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Did Bangladesh fall into a trap?

Bangladesh would be lucky to get a US base. Pakistan in 1947 was a vulnerable state, after the break up of 1971, both parts became more vulnerable. Pakistan could not manage US relations well, plus also it has Afghanistan next to it. Bangladesh in 1971 became a virtual vassal state of India.

Lets look at some countries with US bases, Japan, South Korea, both of which got stability under US security umbrella and their economies took off.

All the guys that oppose the base idea (which may not be true) or lets say closer relation with the US, please let us know how else we can kick out Indian RAW and their agents from position of power and influence? With China? So far they did not come forward to help us and they are not any where near the US in capability. May be in 30-50 years they will be, but not now.
We left the Philippines when their government asked.

We are not at war with Bangladesh, nor are we even hostile as far as I know because Bangladesh isn't a pawn for China's interests. In light of this the natural response is cooperation, that is, expressing a willingness to cooperate to mutual benefit.

If the government formally asked us to leave I see no reason that would suggest we wouldn't. The US government would for sure try to renegotiate the terms to the host government's satisfaction first, but If Bangladesh didn't want it there I see no reason why the US wouldn't leave. Depending on the amount of troops there it might be years to fully remove the presence though.

It might put a crimp in Bangladesh-China relations as well, they wouldn't be happy. Though they couldn't really do anything overt as long as the US is there.

Unsure how it would affect relations with India. While we cooperate in many areas and have had a general trend of improved relations since the end of the cold war, I can't tell how aligned India's government views our interests and whether they'd take this proposal as a threat to India or not.

Honestly It is up to Bangladesh to decide and work out among themselves and US diplomats.

There are bad examples too. You ruined a country Iraq completely on a false report by your CIA on WMD development which later proved to be false and within that time the country Iraq no longer existed on its feet. Who knows what false propaganda you are going to raise once you are based in here if you ever plan to destroy this land (anytime relation can go bitter, it's not always warmer). We are not a nuclear nation, don't have enough muscles to protect if something bad happen when you park here in Bangladesh. Sorry to use somewhat negative tone, just saying the possibility drawing bad examples as you've shown a good one.
ask people who are experienced from usa friendship most likely pakistan.... usa i devil that only looks for its own interest if you say yes to everything forget freedom forget pride forget religion then yeah you will get ur rewards but i9f you say no on any matters to the usa the you are stuck however it doesnt have to work that way too even if you do everything usa tells you and even then usa may throw you away if it ever needs to stay out of trouble i have to say this india might be better for you guys then the usa. it is never about who used usa friendship more better or smartly its about how usa needs you right now usa needs every country near china and its sea to be ally with the us and thats the only reason they want their fleet their just be their yes man and hope usa doesnt get into trouble and sees you guys as their scapegoat but my suggestion keep good relations but keep them at arms length dont let them come too close fleet idea is very bad

i am surprised india cant be too happy about this usa slowly controlling this ocean is bad for anybody especially a country like india that has aspirations too become a super power which america is right now

There are bad examples too. You ruined a country Iraq completely on a false report by your CIA on WMD development which later proved to be false and within that time the country Iraq no longer existed on its feet. Who knows what false propaganda you are going to raise once you are based in here if you ever plan to destroy this land (anytime relation can go bitter, it's not always warmer). We are not a nuclear nation, don't have enough muscles to protect if something bad happen when you park here in Bangladesh. Sorry to use somewhat negative tone, just saying the possibility drawing bad examples as you've shown a good one.

you forget what they did to their very good friend pakistan that should be enough for you anyway no country should allow anyone to station their troops or navy their its a big big risk
I'm not a good believer of religion, I strongly oppose basing right to US (though it's baseless, but saying about possibility). As most US base supporters here are arguing that it'll be a counter check to india, my question is who'll be counter check to USA when it'll start its hegemonic behavior. A population of 160 million must be capable to protect itself, it's not Bhutan who has only 5/6 million people and are not capable on many sides.

At present there is no counter check to America but that is the way the world is. Either be a slave of India or take orders from the USA. Remaining alone and without international support is not an option. That will just keep us poor and backward. At least with America money and business will start flooding in and we can improve the country. With India money and business floods out and the country goes to hell. These are our options. We have to take it or leave it.
I think the news item is not directed at the Bangladesh public or the US or even China. It is intended to scare the Indian policy makers to become more aggressive in Bangladesh. Basically a RAW plot.
Your anti India rants are becoming sort of tiring. You're like a needle stuck in the grove of a broken record, repeating your twaddle ad infinitum.

