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Eastern CPEC route unfeasible: report

The problem with many of us is that CORRUPTION is such a norm now even more so thanks to JC that we dont feel any need to condemn it....Which mind you is disgusting!

That's your personal opinion/an opinion of an individual as I did not buy PTI argument since day 1.
That's the opinion of one individual/writer of Washington Post, it does not hold any official credibility or stance from the Government of Pakistan
No matter what, N.Shariff deserves all the praise for bringing China as a great power bearing gifts, help and sincere friendship is not an easy joke but a Herculean task. This might turn out to be a cornerstone in Pak history to emerge as an Asian tiger. For, Pakistan has the people power, nuke power etc along with growing infrastructure in everything.

China’s new silk road: What’s in it for Pakistan? - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
I am actually surprised that you quoted a post of one individual on that article. Is this how you conduct research? So if I write a post on PDF, somebody else quote me on different forum claiming it as official source of information? Is this how we gather creidible information?
May 28, 2015 06:15pm
A very pleasant gift to the nation. Very well done the PM and all participants

Parties pledge to take full political ownership of CPEC - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Another opinion/post made by an individual. It's not even written by the author. So if you reply to his post on dawn.com website, does it become authorised source of information?

The time and tide is not in favor of the detractors. They will die their death in the hurricane of CPEC since China is determined to make Pakistan a success story. $46 billion economic package is Chinese gift for people of Pakistan.

Costs and benefits of CPEC | For Pakistan
It's once again a personal opinion from the blog. You can write another opinion and I will publish it for you, I don't understand how does it become credible source of information
The Present Pakistani government views China’s promise of $46bn investment as a gift, and with a focus on building a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor it will be a potential game changer.

It's once again a personal opinion of an individual
And as usual no one corrected the useless media....It was spread as a gift coz some heavy mouthed tind couldnt be bothered to correct the misconception!
Because even the media hardly used such a term which is being linked to the government.

These are Just few people who posted it as a gift! Heck even ministers think its a gift! Basically either no one knows what a gift is or no one knows what CPEC really is coz NS never briefed the details to anyone....which is it?

As I said earlier, it can be referred as figure of speech. What you need to know is Pakistan had very bad reputation in international market. The foreign investment is close to none, the trust deficit is low and the world has better business environments available throughout the world so there is hardly any real reason for investing in dangerous place like Pakistan when China came ahead to announce such a massive number which is like 25% of Pakistan's total GDP and more than the entire budget of Pakistan.

If you read the basics of Business Management, Marketing or Business Environment you would learn about PESTLE (Political, Economical, Social and Technological, Legal and Environment). These are the basic foundations of starting a business somewhere which the companies keep in mind before even thinking to invest. We know the situation in Pakistan and only nations with ability to target high-risk factor are currently investing in Pakistan's private sector. The news of China changed the dynamics and the positive wave paved the way for other nations to revisit their stance about Pakistan. It is something technical and complex and I think you are more suited for different field

Yes but NATIONS prosper by their own doing their own industries laws which protect their own not boot lickers

Sure investment is good but killing local industries isnt great!
This is a different era we are living. The nations indeed prosper from their own resources but in the days of information technology, the world has gradually shrinked to 1 PC's gap. The service sector alone generates trillions of dollars for larger economy. The service sector of London is generating more income than double the gdp of Pakistan. One reason that China and India's economies kicked off is because they received billions of dollars of foreign investment in the form of direct foreign investment and indirect foreign investments. Each billion dollar may generate 100,000 jobs depending on the nature of business so imagine the potential of 46 billion dollars. China may import less than 1% of labour from China due to lack of expertise in Pakistan but it is simply impossible to export the whole of labour in Pakistan. It is impracticable, illogical, unwise decision for any businessman.

You think the infrastructure is for us and not them to use? They will use it and you will pay the loan...They will use it and you will be maintaining it for life and paying the loan! Whose winning without a plan?
Its for us with permission for China to use it. They will not be using it for free, they will be generating millions of direct and indirect jobs, paying toll charges, buying fuel, generating indirect source of income for Pakistan in the form of hotels, restaurants, convenience and so countless number of opportunities to mention. It will also increase flow of trade in Pakistan. Pakistan would obviously use the same infrastructure for own purpose and it will be easy to export to Middle East, Central Asia and Europe upon the completion of CPEC with greater advantage of reduced transportation cost for Pakistan.

