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Dr. Qadeer responsible for N-proliferation: Musharraf

1. Announce the re establishment of Khilafah
2. Abolish Capitalist economics
3. Default on IMF/World Bank Loans
4. Announce the Durand Line to be null and void and that an American attack on Afghanistan would be considered an attack on Pakistan itself.
5. In case of an American attack on Pakistan, announce Jihad e Akbar against the US of A with a fight till death for the whole army of Pakistan.
6. Declare war on India with blatant threats of being ready to exchange nukes.
7. And announce that we are ready to support US of A in a time when they were attacked in such a manner. Announce that if America wishes to co operate with us, we could hunt down Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. This would have put the Americans in a tremendous political pressure, not to go to war against Pakistan when we were offering support to them. The leader of the nation could have wished to address the American public directly by using cable news services within the United States and assured them of his support but urging the American public not to allow their government to react in anger and haste!!!! You would have had the entire America on the streets demanding its government not to go to war with Pakistan.
8. Ready the nukes for in enough quantity to assure complete annihilation of India and Israel as well as attempting to nuke American fleets if they decided to approach Pakistani coast.

There is more to the whole situation. I find myself in this ludicrous situation where I have to keep pointing out to our "wise and intelligent" posters here who ask this question "what could have Musharaf done"... He could have done a lot better than allowing the FBI more than 40 offices to operate freely in Pakistan!!!!

Sher ki aik din ki zindagi geedar ki so saal ki zindagi se behtar hay.

And before people start accusing me of being emotional... I would like to draw their attention to one final point... Pakistan is not Iraq... we do not have the oil that Iraq has... You would be a fool to think that America would even consider going to a useless battle and devote so many resources to the Pakistani front and even risk a simultaneous nuclear annihilation of India, Pakistan and possibly Israel too? To occupy or destroy a country like Pakistan (which till its very end is offering friendship and support to an old ally)... What good would America get in bombing Pakistan or even occupying say Peshawar for heaven sake?

All this scenario is obviously impossible when you have military leaders who bow to America or Britain five times a day!!!!

As for the topic... Listen to what AQK is saying... Leave me alone, I am not incharge of the nuke program anymore!!!!

Sounds like a perfect Nazi plan. :disagree:

On a serious note, you should head off to a shrink to get your head checked.
At least some one had an alternative plan in place;-)

My observation:

Point seven and eight sounds like out of Saddam's play book right up to and after the invasion of Kuwait- this is exactly what he did and look where it got him and his country.

Further on point eight -- how do you suppose we will get the Nukes' to Israel -- I am sure the Saudis will help us in it or the Jordanians or we can always bank upon the Egyptians to do it for us??:no:

My friend you are banking the whole plan in a lab like environment where everything and everyone else remains static. This plan of yours requires that the EU, Arabs and the Asian countries remain neutral and silent observers or side with us.

Kindly analyse the situation of Pakistan leading up to 9/11, understand the economic constraints, the readiness and capability of our armed forces to take on any thing bigger or better equipped than India (That too is a far shot), understand the depth of the so called conspiracy against nuclear armed Pakistan, and my friend, truly judge the mood and pulse of the American public right after 9/11 attacks before going across and making plans to take on the world.:disagree:

Points 1 and 2 -- Some people are already working on that -- the score thus far is 11K Pakistanis!

Point 3 Dewan Group, ARY and many others who gave corporate guarantees in place of sovereign guarantees to bail out Pakistan between 99 and 2001 would have collapsed overnight;-)

Point 4 Is this point out of the GEO cartoon where this one guy comes up with a plan to declare war on US so that they can attack and defeat us and we can benefit from the Marshall Type plans for Germany and Japan after WWII??

IMHO your plan is impractical and has been used once in the past and look where that country is today.

Waiting for a practical option to what Mushi did:)

At least we are discussing...

Point 7 and 8. As far as I m aware Saddam Hussain did nothing of the sort... rather his stance was more like Aa Bail Mujhe Maar (come bull hit me)... Moreover he had no nukes, no chemical weapons either...

