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DW: Pakistan on collision course with Iran?

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ای ایران

Apr 3, 2010
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
Timing is often revealing. Jeash al-Adl has not been too active in the past couple of years, especially after Zehi (one of it's top leaders) was assassinated in Pakistan by Iranian agents 2 years ago, although the terrorist group has still carried out some attacks on the Iranian border since.

The timing of the latest cross-border attack on Iranian border police in Sistan & Balouchestan does not seem coincidental. It looks like attempts are being made by some hostile states to help reactivate the group.

Have a careful read of the below DW article from just 2 days ago, followed by the Iranian Foreign Ministry's comments on last night's cross-border attack on Iranian border patrol.

Pakistan is a very poor and weak country that is totally aid dependant on foreign donors, particularly the US and Saudi Arabia which bankroll it's army. Naturally the donor countries, which are hostile to Iran, will exert a degree of influence and pressure on their client. Let's see how far Pakistan will cave in.

Pakistan on collision course with Iran?

Pakistan has approved the appointment of its former army chief, Raheel Sharif, as the head of a Saudi-led military alliance. Experts say the regional and domestic repercussions of this move could be disastrous.

Pakistan has generally tried to maintain close ties with both Saudi Arabia and Iran, but this is now going to change completely.

Despite the parliament's decision last year against becoming a party to the intensifying Saudi-Iranian conflict in the Middle East, particularly in Yemen, Islamabad recently approved the appointment of Raheel Sharif (main picture), the country's former army chief, as head of the 39-member Saudi-led military coalition. Riyadh says the Muslim nations' alliance was formed to fight terrorism in the region, but experts point out that it is primarily an anti-Iran grouping. Naturally, Tehran is not part of the coalition.

The Associated Press news agency cited Pakistan's government officials as confirming that Raheel Sharif had departed to Riyadh on Friday to take the reins of the military alliance after Islamabad officially endorsed his leadership. The authorities, however, claim the coalition under Sharif's command won't take any action against Muslim countries.

Sattar Khan, DW's correspondent, reports from Islamabad that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government has begun a diplomatic initiative to allay Tehran's concerns following Raheel Sharif's controversial appointment. But the efforts are unlikely to yield results, says Khan.

"Saudi Arabia and Iran do not trust each other. Also, Riyadh does not want Islamabad to be neutral in the conflict; it wants its full support. In this scenario, how can Pakistan's diplomatic drive be successful?" Aman Memon, a former professor at the Allama Iqbal Open University in Islamabad, told DW.

Dependence on Saudi Arabia

In 2015, Riyadh formally requested Pakistan to provide combat planes, warships and soldiers to support the Arab coalition in fighting Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. But the South Asian country's lawmakers voted to remain neutral in the conflict, albeit PM Sharif later clarified in a televised speech that in case of an aggression against Saudi Arabia, Pakistan would take Riyadh's side.

Saudi Arabia, which is one of Pakistan's biggest financers, was unhappy with Islamabad's reluctance to join the coalition against Yemen's Shiite rebels. The Arab kingdom has been involved in a two-year-long campaign of airstrikes against Houthi rebels, who have taken over swathes of territory in Saudi Arabia's southern neighborhood, raising concerns in Riyadh about a potential Shiite uprising in the kingdom. Saudi Arabia also fears that Iran is working to increase its influence in the region.

Experts say that Pakistan's economic dependence on the Arabian country is also a reason behind Pakistan's support for Riyadh and Raheel Sharif's appointment. They claim that that Pakistan already has troops in Saudi Arabia in an assisting role. But with Sharif taking charge of the alliance, the troops could be directly involved in the battle.

The Arab countries' coalition also has the backing of the United States. In the past few years, Islamabad has drifted away considerably from Washington but analysts say that both countries still have many common strategic interests in the region. Also, the Pakistani military heavily depends on the US funding.

"Recently, a US official visited Saudi Arabia and expressed his country's support to the Saudi alliance. He also lampooned Iran. So the objectives of this grouping are pretty clear," Sabir Karbalai, an Islamabad-based analyst, told DW.

