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Deleting the American flag from the emojis section

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My son they don't even teach history of UK. The average Pakistani does not open these franchises, it is the upper class who do and mess things up for the lil guy.
Indian education is not any better especially when you are covering yourself in cow shit and drinking muttar.

Wow I never knew the basic knowledge of how McD operates comes under the topic of 'history' "papaji".
hilarious thread
I think only the Flag of Pakistan should be there. The US, Chinese, and Turkish ones should be removed.
only if the poor sole (OP)knew where PDF was hosted (and the national status of the owner)

In the meantime also just stop using American weapons in Pakistan's arsenal as well.
gotdamn injuns are obsessed with Pakistani weapons of US origin!
hilarious thread
only if the poor sole (OP)knew where PDF was hosted (and the national status of the owner)

gotdamn injuns are obsessed with Pakistani weapons of US origin!
No just obsessed with Pakistani Hypocrisy- Ameeriki this Ameeriki that- If you guys hate America- Stop using American made weapons- Why only remove US flag emojis?- A fair statement in my opinion. No
Agreed!!! Step out of this ridiculous mentality of being america's little puppy. You're a nuclear power, a Muslim country .... friggin act like one!!
now PDF is nuclear power, a Muslim country? o_O

No just obsessed with Pakistani Hypocrisy- Ameeriki this Ameeriki that- If you guys hate America- Stop using American made weapons- Why only remove US flag emojis?- A fair statement in my opinion. No
hey dumbass, PDF ain't Pakistan, nor is OP representative of Pakistani state
hilarious thread
only if the poor sole (OP)knew where PDF was hosted (and the national status of the owner)

LOL! Even the Chinese here don't believe it. They wonder why I'm connecting to a server on the other side of the planet. I have to roll my eyes at that. My ping is probably 5 and their's is > 100.
now PDF is nuclear power, a Muslim country? o_O

hey dumbass, PDF ain't Pakistan, nor is OP representative of Pakistani state

Ah the classic name calling syndrome- Nor am I the Indian state.

I focus on the arguments that someone presents and not the person; also known as playing the ball not the man. Of course I’m not perfect but I do make an effort to stay civil in what I write- Experience has taught me that not being civil almost always derails any rational exchanges.- Goodbye
Do we even have a single (non-Pakistani/Turk/BD/Arab/Iranian) American member who is not a troll and posting against Muslims or Pakistan?
Do we even have a single (non-Pakistani/Turk/BD/Arab/Iranian) American member who is not a troll and posting against Muslims or Pakistan?
Are you saying any posting criticizing Pakistan would be considered a Troll post in your opinion? and is against Forum rules?
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