As I understand we have the capability to strike Israel with our missiles. Correct me if I am wrong.

You mention something fascinating... You said... Try to understand the conspiracy against nuclear Pakistan... Bro I would have grabbed you in a bear hug had you said this to my face... My question to you is why is there a conspiracy against nuclear Pakistan? and why is there none against a nuclear India? The only reason like it or not is because we are Muslims and our enemies knows and understands this sleeping giant very well... and this proves to me that we MUST prepare our nation to get ready for true independence and self reliance... make as many friends as we can because as long as we stay dependent and keep leaders like Zardari in power, this nightmare for our nation will not end...

As for the mood of the American public... How bout telling them that we will hunt down Bin Laden?? Did we ever do that?

Points 1 and 2. Yes there are people working on that... but they dont use violence to present the alternative... the ones who have resorted to violence are the likes of Al Qaeda and it is a huge failing that we have not given our nation the correct vision, letting our people being used as tools in the hands of our enemies... Then people accuse me of being a follower of Zaid Hamid... La Hol Wala Quwata Ila Billah...

Point 3. I dont know about Dewaan Group... We simply cannot afford to keep paying back this evil interest on our loans... so much for humanitarian west bankrupting our nation forcing us to pay tens of times more interest than what our leaders borrowed for their own bank accounts...

Point 4. I m always told that America is our dear friend. Perhaps we should have found out once and for all what kind of friend America is to Pakistan. Better to stop living in a delusion... The time when people thought that we can live in peace staying in the American corner is gone... There is nothing but trouble ahead for Pakistan and those who think otherwise are living a lie... as long as the status quo remains...

BTW... no country has tried this plan... You cannot compare Iraq with Pakistan...
Be it A.Q. Khan or Musharraf, both are human, meant to make mistakes, both having their own desires to achieve. So to say that either of them is telling the truth would be naive, maybe partial truth but not the whole.

It is not always the money that people desire the most. Some desire influence or power and some desire respect. So as far as our media is concerned, it can so easily be influenced by personalities such as Musharraf or A. Q. Khan to make headlines and promote what they say.

What to believe in this age of information is what one wants to believe, that is why I think one should look at both sides of the matter before making an opinion about it.

Indeed Musharraf did make blunders during his rule, but his decisions right after the 9/11 benefit Pakistan on the short term but stuck our country on the longer term with the WoT. So if it was not Musharraf in power at that time but some one else, the result would more or less be quite the same if not worse.

Regarding Musharraf's recent statements, I think he is trying to be in the lime light at the international level to gain support for himself and somehow return to Pakistan and play politics here.

And regarding to A. Q. Khan, he is a national symbol which represents Pakistan's nuclear programme. I think it is incorrect to believe that he alone is responsible to give our nation the nuclear capability, rather he led the team who did it.

I may sound a bit philosophical, but I am just an ordinary Pakistani, and this is what I think of the whole situation.

My good men---disrespectful or not----you have no clue of the weaponery and intrigue----the deceit and deception of the americans.

Indeed pakistan is no iraq and trust me on that----that is where it all ends---the strike against pakistan will be at least---at least 10 times more severe in intensity than iraq.

You need to understand----american attack on pakistan would be ten times or more stronger than what pakistan's best capabilities are---10 time severe than what iraq experienced.

There will be an exponential increase in american strike---the likes of which never seen and imagined before.

Let me put it to you this way---america knows very well what lays on the play table---pakistan's industrial and millitary complex alongwith with it nucs would be in rubbles in one night----pakistan will cease to exist----if some of you had the oppurtunity to wake up the next morning---.

You wanted to die for the cause----believe in me---the americans and every other army on the world is now mentally prepared to send as many muslims to meet their end---if you say---a 1000 oF us will die----they will kill a 10000 to prove their point---the extra 9000 just to prove their point.

So---pakistanis--please forget this rhetoric----"WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO DIE"----there answer---" WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO SEND YOU TO YOUR MAKER"---.

Pakistan is already a pariah state---there is hardly any country that has any real love left for pakistan----and why---it is due to the arrogance of pakistanis.