The expert, however, added that Islamabad should have remained neutral in the Saudi-Iranian power struggle.

Deteriorating ties

Islamabad's over-enthusiasm to appease Riyadh could further exacerbate its relations with Tehran. The ties between the two neighbors have been tense for many years. The two countries have border conflicts, and Tehran is also not very pleased with Islamabad's alleged support to various Sunni militant groups, which have been involved in launching attacks in Iran's eastern areas, and massacring Shiite citizens inside Pakistan.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visited Pakistan in March last year in an attempt to convince Pakistani authorities to remain neutral in the Middle Eastern conflicts. Iran is aware of the concerns and limitations of its ties with Pakistan, but analysts say it still wants to maintain "normal" relations with Islamabad.

"Pakistan remains solidly allied with Saudi Arabia, regardless of how intense the outreach may be from Tehran. There are decades of close military cooperation that are not about to be undone," Michael Kugelman, a South Asia expert at the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, told DW.

Farhan Hanif Siddiqui, an International Relations expert at the Quaid-i-Azam University, believes that Pakistan needs to assure Iran that the Saudi alliance is not against any country.

"It is vital for Pakistan to convince Iran that the Saudi-led alliance is only against al Qaeda and the so-called 'Islamic State.' If Tehran continues to believe that the Saudi coalition is targeting the regimes in Iraq and Syria, Pakistan's diplomatic efforts will be in vain," Siddiqui told DW.

Sectarian strife

The South Asian country's intelligentsia and civil society have voiced their displeasure and concern over Raheel Sharif's role in the Saudi alliance and Islamabad's direct involvement in the conflict.

"Pakistan should not get involved in the Saudi Arabia-Iran regional rivalry," Mosharraf Zaidi, a former USAID consultant and Islamabad-based foreign policy expert, told DW. "We must not forget that Riyadh and Tehran have their own interests, therefore the Pakistani government, too, should do what is best for the country. It must keep good relations with both Saudi Arabia and Iran, " he added.

Pakistan's support to Saudi Arabia will also increase the Sunni-Shiite tension in the South Asian country. Analysts believe that the Sunni militant groups will feel further emboldened by the fact that the ex-army chief now heads the Saudi-led alliance.

The sectarian strife in Pakistan has been ongoing for some time now, with militant Islamist groups unleashing terror on the minority Shiite groups in many parts of the country. Most of these outfits, including the Taliban, take inspiration from the hard-line Saudi-Wahabi Islamic ideology.

"For Pakistan's Islamic fundamentalists, the country is already a 'Sunni Wall' against Shiite Iran," Siegfried O. Wolf, an expert at the University of Heidelberg's South Asia Institute, told DW in an interview.

"The policy of containing the Shiite influence in the region was seriously affected after the collapse of the Sunni Taliban regime in Afghanistan in 2001 and the subsequent overthrow of Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq. These events created a power vacuum which is now being increasingly filled by Tehran. Saudi Arabia does not want to see the rise of Iran and will continue to do anything to ensure Sunni dominance," he underlined.

Pakistan accountable for deaths of Iranian border guards: Ministry
Thu Apr 27, 2017

Iran says Pakistan should stand accountable for letting armed bandits operate on its soil after they killed nine Iranian border guards on the country’s southeastern frontier.

“The Pakistani government should be held accountable for the presence and operation of these vicious groups on its soil, ” Foreign Ministry spokesman, Bahram Qassemi, said in a post on the Telegram messenger channel on Thursday.

“Carrying out subversive and terrorist operations by armed bandits and grouplets operating as proxies for those known for promoting violence, extremism and Takfirism on the Iranian-Pakistani border is condemned and unacceptable,” he said.

On Wednesday, nine Iranian border guards were killed and two others injured in clashes near the Iranian town of Mirjaveh in the province of Sistan-and-Baluchestan. The Jaish ul-Adl terror group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement.

“The countries that are after joining anti-terrorist coalitions must answer how they are incapable of countering armed bandits and terrorist groups on their own soil,” Qassemi asked.

