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‘CRPF men slapped and kicked me’ Nasir, 5, battles pellet injuries

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Delnavaz B

Jul 12, 2016
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United States

“CRPF men slapped me and kicked me. As I tried to flee, something like needles hit my eye.” These are the words of five-year-old Nasir Ahmad Khan from South Kashmir’s Kokernag area, who is battling pellet injuries in his eyes, at SMHS hospital here.

Nasir was rushed to the hospital on Friday afternoon. While doctors who examined him said they can’t predict the nature of the injury “right now”, the victim is writhing in pain. Talking to media persons inside the hospital, Nasir’s mother said she had gone to visit a relative at district hospital Anantnag.

“As we came out from the hospital I was hit by a stone and fell unconscious. Some people supported me. As I was regaining my conscience, I heard people shouting ‘whose boy is this’,” she recalled.
Next, she said, she saw blood oozing out of her son’s eye.

“The people who brought him here said he was beaten by CRPF men. His clothes had been torn and he was crying. I cried after seeing his condition,” she said.

“I don’t know what hit my eye. I just felt as if a needle hit me and I started feeling intense pain,” Nasir said.
He said he was holding hand of her mother when she fell unconscious. “…they (CRPF men) came and caught hold of me. They started abusing and beating me,” he said.
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This is sad. I hope the stone pelting and army-baiting stops soon so that kids like this do not suffer.
Pakistan should understand that fomenting trouble in India causes this kind of horrific effects. Instead of lusting for Indian territory, Pakistan should give up cross border terrorism and focus on bringing law and order inside Pakistan.
This is sad. I hope the stone pelting and army-baiting stops soon so that kids like this do not suffer.
Pakistan should understand that fomenting trouble in India causes this kind of horrific effects. Instead of lusting for Indian territory, Pakistan should give up cross border terrorism and focus on bringing law and order inside Pakistan.
Are you out of your senses as i said earlier he is just 5 year old kid and tell me how much heavy stone he can throw at CPRF jawans and how far may be little kid was on street to see what is happening or just for playing but after hard beating by Kashmiri protesters Indian jawan beat this little kid and tries to blind him for life by shooting buck shot at the kid.

Ok, Ok, Yindoos are barbarians. Happy? Now move on......
Why move on you should stop this nonsense and at least act like animals even they have sympathy and love for the small kids.
Hmmmm...Have you read Pakistan's latest Human Rights Report? Read it and then preach.
If you want to discuss that open a separate thread and lets have discussion on that but don't try to derail this thread and stop trolling.
Are you out of your senses as i said earlier he is just 5 year old kid and tell me how much heavy stone he can throw at CPRF jawans and how far may be little kid was on street to see what is happening or just for playing but after hard beating by Kashmiri protesters Indian jawan beat this little kid and tries to blind him for life by shooting buck shot at the kid.

you misunderstood what I wrote. IMO being 5 year old, even if the kid stones a jawan directly and in close range, the jawan won't and should not react other than shielding himself.

What I meant was, the crooks are the grown up cross border terrorist, and the local separatists who get money, training and weapons from these cross border jihadis that should realize the only result of their futile acts are such damage to children.
If you want to discuss that open a separate thread and lets have discussion on that but don't try to derail this thread and stop trolling.
Embarrassed? Never mind. It happens. Get your house in order first before preaching others on human rights. People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.
It's sure no jawan would have targeted him. May be he was in a group of people who were throwing the stones and then the idiot who had written article forgot that the doctor is an Indian and the hospital belongs to India, the people who helped him are Indian, the people who are providing all treatment are Indian.

“CRPF men slapped me and kicked me. As I tried to flee, something like needles hit my eye.” These are the words of five-year-old Nasir Ahmad Khan from South Kashmir’s Kokernag area, who is battling pellet injuries in his eyes, at SMHS hospital here.

Nasir was rushed to the hospital on Friday afternoon. While doctors who examined him said they can’t predict the nature of the injury “right now”, the victim is writhing in pain. Talking to media persons inside the hospital, Nasir’s mother said she had gone to visit a relative at district hospital Anantnag.

“As we came out from the hospital I was hit by a stone and fell unconscious. Some people supported me. As I was regaining my conscience, I heard people shouting ‘whose boy is this’,” she recalled.
Next, she said, she saw blood oozing out of her son’s eye.

“The people who brought him here said he was beaten by CRPF men. His clothes had been torn and he was crying. I cried after seeing his condition,” she said.

“I don’t know what hit my eye. I just felt as if a needle hit me and I started feeling intense pain,” Nasir said.
He said he was holding hand of her mother when she fell unconscious. “…they (CRPF men) came and caught hold of me. They started abusing and beating me,” he said.

Pretty what police do in every part country during unrest
@Areesh @Windjammer @Tipu7 @PaklovesTurkiye

What a shame for those who supported Indian army's barbaric acts by saying Indian troopers only fire at stone throwers just look at this small kid how far and heavy stone he can throw at brave Indian army. Shame Shame Shame @ Indian Army
@Joe Shearer
@war&peace @Paksanity @B+ Dracula

“As we came out from the hospital I was hit by a stone and fell unconscious." SO she was hit by a stone thrown by her brother stone pelters. HMMM

Are you out of your senses as i said earlier he is just 5 year old kid and tell me how much heavy stone he can throw at CPRF jawans and how far may be little kid was on street to see what is happening or just for playing but after hard beating by Kashmiri protesters Indian jawan beat this little kid and tries to blind him for life by shooting buck shot at the kid.

Why move on you should stop this nonsense and at least act like animals even they have sympathy and love for the small kids.
police was not targeting this particular kid. they use pellet guns and pellets dont discriminate b/w age and gender. also his mother was injured by stone thrown by stone pelter.. so its pretty obvious that poor family was caught in the cross fire b/w stone throwers and police .
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