Jihad a Akbar or Jihad a Asghar----men need a cause to die----millitaries donot have such causes---they have directives and orders---.

And the men of the millitaries----don't lay down their lives in useless endeavours to satisfy the egos of the civilians..

Pak millitaries first major threshold of resistance would be taken out in the first 2 --- 6 hours of the american strikes----pakistan's air force, command and control---engineering complexes and ammo dumps would be the casualty of the first 6 hours of the battle----during that time----pakistan would be totally cutoff by road---railways or other means of traffic---.

All of the pak millitary would be strangulated at the choke points at where it is stuck----which would make it an easy target for the american strike missions---.

Geographically----pakistan is ill suited to take on an enemy like the united states.

Declaring war on india would be the total annihilation of pakistan----at least the americans would put a band aid on the wounds---the indian millitary would walk in after the pak millitary has been taken out by the americans---the indian millitary would GANG RA-PE THE MUSLIM WOMEN---YOUNG GIRLS---SOD-OMIZE THE YOUNG BOYS with a vengeance never seen before-----.

Pak millitary will never get the oppurtunity to launch its missiles of any kind---because this war that you want to claim---being fought on your soil---will be started be the opponent at their discretion and time of chosing----which makes it a total loss for pakistan---.

Just like iraq---waiting to be attacked----what a disaster----.

Sir----you seem to be a good kid----you have a good heart----you need to divert your attention from what america does---to what paksiatn has not done.

Now as for your Jihad a Akbar----it may be deemed as UN-ISLAMIC---and not a holy war---but rather a suicidal mission----so---no hooris---.

A nation cannot be destroyed to satisfy the whims of the few----a nation cannot be destroyed to for giving sanctuary to foreign nationals----like the Bin Laden situation----.


Any insurgency----it must be crushed in the first 60 days with a massive strike force with a totasl black out on the news media---.

That is what the pak millitary should have done---that is what the pak politicians had forced the pak millitary to do---.

Pakistanis are just barely begining to realize what bad times are---if they had any vision---they would have realized that 8 years ago and done things accordingly---.

My man----pakistanis are very clever people---a 10 out of 10 on the scale of CLEVERNESS-----but on the scale of intelligence----they are just like innocnet children----who cannot barely even walk----on a scale of 1----10----maybe a 1 or a 2 on a good day.

You know why I say innocent children---because pakistanis have not been able to differentiate between fire that burns their hands and bodies and the fires that cook their food---.

It is like Musa----taking the burning piece of coal and putting it in his mouth---instead of the diamond---. That is where the pakistanis are today---.

What really gets to me is that pakistanis have clue of national identity and what it means----I hear all the slogans---PROUD PAKISTANI--- which basically and technically is an UNISLAMIC SLOGAN---a good muslim is never a proud man---a good muslim never shows pride---it is against the fundamental beliefs of the religion------and just being pakistani and being proud of it----is something totally silly----it shows a lack of strength and character---people who have hardly done a hard days labour in their lives ( except for the poor )----what is to be proud of----.

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My good men---disrespectful or not----you have no clue of the weaponery and intrigue----the deceit and deception of the americans.

Indeed pakistan is no iraq and trust me on that----that is where it all ends---the strike against pakistan will be at least---at least 10 times more severe in intensity than iraq.

You need to understand----american attack on pakistan would be ten times or more stronger than what pakistan's best capabilities are---10 time severe than what iraq experienced.

There will be an exponential increase in american strike---the likes of which never seen and imagined before.

Let me put it to you this way---america knows very well what lays on the play table---pakistan's industrial and millitary complex alongwith with it nucs would be in rubbles in one night----pakistan will cease to exist----if some of you had the oppurtunity to wake up the next morning---.

You wanted to die for the cause----believe in me---the americans and every other army on the world is now mentally prepared to send as many muslims to meet their end---if you say---a 1000 oF us will die----they will kill a 10000 to prove their point---the extra 9000 just to prove their point.

So---pakistanis--please forget this rhetoric----"WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO DIE"----there answer---" WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO SEND YOU TO YOUR MAKER"---.

