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does China have a ICBM base in Africa ?

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Hard to see???

Even with the consideration of CN-PK friendship support, I still think this topic is too retarded to begin with.

i already think you're retarded by your response but seeing as this is such a big deal to you i will give you the attention you want, you wagging your tail now, dog?? :lol:
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Why does China want to layout ICBM base in Africa?
Against Somali pirates?
I remember my Chinese history professor saying that China has a ICBM base in Africa after helping the African country economically (forgot which nation).

It is in the country that China aided though I do not recall the country's name.

I doubt very much that china has a ICBM base in Africa as thers no need for one.
I am not an expert but am pretty sure the chinese can hit any country they want from china itself and dont need foreign bases for the purpose.
偶也怀疑郑和和洪武两人是玩无间的山寨货... 对了,还有叫sino士兵的那厮. 喵了眯的, 就冲sino和支那一词的渊源,也不太可能有烧饼国人拿sino做ID名的.
偶也怀疑郑和和洪武两人是玩无间的山寨货... 对了,还有叫sino士兵的那厮. 喵了眯的, 就冲sino和支那一词的渊源,也不太可能有烧饼国人拿sino做ID名的.

First, it is not only I who think you are retarded. Many people here hold the same opinion.

Second, you use a eunuch's name and are so proud of it. Why don't you tell us when you have been castrated???

Frankly, unlike you, village dog, him being an Eunuch is not important to me. What he accomplished for China is what makes me proud.

Third, you tend to throw flames into any issues here and make us Chinese like chauvinist pig even though majority of Chinese are indeed peace loving people. Attack this, attack that and China military is so powerful, blah blah blah...

the only one throwing flames is you. i'm just trying to confirm if China has a military base in Africa you start crying like you have a baseball bat up up a.s.s :disagree:

calm down stupid, i'm not advocating to invade Africa or anything.

Where is your modest nature as Chinese??? Even when we China were the strongest empire on earth, we did not initiate attacks on others like you indicated. It is you who wag your tail all the time. At least, I have all my organs intact, not like you.

China has a defense-oriented military strategy, not offensive based. So refrain yourself from doing this kind of idiotic stuff.

Oh shut up. Check out the warring states period; we would constantly attack each other for greater power. And when China was unified we even invaded Vietnam and Korea a couple times. Learn some history, you village dog.

but yes, we Chinese are quite peaceful nonetheless.

China has a defense-oriented military strategy, not offensive based. So refrain yourself from doing this kind of idiotic stuff.

yes we do. and what exactly am i doing? why don't you go post your nonsense in those j-20 threads, and df-21 threads, oh and also tell us that China shouldn't have nukes!

You should also protest with Tibetan monks so Chinese police beat you like the dog you are! :wave:
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Putting a ICBM in Africa is for defense purpose? The whole world will question what is China's intention to put that ICBM base there.

Invade Vietnam? Do you know who is the first king in Vietnam??? His name is 赵佗 who happened to be a general sent by Qin Shihuang there. He got himself as king after Qin was overturned by Han.

Invading Korea? That must be a joke then. During that time, there is no country called Korea. There is no country called Vietnam as well then.

Waring states can be considered as civil wars since we have concept of 分久必和,合久必分。 Those are just the divided periods and internal conflicts. What does that have anything to do with what I have said???

Refrain yourself from bragging about our weapon systems. It is still far inferior to what US, or Russia or Europe have. What is the point to brag all over the world about our J20, DF21 or Carrier? Are they really that dependable already?

We Chinese will defend ourselves no matter what the cost will be if we get invaded. However, what will be your intention to brag about the weapon systems during peace time all the time? Are you for defense or offense?

You seem to be not that different from a Muslim fanatics or Christian fanatics who have given us 911 or bloody crusades in the past.

Caution what you have said. Do China want to cooperate with US or fight against US now? What will be your intention to call against US (or India) all the time? You want to put China in a colliding course with US so that it becomes inevitable that the two countries will have a major conflict??? aren't all the dialogues we have used to divert any possible conflict we may have???

What flames have I thrown into??? Educate me here.
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Putting a ICBM in Africa is for defense purpose? The whole world will question what is China's intention to put that ICBM base there.