Grow up and breathe some fresh air. It'll do a world of good to your one track anti India psyche.
There are bad examples too. You ruined a country Iraq completely on a false report by your CIA on WMD development which later proved to be false and within that time the country Iraq no longer existed on its feet. Who knows what false propaganda you are going to raise once you are based in here if you ever plan to destroy this land (anytime relation can go bitter, it's not always warmer). We are not a nuclear nation, don't have enough muscles to protect if something bad happen when you park here in Bangladesh. Sorry to use somewhat negative tone, just saying the possibility drawing bad examples as you've shown a good one.

The US made, restructured and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WW2. Most of the countries where it has a presence there has been a significant improvement in the living standard. Its when you don't listen to the USA that you become an Iraq or an Afghanistan.
Your anti India rants are becoming sort of tiring. You're like a needle stuck in the grove of a broken record, repeating your twaddle ad infinitum.

Grow up and breathe some fresh air. It'll do a world of good to your one track anti India psyche.

Oh please I will die of boredom. :devil:
Bangladesh would be lucky to get a US base. Pakistan in 1947 was a vulnerable state, after the break up of 1971, both parts became more vulnerable. Pakistan could not manage US relations well, plus also it has Afghanistan next to it. Bangladesh in 1971 became a virtual vassal state of India.

Lets look at some countries with US bases, Japan, South Korea, both of which got stability under US security umbrella and their economies took off.

All the guys that oppose the base idea (which may not be true) or lets say closer relation with the US, please let us know how else we can kick out Indian RAW and their agents from position of power and influence? With China? So far they did not come forward to help us and they are not any where near the US in capability. May be in 30-50 years they will be, but not now.

China should be able to match the US power by 2025, which is around a decade away. It's economy by 2025 will be leaps ahead of the US and it will be able to match the US, as far as Bangladesh sphere is concerned, in regards to ability to provide protection.

Chinese airbases from Tibet can run bombing runs against New Delhi and other India cities, with very little the Indians could do about this, due to the overwhelming Chinese military superiority that it would have against the Indians by then.

Say in 2025, when India has 250 FGFAs and also a few dozen ICBMs(Agni 6/7?), with which it would even hit the US, and decides to launch an invasion of BD, what could the US possibly do? Not much is my answer. The US, which is now in crisis due to losing it's lone superpower status, would have to risk all to protect a country like BD, since whatever conventional forces it could bring to bear against India would be wiped out by the overwhelming local superiority the Indians would have.

In the new world(2025 onwards), the US will be nowhere new as powerful as it once was.

The only country that could protect Bangladesh against India is China in the long term. It will retain a massive conventional advantage against India(for the next few decades at least) and could rain thousands of bombs and missiles at India within a few minutes of it deciding to do so.

BD is best advised to double it's military spending and concentrate on building up it's overall strength - economy, military etc. Best protect to protect BD is BD people themselves, not foreigners.
ask people who are experienced from usa friendship most likely pakistan.... usa i devil that only looks for its own interest if you say yes to everything forget freedom forget pride forget religion then yeah you will get ur rewards but i9f you say no on any matters to the usa the you are stuck however it doesnt have to work that way too even if you do everything usa tells you and even then usa may throw you away if it ever needs to stay out of trouble i have to say this india might be better for you guys then the usa. it is never about who used usa friendship more better or smartly its about how usa needs you right now usa needs every country near china and its sea to be ally with the us and thats the only reason they want their fleet their just be their yes man and hope usa doesnt get into trouble and sees you guys as their scapegoat but my suggestion keep good relations but keep them at arms length dont let them come too close fleet idea is very bad

i am surprised india cant be too happy about this usa slowly controlling this ocean is bad for anybody especially a country like india that has aspirations too become a super power which america is right now

you forget what they did to their very good friend pakistan that should be enough for you anyway no country should allow anyone to station their troops or navy their its a big big risk

india is never better for its neighboring nations, I believe you also believe that by your vein. What I want to say is within last 40 years we have developed our relation with both China, USA and other nations as an independent nation and we should continue this way.

At present there is no counter check to America but that is the way the world is. Either be a slave of India or take orders from the USA. Remaining alone and without international support is not an option. That will just keep us poor and backward. At least with America money and business will start flooding in and we can improve the country. With India money and business floods out and the country goes to hell. These are our options. We have to take it or leave it.