He was apparently referring to Pakistan's participation in a Saudi-led coalition, which has been pounding Yemen for more than two years now under the pretext of fighting terrorists, as well as Islamabad's cooperation with the US.

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday expressed his condolences over the death of the Iranian border guards, urging rapid steps to identify and punish the perpetrators.

“I ask the government of friendly and neighboring Pakistan, which this blind and cowardly act has taken place on their side of border, to take a responsible step and identify, introduce and punish members of the terrorist and Takfiri groups, who are behind this crime, as soon as possible.”

President Rouhani also ordered Iran's Supreme National Security Council and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to follow up on this issue with diligence so as to prevent repetition of such “unmanly acts” of terrorism.

'Terrorists not to go unpunished'

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said his ministry "will spare no effort in following up the case through diplomatic channels and punishing terrorist thugs.”

In a message on Thursday, Zarif also expressed sympathy with the families of the victims and those wounded in the attack.

In a related development, Iran’s First Vice President Es'haq Jahangiri issued a statement on Thursday, saying "the perpetrators of this inhumane and abhorrent crime will be brought to justice for their despicable deeds.”

Terrorists and mercenaries should know that “they cannot make a dent in the Islamic Republic’s firm resolve to fight terrorism and banditry through such inhumane and perfidious acts,” he said.

Meanwhile, Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said, "The black-hearted enemies have repeatedly tried to damage the security and authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

"However, the brave children of this nation have vigilantly stood up against evil groups to guard and protect the country’s borders, having regarded martyrdom as a great honor for themselves,” he added.

Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli also paid tribute to the memory of "the heroic youths, who fell down in their blood at the hands of terrorist Takfiri-Zionist groups while they were safeguarding security, welfare and peace for the Iranians."

“This tragic loss once again underlined the need for all people to be vigilant against the plots and seditious schemes of the enemies to divide the honorable Iranian nation,” he said.
Timing is often revealing. Jeash al-Adl has not been too active in the past couple of years, especially after Zehi (one of it's top leaders) was assassinated in Pakistan by Iranian agents 2 years ago, although the terrorist group has still carried out some attacks on the Iranian border since.

The timing of the latest cross-border attack on Iranian border police in Sistan & Balouchestan does not seem coincidental. It looks like attempts are being made by some hostile states to help reactivate the group.

Have a careful read of the below DW article from just 2 days ago, followed by the Iranian Interior Ministry's comments on last night's cross-border attack on Iranian border patrol.

Pakistan is a very poor and weak country that is totally aid dependant on foreign donors, particularly the US and Saudi Arabia which bankroll it's army. Naturally the donor countries, which are hostile to Iran, will exert a degree of influence and pressure on their client. Let's see how far Pakistan will cave in.

Pakistan on collision course with Iran?

Pakistan has approved the appointment of its former army chief, Raheel Sharif, as the head of a Saudi-led military alliance. Experts say the regional and domestic repercussions of this move could be disastrous.

Pakistan has generally tried to maintain close ties with both Saudi Arabia and Iran, but this is now going to change completely.

Despite the parliament's decision last year against becoming a party to the intensifying Saudi-Iranian conflict in the Middle East, particularly in Yemen, Islamabad recently approved the appointment of Raheel Sharif (main picture), the country's former army chief, as head of the 39-member Saudi-led military coalition. Riyadh says the Muslim nations' alliance was formed to fight terrorism in the region, but experts point out that it is primarily an anti-Iran grouping. Naturally, Tehran is not part of the coalition.

The Associated Press news agency cited Pakistan's government officials as confirming that Raheel Sharif had departed to Riyadh on Friday to take the reins of the military alliance after Islamabad officially endorsed his leadership. The authorities, however, claim the coalition under Sharif's command won't take any action against Muslim countries.

Sattar Khan, DW's correspondent, reports from Islamabad that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government has begun a diplomatic initiative to allay Tehran's concerns following Raheel Sharif's controversial appointment. But the efforts are unlikely to yield results, says Khan.

