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Disappointing and sometimes troubling tweets by Dr. Ashraf Ghani


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
Some pretty disappointing messages from Dr. Ghani. Almost conspiracy theorist:

1. Double agents within the government [that's double agents of the ISI]
2. Two faced enemy [That's what Pakistan is called]
3. Pakistan has accepted this as a declared war?

@Sher Malang

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Some pretty disappointing messages from Dr. Ghani. Almost conspiracy theorist:

1. Double agents within the government [that's double agents of the ISI]
2. Two faced enemy [That's what Pakistan is called]
3. Pakistan has accepted this as a declared war?

@Sher Malang

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He just got Hell Spanking from talis so he is trying to save face by hiding behind traditional Afghan rhetoric's.
Do you think a Hashish smoking, child molesting soldier can fight hard militants.
Looks like u have not watched the documentary 'pakistan's shame' watch it u will understand who molests and rapes children....even boys are not spared in ur country.
Reply him with sending back 5 million plus thankless afghans. Tit for tat
an twitter troll president that is what afghanis deserve :D
Looks like u have not watched the documentary 'pakistan's shame' watch it u will understand who molests and rapes children....even boys are not spared in ur country.
Idiot do you think our Army is doing this all the time,There are many documentaries about your country which are more shameful then that,the same country who's flag you don't dare to use.
Idiot do you think our Army is doing this all the time,There are many documentaries about your country which are more shameful then that,the same country who's flag you don't dare to use.

looks like u forgot ur pills son, check the balochistan and bangladesh documentary it will u how evil is ur army.
The thing is that he can't simply say that his organization was completely fooled and their forces that were numbering in thousands retreated against 500 taliban fighters and the reinforcements were met with ambushes which led to a defeat in the first attempt towards the retaking operation and the taliban held the city for a while and are still fighting fiercely across the province.

The thing is its much much easier to say the external force has outwitted them rather than saying that they are ill equipped and I'll trained and the govt is sleeping and can't provide total protection against the taliban and reforms are required which will be implemented... It is so much easier to say Pakistan has openly declared war and is sponsoring terrorism....
The result of this approach is that the problem stays. No solution is found SBD animosity and anti Pakistan sentiments are flamed leading to mass ignorance towards the real problem.

Ghani is making sure that his tenure and his boasting is secured.
Shame the hate for Pakistan is increasing day by day among Afghans.
Itt has been since 1947 due to their baseless territorial Claims on Pakistani province of KPK and FATA region.

looks like u forgot ur pills son, check the balochistan and bangladesh documentary it will u how evil is ur army.
Troll ever heard of something called ENCLAVE/EXCLAVE in your lifetime????If not then its hopeless to explain Bangladesh as for Baluchistan conditions there are way better then Kunduz, Baghlan, Helmand etc.
Coming from a citizen of country which is called rape capital of the world. :D

lolz, rape capital ? are u talking about pakistan(child rapists)

Itt has been since 1947 due to their baseless territorial Claims on Pakistani province of KPK and FATA region.

Troll ever heard of something called ENCLAVE/EXCLAVE in your lifetime????If not then its hopeless to explain Bangladesh as for Baluchistan conditions there are way better then Kunduz, Baghlan, Helmand etc.

It is hopeless to explain a pakistani on why it was broken into two and about to be broken into 4 more.
It is hopeless to explain a pakistani on why it was broken into two and about to be broken into 4 more.
Hopeless to explain troll that they sort themselves first rather then coming up with something worthless.

lolz, rape capital ? are u talking about pakistan(child rapists)
That would be Afghanistan. Bacha Bazi exist only there not in Pakistan.
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