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Dawn 'leaker' Cyril Almeida, back in action, this time targeting CPEC and China on twitter

There are a few tools one can use to ascertain whether a journalist really cares about universal human rights or is simply out to malign the Army.

1.) Does he/she proportionately criticize non-PA human rights violators (e.g. Baloch sardars who enslaved and looted their own people, using barbaric and draconian punishments; feudal lords in underdeveloped parts of the country, etc.)?

2.) Does he/she mention Western/Indian hypocrisy when they accuse Pakistan of supporting terrorist groups (that's like the pot calling the kettle black, since both the West and India have illustrious histories of supporting violent militants in other countries)? Also US political support/arms sales to some of the worst human rights violators on the planet.

3.) Does he/she qualify statements made by Western media/govts by reminding readers that this is the same country (the US) that invaded Vietnam based on a fabricated incident (Gulf of Tonkin) and Iraq based on essentially no evidence of WMDs? So naturally their version of events via official statements doesn't hold any value.

4.) Does he/she mention US double standards on "enforced disappearances" and other such accusations given America's own extraordinary rendition program? Not to mention extra-judicial killings (without a free and fair trial and often with civilian casualties) via drones and CIA hit teams, etc.

5.) When discussing CPEC, does he/she highlight that it is a natural target for covert Indian aggression? Is NSA Ajit Doval's ridiculously and openly hostile stance mentioned?

If all/most of this is present and the journalist still criticizes the army, which he/she has the right to, then at least there is some credibility --- and I will gladly hear their arguments because the Army, like any institution, has flaws that should be highlighted and discussed. The problem is that most of these journos who've made their name in liberal elite / pseudo-intellectual circles by Army-bashing lack the above mentioned neutrality and balance to be given any respect.
Most of the English media is sold at the hands of CIA/RAW. We need to be aware of these snakes who are attacking the roots of Pakistan in a subliminal way.
Sir i was wondering why ISI isn't neutrealizing these Bastards
He is an Indian troll, too scared to show his flags.

Let the dogs bark... The lion will be lion no matter...!!

Sir i was wondering why ISI isn't neutrealizing these Bastards

Cause these bastards have the back of their forefathers called "Maha Bastards".

And ISI would surely be kicking the as* of them in a meaningful yet invisible way.... Just Wait and Watch!!
Just Wait and Watch!
Please come up with something new ye Sentence purana ho gya hai traitors ki trips hmara Secretary Foreign minister arrange kr rha hai
If i was the ISI chief all these Motherlover would be in hell by now
I'm so having a difficult time in subduing my desire to answer hard..
I thought I just said the same thing above.. Read it with open eyes... !!
till how long we will tolerate such people they are threat to our national security even bigger then India Taliban nexus
and the great Saladin said
"کافرسے پلہےغرارکوقتل کر
Silence is from Pakistani public in face of these losers working on different agendas and payroll
HAhahaha no one in Pakistan have guts to file case against these mafia of traitors and you are talking about killing who has been killed? This is a list of 282 journalists who were secretly funded by Pak govt. from 2011-2013 from plane tickets, to hotel room to other junkets amounting to 1.2 million pounds, all of them are there from Hamid Mir, to Arif Nizami, Umer Cheema, Azhar Abbas[editor], Munizae Jahangir etc... Asma Shirazi also did Umra on Pak govt. expenses. If any of these jerks are dead please enquire me cos I don't think so even truth could kill these traitors.




the rest of the lists are on tribune google tribune secret fund 2013

And please google journalistic ethics and how working journalists behave abroad compared to these corrupt cronies. These journalists make 2.5 million in pay scale in a month in a country where 30% Pakistan is below poverty line. Najam Sethi has been 'rewarded' for his services to get governorship and PCB boss. Mushtaq Minhas is MNA in Azad Kashmir. All these sharks are having their cake and eating it to.
Also please elaborate if any US journalist is taking money from Kremlin directly and covering US Capitol how would US organiztion react? According to csmonitor 2 PAkistanis alongwith Dunya news channel were taking direct money from US State department funds, can you please help me to decipher
what are the journalistic standards
This is just a portion of what was unveiled, te sources of income of these journalists in multiple. The amount they receive for doing promotions like US is not even covered here. These corrupt journalists are not reliable or credible for any kind of news.
The US version of RT is literally paid by the Russian government, and the US doesn't do anything, due to their corporate and speech laws.

Again, nothing you've said actually contradicts what I've said, it only goes to try and change the topic at hand.

What is your solution?

Totally against the cold and brutal facts....the world wants or has to have relations with the powerful and rich countries. Just look to the east, you have a proven murderer and genocider in PM's position, and most of the world is totally okay with him and throws red carpets for him...Similarly now Trump has been elected, do you think countries will stop their relations with USA. Lets be realistic and feed the truth to our people..