"Saudi Arabia and Iran do not trust each other. Also, Riyadh does not want Islamabad to be neutral in the conflict; it wants its full support. In this scenario, how can Pakistan's diplomatic drive be successful?" Aman Memon, a former professor at the Allama Iqbal Open University in Islamabad, told DW.

Dependence on Saudi Arabia

In 2015, Riyadh formally requested Pakistan to provide combat planes, warships and soldiers to support the Arab coalition in fighting Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. But the South Asian country's lawmakers voted to remain neutral in the conflict, albeit PM Sharif later clarified in a televised speech that in case of an aggression against Saudi Arabia, Pakistan would take Riyadh's side.

Saudi Arabia, which is one of Pakistan's biggest financers, was unhappy with Islamabad's reluctance to join the coalition against Yemen's Shiite rebels. The Arab kingdom has been involved in a two-year-long campaign of airstrikes against Houthi rebels, who have taken over swathes of territory in Saudi Arabia's southern neighborhood, raising concerns in Riyadh about a potential Shiite uprising in the kingdom. Saudi Arabia also fears that Iran is working to increase its influence in the region.

Experts say that Pakistan's economic dependence on the Arabian country is also a reason behind Pakistan's support for Riyadh and Raheel Sharif's appointment. They claim that that Pakistan already has troops in Saudi Arabia in an assisting role. But with Sharif taking charge of the alliance, the troops could be directly involved in the battle.

The Arab countries' coalition also has the backing of the United States. In the past few years, Islamabad has drifted away considerably from Washington but analysts say that both countries still have many common strategic interests in the region. Also, the Pakistani military heavily depends on the US funding.

"Recently, a US official visited Saudi Arabia and expressed his country's support to the Saudi alliance. He also lampooned Iran. So the objectives of this grouping are pretty clear," Sabir Karbalai, an Islamabad-based analyst, told DW.

The expert, however, added that Islamabad should have remained neutral in the Saudi-Iranian power struggle.

Deteriorating ties

Islamabad's over-enthusiasm to appease Riyadh could further exacerbate its relations with Tehran. The ties between the two neighbors have been tense for many years. The two countries have border conflicts, and Tehran is also not very pleased with Islamabad's alleged support to various Sunni militant groups, which have been involved in launching attacks in Iran's eastern areas, and massacring Shiite citizens inside Pakistan.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visited Pakistan in March last year in an attempt to convince Pakistani authorities to remain neutral in the Middle Eastern conflicts. Iran is aware of the concerns and limitations of its ties with Pakistan, but analysts say it still wants to maintain "normal" relations with Islamabad.

"Pakistan remains solidly allied with Saudi Arabia, regardless of how intense the outreach may be from Tehran. There are decades of close military cooperation that are not about to be undone," Michael Kugelman, a South Asia expert at the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, told DW.

Farhan Hanif Siddiqui, an International Relations expert at the Quaid-i-Azam University, believes that Pakistan needs to assure Iran that the Saudi alliance is not against any country.

"It is vital for Pakistan to convince Iran that the Saudi-led alliance is only against al Qaeda and the so-called 'Islamic State.' If Tehran continues to believe that the Saudi coalition is targeting the regimes in Iraq and Syria, Pakistan's diplomatic efforts will be in vain," Siddiqui told DW.

Sectarian strife

The South Asian country's intelligentsia and civil society have voiced their displeasure and concern over Raheel Sharif's role in the Saudi alliance and Islamabad's direct involvement in the conflict.

"Pakistan should not get involved in the Saudi Arabia-Iran regional rivalry," Mosharraf Zaidi, a former USAID consultant and Islamabad-based foreign policy expert, told DW. "We must not forget that Riyadh and Tehran have their own interests, therefore the Pakistani government, too, should do what is best for the country. It must keep good relations with both Saudi Arabia and Iran, " he added.

Pakistan's support to Saudi Arabia will also increase the Sunni-Shiite tension in the South Asian country. Analysts believe that the Sunni militant groups will feel further emboldened by the fact that the ex-army chief now heads the Saudi-led alliance.

