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Cutting Internet in Iran


Sep 10, 2016
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
well , Islamic State of Iran ( ISI ) parliament passed a bill which will practically cut the internet in Iran , what is your thought about this ?
well , Islamic State of Iran ( ISI ) parliament passed a bill which will practically cut the internet in Iran , what is your thought about this ?

Seems like a good idea to turn your population against the Gov.

What are the details? Are they blocking all access to internet? And why?
I already
Seems like a good idea to turn your population against the Gov.

What are the details? Are they blocking all access to internet? And why?

well , actually , they already did this multiple times ( cutting the internet ) and currently in Khozistan the internet is blocked ...

the volume of corruption and mismanagement is beyond imagination , even the rivers are getting dried thanks to missplaced and missmanged dams and transferring water to other places , jungle are burning and dust storm getting common even in Aborz mountain and Tehran ( they managed to fucked up even environment ) ,

The youth can't find job and even they find any , they have to work more than 9-10hour per day and even with that , they can't afford to rent a home ( buying home become a unreachable dream ) , the number of adultery is sky rocketing , the culture is damaged , brutal crimes in streets are frequent , this is like end of time ...

In response of to what they made and for getting more money by selling vpn ( which is illegal but the guys who has ties with officials are selling it ) they want to increase the cellphone price and cutting all social media and internet as whole so they can have monopoly on spreading news ( lies ) ...

I already predicted this in another forum , but unfortunately the so called pro ISI mods hide the actual post ...

پیش بینی.PNG
Another BS distributed among idiots who believe whatever rumor they here!

well , I dont get any money for backing current regime ..

if the law was useful for people , they wouldn't need to pass it behind the close door and in secret meeting ...
well , I dont get any money for backing current regime ..

if the law was useful for people , they wouldn't need to pass it behind the close door and in secret meeting ...
The context of the bill is available for public and what you said is a lie.

but morons believe whatever BS they find in Zionists' controlled social media, and still argue why Iran wants to block these lie distribution platforms!
The context of the bill is available for public and what you said is a lie.

but morons believe whatever BS they find in Zionists' controlled social media, and still argue why Iran wants to block these lie distribution platforms!

you can't read between the lines .... any law should be public or else it is not a LAW in first place ....

The result of this law is "cutting the internet" and any fair person which has basic knowledge about it , can't deny this ....

and what cellphone Internet is blocked in Khozistan right now ?

zionist media ... bullshit , in image I posted , I predicted this act in LAST YEAR ...
you can't read between the lines .... any law should be public or else it is not a LAW in first place ....

The result of this law is "cutting the internet" and any fair person which has basic knowledge about it , can't deny this ....

and what cellphone Internet is blocked in Khozistan right now ?

zionist media ... bullshit , in image I posted , I predicted this act in LAST YEAR ...
If Iran's government doesn't control the social media, then enemies will do that for us, so simply you want Iran's enemies to control the minds of people in Iran. so yeah, it's not the Iranian government which pays you!

Iran is the only country in the world in which internet is so open and lawless, in US, Tweeter even blocked their president's account when they realized it's against their national interests, but in Iran our government should have zero control, even against terrorist activities!

what has happened in Khouzestan is the direct affect of these platforms to turn a peaceful and rightful protest into a bloody war. except being a traitor or moron I see no reason for favoring these foreign platforms.

Your source is biased as well, basically all reformists media are a branch of Zionists in Iran. Reformists are against this bill, cause to this day Zionists were distributing lies in their favor to make sure these traitors will remain in power in Iran.

Just as an example, the argument about cell phone price is totally biased, based on this bill, government can (not should) decrease the import tax for those phones which will install our domestic services, and increase those who don't. this means directing the market, not increase. it encourages the importers to look for solutions, instead of avoiding any responsibility with the excuse of sanctions.

تفاوت 70 درصدی نسخه قبلی و فعلی طرح «صیانت از حقوق کاربران در فضای‌ مجازی»/ هیچ محدودیتی برای کاربر ایجاد نمی‌شود | خبرگزاری فارس
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Is anyone even surprised? For any repressive regime, it's an SOP to cut access to information. By the time internet comes back, a few dozen journalist will have been abducted from their homes, some will be shot in the head, some will be beaten, a few houses will be burnt. And InshAllah the regime will continue to exist as always.

Iran is the only country in the world in which internet is so open and lawless, in US, Tweeter even blocked their president's account when they realized it's against their national interests, but in Iran our government should have zero control, even against terrorist activities!

It's always cute when regimes justify internet blackout by giving examples like a single account of a VIP was blocked 20,000Kms away.

If Iran's government doesn't control the social media, then enemies will do that for us, so simply you want Iran's enemies to control the minds of people in Iran. so yeah, it's not the Iranian government which pays you!

Iran's govt. doesn't control social media? Ok, understandable. What if Iranian people were using a social media website that was made in Iran? Pretty sure the regime would have blocked it too. You know what Western social media has to offer to Iran?: free speech. Exactly that free speech which the regime calls foreign propaganda, just because it doesn't agree with the regime's agenda.

The only looser with this oppression, is only going to be Iran. It always backfires. It would be a much more viable option to slaughter every young man and girl out on the street, but oppression always backfires.
It's always cute when regimes justify internet blackout by giving examples like a single account of a VIP was blocked 20,000Kms away.
No, the cute thing is when haters label the future lawful internet as internet blackout! blocking US president account was symbolic, otherwise certain keywords were filtered and blocked globally (worldwide), let alone in US. try to talk against Israel, or about Gen. Suleimani and see how these services delete your account for good.

