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Drone Strikes in Yemen


Nov 27, 2008
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Yemen: '50 Al-Qaeda militants' killed in airstrike

last update: July 14, 14:01

Sanaa, 15 July (AKI) - An early morning airstrike in southern Yemen on Thursday killed dozens of alleged Al-Qaeda militants, according to Yemeni newspaper Akhbar al-Youm.

The dawn raid in Abyan province was conducted by an American unmanned aircraft which fired missiles at a police station occupied by insurgents, according to the report, citing an unnamed source.

Fighting between government forces and A-Qaeda linked militants has uprooted 70,000 people who have taken shelter in schools and abandoned houses, according to a recent report by Human Rights Watch.

Yemen is battling Al-Qaeda, Islamist and separatist insurgencies while anti-government protests have applied further pressure to the embattled government.

Meanwhile, president Ali Abdullah Saleh is in Saudi Arabia recovering from burns he suffered last month in a bomb attack on the presidential palace in Sanaa.

Yemen: '50 Al-Qaeda militants' killed in airstrike - Adnkronos Security
ohh my god, america now started killing innocents in yemen

middle east is going to shitt, just because of US
None of the above means that the USA supports al Qaeda. It merely means that there are al Qaeda people trying to position themselves to hijhack the Libyan revolution. The USA supports the Libyan revolution. It is impossible for the USA to prevent opportunistic al Qaeda types from trying to play their game. What is the alternative? Support Qaddafi? Get real.

americans have long experience to create villians, like they do in hollywood, alquaeda is nothing but a brach of CIA operations, its like installing a bug somewhere and finding reasons to attack one country or one's soverignty, they have learned these techniqies since soviet afghan war

for 10 years bush's administrations could find osama, then obama found the impossible guy, also funny is, osama has many faces and voices

in CIA osama is rather agent osama or code name osama, what MI6 have agent 007, one osama killed, then make another agent osama like agent 007
None of the above means that the USA supports al Qaeda. It merely means that there are al Qaeda people trying to position themselves to hijhack the Libyan revolution. The USA supports the Libyan revolution. It is impossible for the USA to prevent opportunistic al Qaeda types from trying to play their game. What is the alternative? Support Qaddafi? Get real.

there is an alternative. get out of libya, easy as that! :D glad i could help!
what about unemployed america fighting for their economy and get rid of present situation

is this thread about the US Economy? or the WOT in the God Forsaken Middle East?

If you want to talk about Economy we are doing something about it... How about your Economy? Hows it going?
is this thread about the US Economy? or the WOT in the God Forsaken Middle East?

If you want to talk about Economy we are doing something about it... How about your Economy? Hows it going?

but we are talking abt fighting for america, why dont we start with fighting for sinking US economy and its unemployed citizens, and one and a half trillion foreign US dept and all depts you owe to your jewish banks with interest??

we are not discussing non issues here, our economy is also a blessing of your war inside pakistan, thanks to your drones and mass killings, our tourism has declined, our image is tarnished, investers have fled

pakistan is the best place to invest in the whole world because we have the deep sea port just at the mouth of starit of hormuz, we connect to central asia, china, middle east at the same place and have got plenty of rich minerals and cheap labour, but thanks to USA and its terrorism, neither we are safe in balochistan and nor in KP province.. what can you expect when your country kills 40,000 of our people..

while america maintains 102,000 soldiers in afghanistan. we just have to invest for 150,000 pakistan soldiers just along the afghan border, to feed them well so that they can fight an american war, to keep them alert just to protect that no talibans from afghanistan come and kill our citizens

the result we achieve by doing all this is more american and its allies pressure, you cry on the aid while the aid is nothing compared to the damages you make, you make india strong through nuclear deals, in this way we now have to spend more to keep the nuclear balance,, this requires more money, more expenditure on defense, you are giving india all it wants so that pakistan can be insecure, ask your govt, for what it has done, then we also have to deal with your whinning cry because of israeli diplomatic pressure, hey, pakistan is arming with more nuke arsenal, 'its a danger for israel and india and we love india'

before WOT we were cruising a peace, stability and development of 8% a year
In this article about the US pressure on al Qaeda in general are some words about Yemen.

U.S. officials believe al-Qaeda on brink of collapse

Greg Miller, Tuesday, July 26, 10:01 PM

AQAP, as the Yemen-based group is known, has emerged as the most dangerous of those affiliates. The group is responsible for recent plots, including the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner in 2009 and the attempt to mail parcels packed with explosives to U.S. addresses last year.

The U.S. Joint Special Operations Command, the elite military unit that carried out the bin Laden raid, has led the pursuit of AQAP with Special Operations advisers working alongside Yemeni forces, and both piloted and drone aircraft patrolling from above.

Just days after bin Laden was killed, JSOC was in position to deliver a follow-on blow to AQAP. At least three U.S. aircraft, including a drone, fired rockets at a pickup truck in which Aulaqi was traveling. Despite the barrage, the New Mexico native known for fiery online sermons was able to switch vehicles and escape.

U.S. officials described the miss as a major setback. “We missed the opportunity to do two quick kills of senior al-Qaeda guys,” said a senior U.S. military official familiar with JSOC operations.

In part because of such struggles, the Obama administration is bolstering the CIA’s role in Yemen, seeking to replicate its pursuit of al-Qaeda in Pakistan. The agency is expected to work closely with Saudi Arabia, exploiting the kingdom’s close ties to Yemen’s most influential tribes in an effort to develop new networks of sources on AQAP.

At the same time, the agency is building a desert airstrip so that it can begin flying armed drones over Yemen. The facility, which is scheduled to be completed in September, is designed to shield the CIA’s aircraft, and their sophisticated surveillance equipment, from observers at busier regional military hubs such as Djibouti, where the JSOC drones are based.

