have been calling for human rights, freedom of speech, and equality. Once they got to be the ruling party, they closed TV channels, imprisoned pro-morsi people and declared a war on MB. What most people don't want to understand is that MB is not a simple group of people that you can shut them down with prison or killing or targeting. No, MB is a political party with supporters from around the middle east. A party that were used for being prosecuted for around 80 years.

Again, this coup has shown the true face of Arab "secularism".

I just can't get your point, MB is a political party the won people's votes and showed the true face of Arab liberals. MB are not preaching group nor they have ever claimed that they would be interested in such attitude. I will have to answer you with your own mentality, why is your king preaching secularism outside and pushing for hardcore sharia law on us ?. Are we not muslims? Should they tell us what haram or what is not?.

Thankfully, the Arab spring have shown the true faces of both liberals and Islamists. All of them want nothing but power and eliminate the other. The Arab spring have shown the true face of the child murderer in Syria, and the terrorist Nussrallat in Lebanon. It has shown the hypocracy of the Arab Secularists. It also showed the true face of the monarchs and their religious hubbies in bed.

Arab liberals? So you consider the MB as "Arab liberals" whatever that is? Not a preaching group? Wrong again. Ask the Egyptian members here.

Preaching secularism? What? Is that why we, KSA, are the biggest spenders on Islamic schools abroad? Who builds mosque left and right and donates to Islam? You must be kidding, Naifov.

Hardcore Sharia? Really? You call Allah (swt) law that?

Muslims are supposed to want to apply Allah (swt) law.

This is the goal of MB too that you now speak for.

The last part of your post I agree with but not the last sentence since it makes no sense in my eyes. So you are against our brotherly Arab support to an fellow Sunni Arab country in Syria that we share history, language, culture, traditions, ancestry, tribes and a fellow ancient Semitic past. Even way after the Prophet Muhammad (saws) time, during and way, way before.

It seems that you changed your opinions 180 degrees over night.

Oh, and I believe that some reforms should come to KSA and they will also come when people will be ready. You can't call King Abdullah a bad leader. He has done so much for the country. Better than Fahd.
Qatar funding MB in Jordan is similar, let us talk sh!t about the agal & dishdasha wearing Arab in the name of freedom.

I will quit before this turns like the previous thread :partay:

First read about their political, diplomatic and financial support to Palestine and Somalia before talking like that, I'm not supposed to feed you everything. However, the Palestinian issue is too complex to get discussed over a troll post. Nevertheless, if you want trolling, then I can simply say, we don't give a sh!t over Palestine nor Somalia, we only want Iran and it's sellouts down. And you go ahead in branding me as a traitor.. :)
Most of Saudi money for other countries is donations, it's true that some for political motivation, but it's very different than the Western version, their approach is that Arab countries stability is part and parcel of Saudi stability, their support to Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon (before 2011), Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Mauritania, Palestine, Tunisia and Somalia speak for themselves. Even Iran received $400 millions of donations after the earth quake I think around 2001.

Did that really happen? A mistake then. Why give that to a people that hate us Arabs and Semitic people and always have and will? Have they ever donated anything to us apart from terror and meddling in the Arab world? When will we receive that amount next time we have floodings across the country be it in the mountain areas, coastal areas or the center of country? Those we helped, who call themselves "Muslims", are the same people who have nearly changed our religion, who curse the Mother of all Believers (Aisha (ra), curse our Sahabah etc.

I am all for helping innocents, no matter religion or race, as we have done for very long, but when will they actually do something good for us? For KSA? That day will never come. This is the reality. Hence why I hope that there will never be another donation as long as those heretical and fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's rule them. Let them find another donor.

They have the second biggest gas reserves and a lot of oil. So they have the money too. I don't see them donating to us. Only Shia Arab areas to gain more influence or Hamas/Palestine as propaganda tool and to help them to get a better picture in the Arab world. They never cared about Palestine or any Arab country before 1979.
This is meddling in internal affairs by using money as a weapon, meh.
if they gave the money to a political party then you would be right they supported the Egyptian government and people
if all what the gulf countries want is taking out the brotherhood then i think we will get along fine and our relations will be better than ever
Did that really happen? A mistake then. Why give that to a people that hate us Arabs and Semitic people and always have and will? Have they ever donated anything to us apart from terror and meddling in the Arab world? When will we receive that amount next time we have floodings across the country be it in the mountain areas, coastal areas or the center of country? Those we helped, who call themselves "Muslims", are the same people who have nearly changed our religion, who curse the Mother of all Believers (Aisha (ra), curse our Sahabah etc.

I am all for helping innocents, no matter religion or race, as we have done for very long, but when will they actually do something good for us? For KSA? That day will never come. This is the reality. Hence why I hope that there will never be another donation as long as those heretical and fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's rule them. Let them find another donor.

They have the second biggest gas reserves and a lot of oil. So they have the money too. I don't see them donating to us.

There is an Arabic proverb says "everybody gets to do deeds out of his morals".
if they gave the money to a political party then you would be right they supported the Egyptian government and people
if all what the gulf countries want is taking out the brotherhood then i think we will get along fine and our relations will be better than ever

The relations with Egypt have always been good. Since like forever. Egypt has always been able to count on her Sunni Arab brothers, sisters and neighbors. Don't forget the close and ancient relationship between Egypt and nearby Hejaz just across the beautiful Red Sea.

No, this is not for any political party. This is for Egypt and the Egyptian people. As I wrote before then the relationship between KSA and the Egyptian army has been great and very close for decades. We just held joint drills in Hejaz not long ago.

Anyway personally I would prefer Egypt to be able to stand on its own feet but brothers have to help each other and Egypt helped the Arab world before and protected Makakh and Madinah for many decades and thus the whole Arab world.
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