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Do I need a BBA/MBA degree to start a business?

Degree and job experience is important if the business is B2B type, particularly if you offer some kind of expertise or professional service. It will give credential to your business offering. Despite so having MBA is not essential if you want to make your own business. MBA is only useful for those working in a big companies and have aspiration to become director or CEO of big companies that they dont own.

It is also better to have degree in IT if you want to set up IT company in the future. Business degree is only for those who are interested in economics and dont find any interest to become an engineer or lawyer.
A little bit of common sense and fast decision making, that's all is required in the Business. It is no point over cooking the broth.
If you want to succeed in business, i give you one tip and one tip will suffice between failure and success.
Keep a tight leash on your cash flows.
Even moderate businesses survive with good control of cash flows.
And massive and very profitable businesses can go down because of cash flows.
You do not need a degree.

the article itself is self-contradictory.

It is true that one can easily memorize a few things and cruise through a business degree without ever really learning something of value.

And that is what usually happens.

But if you really want to learn, then studying the greats is the easiest possible way. If you do not have the appetite for long articles and explanations or if you simply cannot afford the luxury of a business degree be it the time or the cost, the internet is your friend.

So its the ability of a person to learn and be open minded, which is more important than collecting a degree....
Studying greats, doesn't correlate to studying from "greats". Usually the colleges, universities have a5+h*t professors who did jacksh*t their whole life and if you ask them question they shush you down.
You do not need a degree.

the article itself is self-contradictory.

It is true that one can easily memorize a few things and cruise through a business degree without ever really learning something of value.

And that is what usually happens.

But if you really want to learn, then studying the greats is the easiest possible way. If you do not have the appetite for long articles and explanations or if you simply cannot afford the luxury of a business degree be it the time or the cost, the internet is your friend.

So its the ability of a person to learn and be open minded, which is more important than collecting a degree....
Studying greats, doesn't correlate to studying from "greats". Usually the colleges, universities have a5+h*t professors who did jacksh*t their whole life and if you ask them question they shush you down.

Brilliantly put, I am yet to see a billionaire professor of Business. Academics earn peanuts for the level of professionalism and knowledge they have. Business is about being shrewd and considering supply, demand, tenacity, budgeting and forecasting.
It is really not necessary to have a degree to start a company. I am a class 11 pass and yet I started a computing company with another co-founder who funded the company.

It is also better to have degree in IT if you want to set up IT company in the future. Business degree is only for those who are interested in economics and dont find any interest to become an engineer or lawyer.

Hello, Indos. Some years ago I had developed a basic operating system which came to notice of a friend of a friend of a friend. This third person met me and we kept in touch. Two years later we thought why not start a company at small level. This person then invested into setting up of the infrastructure for the company. Things like computers, furniture, conference room and white board. We then employed four people.

But sadly, within a year, due to my own foolishness we developed misunderstandings and closed down the company.

What I mean is, one doesn't need a degree to be the founder of a company.

It is really not necessary to have a degree to start a company. I am a class 11 pass and yet I started a computing company with another co-founder who funded the company.

Hello, Indos. Some years ago I had developed a basic operating system which came to notice of a friend of a friend of a friend. This third person met me and we kept in touch. Two years later we thought why not start a company at small level. This person then invested into setting up of the infrastructure for the company. Things like computers, furniture, conference room and white board. We then employed four people.

But sadly, within a year, due to my own foolishness we developed misunderstandings and closed down the company.

What I mean is, one doesn't need a degree to be the founder of a company.


That is true bro but it will be hard to get customer if you want to target companies. They will seek your credential, including your degree and experience. I my self have also done a business that first target public and later target companies for several years. Even your degree credential is also important to get public customers, particularly if you want to sell service like training or consultation.

And now I have set up a company with my cousin and we provide some kind of service to big companies. I said big companies because small and medium size companies dont need our service. It doesnt necessarily means that the revenue will be huge if we can get any contract, since there are many competitors and the operating cost is not cheap, particularly to get good employee and office.

Both of us are university degree graduates and have some experience related to the service we offer. Particularly my cousin has enormous experience on the business sector we are currently conducted, and our company credential rely greatly on her expertise and experience while I am more responsible in setting up office, sales, finance, and most the operation work.

Yup, managing partnership is not easy. It needs a lot of patience.

It is interesting to hear your story about your company attempt to sell operating system. So have you had your IT degree by now bro ?
Even your degree credential is also important to get public customers, particularly if you want to sell service like training or consultation.

If you don't mind me asking, what is the type of training and consultation you provide to the public and also to corporate clients ??

Both of us are university degree graduates and have some experience related to the service we offer. Particularly my cousin has enormous experience on the business sector we are currently conducted, and our company credential rely greatly on her expertise and experience while I am more responsible in setting up office, sales, finance, and most the operation work.

It is nice that you two have found the balance. :)

Yup, managing partnership is not easy. It needs a lot of patience.


So have you had your IT degree by now bro ?

No, I found it boring to get a college degree. To be honest, a waste of time really. :D

Think about this. Without a degree I wrote a basic operating system. And in India there are tens of thousands of computer science graduates every year who could not do that.

Take this data for example :
This statistic displays the results of a survey across India about the number of students who graduated in computer science engineering stream in fiscal year 2016, based on gender. There were around 81.3 thousand male students who graduated from computer science engineering discipline, while there were around 79.2 thousand female computer science engineering students who graduated during the measured time period.
Did these thousands of people write an OS or design a microprocessor ??