The Washington Post is withholding the specific location of the CIA facility at the administration’s request.

Al-Qaeda could collapse, U.S. officials say - The Washington Post
Militants killed in air attacks in south Yemen

By Mohammed Al-Qadhi, Monday, August 1, 6:43 PM

SANAA, Yemen — At least 15 suspected al-Qaeda militants were killed and 17 others were wounded in three air strikes Monday in the restive southern Yemeni province of Abyan, security and local officials said.

There were conflicting reports about who was responsible for the strikes. Yemeni local and security officials said U.S. Predator drones hit the militants. But Reuters news service reported that Yemeni warplanes conducted at least one of the attacks, on the village of al-Khamilah.

U.S. military officials were not immediately available to comment.

The security and local officials said the first strike targeted the al-Wahdah stadium and surrounding areas. They said it destroyed military equipment that the militants seized during a June 30 battle to control the stadium in which dozens of soldiers and militants were killed.

They said the second strike hit the al-Amodiah region between Zinjibar, the provincial capital of Abyan taken over by militants in May, and the city of Jaar. The third attack hit the al-Khamilah area, which the militants also use as a hideout.

The officials said that Naser al-Shadadi, a leading militant, was among the slain. Shadadi escaped an air strike on his house in June.

Meanwhile, five people, including two soldiers and a civilian, were killed in clashes between gunmen and the elite Republican Guard forces Monday in the northern part of Taiz, south of the capital Sanaa, security and local officials said.

The Interior Ministry said in a statement that two soldiers were killed and four others wounded, blaming the opposition Islamist al-Islah party. Local officials said that two gunmen and a civilian were killed and three gunmen and six civilians were wounded.

Military aircraft were seen hovering over Taiz, witnesses said, adding that several houses were damaged in the shelling by the Republican Guard, led by President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s son, Ahmed.

Local officials said the gunmen damaged a military tank and seized another. The clashes were described as the fiercest in Taiz since May 29, when security forces broke up a protest camp. The city is a hotbed of the uprising against Saleh’s government.

Militants killed in air attacks in south Yemen - The Washington Post
You are misinformed or merely trolling. The US does not support al Qaeda anywhere on the planet.


Pakistan is often accused by the US of harboring terrorists, double dealing with the international community, amongst many other things. The international media makes it sound as if Pakistan is the only one that does these things.

Is Pakistan solely responsible for these things? Let us analyze certain things. The creation of the mother of all terrorist groups, the Mujahideen, was a strategy formulated by Brzezinski & Jimmy Carter. Against the popular perception, the Mujahideen were NOT used a resistance force to protect the Afghans, but as a means of breaking up the Soviet Union. In fact, the Mujahideen were created by the US before the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. So it is futile to accuse Pakistan with the creation of the Mujahideen, as the Mujahideen were not a resistance movement for Afghanistan, but a means of breaking up the Soviet Union, something that didn't concern Pakistan but the US. Pakistan tagged along with the US & Saudi Arabia for training the Mujahideen, but the Mujahideen was the creation of the US.

The Soviets then tried to shore up the Afghan government against the Mujahideen, which then led to the Soviet-Afghan war, & the breakup of Soviet Union. The Mujahideen later off-shooted into Taliban, Hizb-e-Islami Gulbideen, Haqqani network, & other local groups in S.Asia, & 'Al-Qaeda' as a global terrorist network (the IMU/SIPR & LeT etc are all Al-Qaeda affiliates in Central & S.Asia respectively, as well as various other groups in the Middle East & Africa, such as the AQAP & AQIM/Al-Shabaab respectively).

After the Soviet Union broke up into Russia, the Al-Qaeda affiliates in Central Asia, such as the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (in Uzbekistan & Tajikistan), SIPR & the Russian Federation Republic of Chechnya (in Chechnya), as well as others have been using terrorism to overthrow &/or break away from the former Soviet territories (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & others). In other words, all the problems faced in the region (South & Central Asia) today are the creation of the US, from 1979.

Iraq had practically no Al-Qaeda members in it when the US attacked it. After the US attacked Iraq, the Al-Qaeda members started entering Iraq. The same thing with Afghanistan. Before 9/11, there were few Al-Qaeda members, but when the US attacked Afghanistan, the Al-Qaeda & its affiliates from Central, South Asia & the Middle East started entering into Afghanistan. The US support for the Libyan rebels with strong ties to Al-Qaeda from Iraq & other places is well documented as well. In other words, it is very hypocritical to suggest that Pakistan harbors Islamic terrorism as per policy, when it was the creation of the US, & Pakistan (& the whole region) has to live by the monster created by the US. Similarly, with the rise of the Arab Spring in the Middle East (supported by the CIA), there is also the rise of the AQAP in Yemen & Saudi Arabia, & there is also a rise of the AQIM in North Africa (being inspired by the 'Al-Qaeda revolution' in Libya & Egypt). The US clearly uses Islamic militancy in the shape of Al-Qaeda & its affiliate groups to achieve its geopolitical, strategic objectives in the region.

The US has always accused Pakistan of double dealing in the WOT, but it is the US that is asking the UN to take off senior Taliban leaders (that are opposed to Pakistan, such as Faqir Mohammad) from their sanctions list. The US has refused to tackle the safe havens for Al-Qaeda & the Taliban in Kunar & Nuristan in Afghanistan where Fazalulah, Qari Zia Rehman, Hakeemullah Mehsud get refuge to attack Pakistan. The US is busy brokering peace deals with the Taliban, but asking Pakistan to attack them.

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