How sure are we, the energy will be shared in national circuit? Is it written or assumed?
It's a simple logic but even if China uses it for their own benefit, it's a welcome news as they will be paying for the electricity making another source of income for Pakistan. Please do remember the commercial sector do not incur loss of electricity in Pakistan, it is the private sector with tons of subsidies for households.

2ndly, how are we benefiting when their industries will also require energy and how sure are we they wont use ALL of what they produce?
It's a good news if they use it... You should take such news positively
3rdly, Why are you like a relying on others that is not progress that is slavery!
It takes time for nations to stand on their feet, if you receive help from third party it's not a bad news. Even India and China are growing thanks to the help of European market USA.
4thly, when we have problems with transmission lines, people stealing and not paying bills...NO AMOUNT of Chinese help will solve this so no ....not until you fix the blooody law or the people it is no win for us!
It is true that we need to reform the energy sector, so I agree
SO is it written OR AGAIN ASSUMED that locals will be employed and not Chinese only workers? You do know around the world people are localizing coz they want to make jobs for their own but in Pakistan we dont even know but are ASSUMING China is making jobs for us! What a laugh!

Instead of writing such statements give me a draft of what you blabbed here that LOCALS WILL BENEFIT coz that is what CPEC is selling as!
It's a simple economics and needed no further explanation. Do you plan to import say, 5 million Chinese workers from China? Do you really plan to do that? Please do remember that you might be paying them above 10,000 dollars per annum compared to only 1300 dollars for local population.

Once again I wanted to highlight Environment and Social Analaysis of PESTLE. Corporations has social responsibility towards the people from where they benefit. I would need few paragraphs to explain this part, it's basics taught in Business Management, Finance, Marketing, Business Environment or Economics.

Mismanagement is a rant for you? Oh of course it is....Coz you dont see the mismanagement...I couldnt be bothered to read the last para coz there is no use wasting time with a dumb, deaf and blind!
Chillax babes, life is bigger than arguments. I don't want to fight with you

Then what is the use of the federal? Your blind faith for Punjab only is disgusting and suggesting Punjab to be a different country as compared with the other provinces!
I dont really care about the provincial system of Pakistan. I am a Pakistani, nothing more or less. What you were talking about were the domain of the federal government. The provincial government of Punjab could not be blamed for the acts of other provinces just like the provincial government of Sindh should not be blamed for the acts of Punjab.

When someone wants to build a road through UK will they go to Wales to discuss or London and London should forward the plans.....Likewise MANAGEMENT role is missing ....harping role is activated!
Well depending on the area, their local council will approve the road. Each county receives its share of funds and they independently decide about the allocation of funds for various sectors. There are certain projects which requires approval from Westminster but if the project is not of national importance, the local councils should be able to do it on their own. The law in UK is very similar to Pakistan as you know the constitution of Pakistan consists of various traditions of UK

Well when you do bakwas regarding PROVINCIAL role of KPK which is 2.5 yrs not even federal and expect magic...THEN expect magic from 2.5 in federal!
I don't expect a magic from them. I just try to be fair, I appreciate good steps by KP government and grill them for the wrongdoing which I may be wrong but correct in my wisdom.

During the 1985 general election, a new PML(N) emerged on the country's political scene. The party had supported the presidency of Zia-ul-Haq and won his support to appoints Mohammad Khan Junejo for the office of Prime Minister. Nawaz Sharif had won the favours and support from the President Zia-ul-Haq and approved his appointment as Chief Minister of the Punjab Province in 1985.

and Nawaz Sharif the then chief minister of Punjab Province (1988)

The elections resulted in the victory of IDA, with Nawaz Sharif becoming Prime Minister. (1990)

The PML-N gained national prominence in the 1993 parliamentary elections and occupied 73 seats in the state parliament.

The Pakistan Muslim League (N) struck its remarkable, biggest, and most notable achievement in 1997 parliamentary elections, held on 3 February 1997
The discussion that we were doing was in context to the federal government. There are different domains for provincial and federal governments. If you hold the Punjab government responsible for the situation of balochistan in 2010, it sounds not appropriate as the government of PPP and the Federal Government were the only stakeholders of Balochistan. Such a case also applies in 1990s.

