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Curse on them All, Pasha

Maybe, maybe not.

For some reason, which I don't know, I don't have the same pessimistic attitude as some others on this forum.

Is that a good thing or bad...time will tell!!!:D

Re the underlined:
Both Optimists and Pessimists are valuable to Society.
The Optimist invented the Aeroplane, the Pessimist invented the Parachute......

The Realist flies the Aeroplane, while wearing a Parachute. After buying himself an Inurance Policy.
Pasha is right regarding musharaf's caving in...........

musharaf should be tried for treason for isolating the Pakistani taxpayer in the hour of need and standing by american taxpayer...
the same poor taxpayer who had brought him up like his on child....when time came to stand by him....he ran away

the "rani mukherjee factor" that you all are deliberately overlooking....made him a coward and lazy....he had his eyes on chak shahzad farm house and all the kuppi related activites that were to follow in it.......why will he stand for you mr poor man?

man my country was burning when musharaf was tun and dancing on stage with actor shan.

he was busy learning raag bhairwi from hamid khan in president house while the poor man was suffering on the street...

why did musharaf succumbed to stone age threat?

why sir?

did vietnam succumbed?

were they not shooting at invading B-52'S with machine guns?

is vietnam in stone age now?

why did we made american enemy our own enemy?

will america make our enemy its own enemy?

will america declare india its own enemy and wage war on it?

will america provide us bases to attack india in an event of war with india?
What a freaking moron. The shenanigans of PA and ISI have brought Pakistan to its knees, isolated Pakistan in the world and these SOBs have the temerity to 'curse everyone' - freaking lowlifes.

Pasha is right regarding musharaf's caving in...........

musharaf should be tried for treason for isolating the Pakistani taxpayer in the hour of need and standing by american taxpayer...
the same poor taxpayer who had brought him up like his on child....when time came to stand by him....he ran away

the "general rani factor" that you all deliberately overlook....made him a coward and lazy....he had his eyes on chak shahzad farm house and all the kanjjar activites that were to follow in it.......why will he stand for you mr poor man?

man my country was burning when musharaf was tun and dancing on stage with actor shan.

why did musharaf succumbed to stone age threat?

why sir?

did vietnam succumbed?

were they not shooting at invading B-52'S with machine guns?

is vietnam in stone age now?

why did we made american enemy our own enemy?

will america make our enemy its own enemy?

will america declare india its own enemy and wage war on it?

will america provide us bases to attack india in an event of war with india?

Why only Musharraf? What was Army doing? they can't wait to jump the Aiwan e Sadr when it is a civilian but when its one of their own he can sell the country and they will remain docile. Their ghairat is very relative.
=Sedqal;4513478]What a freaking moron. The shenanigans of PA and ISI have brought Pakistan to its knees, isolated Pakistan in the world and these SOBs have the temerity to 'curse everyone' - freaking lowlifes.

Thats not fair you cant blame the General who Got the job which he wasn't qualified for because he is part of military elite he clearly said''political and military elite were responsible for this lapse.'':super:

Not to mention since he did hell of a job he got hired by GCC for the same but i guess our loss is their gain :cray:
Sir, you are choosing to highlight something other than what was asked of you - you offered support for Gen Pashas's apologia, please, again, make liars of us, prove that ISI learned and that culture and mindset and methodology was changed -- please do explain why this "change" is not reflected in terrorist caught, killed? Or why insurgencies persists

Dang...I wrote 2 detailed cases and just then electricity went out. Anyways, I'll try and give a quick overview.

As I said yesterday, a bomb blast gets to be on TV, successful ops of intel agencies don't.

First case is of numerous publicized captures like those of KSM, Libbi, that Omar guy mentioned in the report, Maulvi Omar, Abu Zubaidah, Baradar just off the top of my head. And then another terrorist who I had an interaction with, RoohUllah.

Second case is of the numerous everyday type captures. Let's start off in Balochistan. In there, FC has the lead role but ISI contributes as well. Once in February I think, around 70 BLA terrorists were captured from a hideout. Then in Islamabad, a week or so ago there was an op in Tarnol in which the local Taliban commander was captured. Correct me if I am wrong but his name ended at -ullah. Then the pamphlet distributors were also captured.

These are what come to me right now. Then as @mafiya mentioned, intel agencies conducted an op on a mosque and found it to be a terrorist hideout. In Karachi, FC along with intel agencies was in an undercover op in Lyari. 2 FC SOG personnel got their cover blown and were captured, they were subsequently killed. Then FC launched a full blown op in Lyari and recovered torture cells and also TTP links.

Ask @Leader, when he and I argued about something, I said that intel agencies provide an intel, that intel is then acted upon by the LEA's. The very next day a bomb blast happened somewhere, the news channels said that prior intel was available. Now that intel didn't come from the sky. Similarly, intel was given prior to Kamra attack, even the date of the attack was given FFS!

Now pardon me if I don't maintain a comprehensive directory of all the events.

See, Nukilla, you imagine that we are enemies of the Army, whereas we are the kind of supporters that you by training, can never be - we seek an effective, efficient killing machine, whereas by your training you seek status quo, your superiors are always right and they are beyond your critical faculties.

You think I am a serving officer?

As for the enemy thing, I've been on this forum for about 3 years...in that time you ask anybody if I called them 'enemy' or 'traitor' or anything. Just ask @Leader, he and I entangled alot on these issues. I have never taken refuge behind the label of traitor or enemy.

I thought that you would be knowing what kind of a person I am but I was mistaken.
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he did his job well thats why he was hired by UAE

he certainly did a good job on Raymond Davis, helped him go scot free (you do know that charges of spying were not pressed on RD - many think it was because there is no blood money on spying)
he certainly did a good job on Raymond Davis, helped him go scot free (you do know that charges of spying were not pressed on RD - many think it was because there is no blood money on spying)

still that doesnt mean he was useless

the same isi sent dozens of cia personals back to us under him
still that doesnt mean he was useless

the same isi sent dozens of cia personals back to us under him

Do you know the widow of an RD victim committed suicide saying she can't expect justice and THEY will let RD go?
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