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Donald Trumpy Mentally Unfit Declared by US doctors

Mental health professionals warn Trump is incapable of being president
'We fear that too much is at stake to be silent any longer', say psychiatrists


Bush and Obama were mentally sound and fit? Right?
It seems to be work of lobbies..Trump fought election on his own without taking donations...he has sucessfull business which cannot be expected from someone mentally unfit..
Bush and Obama were mentally sound and fit? Right?
It seems to be work of lobbies..Trump fought election on his own without taking donations...he has sucessfull business which cannot be expected from someone mentally unfit..
have i ever said that trump is mentally ill? i just provided a different source to @abcxyz0000 because he thought that was a satire video.
Even though i don't agree with Trump, i personally like him because he not a 'Munafiq'.
Satire aside, I see a lot of experts comment on Trump's mental health.


...this mentally unsound person was admitted to and graduated from the best universities in the US

...this mentally unsound person ran a successful business for decades

...this mentally unsound person beat a whole field of over a dozen very talented republican contenders for the nomination

...this mentally unsound person beat the heir-apparent and immensely favoured democratic opponent for the presidency - on a budget that was about 50% of her budget, zero media support and plenty of foreign opposition
Finalayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Unites states has Got Zardari :victory: because once Asif Zardari was also unfit but later he was president of Pakistan
Wouldn't at all be surprised if he had narcissistic personality disorder.

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