Pakistan is already a pariah state---there is hardly any country that has any real love left for pakistan----and why---it is due to the arrogance of pakistanis.

Jihad a Akbar or Jihad a Asghar----men need a cause to die----millitaries donot have such causes---they have directives and orders---.

And the men of the millitaries----don't lay down their lives in useless endeavours to satisfy the egos of the civilians..

Pak millitaries first major threshold of resistance would be taken out in the first 2 --- 6 hours of the american strikes----pakistan's air force, command and control---engineering complexes and ammo dumps would be the casualty of the first 6 hours of the battle----during that time----pakistan would be totally cutoff by road---railways or other means of traffic---.

All of the pak millitary would be strangulated at the choke points at where it is stuck----which would make it an easy target for the american strike missions---.

Geographically----pakistan is ill suited to take on an enemy like the united states.

Declaring war on india would be the total annihilation of pakistan----at least the americans would put a band aid on the wounds---the indian millitary would walk in after the pak millitary has been taken out by the americans---the indian millitary would GANG RA-PE THE MUSLIM WOMEN---YOUNG GIRLS---SOD-OMIZE THE YOUNG BOYS with a vengeance never seen before-----.

Pak millitary will never get the oppurtunity to launch its missiles of any kind---because this war that you want to claim---being fought on your soil---will be started be the opponent at their discretion and time of chosing----which makes it a total loss for pakistan---.

Just like iraq---waiting to be attacked----what a disaster----.

Sir----you seem to be a good kid----you have a good heart----you need to divert your attention from what america does---to what paksiatn has not done.

Now as for your Jihad a Akbar----it may be deemed as UN-ISLAMIC---and not a holy war---but rather a suicidal mission----so---no hooris---.

A nation cannot be destroyed to satisfy the whims of the few----a nation cannot be destroyed to for giving sanctuary to foreign nationals----like the Bin Laden situation----.


Any insurgency----it must be crushed in the first 60 days with a massive strike force with a totasl black out on the news media---.

That is what the pak millitary should have done---that is what the pak politicians had forced the pak millitary to do---.

Pakistanis are just barely begining to realize what bad times are---if they had any vision---they would have realized that 8 years ago and done things accordingly---.

My man----pakistanis are very clever people---a 10 out of 10 on the scale of CLEVERNESS-----but on the scale of intelligence----they are just like innocnet children----who cannot barely even walk----on a scale of 1----10----maybe a 1 or a 2 on a good day.

You know why I say innocent children---because pakistanis have not been able to differentiate between fire that burns their hands and bodies and the fires that cook their food---.

It is like Musa----taking the burning piece of coal and putting it in his mouth---instead of the diamond---. That is where the pakistanis are today---.

What really gets to me is that pakistanis have clue of national identity and what it means----I hear all the slogans---PROUD PAKISTANI--- which basically and technically is an UNISLAMIC SLOGAN---a good muslim is never a proud man---a good muslim never shows pride---it is against the fundamental beliefs of the religion------and just being pakistani and being proud of it----is something totally silly----it shows a lack of strength and character---people who have hardly done a hard days labour in their lives ( except for the poor )----what is to be proud of----.


Yawn... You are totally forgetting that you have the option of annihilating India in a first strike mutual destruction assured in case of the highly unlikely scenario that Americans would attack Pakistan... They have no reason to fear Pakistan and Pakistan does not offer cheap money like the oil Iraq had that they would want to take control of... save your breath and energy my friend... they are not attacking us and Indians are not raping our women...

dear lord... mumble mumble...
Indo-US are dependent on transit through Pakistan and they cannot rely on Pakistani node for ever. They need to have minimum Baluchistan under their control.

What Pakistan failed to counter is the Indo-US media campaign against it-self from last 4-5 years.
Indian and western media has created enough negative perception of Pakistan that US will not have any problem in earning vote to nuke Pakistan.
Luckily, strategies towards Pakistan had been changing mid-course due to unexpected development.
At the moment plan ‘B’ is being applied while ground for plan ‘A’ is leveled since long.
It is decide to continue to control Pakistan via TTP and Zardari, until the situation goes out of hand i.e. people’s revolt against puppet regime.