The sectarian strife in Pakistan has been ongoing for some time now, with militant Islamist groups unleashing terror on the minority Shiite groups in many parts of the country. Most of these outfits, including the Taliban, take inspiration from the hard-line Saudi-Wahabi Islamic ideology.

"For Pakistan's Islamic fundamentalists, the country is already a 'Sunni Wall' against Shiite Iran," Siegfried O. Wolf, an expert at the University of Heidelberg's South Asia Institute, told DW in an interview.

"The policy of containing the Shiite influence in the region was seriously affected after the collapse of the Sunni Taliban regime in Afghanistan in 2001 and the subsequent overthrow of Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq. These events created a power vacuum which is now being increasingly filled by Tehran. Saudi Arabia does not want to see the rise of Iran and will continue to do anything to ensure Sunni dominance," he underlined.

Pakistan accountable for deaths of Iranian border guards: Ministry
Thu Apr 27, 2017

Iran says Pakistan should stand accountable for letting armed bandits operate on its soil after they killed nine Iranian border guards on the country’s southeastern frontier.

“The Pakistani government should be held accountable for the presence and operation of these vicious groups on its soil, ” Foreign Ministry spokesman, Bahram Qassemi, said in a post on the Telegram messenger channel on Thursday.

“Carrying out subversive and terrorist operations by armed bandits and grouplets operating as proxies for those known for promoting violence, extremism and Takfirism on the Iranian-Pakistani border is condemned and unacceptable,” he said.

On Wednesday, nine Iranian border guards were killed and two others injured in clashes near the Iranian town of Mirjaveh in the province of Sistan-and-Baluchestan. The Jaish ul-Adl terror group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement.

“The countries that are after joining anti-terrorist coalitions must answer how they are incapable of countering armed bandits and terrorist groups on their own soil,” Qassemi asked.

He was apparently referring to Pakistan's participation in a Saudi-led coalition, which has been pounding Yemen for more than two years now under the pretext of fighting terrorists, as well as Islamabad's cooperation with the US.

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday expressed his condolences over the death of the Iranian border guards, urging rapid steps to identify and punish the perpetrators.

“I ask the government of friendly and neighboring Pakistan, which this blind and cowardly act has taken place on their side of border, to take a responsible step and identify, introduce and punish members of the terrorist and Takfiri groups, who are behind this crime, as soon as possible.”

President Rouhani also ordered Iran's Supreme National Security Council and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to follow up on this issue with diligence so as to prevent repetition of such “unmanly acts” of terrorism.

'Terrorists not to go unpunished'

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said his ministry "will spare no effort in following up the case through diplomatic channels and punishing terrorist thugs.”

In a message on Thursday, Zarif also expressed sympathy with the families of the victims and those wounded in the attack.

In a related development, Iran’s First Vice President Es'haq Jahangiri issued a statement on Thursday, saying "the perpetrators of this inhumane and abhorrent crime will be brought to justice for their despicable deeds.”

Terrorists and mercenaries should know that “they cannot make a dent in the Islamic Republic’s firm resolve to fight terrorism and banditry through such inhumane and perfidious acts,” he said.

Meanwhile, Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said, "The black-hearted enemies have repeatedly tried to damage the security and authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

"However, the brave children of this nation have vigilantly stood up against evil groups to guard and protect the country’s borders, having regarded martyrdom as a great honor for themselves,” he added.

Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli also paid tribute to the memory of "the heroic youths, who fell down in their blood at the hands of terrorist Takfiri-Zionist groups while they were safeguarding security, welfare and peace for the Iranians."

“This tragic loss once again underlined the need for all people to be vigilant against the plots and seditious schemes of the enemies to divide the honorable Iranian nation,” he said.
Ignorance is bliss..The statement in bold reflects you know nothing about economy and specially Pakistan economy..Pakistan is going no where ...Your best buddy India also dreaming to wipe it out..You can dream too.,..LOL i will appreciate if you can explain how pakistan economy totally depends on Aid ?What is your thesis
Did Pakistan say the same thing about Kalbushan and Uzair baloch...
Did we say the same when Iran Bail out India in OIC on Kashmir issue..
Lets no go in this way...Who is in collision course and who is not..
@BHarwana Please enlighten us...I hope you will agree with your Iranian Brother once again
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Pakistan is a very poor and weak country that is totally aid dependant on foreign donors, particularly the US and Saudi Arabia which bankroll it's army. Naturally the donor countries, which are hostile to Iran, will exert a degree of influence and pressure on their client. Let's see how far Pakistan will cave in.
What the hell...?