I never insisted on to be alone. We already have good relation with USA, China. With China we have a military pact which is an umbrella pact. You could argue that China made a distance, I'd say we have to prove ourselves to them as an all weather one...changing color (like our current govt.) time to time will never make us one all weather to them. Anyway, I didn't tell anything about backwardness.
india is never better for its neighboring nations, I believe you also believe that by your vein. What I want to say is within last 40 years we have developed our relation with both China, USA and other nations as an independent nation and we should continue this way.

I would have to say that we have barely done this. We are independent only in name and we have done a piss poor job in governing and improving the country during these 40 years. We have very little to be proud of compared to where Malaysia and Singapore is now. 40 years ago they were worse off then we were.
The US made, restructured and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WW2. Most of the countries where it has a presence there has been a significant improvement in the living standard. Its when you don't listen to the USA that you become an Iraq or an Afghanistan.

Anytime I might not listen to them thinking of my national interest first. It means we have to be slave not the partner buzzword.
I never insisted on to be alone. We already have good relation with USA, China. With China we have a military pact which is an umbrella pact. You could argue that China made a distance, I'd say we have to prove ourselves to them as an all weather one...changing color (like our current govt.) time to time will never make us one all weather to them. Anyway, I didn't tell anything about backwardness.

We have not done enough to gain the trust of China or the USA. In reality we are under India's thumb. I mentioned backwardness because that is a factor we should take into account.

Anytime I might not listen to them thinking of my national interest first. It means we have to be slave not the partner buzzword.

We are unfit to be a partner to anyone ......... That will take another 40 years but only if we improve ourselves. In the world Bangladesh is nothing. We cannot even defend ourselves. Whatever improvement has happened in Bangladesh is because of assistance from outside. Even our RMG sector came up because of American help.

We are only slaves if we behave like slaves and I have to say that for the last 40 years we have behaved worse than slaves. 57 army officers are murdered in Pilkhana and no one does anything. That is the behavior not of a slave but of something less than human .......

China should be able to match the US power by 2025, which is around a decade away. It's economy by 2025 will be leaps ahead of the US and it will be able to match the US, as far as Bangladesh sphere is concerned, in regards to ability to provide protection.

Chinese airbases from Tibet can run bombing runs against New Delhi and other India cities, with very little the Indians could do about this, due to the overwhelming Chinese military superiority that it would have against the Indians by then.

Say in 2025, when India has 250 FGFAs and also a few dozen ICBMs(Agni 6/7?), with which it would even hit the US, and decides to launch an invasion of BD, what could the US possibly do? Not much is my answer. The US, which is now in crisis due to losing it's lone superpower status, would have to risk all to protect a country like BD, since whatever conventional forces it could bring to bear against India would be wiped out by the overwhelming local superiority the Indians would have.

In the new world(2025 onwards), the US will be nowhere new as powerful as it once was.

The only country that could protect Bangladesh against India is China in the long term. It will retain a massive conventional advantage against India(for the next few decades at least) and could rain thousands of bombs and missiles at India within a few minutes of it deciding to do so.

BD is best advised to double it's military spending and concentrate on building up it's overall strength - economy, military etc. Best protect to protect BD is BD people themselves, not foreigners.

So what are we supposed to do for the next 15 years?
^^^ BD is not an insignificant country like Nepal or Bhutan.

It has the resources to build a military that can deter India. It just needs to have the will to do so.

Inviting the US in would be a disaster of unimaginable proportions.
Mr. Munshi you are my brother thinking short term goal, which is given to USA to be on bangladeshi soil and water. If you think the long term affect, buddy, the dreams we have for our country, you can say good bye to that unless we lick their toe or US were to be destroyed. Now you are saying we'll wait untill US collapse. How do u know the country will collapse? Only Allah knows future...so bro talk logically...to get rid off india's influence in bangladesh, only way is to educate our people, build our social structure, invide islam to the country and spend more on defence. Also to make good friendship with our brotherly muslim nations and china, these are the true allies of bangladesh.
^^^ BD is not an insignificant country like Nepal or Bhutan.

It has the resources to build a military that can deter India. It just needs to have the will to do so.

Inviting the US in would be a disaster of unimaginable proportions.

We hear all this but where in 40 years has this happened. The first leader who tried to make something of Bangladesh (i.e. Ziaur Rahman) we killed and all other governments before and after have been worthless and corrupt. I have lived in BD for the last 14 years and I have no illusions. What resources we have has been built up with external help. Resources is not the problem we as a people are. Don't forget this is the nation of Mir Jafor.

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