On 18 February 2008, after the polls were closed and the results had been announced, the PML-N gained 68 seats in the National Assembly, just behind the PPP. They announced that they would have discussions on forming a coalition with the PPP which would have half the seats in the 342 seat Parliament. In a press conference on 19 February, Nawaz called for President Pervez Musharraf to step down. Nawaz and Zardari agreed on forming a coalition, and Nawaz announced that he and his party gave the PPP the right to choose the next Prime Minister.

and again in 2013....I am not even putting forward their provincial winnings

Please tell me how you missed all these "experiences"
It's a long debate, we can talk about it if you want...but the post is already too large so I leave it for next time[/QUOTE]
Utter horseshit and political posturing.

As if CPEC is some one-way conga line to Kashgar, debunked here on this very forum a million times.
Anyone opposing in this way deserves not to be taken seriously, I say this lightly, that's all I'd say without insulting them.
By preferring a route that passes through Punjab and Sindh rather than Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, the federal government is artificially inflating the cost of the China-Pakistan economic corridor, to the point where it may become economically unviable, claims a report studying the matter issued by the Balochistan government.

The report, titled “China Pakistan Economic Corridor: The Route Controversy”, addresses what Quetta feels is Islamabad’s lack of consistency on the matter, and its failure to take into account the needs and desires of all federating units of the country. The matter could get politically inconvenient for the federal government, since Balochistan Chief Minister Abdul Malik Baloch’s National Party is an ally of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz.

However, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal claims that the report is one-sided and did not take into account the views of what he feels is the main stakeholder in CPEC: the federal government.

The report was prepared by the chief minister’s Policy Reform Unit, headed by economist Kaiser Bengali. It analyses the viability of the three CPEC routes based on three parameters: population density, total area under cultivation along the routes and total production of four major crops. These parameters become the base for determining the cost of land acquisition and displacement of population, the socio economic benefits and the environmental impact.

Read: Game changer: Army chief vows to turn economic corridor into reality

Pakistan has identified three routes for Chinese cargo: the eastern alignment (passing mainly through central Punjab and Sindh), the central route (passing partly through Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and hitherto unconnected parts of Punjab and Sindh) and the western alignment (passing through the relatively underdeveloped areas of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan).

The provincial government claimed that “despite denials the route has been changed to pass through central Punjab”, Islamabad is primarily focusing on the eastern corridor.

The districts along the preferred eastern route are the most densely populated, having large swathes of land under cultivation and is the main source of production of four major crops, according to the report. All these factors will increase the construction cost. By comparison, the western route is thinly populated and the land is mainly barren.

The comparison between the three routes implies that the eastern route is economically unviable, claims the report.

By selecting the eastern route, the government is trading off today’s security risks with provincial discord and political instability in the future, the report stated.

However, Iqbal said that the central route was the shortest one. “The eastern alignment part of Peshawar-Karachi motorway serves the major markets, industrial areas and most populated centres of the country,” said Iqbal. He said the CPEC concept is not to create a “container-in, container-out” economy but rather help make the country a regional manufacturing hub.

Read: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Lines of development – not lines of divide

The report argues that the pre-existing sections are likely to save time and cost are not tenable, as most sections will have to be widened and re-laid to cater to the volume and load of the traffic.

CPEC trail

The report finds the traces of the CPEC in the mid-2000s when the Planning Commission made a presentation to the then-president Pervez Musharraf and prime minister Shaukat Aziz. It was then called the “Trade, Energy, Transport and Industrial Corridor”. The Musharraf Administration had identified the central route for creating surface transport connectivity between Gwadar and Kashgar in China.

The report also challenged the government’s claim that it will build all the three alignments. “The resources to build all three routes are not available and China would certainly not allocate resources to pander to political disagreements in Pakistan,” it added.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 26th, 2015.

Eastern CPEC route unfeasible: report - The Express Tribune

Whoever wrote this, is pretty dumb to not know that CPEC has three alignments, with the aim of connecting 80-90% of Pakistan with it, almost 75 % of Pakistan's population lives to east of River Indus, it would outright stupidity to make only one road through western part of the country, without letting the industrial hubs in the east to take any advantage of this corridor !!!
Because these seemingly illiterate masses are not educated by no one. It was/is the job of the government to brief people about the routes. Pervaiz Rasheed the moron has all the time in life to vomit againt IK/PTI, cant he take few minutes and explain masses about the routes?