Did you ever heard of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange...why did they flee their homes and hiding in other countries and embassies for rest of their lives? Did any country break their relation with USA over this? so be realistic and tell the people truth. Enough of this idealistic and misleading BS which our west paid liberals try to spread. We have to teach our nation the facts.. so that they don't dwell in Cuckoo's land and be able to face the real world.
You're comparing apples to oranges. Pakistan is not India or the US, so your comparison doesn't work.

Yes, nations will ignore evil, if the nation is rich enough, but most of the world is not rich, Pakistan is not rich.

Instead of trying to use India as an excuse, Pakistan must look at its own strength and weaknesses.

You speak of Snowden and Assange, but Pakistan would and has done exactly the same as the US and Sweden (also, I'm pretty sure Assange isn't actually a resident or national of Sweden, the nation he "ran" from).

You also keep saying "we", there is no "we", when you don't even live in Pakistan. You're a foreigner now, get use to it.

I fully agree with you that calling for his death is wrong and gives a bad impression, he should be prosecuted legally and punished according to the law if he is found guilty.

But I'd just like to point out that there is a certain country that everyone loves having relations with whose presidential candidate (not the one you think) once casually called for the murder of Julian Assange.
I agree, but two wrongs don't make a right. Pakistan shouldn't set its standards on what a foreign nation does, rather it should look at itself and its own needs.
There are a few tools one can use to ascertain whether a journalist really cares about universal human rights or is simply out to malign the Army.

1.) Does he/she proportionately criticize non-PA human rights violators (e.g. Baloch sardars who enslaved and looted their own people, using barbaric and draconian punishments; feudal lords in underdeveloped parts of the country, etc.)?

2.) Does he/she mention Western/Indian hypocrisy when they accuse Pakistan of supporting terrorist groups (that's like the pot calling the kettle black, since both the West and India have illustrious histories of supporting violent militants in other countries)? Also US political support/arms sales to some of the worst human rights violators on the planet.

3.) Does he/she qualify statements made by Western media/govts by reminding readers that this is the same country (the US) that invaded Vietnam based on a fabricated incident (Gulf of Tonkin) and Iraq based on essentially no evidence of WMDs? So naturally their version of events via official statements doesn't hold any value.

4.) Does he/she mention US double standards on "enforced disappearances" and other such accusations given America's own extraordinary rendition program? Not to mention extra-judicial killings (without a free and fair trial and often with civilian casualties) via drones and CIA hit teams, etc.

5.) When discussing CPEC, does he/she highlight that it is a natural target for covert Indian aggression? Is NSA Ajit Doval's ridiculously and openly hostile stance mentioned?

If all/most of this is present and the journalist still criticizes the army, which he/she has the right to, then at least there is some credibility --- and I will gladly hear their arguments because the Army, like any institution, has flaws that should be highlighted and discussed. The problem is that most of these journos who've made their name in liberal elite / pseudo-intellectual circles by Army-bashing lack the above mentioned neutrality and balance to be given any respect.

Excellent post and criterion.

Cyril Almeida cannot be categorized as a friend of Pakistan. He has no solutions. His criticism is not sincere. Everyone has the right and freedom to be critical for the sake of improvement. After all, nothing in this world is free of error. We have to keep learning from our mistakes and not repeat them. Cyril's criticism is only meant to demotivate and sow negatitivity among the masses. His message is of despair. His negative attitude is a dead give away. His criticism also lacks balance. His criticism is rather based on a deep grudge and egoism. It all started with the embarrassing and untrue revelations regarding isolation of Pakistan. It has since then been a downhill battle for Cyril. He has been on a constant personal crusade. Accumulating false stories with a malicious intent. He is breaking all ethics and norms of journalism to satisfy his ego. Cyril knows he is a lone man in this egocentric journey.
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Excellent post and criterion.

Cyril Almeida cannot be categorized as a friend of Pakistan. He has no solutions. His criticism is not sincere. Everyone has the right and freedom to be critical for the sake of improvement. After all, nothing in this world is free of error. We have to keep learning from our mistakes and not repeat them. Cyril's criticism is only meant to demotivate and sow negatitivity among the masses. His message is of despair. His negative attitude is a dead give away. His criticism also lacks balance. His criticism is rather based on a deep grudge and egoism. It all started with the embarrassing and untrue revelations regarding isolation of Pakistan. It has since then been a downhill battle for Cyril. He has been on a constant personal crusade. Accumulating false stories with a malicious intent. He is breaking all ethics and norms of journalism to satisfy his ego. Cyril knows he is a lone man in this egocentric journey.
Lone man but I am sure very well paid by his Indian/US masters
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