Iran's govt. doesn't control social media? Ok, understandable. What if Iranian people were using a social media website that was made in Iran? Pretty sure the regime would have blocked it too. You know what Western social media has to offer to Iran?: free speech. Exactly that free speech which the regime calls foreign propaganda, just because it doesn't agree with the regime's agenda.

The only looser with this oppression, is only going to be Iran. It always backfires. It would be a much more viable option to slaughter every young man and girl out on the street, but oppression always backfires.
Iranian people both use domestic and foreign social media services, but as I mentioned, traitor reformist government preferred to allocate all resources to foreign ones and in return receive their support during elections, etc.

Iranian people are free, reformist media are filled with famous and influential people talking against Iran's leader and system all the time (perhaps you are comparing us with your country), what they can't do in their official media is spreading lies, cause then other people will sue them, that's when these Zionists' controlled media becomes handy for them.

The only looser are the whole nation, when an ignorant youth sees a provocative clip or picture from other countries which has deliberately been labeled as Iran, then he goes viral and in a blink of eye, a protest turns into a civil war.
I already

well , actually , they already did this multiple times ( cutting the internet ) and currently in Khozistan the internet is blocked ...

the volume of corruption and mismanagement is beyond imagination , even the rivers are getting dried thanks to missplaced and missmanged dams and transferring water to other places , jungle are burning and dust storm getting common even in Aborz mountain and Tehran ( they managed to fucked up even environment ) ,

The youth can't find job and even they find any , they have to work more than 9-10hour per day and even with that , they can't afford to rent a home ( buying home become a unreachable dream ) , the number of adultery is sky rocketing , the culture is damaged , brutal crimes in streets are frequent , this is like end of time ...

In response of to what they made and for getting more money by selling vpn ( which is illegal but the guys who has ties with officials are selling it ) they want to increase the cellphone price and cutting all social media and internet as whole so they can have monopoly on spreading news ( lies ) ...

I already predicted this in another forum , but unfortunately the so called pro ISI mods hide the actual post ...

View attachment 766005

the jungles are burning, and married people are humping anything they can get a hold of... the world is ending the its all the governments fault

I think this post illustrates the need to filter western propaganda to some degree. but im not sure if this internet bill has been thought out throughly....

In the west people are more censored then they are in Iran. People in the west are absolutely terrified to speak their minds for fear of online mobs "cancelling them" (closing their business down, getting them fired from their job, ostracizing them from society and good company, and much worse)

giant social media platforms act as government propaganda channels. mainstream media acts as a de facto guardian council. approving, and disapproving candidates it sees fit.

there is even thought police on platforms like twitter. where by having an opinion like covid escaped from a lab was considered "conspiracy theory" when the ruling elites needed it to defeat trump.

but now allowed as fact, after the ruling establishment retook power, and need a propaganda tool against china. its almost laughable how western censorship works, and how widespread it is. people are just too stupid to realize it.

the average Iranian speaks their mind with far more freedom today then the average westerner
If Iran's government doesn't control the social media, then enemies will do that for us, so simply you want Iran's enemies to control the minds of people in Iran. so yeah, it's not the Iranian government which pays you!

Iran is the only country in the world in which internet is so open and lawless, in US, Tweeter even blocked their president's account when they realized it's against their national interests, but in Iran our government should have zero control, even against terrorist activities!

what has happened in Khouzestan is the direct affect of these platforms to turn a peaceful and rightful protest into a bloody war. except being a traitor or moron I see no reason for favoring these foreign platforms.

Your source is biased as well, basically all reformists media are a branch of Zionists in Iran. Reformists are against this bill, cause to this day Zionists were distributing lies in their favor to make sure these traitors will remain in power in Iran.

Just as an example, the argument about cell phone price is totally biased, based on this bill, government can (not should) decrease the import tax for those phones which will install our domestic services, and increase those who don't. this means directing the market, not increase. it encourages the importers to look for solutions, instead of avoiding any responsibility with the excuse of sanctions.

تفاوت 70 درصدی نسخه قبلی و فعلی طرح «صیانت از حقوق کاربران در فضای‌ مجازی»/ هیچ محدودیتی برای کاربر ایجاد نمی‌شود | خبرگزاری فارس
The only solution is what no government in Iran was willing to do.
Build our own phones and echo system . Banning foreigner is useless it only lead to people looking for ways to bypass that ban.
No, the cute thing is when haters label the future lawful internet as internet blackout! blocking US president account was symbolic, otherwise certain keywords were filtered and blocked globally (worldwide), let alone in US. try to talk against Israel, or about Gen. Suleimani and see how these services delete your account for good
The problem is not blocking account or keywords . We have blocking platforms like signals Facebook telegram Twitter .
The problem is when you go the easy way and instead of banning illegal services you ban the servers and domains without thinking by doing so they also prevent tens and hundreds of legitimate services.
I think this post illustrates the need to filter western propaganda to some degree. but im not sure if this internet bill has been thought out throughly....
As far as I'm aware the most offensive and disturbing of these sort of data come from east Asia and also countries like Russia and Ukraine and what come of USA and western Europe is a lot tamer . So let instead of talking about western or eastern talk about the type of media
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