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Danish politician calls for topless women videos to scare away extremists

In all honesty, I highly doubt any politician in Denmark is that stupid. I have a bad feeling that this is just a part of a bigger plan. Maybe to fuel up anti-immigrant feelings so that he, or his party, could win some election?

The anti-immigrant feelings were fuelled by the burning of the Danish embassy not to mention Theo Van Gogh's murder. However I still doubt whether this will work.
What about topless, sunbathing extremists.

That would scare away everyone.

Fully nude extremists, even better.
Which Danish women are they talking about?


pigs blood works much better..this politician is just satisfying his perverted fantasies..why not he be the first to bring his sisters and wife topless in front of extremists?
Ironically though.. we have our own Peter Skaars in Pakistan to deal with..
who make even more ludicurious statements regarding purdah.

Still .. if by some low IQ chance they danes do adopt it.. lol.. you will see every applications for Danish immigration rise up twenty fold from the sub continenent.
After all.. there is more than cheese out there.
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