To this day, even after trying, I still don't know the exact purpose and functionality of this.

Is it a mere transportation route from gwadar to China?

Or is this to connect yet to be made industrial centres?

Where does that often flouted 46 billion Chinese investment come in?

Our information ministry is basically anti-PTI ministry...
Pervaiz Rasheed the moron has all the time in life to vomit againt IK/PTI, cant he take few minutes and explain masses about the routes?
I think the Federal Government has explained the route too many times already before the APC, Parliament and Talk Shows. We even discussed the accurate on PDF for countless times. You probably missed all those talk-shows about CPEC. Ahsan Iqbal is the man in-charge who explained it for so many times that I literally got allergic to his speeches.

On YouTube you will find Ahsan Iqbal's videos where he is showing the route by pointing out on the map with exact/projected deadlines for each project.
Yes, Yes.
R&AW is doing it's best to make PML-N look bad. They are the ones that are preventing PML-N from making any sensible decisions.
Oh those nefarious Indians.

off course not, Pakistani themselves are good enough to look them self bad.
Kalabagh "damned", CPEC must be too
we must make sure nothing benefit Punjab one bit!
we should start CPEC from Baluchistan and end it there because Gawadar is in Baluchistan, no other province should get any benefit but if it must we must do our best to minimize it as least as far as Punjab is concerned....just let them grow wheat

I think the Federal Government has explained the route too many times already before the APC, Parliament and Talk Shows. We even discussed the accurate on PDF for countless times. You probably missed all those talk-shows about CPEC. Ahsan Iqbal is the man in-charge who explained it for so many times that I literally got allergic to his speeches.

On YouTube you will find Ahsan Iqbal's videos where he is showing the route by pointing out on the map with exact/projected deadlines for each project.

doesnt matter how many times and who explains it, even if Chinese president himself explains it but how will he take out that deep seeded hate inside of PTIers. At this point I will say people elected PMLN and its their right to implement their plans their way, and all these rejects should shut the F up. Deep inside all PTIers wish CPEC to fail, as long as Imran can become next PM is their only desire.
Another opinion/post made by an individual. It's not even written by the author. So if you reply to his post on dawn.com website, does it become authorised source of information?

It's once again a personal opinion from the blog. You can write another opinion and I will publish it for you, I don't understand how does it become credible source of information

If you read the basics of Business Management, Marketing or Business Environment you would learn about PESTLE (Political, Economical, Social and Technological, Legal and Environment).

The discussion that we were doing was in context to the federal government. There are different domains for provincial and federal governments. If you hold the Punjab government responsible for the situation of balochistan in 2010, it sounds not appropriate as the government of PPP and the Federal Government were the only stakeholders of Balochistan. Such a case also applies in 1990s.

I am impressed with the knowledge you've spread in this lengthy but worthy to read post. But the guy you are dealing with, won't understand or even listen to sensible, science of business based logic. This is just how he is. He has no case, no solid base for his arguments, 90% of the stuff he says is based on hear-say and like you said, individual opinions.
At the end, all he would tell you is that Pakistan has become the worst place to be in and live in since NS took over. But there are no real arguments to back anything else, nor is there any recognition of such big projects taking shape and getting done. People like that, don't change, don't want to change and live in a fog. The fog is reality to them as they can't see past it. You are wasting your time and energy :)

What do we expect from a rural, provincial political party like PML-N ?

Well how many other parties even "attempted" to build a road going from China to Gawader and then to Central Asia......and what has the IK developed? Streets not paved and have no lights. That's a REAL comparison!!! The Rural Provincial party could actually be ruling Baluchistan and KPK. It shows tolerance and respect, something that people like you and IK, will never have for even your country!!!! Sad.

Do you not understand that the whole argument here is that the question is not of 'Other routes' and feasible routes, its about obtaining as great connectivity as possible!