So there was no point in me pursuing a college degree, whether IT or some other.
If you don't mind me asking, what is the type of training and consultation you provide to the public and also to corporate clients ??

I was a former business journalist. I was quite ambitious at that time to pursue that carrier and dream to work in multinational company like Reuters some day despite mostly wrote in Indonesian language, so I try to improve my English further. Unfortunately my eye got sick and after I got medication my eye function was deteriorated. It was hard at that time to watch computer screen. So I pursue another carrier and become an English teacher since my TOEFL quite good for Indonesian standard. I got 570 score.

After teaching English some months at English course near my house I found that I have enough experience to set up my own English course. And since I also have experience being a student in a good English course in Jakarta so I have seen their teaching strength and weakness. I set up a small English course at my house, put a banner in front of it and make a website to promote further. The English course is actually just has one room and I am the only teacher there. It is more like one man show business.

I target specific market which is an adult market and mostly get customers from university students and workers. After some time teaching and get more confident in my own method and system I start targeting companies and hotels around Jakarta.

And now I and my cousin set up a media monitoring company. She has extensive experience in journalistic, specializing in business sector, and also in media monitoring. Her English is much better then me and will do editor function for the company. You can actually do googling to know what the service is offering. It actually monitor news whether print and online and create resume with tone analyst daily. It also has biweekly or monthly report with more analysts. The service is needed for Public Relation effectiveness measurement and also for strategic management purposes.

No, I found it boring to get a college degree. To be honest, a waste of time really. :D

Think about this. Without a degree I wrote a basic operating system. And in India there are tens of thousands of computer science graduates every year who could not do that.

Take this data for example :

Did these thousands of people write an OS or design a microprocessor ??

So there was no point in me pursuing a college degree, whether IT or some other.

Yup I think in IT sector there are many examples where high school graduate can create a successful businesses. In Indonesia we have such person. His name is Jim Geovadi. But I think you still need a degree to get a better job and more job security for your future. In Indonesia, there is no company who wants to hire highschool graduates for white color job.

In other sector, degree is very important for business. Take example a story of one of my student. She is working in a small research company but has conglomerate client, a large Indonesian cigaretts company. The contract is huge and the operating cost is so minimal because the computing will be done by the owner who is the director of the company and only have 4-5 employee. The survey will use freelancers across Indonesia. One of the thing that make the company become success is the fact that the owner is a Phd graduates and have experience on the work.

Jim Geovadi, only a high school graduate.


Jim Geovedi (born 28 June 1979), is an IT security expert from Indonesia who focuses on the discovery of computer and network security vulnerabilities. BBC News described him as a guy who "doesn't look like a Bond villain... but possesses secrets that some of them might kill for".[1]

Information security
Geovedi co-founded and ran several IT security consulting companies. In 2001, he co-founded C2PRO Consulting, providing general IT consulting mostly for government agencies and, in 2004, co-founded Bellua Asia Pacific, (renamed Xynexis International later in 2010) and Noosc Global, a managed security services company. He was part of hackers group that began in 1996 called w00w00, where he met the future co-founder of Bellua, Anthony Zboralski.

He is currently based in London and has been interviewed on issues including: satellite security system,[1][2][3] banking security[4] and law enforcement.[5][6]
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Unfortunately my eye got sick and after I got medication my eye function was deteriorated. It was hard at that time to watch computer screen.

Sorry to hear that brother.

My eyes too have gone bad. I cannot generally read the fine print on medicine strips and other such items, so some months ago I got prescribed glasses.

To read and post on PDF I enlarge the font to 150 %.

What about Ritesh Agarwal of OYO rooms?

I read his Wiki page. Impressive !!
Sorry to hear that brother.

My eyes too have gone bad. I cannot generally read the fine print on medicine strips and other such items, so some months ago I got prescribed glasses.

To read and post on PDF I enlarge the font to 150 %.

Thank you bro, but it is getting better now. AlhamduliLLAH.
With so many videos from self described successes, get rich quick schemes etc. I thought writing about this specific topic was kinda the need of the hour, especially for the young ones in our culture. Your opinion?

Do I Need a BBA / MBA degree to start a business?


With the wealth of knowledge available on the internet, there are some that have given rise to the idea that 'degrees are useless'. With new graduates being paid very little, the critics believe that one should pursue business opportunities instead. A business in its simplest form is an individual/ entity/organization trying to sell a product or a service to earn a profit. This activity certainly doesn't require a formal degree. However ....

Read full article here.

If you need to ask this question , you are not cut out for businesses , people who do start them do not look for acknowledgement of others . they do!!!
It is really not necessary to have a degree to start a company. I am a class 11 pass and yet I started a computing company with another co-founder who funded the company.

Hello, Indos. Some years ago I had developed a basic operating system which came to notice of a friend of a friend of a friend. This third person met me and we kept in touch. Two years later we thought why not start a company at small level. This person then invested into setting up of the infrastructure for the company. Things like computers, furniture, conference room and white board. We then employed four people.

But sadly, within a year, due to my own foolishness we developed misunderstandings and closed down the company.

What I mean is, one doesn't need a degree to be the founder of a company.


Care to explain what you did that caused the company to close doors -- could be a lesson to others.
To start a business ................NO
To manage business ............ Yes

i have experienced difficulties managing accounts. though i am running my business successfully. alhamdullilah
Degrees don't get you anywhere, experience does. Degrees just give you basics and intros into how stuff is done. Take it this way, i've wasted away my life on MS Flight Simulator (done every version since 5.0) but can I fly a real airplane? Absolutely not.
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