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does China have a ICBM base in Africa ?

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What the heck are you talking about? Confidence? Does bragging about everything make you more confident?

Do you see China brag about its nuclear power ability officially??? It is idiot like you who know nothing but try to brag any way. We are still far away from US and that is why we need to be in the dark, not put outside so that everyone can see clearly.

Common sense? I always have. Not like you who have none.

About your bragging out everything I have mentioned, why don't you check your past posts?

Many people here can attest about your bragging about everything above as well as calling against US every chance you can get. Do not chicken out for what you have done.

I'm talking about you, village dog.

And common sense? LOL I know you're not talking about yourself.

You may have seen some of my post in regards to the US along the lines of "fcuk you" but never bragging.

You have a hard time understanding simple things, like how you thought this thread was provoking or bragging about attacking Africa or Chinese military might, when all it was, was asking a question.

See, you may know how to spell and read but your comprehension and common sense is very distorted, you maybe slightly retarded, just saying. Not trying to insult you anymore but you should get checked up.
Guys, please cut it out, stop before getting yourselves in trouble, it ain't worth it, its really sad to see a civil war here.:china::cheers::china:
I remember my Chinese history professor saying that China has a ICBM base in Africa after helping the African country economically (forgot which nation).

It is in the country that China aided though I do not recall the country's name.

I search the internet but couldn't find anything on it. I don't feel like going on a search for my professor to ask her this because it isn't that important.

Does anyone here know anything about this????

that's why one never learns anything in school.

damm, i told my mom, but she never listen to me. :argh:
I was with you but clearly you've not been on here long enough to realize how much the sh it stirring is started by Indians. Every China is a facist dictatorship thread here is started by insecure Indians and every chance the China defence subforum is invaded by douchebags dropping one liners.

If you don't believe me stay tuned.

I get your points. If they are the first to stir the pot, we are sure to act against what they did. I bet there are many cases like that.

However, there are also many cases that we or Pakistani members started the mocking for no reason. At least, I think it is against our Chinese nature.

In addition, members from China and Pakistan always try to advocate actions against US as if both sides are immediate for major conflicts. At least, we do not see our Chinese official side has such advocation or proposition. For now, it is the only superpower. I thought at least for now we should bide our time and wait for our opportunity. 韬光养晦

Something like this: setting up ICBM overseas, using our missiles to attacking others and etc are really provocative. Surely enough that US is always provocative by sending its fleet close to our shore or making threats. We should ask ourselves whether we are strong enough to do the same or need bide our time??? The only thing I can think of that we Chinese should throw all ourselves into major conflict with US is over Taiwan reclamation.

BTW, the overall trend nowadays are much more peaceful than the past. We China only has 30 years good time to really develop ourselves since 1840. for the past 170 years, 80% of the time, we Chinese are in hell like situation. Do any Chinese here who love motherland really want to send both gorillas to a colliding course???

At least, if not provoked, refrain yourself.
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I was with you but clearly you've not been on here long enough to realize how much of the sh it stirring is started by Indians members. Every China is a facist dictatorship thread here is started by insecure Indians and every chance the China defence subforum is invaded by douchebags dropping one liners. They don't add anything and they don't know anything.

If you don't believe me stay tuned.

I get your points. If they are the first to stir the pot, we are sure to act against what they did. I bet there are many cases like that.

However, there are also many cases that we or Pakistani members started the mocking for no reason. At least, I think it is against our Chinese nature.

In addition, members from China and Pakistan always try to advocate actions against US as if both sides are immediate for major conflicts. At least, we do not see our Chinese official side has such advocation or proposition. For now, it is the only superpower. I thought at least for now we should bide our time and wait for our opportunity. 韬光养晦

Something like this: setting up ICBM overseas, using our missiles to attacking others and etc are really provocative. Surely enough that US is always provocative by sending its fleet close to our shore or making threats. We should ask ourselves whether we are strong enough to do the same or need bide our time??? The only thing I can think of that we Chinese should throw all ourselves into major conflict with US is over Taiwan reclamation.

BTW, the overall trend nowadays are much more peaceful than the past. We China only has 30 years good time to really develop ourselves since 1840. for the past 170 years, 80% of the time, we Chinese are in hell like situation. Do any Chinese here who love motherland really want to send both gorillas to a colliding course???

At least, if not provoked, refrain yourself.

Believe me if their actions doesn't derail constructive discussions, I can afford to ignore them, but every time a good neutral and serious discussion gets going, it is spun off track by some D-bag with an ignorant comment that Chinese members feel like they need to defend. (it just all goes to hell after that)

Who said it is turtling???

Bragging our weapon systems and our economics achievements as if we are already the No. 1 country in the world???

Even if we achieve to be the No. 1 country in economics in the near future, we are still far behind per capital.

So it is better to be modest than act like Americans. BTW, even Americans do not brag all the times.

BTW, bide our time and wait our opportunity 韬光养晦 does not automatically mean strike back in the future when we are strong. We can be more assertive on those issues related to our national interests though.

In addition, China does not feign weak either. We let outsiders know that we have nukes, nuke subs as well as anti-satellite weapons and etc directly or indirectly. However, we do not brag about those at all. They can guess whatever they can or send spies over. The real ability is not known to outsiders.

The point I try to make is that we do not need to be that provocative even though it may let some members feel better vainly. However, it is only self-fulfilling pleasure and nothing else. At least, we do not have to be that way if not provoked.

I resent the implication that only Indians are sh#t stirrers ;) i feel left out.

Dear Friend CardSharp,

I have just finished reading this thread with the greatest of appreciation. While there have been opportunities to build a constructive and informative thread, with an amount of information content that was quite enjoyable, personally speaking, I seem to have missed this present marvellous instance, which contained everything: history (I note that a history teacher first briefed Zheng He - what a curious nick to select, as ephone kindly reminded us), geography, drama, espionage, technology, especially missile technology, some very explicit information about conversational norms and polite uses in social intercourse which evil-minded and one-line oriented Indians frankly seem to have been ignorant about - what have I missed out?

I note your comment that posters from one nation are responsible for much of the trouble created, and will bear that in mind in future; while I personally do not incline towards generalisations, who am I to stand against the mass of public opinion that seems to be against this inclination?

It is interesting that as long as posters, from any background, speak in favour of the Chinese national interest, they are seen as honest and unbiased; the moment they dare to criticise anything put forward by one of the Chinese members, they immediately become thread de-railers. From that point onwards, they then have to listen to comments of how that particular thread has also got derailed. I wish you would have included this feature of the forum in your general homily, not to mention the cynics who have stirring up trouble on the basis of nationalities or ethnicities. But no doubt such matters tend to cloud the big picture which you have presented with such force and conviction - I must confess that I am compelled to believe, and to alter my convictions in line with your recommendations.

Now that it is clear that Indians cannot comment on any matter with any degree of integrity, honesty or informed content, it only remains for me to ask you for your recommendation for a suitable Chinese nick to use in future. If you could avoid a eunuch's name, I would be grateful, but in view of your clearly stated and unambiguous position, I will understand whatever recommendation you make.

With kind regards,
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