Invade Vietnam? Do you know who is the first king in Vietnam??? His name is 赵佗 who happened to be a general sent by Qin Shihuang there. He got himself as king after Qin was overturned by Han.

Invading Korea? That must be a joke then. During that time, there is no country called Korea. There is no country called Vietnam as well then.

Waring states can be considered as civil wars since we have concept of 分久必和,合久必分。 Those are just the divided periods and internal conflicts. What does that have anything to do with what I have said???

Refrain yourself from bragging about our weapon systems. It is still far inferior to what US, or Russia or Europe have. What is the point to brag all over the world about our J20, DF21 or Carrier? Are they really that dependable already?

We Chinese will defend ourselves no matter what the cost will be if we get invaded. However, what will be your intention to brag about the weapon systems during peace time all the time? Are you for defense or offense?

You seem to be not that different from a Muslim fanatics or Christian fanatics who have given us 911 or bloody crusades in the past.

Caution what you have said. Do China want to cooperate with US or fight against US now? What will be your intention to call against US (or India) all the time? You want to put China in a colliding course with US so that it becomes inevitable that the two countries will have a major conflict??? aren't all the dialogues we have to use to divert any possible conflict we may have???

What flames have I thrown into??? Educate me here.

Oh what's the matter now? You don't seem to be very confident anymore. Is it because I slapped some sense into you? and you finally realized that I was only asking simple a question? I guess even a dog like you know when it's time to sit down.

And please stop putting words in my mouth. Not once have I bragged about the DF-21 or J-20 or any of that stuff for that matter. I only mentioned its name previously to make an example out of you because you keep saying how we are so peaceful, etc, but here you are, attacking the wrong thread.

And about the US, well, that is off-topic. So go make a thread about that if you it will make you feel better.
Simple answer, is your professor still about?

If China had a secret missile base in Africa as say a way to buy pass US missile shield plans and a teacher was telling a bunch of students about it I imagine she would rather quickly be enjoying the opportunity of re-education through labour.
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Frankly, unlike you, village dog, him being an Eunuch is not important to me. What he accomplished for China is what makes me proud.

the only one throwing flames is you. i'm just trying to confirm if China has a military base in Africa you start crying like you have a baseball bat up up a.s.s :disagree:

calm down stupid, i'm not advocating to invade Africa or anything.

Oh shut up. Check out the warring states period; we would constantly attack each other for greater power. And when China was unified we even invaded Vietnam and Korea a couple times. Learn some history, you village dog.

but yes, we Chinese are quite peaceful nonetheless.

yes we do. and what exactly am i doing? why don't you go post your nonsense in those j-20 threads, and df-21 threads, oh and also tell us that China shouldn't have nukes!

You should also protest with Tibetan monks so Chinese police beat you like the dog you are! :wave:

Challenger 3.0? We've really got to stop this multi-ID BS.
Simple answer, is your professor still about?

If China had a secret missile base in Africa as say a way to buy pass US missile shield plans and a teacher was telling a bunch of students about it i imagine she would rather quickly be enjoying the oporunity of re-education through labour.

yes she is. i will try to find her and ask her for YOU GUYS :smitten:
Oh what's the matter now? You don't seem to be very confident anymore. Is it because I slapped some sense into you? and you finally realized that I was only asking simple a question? I guess even a dog like you know when it's time to sit down.

And please stop putting words in my mouth. Not once have I bragged about the DF-21 or J-20 or any of that stuff for that matter. I only mentioned its name previously to make an example out of you because you keep saying how we are so peaceful, etc, but here you are, attacking the wrong thread.

And about the US, well, that is off-topic. So go make a thread about that if you it will make you feel better.

What the heck are you talking about? Confidence? Does bragging about everything make you more confident?

Do you see China brag about its nuclear power ability officially??? It is idiot like you who know nothing but try to brag any way. We are still far away from US and that is why we need to be in the dark, not put outside so that everyone can see clearly.

Common sense? I always have. Not like you who have none.

About your bragging out everything I have mentioned, why don't you check your past posts?

Many people here can attest about your bragging about everything above as well as calling against US every chance you can get. Do not chicken out for what you have done.
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