Do you even know how much aid Pakistan even receives? Neither is Pakistan weak and I (along with most of the world) would confidently say that Pakistan is much stronger than Iran (not trying to turn this into a #### measuring contest).
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wow suddenly Iranians are behaving like indians calling us weak poor asking their gov to attack Pakistan and what not we've suffered the most because of terrorism you're not the first country so stop crying what happened yesterday was sad and we condemn it may those soldiers who lost their lives get a place in Jannah just because we don't talk like you and indian gov doesn't mean we're weak and don't forget kulbushan you're not "angels" our only weakness is that whenever it's something about muslim countries some people in our country starts shouting ummah ummah hope all those ummah lovers see the language of iranians and their gov.
Pakistan is a very poor and weak country that is totally aid dependant on foreign donors, particularly the US and Saudi Arabia which bankroll it's army. Naturally the donor countries, which are hostile to Iran, will exert a degree of influence and pressure on their client. Let's see how far Pakistan will cave in.

Lmfao ................ HAHAHAHAHA ,,,,,,,,, Man some thng is wrong with these Persians ........... They and there best friend with Hanuman Army can attack Pakistan any day any Time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We are waiting ,,,,,,,, And as this gem peace says we are poor and .................................... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
@PaklovesTurkiye , @Arsalan , @HAKIKAT , @Path-Finder , @django
Ignorance is bliss..The statement in bold reflects you know nothing about economy and specially Pakistan economy..Pakistan is going no where ...Your best buddy India also dreaming to wipe it out..You can dream too.,..LOL i will appreciate if you can explain how pakistan economy totally depends on Aid ?What is your thesis
Did Pakistan can say the same thing about Kalbushan and Uzair baloch...
Did we say the same when Iran Bail out India in OIC on Kashmir issue..
Lets no go in this way...Who is in collision course and who is not..
@BHarwana Please enlighten us...I hope you will agree with your Iranian Brother once again
FFS .. it is NOT the official iranian statement. It is an opinion of the author. BTW who is Pakistani himself: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shamil-shams-73386024/?ppe=1
FFS .. it is NOT the official iranian statement. It is an opinion of the author. BTW who is Pakistani himself: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shamil-shams-73386024/?ppe=1
"Pakistan is a very poor and weak country that is totally aid dependant on foreign donors, particularly the US and Saudi Arabia which bankroll it's army. Naturally the donor countries, which are hostile to Iran, will exert a degree of influence and pressure on their client. Let's see how far Pakistan will cave in."

me these lines from Articles ....Its no where ...Its an Iranian OP own writing..
Ah Iranians Ah!! When Yavuz Sultan Selim was going for the final push and the Vatican was planning to move to the Americas, you started troubles in the eastern borders. The rest is history. Some staffs never change!!!
"Pakistan is a very poor and weak country that is totally aid dependant on foreign donors, particularly the US and Saudi Arabia which bankroll it's army. Naturally the donor countries, which are hostile to Iran, will exert a degree of influence and pressure on their client. Let's see how far Pakistan will cave in."

me these lines from Articles ....Its no where ...Its an Iranian OP own writing..
Right ... then it is false. There is no way Pakistan is weak.
Lmfao ................ HAHAHAHAHA ,,,,,,,,, Man some thng is wrong with these Persians ........... They and there best friend with Hanuman Army can attack Pakistan any day any Time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We are waiting ,,,,,,,, And as this gem peace says we are poor and .................................... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
@PaklovesTurkiye , @Arsalan , @HAKIKAT , @Path-Finder , @django
Is Iran a first world country?
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