:omghaha: :hitwall: , the guy you are dealing with, doesn't want to, or can't comprehend reality and sense. You are wasting time. He thinks that Birds having Avian flu is caused by NS as he wants the birds to get sick so he can ask birds from Russia to migrate to Pakistan so he can make money on it. It is plain simple silly. He's never represented a real case for anything and just uses heard say and IK's propaganda. You are wasting your knowledge and energy on him. No use. The wires in the head do not generate electric pulse if you know what I meant :enjoy:
I am impressed with the knowledge you've spread in this lengthy but worthy to read post. But the guy you are dealing with, won't understand or even listen to sensible, science of business based logic. This is just how he is. He has no case, no solid base for his arguments, 90% of the stuff he says is based on hear-say and like you said, individual opinions.
At the end, all he would tell you is that Pakistan has become the worst place to be in and live in since NS took over. But there are no real arguments to back anything else, nor is there any recognition of such big projects taking shape and getting done. People like that, don't change, don't want to change and live in a fog. The fog is reality to them as they can't see past it. You are wasting your time and energy :)

Well how many other parties even "attempted" to build a road going from China to Gawader and then to Central Asia......and what has the IK developed? Streets not paved and have no lights. That's a REAL comparison!!! The Rural Provincial party could actually be ruling Baluchistan and KPK. It shows tolerance and respect, something that people like you and IK, will never have for even your country!!!! Sad.

:omghaha: :hitwall: , the guy you are dealing with, doesn't want to, or can't comprehend reality and sense. You are wasting time. He thinks that Birds having Avian flu is caused by NS as he wants the birds to get sick so he can ask birds from Russia to migrate to Pakistan so he can make money on it. It is plain simple silly. He's never represented a real case for anything and just uses heard say and IK's propaganda. You are wasting your knowledge and energy on him. No use. The wires in the head do not generate electric pulse if you know what I meant :enjoy:
The HE you are talking about is actually a She.
That's your personal opinion/an opinion of an individual as I did not buy PTI argument since day 1.
And yet you told me repeated times you were Ex PTI.... :tsk:

Sorry man I cant be bothered to read further

The very fact that people think this is about PTI is saddening...Carry on cheering for JC...tomorrow if the courts/ normal people/ ECP/ other govt officers do injustice please dont forget to cheer!

the guy you are dealing with, doesn't want to, or can't comprehend reality and sense. You are wasting time. He thinks that Birds having Avian flu is caused by NS as he wants the birds to get sick so he can ask birds from Russia to migrate to Pakistan so he can make money on it. It is plain simple silly. He's never represented a real case for anything and just uses heard say and IK's propaganda. You are wasting your knowledge and energy on him. No use. The wires in the head do not generate electric pulse if you know what I meant :enjoy:
I believe only you think that coz only you can come up with such shit!

That's the opinion of one individual/writer of Washington Post, it does not hold any official credibility or stance from the Government of Pakistan
I am actually surprised that you quoted a post of one individual on that article. Is this how you conduct research? So if I write a post on PDF, somebody else quote me on different forum claiming it as official source of information? Is this how we gather creidible information?
It's once again a personal opinion of an individual
Another opinion/post made by an individual. It's not even written by the author. So if you reply to his post on dawn.com website, does it become authorised source of information?
It's once again a personal opinion of an individual
Maybe you are not capable of thinking beyond what the news says....But why is it that EVERYONE has the SAME PERSONAL opinion? Maybe coz no one ACTUALLY KNOWS what the bloody route is!

Through reading people's post you get an idea of what is known and how deep such understanding is...

HOWEVER, I believe you think only NS can speak the truth and if he is silent people not understanding anything are not worth anything...

I cant even be bothered to read further....

ENJOY your choice of corruption!

I will not comment on anymore NOON GOONS quoting me!

The HE you are talking about is actually a She.
And why should that matter? I hate it when people say he is a she or whatever...Will that make the idiot use his brains or think twice before showing his stupidity? Answer is NO so why bother explaining who I am or not?
And yet you told me repeated times you were Ex PTI.... :tsk:
I indeed was ex-PTI, even voted for them in 2013. But being a supporter of a political party does not mean I sell my soul to them. Even when I was a PTI supporter I used to say that I support Imran Khan minus his Taliban policy which was technically the main reason for his sudden popularity.