Pakistan is clearly surrounded and is at the mercy of Indo-US interests, as long targets are achieved all out war is kept at bay.. yes cold war with Pak army is going on but the day political forces stood by Pak army and took principal stand on self-interst than I see no reason why Indo-US alliance shall not stage another terror boogie and nuke Pakistan some good night and present a peaceful world.
Will Pakistan be able to respond or thwart all out war like Iraq and Afghanistan shall remain a surprise element.

Alas, once Pakistan used to be the foundation stone of the regional balance, today it self is relying on regional support of China, Turkey and SaudiArabia.

Pakistan can negotiate way out by agreeing a safe transit to US through baluchistan and handing over Gawadar port, in return Pakistan can ask for the end of TTP and anti Pakistan presence in Afghanistan.
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My good man---there comes a time in life where you have to say---sir I apologize---there are a few things beyond my comprehension---even though I am very nationalistic and full of zeal---pi-ss and vinegar---maybe I don't get it all---it is just beyond my grasp---.

Mr Malik---truly you have reached that stage in your argument awhile ago---so please---do the unpredictable and accept that you have been in error---there is no shame in accepting your shortcomings---you have no clue what Musharraf could have done differently.

You've mis-read entire sections of what I wrote. And you've completely avoided the real objective why don't you come to pakistan n then make such clams how to support dictators

Let me ans you In very simple n understandable words there was not a single pakistani involve in 9/11 n today after ten years n god know how may more we still paying the price there was a time when 5 pakistani's were dieing everyday in so call war against terrorism

To keep that in mind don't keep asking me if god forbid i was on this punk's position wat would i have done how can i tell you what should have or could have or would have been the best ways when i m not a killer or a kind of person you think is to admire.. on the 1st places Mush was never qualified for anything took over the civil government like it's a piece of cake for this bastard n then for ten years unquestionable ruling on pakistan the best alternative is to hang him till death to set up the example for future...Turkey said no to america after 9/11 we could have done the same if our civil government were in place
You've mis-read entire sections of what I wrote. And you've completely avoided the real objective why don't you come to pakistan n then make such clams how to support dictators

Let me ans you In very simple n understandable words there was not a single pakistani involve in 9/11 n today after ten years n god know how may more we still paying the price there was a time when 5 pakistani's were dieing everyday in so call war against terrorism

To keep that in mind don't keep asking me if god forbid i was on this punk's position wat would i have done how can i tell you what should have or could have or would have been the best ways when i m not a killer or a kind of person you think is to admire.. on the 1st places Mush was never qualified for anything took over the civil government like it's a piece of cake for this bastard n then for ten years unquestionable ruling on pakistan the best alternative is to hang him till death to set up the example for future...Turkey said no to america after 9/11 we could have done the same if our civil government were in place


I don't blame you for not understanding----it is the cultural thing---whatever the parents and teachers teach, that is what the young ones will come up with when grown up.

So---what difference did it make if there was no pakistani involved---the u s gave a warning to clean up the mess---or face the consequnces---.

I can't blame you--because you don't even knwo and understand what is being discussed---with your level of innocence----you are being forgiven momentarily.
Yawn... You are totally forgetting that you have the option of annihilating India in a first strike mutual destruction assured in case of the highly unlikely scenario that Americans would attack Pakistan... They have no reason to fear Pakistan and Pakistan does not offer cheap money like the oil Iraq had that they would want to take control of... save your breath and energy my friend... they are not attacking us and Indians are not raping our women...

dear lord... mumble mumble...


I was wondering from where you are getting your feelings---now I understand that it is the security of the nuc umbrella that have.

Well---my good man---forget about it---yes forget about the nuclear umbrella tha pak has----please consider it neutralized. The pak nuclear launches have been neutralized by the americans---which mean that they will be taken out if any indication or an intention of strike.

Haven't you been reading and listening to what the americans been saying in the last 6 months to a year----their tone has changed---their verbage has also changed---I guess not----in order for you to understand---you have to decipher what they are saying---I very much doubt it that there is any pakistani on this board having the ability---.

