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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

Correction: India does not have balls to fight with either Pakistan or China let alone with both of them at once.

Correction: India will avoid war with Pakistan and/or China at any cost.

Correction: Rafales are useless against PAF's F-16+JF-17s and/or PLAAF's J-10/J-16/SU-35/J-20s. For small incursions and occupation of Indian land by Pakistan and China we have Surrender Modi who is always ready to pull back Indian troops to disengage from any potential confrontation and promptly issuing the following statement

"Neither is anyone inside our territory nor is any of our post captured" - Indian PM Narender Modi (aka Surrender Modi)


192466"]Correction: India does not have balls to fight with either Pakistan or China let alone with both of them at once.

Correction: India will avoid war with Pakistan and/or China at any cost.

Correction - it is same as Pakistan prime minister says that we can fight a war against india because we don't balls alone. Hoping from China or happy with tweets.

Rafales are useless against PAF's F-16+JF-17s
Pls don't make the jokes... Its a serous thread
India has 260 Su-30MKI also. Not to mention the rest of its formidable fleet that you just can't discount so easily. Their Mirage 2K you can actually add to the Rafales as complimentary aircraft making that number much larger and they share systems with each other such as the Talios pod, but I think the Indians are using the Israeli Lightning and not the French one. So keep that in mind. They have other potent platforms that will be assisted by the Rafales and if mission planning is well constructed, they can cause serious problems and I don't discount China whatsoever. Their fleet including their 24 Su-35 will certainly pose a lot of problems to the IAF and mainly the Su-30MKI. So it will all come down to battlefield management and who has the better library in their intel aircraft and the not just the better AWACs, but the faster one as well and India has some pretty powerful AWACs not to mention who's got the ECM warfare advnatage. There's a lot to factor in.

Your post & knowledge on the subject is not well regarded here. You are professor in front of teenagers uneducated kids who are here for trolling. Knowledge is left PDF for some time and only few folks left who lurks and don't post at all.
Egypt also getting rafale but look like india is getting some alien tech which will make india invincible.
Soon they will worship rafale and will build a temple.
No brother.

The original plan was that India will start receiving Rafales starting September 2019 but the schedule has already been delayed by at least 10 months and they are receiving the first batch at the end of July 2020.

So if you add 10 Months to September 2022 (original final Delivery date) you will get July 2023 as the new date to deliver all the 36 fighters.

Now add another 6 months for Indian enhancements. This will take it to end of January 2024 for Rafales to be ready. Now add additional time for pilots to get operationally trained, you are looking at least 2025 for them to be ready for any battle.

Per this news article, all Rafales will be in India by end 2021

India’s Ambassador to France Mr. Jawed Ashraf and India’s Air Attaché Air Commodore Hilal Ahmad Rather in the cockpit of Rafale before it left for India.

Indian Air Force Officer Hilal who is originally from Anantnag in Kashmir played an important role in the smooth delivery.

Hopefully Indian planners will not repeat the mistake of Mirage 2000 ....the only fighter which has proved its worth in all imp. IAF missions since their arrivals ....India should buy rafales in good numbers to counter both eastern and western fronts
The fact that 2 air bases are accomodated for Rafale is a clear signal for a second batch purchase. At least.

The IAF will not make twice the M2000 error : a too small fleet.
They know that Rafale is fully versatile and effective. Far better than M2000, which is loved in IAF.

My opinion from the beginning is an indian Rafale fleet of 90 minimum.

Much...Much...Much...shorter than the Rafale, even shorter for the second hand meteors IAF purchased. :coffee:
sorry Bro, but it is BS.
1) you (and I !) don't know the real life span of a Meteor.
2) The Meteor that France give you (at the special Indian request) may be perfectly new, if they were not fit on a plane before. The life span is mainly the time under the wings, and not the time spending.

No laser tracking has nothing to do with image, it either rides the laser all the way to its target 'beam rider' or it simply tracks the reflected light.
To guide the laser you need image. The laser beam is not directed on map coordinates.
Infact they will straight away go on to bomb chengdu airbase and return to France dealership for first 1000miles free service. Warranty trouble if you dont get the first service done at official dealership. Then they will return and lads will go for a Vaishno mata family trip.
Good to see some lovely humor coming from the neighborhood. :)

PAF has surprise waiting for them.
Come-on man let them have some fun. ;)
Good analysis.

Back in time, during its hay-days we used to listen that SU-30MKI can also carry up to 10 AAMs, majority BVR missiles. With 240 aircraft in air, that's roughly 2400 AAMs in the air at one time. Enough to reign the skies.

Apparently only India operates an air force.
Apparently only India operates an air force.

India is the one that operates an air force at sea level while china operates two operational airports and airbase in Tibet at more than 11,000 Feet above sea level.

Now guess what happens to Oxygen breathing humans at that height ? Now guess what happens to oxygen breathing jet engines at that height ?

Now guess what is the air density at that height ? and now try guess what happens to aircraft that use this air density to create lift that can make this heavier than air metal body fly.

Now guess what happens to pilots living on desolated air bases with low oxygen and poor serviceability of aircrafts ? and now guess what happens when they have to fight an air battle in these conditions ? lol.
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India is the one that operates an air force at sea level while china operates two operational airports and airbase in Tibet at more than 11,000 Feet or 11 km above sea level.

Now guess what happens to Oxygen breathing humans at that height ? Now guess what happens to oxygen breathing jet engines at that height ?

Now guess what is the air density at that height ? and now try guess what happens to aircraft that use this air density to create lift that can make this heavier than air metal body fly.

Now guess what happens to pilots living on desolated air bases with low oxygen and poor serviceability of aircrafts ? and now guess what happens when they have to fight an air battle in these conditions ? lol.
So you're telling to fight Chinese jets in laddakh your fighter jets comes to sea level like Mumbai/Southeastern coastal India
What you're talking about think before you post:crazy:
Tibet at more than 11,000 Feet or 11 km above sea level.
Height of Mt.Everest 8.8km. Height of Chinese air bases 11km.
Internet and democracy have taken away practices of decision making by the sane ones only!
Height of Mt.Everest 8.8km. Height of Chinese air bases 11km.
Internet and democracy have taken away practices of decision making by the sane ones only!
May b its hanging in air like a flying aircraft carrier
indians are creating hype like rafale takeoff from france and direct go LOAC bomb chinese and then land in LEH air base . what a stupidity man it will take months and years to be master on these jets .

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