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Eastern CPEC route unfeasible: report

this is just a political post only intended to anti pmln campaign and nothing else .
How will CPEC help pakistan's economy....? That's something I never quite understood. Anyone here know ?
To me this article is published by anti CPEC elements as previously hinted by Intelligence agencies and the government

Such articles keep coming and vanish.. CPEC is bound to happen inshallah and all its route will be operational and successfully integrated
and all its route will be operational and successfully integrated
Everyone is hopefully how many are practical esp in terms of ground reality and financial status?

How will CPEC help pakistan's economy....? That's something I never quite understood. Anyone here know ?
Supposed to aid in getting to places and transporting goods = increase accessibility :

Everyone is hopefully how many are practical esp in terms of ground reality and financial status?
You often criticise without doing proper research as you just hate the Mario brothers inside your heart for unknown/undisclosed reasons.

Please follow the CPEC project, a lot of work has been done in this regard and the pace of construction is faster than most projects ever completed in the history of Pakistan

The good thing that they did is they didn't dig out roads from scratch, they used/upgrading the existing network and constructing new roads only where they do not exist. It will save a lot of money and time of the whole nation

The article published is nothing but a nonsense in my opinion as such articles take a headline for day and die soon after
You often criticise without doing proper research as you just hate the Mario brothers inside your heart for unknown/undisclosed reasons.
Do I have a reason to like them? Everything they have done so far AFTER SPENDING significant amounts of money, choosing the MOST expensive way and still getting results of choosing a cheaper plan? AMAZING!

Please follow the CPEC project, a lot of work has been done in this regard and the pace of construction is faster than most projects ever completed in the history of Pakistan
True...But it is still not as transparent as IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE

1) lie it is a gift when it is a loan so we have to pay back though our industries are already shutting down and some thing that money grows on trees...
2) Pakistan will benefit when most of the work (on Gwadar) will be by Chinese workers and Chinese industries set up there you think people pay to get your people to work rather than theirs? AMAZING MENTALITY!
3) It will benefit Pakistan when in reality there is less chance of benefits and more chance of us being taxed to use our own highways and even land...

The only thing that holds is it is being made at a fast pace - a point I NEVER CRITICIZED on so you bringing it in is funny!

The good thing that they did is they didn't dig out roads from scratch, they used/upgrading the existing network and constructing new roads only where they do not exist. It will save a lot of money and time of the whole nation
THAT is a good thing but it has nothing to do with the tinday "road minsters" (only title they deserve to be called) had they more say in it they would have not wasted a brain cell to propose a new road all together!

The article published is nothing but a nonsense in my opinion as such articles take a headline for day and die soon after
yea the "worry" (which the manager is supposed to tweak out) of the rest of the provinces is non of anyone's concern except to ask for gas from Baluchistan or to ask for hydro power plants from KPK and to ask for tax on industries of Karachi :tsk:
I agree, Moreover, the western route os likely to be completed first of all the 3 routes. Secondly, the eastern route will also be serced as motorway by gen public of all the provinces. so y r people trying to project it as Punjab route. Its very bad n just trying to create doubts in the minds of our poor nation.
Our people fail to understand that the CPEC is not a single road that will extend from point A to point B, it is a complex network of roads that must interconnect through out the country to improve access to production hubs and major domestic markets most of which lie in Punjab and Sindh.
Whichever route is chosen, Pakistan has to keep it within the $11 billion that China has loaned to Pakistan for this purpose out of the $46 billion promised. If it's a longer route, then Pakistan will be forced to look for funds from elsewhere to complete the project. Needless to say, that would be hard to come by.

Thus the western alignment (passing through the relatively underdeveloped areas of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan) would the one which will be the most feasible. However, there could be security concerns here.
Our people fail to understand that the CPEC is not a single road that will extend from point A to point B, it is a complex network of roads that must interconnect through out the country to improve access to production hubs and major domestic markets most of which lie in Punjab and Sindh.
Because these seemingly illiterate masses are not educated by no one. It was/is the job of the government to brief people about the routes. Pervaiz Rasheed the moron has all the time in life to vomit againt IK/PTI, cant he take few minutes and explain masses about the routes?
By preferring a route that passes through Punjab and Sindh rather than Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, the federal government is artificially inflating the cost of the China-Pakistan economic corridor, to the point where it may become economically unviable, claims a report studying the matter issued by the Balochistan government.

The report, titled “China Pakistan Economic Corridor: The Route Controversy”, addresses what Quetta feels is Islamabad’s lack of consistency on the matter, and its failure to take into account the needs and desires of all federating units of the country. The matter could get politically inconvenient for the federal government, since Balochistan Chief Minister Abdul Malik Baloch’s National Party is an ally of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz.

However, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal claims that the report is one-sided and did not take into account the views of what he feels is the main stakeholder in CPEC: the federal government.

The report was prepared by the chief minister’s Policy Reform Unit, headed by economist Kaiser Bengali. It analyses the viability of the three CPEC routes based on three parameters: population density, total area under cultivation along the routes and total production of four major crops. These parameters become the base for determining the cost of land acquisition and displacement of population, the socio economic benefits and the environmental impact.

Read: Game changer: Army chief vows to turn economic corridor into reality

Pakistan has identified three routes for Chinese cargo: the eastern alignment (passing mainly through central Punjab and Sindh), the central route (passing partly through Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and hitherto unconnected parts of Punjab and Sindh) and the western alignment (passing through the relatively underdeveloped areas of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan).

The provincial government claimed that “despite denials the route has been changed to pass through central Punjab”, Islamabad is primarily focusing on the eastern corridor.

The districts along the preferred eastern route are the most densely populated, having large swathes of land under cultivation and is the main source of production of four major crops, according to the report. All these factors will increase the construction cost. By comparison, the western route is thinly populated and the land is mainly barren.

The comparison between the three routes implies that the eastern route is economically unviable, claims the report.

By selecting the eastern route, the government is trading off today’s security risks with provincial discord and political instability in the future, the report stated.

However, Iqbal said that the central route was the shortest one. “The eastern alignment part of Peshawar-Karachi motorway serves the major markets, industrial areas and most populated centres of the country,” said Iqbal. He said the CPEC concept is not to create a “container-in, container-out” economy but rather help make the country a regional manufacturing hub.

Read: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Lines of development – not lines of divide

The report argues that the pre-existing sections are likely to save time and cost are not tenable, as most sections will have to be widened and re-laid to cater to the volume and load of the traffic.

CPEC trail

The report finds the traces of the CPEC in the mid-2000s when the Planning Commission made a presentation to the then-president Pervez Musharraf and prime minister Shaukat Aziz. It was then called the “Trade, Energy, Transport and Industrial Corridor”. The Musharraf Administration had identified the central route for creating surface transport connectivity between Gwadar and Kashgar in China.

The report also challenged the government’s claim that it will build all the three alignments. “The resources to build all three routes are not available and China would certainly not allocate resources to pander to political disagreements in Pakistan,” it added.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 26th, 2015.

Eastern CPEC route unfeasible: report - The Express Tribune

We south Asians are masters of fuckin up such great projects :enjoy:
Supposed to aid in getting to places and transporting goods = increase accessibility :


And is there a demand/need for this ?
Where are the feasibility studies ?

Or is it just another one of those things like in N.Korea where USSR kept funding it and when it collapsed, so did N.Korea.....
Who says RAW's Disinformation doesnt work. Its so easy for RAW since everyone hates Punjab, just give them only 5 rupee for disinformation and bingo
Yes, Yes.
R&AW is doing it's best to make PML-N look bad. They are the ones that are preventing PML-N from making any sensible decisions.
Oh those nefarious Indians.
Do I have a reason to like them? Everything they have done so far AFTER SPENDING significant amounts of money, choosing the MOST expensive way and still getting results of choosing a cheaper plan? AMAZING!
It depends, our journalists has a habit of criticising pointlessly when they can't even distinguish between 100 billion rupees and 1000 billion rupees. As I said earlier in other threads, half the material that you use in construction is imported from abroad so others can obviously afford to make this infrastructure comparatively cheaper. The corruption is there but not as exaggerated as shown in some newspapers.

1) lie it is a gift when it is a loan so we have to pay back though our industries are already shutting down and some thing that money grows on trees...
I don't know anybody who claimed that we were receiving a gift. It is of course a loan/investment for China's greater ambition. All Pakistan is doing is reaping the benefit of sharing common goal with China and providing a platform for their own growth. The term gift is only used as a figure of speech
2) Pakistan will benefit when most of the work (on Gwadar) will be by Chinese workers and Chinese industries set up there you think people pay to get your people to work rather than theirs? AMAZING MENTALITY!
There is nothing wrong in it, I am not aware about the Chinese industries being set up in Gwadar but if it does happen it is a great news for Pakistan of course. All the nations in 2015 prosper by foreign investment and exchange of bilateral trade. What we are seeing out of CPEC is

1) China making an investment for its own good which indirectly also means better infrastructure in Pakistan - win win situation for both
2) China making investment to reduce energy shortfall for Pakistan which also means profit for China - win win situation for both nations

The talk of industrial zones is still under the table and we are not sure how fruitful it is going to be. If China does set up industries as you pointed out, it means jobs creation, income tax, customs tax, transportation charges, local and regional employment for Pakistanis and the government. What China will be getting is a profit and it purely deserves it... win win situation for both nations
3) It will benefit Pakistan when in reality there is less chance of benefits and more chance of us being taxed to use our own highways and even land...
You know if you had some knowledge of finance or economics you would disagree with your own statement.