Let me make it clear---from the last statement of an old pakistani "friend" Richard Armitage---we won't stop india if another mumbai syle attack happened.

What the americans are saying is that it is okay for the indians to attack and neutralize pakistan---and secondly telling pakistan in an underhanded tone----buddy---don't dwell on your nucs----consider them neutralized---.

So---please---my pakistani colleagues---count your nucs to be neutered---.

Next time you have a weapon that can change the game----just keep your mouth shut about it and don't brag about it day and night---but again---if you had an iota of intelligence---why would you show you hand before the draw---.

Now---as for the JIHAD AKBAR----my brother pakistanis have no shame at all----we the most corrupt muslim country in the world---we care less about gang rapes in our community----we care less about our young boys being sod-omized---we care less when people with power and authority make the opponents women walk naked on the city streets---we care less about child molesters, molesting and killing opur little children---we don't call for jihad Akbar on our homeland---.

Qasim---as for your "YAWN" don't open it too wide---sometimes---the jaw gets locked up and it does not shut down.
MK - There is zero proof of if Dr-Aq Khan has done anything regarding proliferation and just because a stupid & extremely Un reliable dictator who sold out country to Convicted politicians through an amnesty to save his a$$ says so doesn't prove anything at all.
Yawn... You are totally forgetting that you have the option of annihilating India in a first strike mutual destruction assured in case of the highly unlikely scenario that Americans would attack Pakistan... They have no reason to fear Pakistan and Pakistan does not offer cheap money like the oil Iraq had that they would want to take control of... save your breath and energy my friend... they are not attacking us and Indians are not raping our women...

dear lord... mumble mumble...

Why do you want to annihilate india in the hypothetical scenario of usa attacking pakistan?Americans wont care whether india is nuked or not,then what purpose does it serve?

I don't blame you for not understanding----it is the cultural thing---whatever the parents and teachers teach, that is what the young ones will come up with when grown up.

So---what difference did it make if there was no pakistani involved---the u s gave a warning to clean up the mess---or face the consequnces---.

I can't blame you--because you don't even knwo and understand what is being discussed---with your level of innocence----you are being forgiven momentarily.

So i guess you are the only 1 making sense here but no1 seems to understand your logic i use to read most of your posts at admirable level n was impressed but i m going to make a confession by saying you are one of those kids in early ages who only loves the glamour shown by these army dictators but have no idea about the real sacrifices made by our jawan's who die on the borders

The dictator is the one animal who needs to be changed Z.A Bhutto
So i guess you are the only 1 making sense here but no1 seems to understand your logic i use to read most of your posts at admirable level n was impressed but i m going to make a confession by saying you are one of those kids in early ages who only loves the glamour shown by these army dictators but have no idea about the real sacrifices made by our jawan's who die on the borders

The dictator is the one animal who needs to be changed Z.A Bhutto


Thanks for your comments---but only I am getting close to my mid 50's----.

It is not a matter of glamour by the army generals---it is a matter of economic welbeing of the nation.

I also understand what you are saying----what I want to push forward is that any interchange must not be destructive---what difference does it make to the poor---democracy or no democracy---they care less---.

I like Musharraf to an extent---but what kind of democracy is in pakistan now---.

Pakistani system of election is the least democratic of elections anywhere in the world---where one member of parliament can stand for election at five different seats at the same time, on the same day if the party sponsors him----what kind of democracy is that.

Paks have no clue of democracy my young friend---you want democracy---then you have to take the first step in the right direction---and that step is to stop this manipulation of election by running on multiple seats at the same time.
@Mastan Khan - pretty dramatic posting style you have, man.

the indian millitary would walk in after the pak millitary has been taken out by the americans---the indian millitary would GANG RA-PE THE MUSLIM WOMEN---YOUNG GIRLS---SOD-OMIZE THE YOUNG BOYS with a vengeance never seen before-----.

Maybe that was necessary to jolt the guy out of his slumber, but pretty dreadful and fear psychosis creating I must tell you.
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