Sorry man I cant be bothered to read further
So did I just waste my time writing a constructive post or you believe in more hear-say like posts rather than coming out with logical argument?
The very fact that people think this is about PTI is saddening...Carry on cheering for JC...tomorrow if the courts/ normal people/ ECP/ other govt officers do injustice please dont forget to cheer!
What else is there. Imran Khan wanted to overthrow the government by force of power. The people did not support him and he became like a joke performing on the stage with heavily paid DJ as backup. The stance kept on changing from no talks to please talk to no condition accepted to just one condition of JC. He has never been consistent about his policy, basically what he thought about the goals of aftermath after inciting anarchy march were not achieved and the final stance he took before coming off the stage was not backed by the evidence. The stage was like, somebody says anything in his ear as you clearly see on the TV and he would just repeat it at the same time without any proper investigation. I don't think these are the good traits of a leader.

Regarding Judicial commision, your very own Hamid Khan has repeatedly said on the TV that Judicial commission was fair. They provided a proper platform and gave plenty of time to present arguments and PTI could not pursue the case properly. It is the weak side of PTI who could not argue the way they should have done. PTI talked about CJ Chaudhry and Najam Sethi for the whole year and when it came to talk where it mattered, they decided to remain shut up. Even Asad Umar said the same thing that PTI did not fight the case the way they should have fought.

So I fail to understand how you can blame the Judicial commission for your own weaknesses.

Maybe you are not capable of thinking beyond what the news says....But why is it that EVERYONE has the SAME PERSONAL opinion?

Right, I guess everybody has different criteria for seeking credible information. My version is, even the sitting minister cannot be considered credible depending on the subject if it is not his portfolio. In CPEC's case, Ahsan Iqbal and those assigned with the project are the only credible source of information alongside Chinese counterpart.

But in your version of the story, the post you are making here is becoming a news and one of your colleague is allowed to quote your post at different forum portraying as official stance of the government. This is what you did by quoting posts of others somehow claiming it as stance of the government.

Maybe coz no one ACTUALLY KNOWS what the bloody route is!
Everybody knows the route, we have had thousands of posts regarding this matter. The government has shown the accurate route before the APC, Parliament and hundreds of talk-shows. It is not my fault that you have decided to miss all those talk shows or did not participate in such discussion on PDF. There is no ambiguity in the route

Through reading people's post you get an idea of what is known and how deep such understanding is...
Well these are the few differences which forced me to conclude that PTI was doing nothing but repeating the telecast of PML N of 1990s. We have had enough leg pulling and fooled the nation for generations. The new generation is not stupid to accept the sayings of the leader blindfolded and are skilled enough to evaluate, assess and analyse the statement and performance of their desired leader and refute wherever they deem appropriate.
I indeed was ex-PTI, even voted for them in 2013. But being a supporter of a political party does not mean I sell my soul to them. Even when I was a PTI supporter I used to say that I support Imran Khan minus his Taliban policy which was technically the main reason for his sudden popularity.
No one is asking you to sell your soul...

But you saying this is contradiction to what you claim:

I did not buy PTI argument since day 1.

Cant be bothered to read anything else as its not worth my time to go in circles
No one is asking you to sell your soul...

But you saying this is contradiction to what you claim:

Cant be bothered to read anything else as its not worth my time to go in circles
Once again you could not comprehend the essence of figure of speech.

PTI's firm stance about Judicial commission took place in the aftermath of anarchy march. The day starts when they started selling the propaganda of everybody evil except PTI which in my opinion PTI is also their brothren after inducting all the rotten eggs of PMlL-N, PPP, 90% of PML-Q, ANP, JUI, Islamic Parties and nationalist parties of Sindh and one party from Balochistan.

Before the so called change we had few selective members of PTI in limelight with comparatively clean character and after the change most of the brethren of Imran Khan on TV are the imported services hired from experienced evil parties. So they whisper in his ear the same old pathetic techniques of leg pulling and Imran Khan keenly follows their command in the lust of becoming Imran Khan, The Prime Minister
Once again you could not comprehend the essence of figure of speech.
Cant be bothered to invest that much time ....

Its your business and I cant be bothered what you feel are or think

If it were left to the Punjabis, even Allah SWT would have to consult the Government of Punjab before giving rizk to anyone in KPK or Balochistan. Punjab literally has become a pain to the existence for the rest of Pakistan.
Well i see now all of us are experts on this ,this is the history for this nation and its people that without looking after the broader picture we assume smaller things .Imagine Chinese which are so fool to invest billions of $ with out knowing the financial feasibility.
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