BTW, Which nation in the world does not tax highways? There is nothing wrong in that... But the Chinese will also be paying the same tax so another source of income for the government... Nothing wrong in that
yea the "worry" (which the manager is supposed to tweak out) of the rest of the provinces is non of anyone's concern except to ask for gas from Baluchistan or to ask for hydro power plants from KPK and to ask for tax on industries of Karachi :tsk:
I consider it as a rant.

The deprivation of other provinces is somewhat due to their own incompetency and negligence. While the involvement of Federal Government cannot be ruled out, the provinces are responsible for their own deed at large. When you talk about the Federal Government, 1.5 years x 2 is the tenure of PML-N government during 1990s out of 68 years of history of Pakistan and another 2.5 years during this term so far. We have seen major improvement and distribution of resources amongst the provinces after 18th and 19th amendment and I wouldn't want to remind about their character of 1990s when they were mere puppies of third power. So you cannot generalise just one party for the wrong doings of 68 years of history of Pakistan. The most to blame for is PPP which ruled the most followed by Dictators...

I think you generalise too much, there is nothing wrong in that but we should also spare some time to investigate individual projects independently.
The corruption is there but not as exaggerated as shown in some newspapers.
The problem with many of us is that CORRUPTION is such a norm now even more so thanks to JC that we dont feel any need to condemn it....Which mind you is disgusting!

I don't know anybody who claimed that we were receiving a gift.
April 21

Xi arrived in Islamabad on Monday bearing real gifts: an eye-popping $46 billion worth of planned energy and infrastructure investment to boost Pakistan's flagging economy. This would include adding some 10,400 megawatts to Pakistan's national grid through coal, nuclear and renewable energy projects.

What China’s and Pakistan’s special friendship means - The Washington Post

Nooni supporting it Apr 20, 2015 06:40pm:

No matter what, N.Shariff deserves all the praise for bringing China as a great power bearing gifts, help and sincere friendship is not an easy joke but a Herculean task. This might turn out to be a cornerstone in Pak history to emerge as an Asian tiger. For, Pakistan has the people power, nuke power etc along with growing infrastructure in everything.

China’s new silk road: What’s in it for Pakistan? - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

May 28, 2015 06:15pm
A very pleasant gift to the nation. Very well done the PM and all participants

Parties pledge to take full political ownership of CPEC - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

The time and tide is not in favor of the detractors. They will die their death in the hurricane of CPEC since China is determined to make Pakistan a success story. $46 billion economic package is Chinese gift for people of Pakistan.

Costs and benefits of CPEC | For Pakistan

The Present Pakistani government views China’s promise of $46bn investment as a gift, and with a focus on building a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor it will be a potential game changer.


And as usual no one corrected the useless media....It was spread as a gift coz some heavy mouthed tind couldnt be bothered to correct the misconception!

These are Just few people who posted it as a gift! Heck even ministers think its a gift! Basically either no one knows what a gift is or no one knows what CPEC really is coz NS never briefed the details to anyone....which is it?

This gift nonsense was all over all the way until May....Then suddenly it became a loan!

The term gift is only used as a figure of speech
Well figure of speech doesnt use such a word which has its own meaning contradicting what the real term really is!

There is nothing wrong in it, I am not aware about the Chinese industries being set up in Gwadar but if it does happen it is a great news for Pakistan of course. All the nations in 2015 prosper by foreign investment and exchange of bilateral trade. What we are seeing out of CPEC is
Yes but NATIONS prosper by their own doing their own industries laws which protect their own not boot lickers

Sometimes I am simply shocked at how normal it is for people to kick their own jobless in blind support!

Sure investment is good but killing local industries isnt great!

1) China making an investment for its own good which indirectly also means better infrastructure in Pakistan - win win situation for both
You think the infrastructure is for us and not them to use? They will use it and you will pay the loan...They will use it and you will be maintaining it for life and paying the loan! Whose winning without a plan?

2) China making investment to reduce energy shortfall for Pakistan which also means profit for China - win win situation for both nations
How sure are we, the energy will be shared in national circuit? Is it written or assumed?

2ndly, how are we benefiting when their industries will also require energy and how sure are we they wont use ALL of what they produce?

3rdly, Why are you like a relying on others that is not progress that is slavery!

4thly, when we have problems with transmission lines, people stealing and not paying bills...NO AMOUNT of Chinese help will solve this so no ....not until you fix the blooody law or the people it is no win for us!

