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Featured Defence Minister Pervaiz Khattak in Russia

I am not disputing utility of certain equipment, just the trust of Russia as supplier. Also you will agree all the equipment you mentioned we got from China (albeit Russian designs(.

Bhai i will rather trust Russia than Uncle Sam as far as supplier is concerned, despite of us being their arch rivals and us playing pivotal role in breakup of Soviet Union, Russia has kept a low but steady transfer of arms to us, engines of JF-17 are you biggest example.

We literally broke up Soviet Union and yet they want to keep their supply chains open with us while being cautious, on the other hand you have the bully spoiled kid of the school i.e. Uncle Sam who likes to enforce embargo's for one stupid reason or the other while we have been helping them for ages.

Just my point of view
Of the top of my head:

Mark Esper - Incumbent - US Army
Robert Gates - Ex CIA
Leon Panetta - Ex CIA
Chuck Hagel - Chairman of the President's Intel Advisory Board

Some not exactly military, but not civis either.

Leon Panetta is a career politician with deep expertise on budget issues who happened to become CIA director. He was appointed CIA director to get Osama Bin Laden which he did.

Robert Gates is a career CIA officer who rose up the ranks to national security council. He is not a military man in any way.

You got me on Mark Esper. I did not realize he was an active army officer for 10 years from 1986-1996. He was in the reserves until 2007. I thought of him as a conservative think thank guy and lobbyist which has been his occupation since 1996.

Chuck Hagel was drafted to fight in Vietnam. He was discharged from the US Army in 1970. He became US Senator from Nebraska. I think of him as a politician more than a military man

Mattis and Kelly would be closest things to generals in civilian positions of power
Current one is former Lt Colonel. In USA as many have served therefore many defence secretary are former Military.

When we had the draft most of the civilian males would have served in military in some capacity
the real question is what percentage of their career was in the military
Bhai i will rather trust Russia than Uncle Sam as far as supplier is concerned, despite of us being their arch rivals and us playing pivotal role in breakup of Soviet Union, Russia has kept a low but steady transfer of arms to us, engines of JF-17 are you biggest example.

We literally broke up Soviet Union and yet they want to keep their supply chains open with us while being cautious, on the other hand you have the bully spoiled kid of the school i.e. Uncle Sam who likes to enforce embargo's for one stupid reason or the other while we have been helping them for ages.

Just my point of view

please spare this BS about breaking the USSR. The USSR broke up because of internal political and economic pressures.

The communists in Afghanistan with the help of 100,000 Soviet troops could get the Muhajdeen like a drum for decades to come
Pakistan Strategic Forum FB page is saying AK-103 and Pantsir-S1s also on the negotiation table. India also wooing Klashinkov for AK-103 to replace service rifle with local manufacture and Pantsir-S1s havnt had a good track record. We should stay away from large Russian orders to avoid CAATSA.
Keep it limited to low key/volume orders and subsystems like RD-93MAs.
I also was reading in different news sites that recently in 2020 Pakistani Defence minister Pervaiz Khattak visited Russia and signed (1) 20 of Mi35 helicopters ,
(2) Pantsir SI air defence system ,
(3) AK-103 latest Rifles.
Kindly confirm it ??
I also was reading in different news sites that recently in 2020 Pakistani Defence minister Pervaiz Khattak visited Russia and signed (1) 20 of Mi35 helicopters ,
(2) Pantsir SI air defence system ,
(3) AK-103 latest Rifles.
Kindly confirm it ??

the order (if any) was for 11 Mi-35s (I believe 20 is the total - 4 in initial order, plus 5 additional)

it is highly unlikely Pakistan would purchase the Pantsir S1
MI-17 is not ground breaking tech and am sure very soon China Turkey will have their alternatives. It is a very solid chopper and if need be we should order more, spares available all over the world, all I am saying is that we should not place core capabilities of Pak armed forces at the mercy of Russian, very big mistake. Not only are they allied with India, but at it's very core, Russia is probably the most Islamaphobic country in the world after Israel

Sir blocks are changing and Russia in it it's own domain has urge to challenge US supremacy, they need allies and Putin is ready to cooperate with any one whether Muslim or Non Muslim. On one hand they are supplying hi tech gadgets to Turkey and on other side Russians are at pretty much opposite end in case of Syrian conflict. One thing is clear that Russians are more trust worthy as compared to US.

AK version as per same forum was tested and found most capable in even in rough and tough conditions. If selected certainly shall be domesticated i.e production by POF, as some clones perhaps already emerging but certain licenses are required for mass scale production/sales just like G3.
If your are dependent on foreign supplier you shall always be at mercy of supplier until and unless you select the path of Chinese, first phase is to copy the foreign tech and in second phase to produce clones finally produce own product based upon past experiences. For that we are progressing i.e institutes under umbrella of Aviation city or Nust. We need to open more institutes especially technical institutes based upon the model of the Russians,

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