If China does set up industries as you pointed out, it means jobs creation, income tax, customs tax, transportation charges, local and regional employment for Pakistanis and the government.
SO is it written OR AGAIN ASSUMED that locals will be employed and not Chinese only workers? You do know around the world people are localizing coz they want to make jobs for their own but in Pakistan we dont even know but are ASSUMING China is making jobs for us! What a laugh!

You know if you had some knowledge of finance or economics you would disagree with your own statement.

BTW, Which nation in the world does not tax highways? There is nothing wrong in that... But the Chinese will also be paying the same tax so another source of income for the government... Nothing wrong in that
Instead of writing such statements give me a draft of what you blabbed here that LOCALS WILL BENEFIT coz that is what CPEC is selling as!

If you had basic knowledge of the law or political affairs you would know how stupid you sound giving guarantee on behalf of the noonis who never let a drop of letter into the news regarding workers!

As for the tax sure tax the highways....But if it is ONLY going through SOME PARTS who will REALLY BENEFIT?

I consider it as a rant.
Mismanagement is a rant for you? Oh of course it is....Coz you dont see the mismanagement...I couldnt be bothered to read the last para coz there is no use wasting time with a dumb, deaf and blind!

The deprivation of other provinces is somewhat due to their own incompetency and negligence.
Then what is the use of the federal? Your blind faith for Punjab only is disgusting and suggesting Punjab to be a different country as compared with the other provinces!

While the involvement of Federal Government cannot be ruled out, the provinces are responsible for their own deed at large.
You think China would go to individual provinces to do a national project? Then what is the use of the tind calling itself FEDERAL meaning central meaning in control?

Stupidity has to have a limit!

When someone wants to build a road through UK will they go to Wales to discuss or London and London should forward the plans.....Likewise MANAGEMENT role is missing ....harping role is activated!

When you talk about the Federal Government, 1.5 years x 2 is the tenure of PML-N government during 1990s out of 68 years of history of Pakistan and another 2.5 years during this term so far.
Well when you do bakwas regarding PROVINCIAL role of KPK which is 2.5 yrs not even federal and expect magic...THEN expect magic from 2.5 in federal!

2ndly, NOON has been in the same FEDERAL role forever....so for them it is not exactly a new thing!

We have seen major improvement and distribution of resources amongst the provinces after 18th and 19th amendment and I wouldn't want to remind about their character of 1990s when they were mere puppies of third power.
These noons have been hiding behind 18th and 19th amendments coz they themselves couldnt do shit during their provincial roles since forever and expect miracles from KPK....seriously stop playing double roles....if you cant expect something from 1 dont expect from the other....
IF YOU EXPECT something from 1 expect it from the other!

The most to blame for is PPP which ruled the most followed by Dictators...
During the 1985 general election, a new PML(N) emerged on the country's political scene. The party had supported the presidency of Zia-ul-Haq and won his support to appoints Mohammad Khan Junejo for the office of Prime Minister. Nawaz Sharif had won the favours and support from the President Zia-ul-Haq and approved his appointment as Chief Minister of the Punjab Province in 1985.

and Nawaz Sharif the then chief minister of Punjab Province (1988)

The elections resulted in the victory of IDA, with Nawaz Sharif becoming Prime Minister. (1990)

The PML-N gained national prominence in the 1993 parliamentary elections and occupied 73 seats in the state parliament.

The Pakistan Muslim League (N) struck its remarkable, biggest, and most notable achievement in 1997 parliamentary elections, held on 3 February 1997

On 18 February 2008, after the polls were closed and the results had been announced, the PML-N gained 68 seats in the National Assembly, just behind the PPP. They announced that they would have discussions on forming a coalition with the PPP which would have half the seats in the 342 seat Parliament. In a press conference on 19 February, Nawaz called for President Pervez Musharraf to step down. Nawaz and Zardari agreed on forming a coalition, and Nawaz announced that he and his party gave the PPP the right to choose the next Prime Minister.

and again in 2013....I am not even putting forward their provincial winnings

Please tell me how you missed all these "experiences"

And is there a demand/need for this ?
Where are the feasibility studies ?

Or is it just another one of those things like in N.Korea where USSR kept funding it and when it collapsed, so did N.Korea.....
Studies? What does that mean?

Dont you know projects are signed based on how much cut you get....Money talks who knows what is research and studies? Def not those who have non merit positions based on safarish
Indus Highway is very suitable for CPEC because it connects four provinces at D,G Khan & Rajanpur districts. From D.G Khan if we go north there is kpk, if we go west there is balochistan, if we go south there is sindh and east punjab d.g khan also in punjab. I can't understand the PMLN Theory about CPEC why they are following the wish of corrupt leaders like Khursheed Shah to put this CPEC controversial like Kala Bagh Dam.
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