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Croatian Soldier released the text of the JF-17:


Jan 18, 2009
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JF-17 Thunder
When at last year's Farnborough airshow first appearance before the Western public, the JF-17 has aroused great interest. However, that did not participate in the flight program, many questions about its operational capabilities have remained unanswered. Therefore, it is supposed to go to the Zhuhai Airshow in China. Pakistani pilots have promised that there will show you all their new aircraft can actually
The sixteenth day of November 2010., Zhuhai, PR China. Performance demonstration team of Chinese Air Force, "August 1" on a specially prepared fighters J-10 has just ended and the path out PF-17.

After a short preparation Colonel Khalid Mehmood begins with taking off. The engine is at full combustion and additional aircraft in the air after only a few hundred meters.. Because of poor visibility Colonel Arshad immediately introduced into sharp climbing turn to get space to set the direction of perpendicular to the track. The sound gradually disappears and the silhouette of a small plane is hardly noticeable. .

After a few moments shrill sound of the engine was again present, and the program begins with a sharp horizontal shift of the full additional combustion. Strong vortices at the root of the wings suggest that Colonel Arshad intends to stay within sight of the audience during the entire shift. . A moderate increase in the angle of attack gives the impression that the JF-17 aircraft stable, but by the end turning radius remains small. Angular speed of the turn which the plane moving at the same horizon is a good, fully in the standards of third generation fighters.

Later in the program follows several vertical and oblique maneuvers in which the JF-17 gives the impression of a well-balanced aircraft which is no lack of thrust, and flight path at low speed and high angle of attack is confirmed that the plane stable and secure and boundary conditions.


HUD On board the JF-17 is dominated by three large LCD display in color and wide angle HUD

In contrast to Farnborough, where only few get the chance to peek into the cockpit of JF-17 which deals; were shut down in Zhuhai was available cockpit demonstrator on which the Pakistani pilots ready to explain how it all works.
. Author was said to be a great inspiration in the development of cockpit JF-17 was a Swedish Gripen, which is Pakistan's Air Force at one time seriously considered.
With that in mind it is understandable that in the cockpit JF-17 also dominated by three large LCD display in color and wide HUD.
Levers of power and control stick were performed in full accordance with Hotasa concept of a small number of switches on horizontal brackets refers to a respectable level of automation systems.

When asked why the symbology itself deals; are more reminiscent of the F-16 is one of Pakistan's pilot said: "Why change something that is good. After all, similar symbology significantly simplifies retraining pilots.
Although the pilot most likely comes from the F-16, the fact is that the unification of symbology in both the fleet hunters who will in future be the backbone of Pakistan Air Force significantly facilitate retraining. O
Besides the unification creates an important prerequisite for the use of one type of jet aircraft of the school from which the pilots can directly pass in a single version of fighter aircraft.
"JF-17 is so safe and easy to fly that we have not yet decided whether we will ever develop a two-seater version," said Gen. Aziz, commander of the Pakistani delegation at the Zhuhai and pilot with many years of flying experience on the fighters, F-6 and F-7.

Measured application of new technologies

JF-17 gives the impression of a well-balanced aircraft
Managing development risk Pakistani Air Force, it was important from the outset. The late nineties when he started the development of JF-17, Pakistan was under sanctions for development of nuclear arms and development issues were not an option.
. One step in this direction was the selection of conventional and stable aerodynamic configuration that has enabled significant savings by using a simpler control system and simplify the integration of weapons (unstable aerodynamic configuration of these are extremely sensitive).
Accordingly, the JF-17 has developed a special hybrid control system which is only a channel angle electronically. It was the minimum needed to control the angle of attack and load through letnog computer.
Knowing that he will not dopustitii overdraft limits the angle of attack and stress, JF-17 pilot can fly without fear on the border of the maneuvering capabilities of aircraft which exploits the potential aerodynamic configuration completely. "
"In selecting the control system we were technologically limited, because the same manufacturer of products and the latest electronic control systems for the J-10 and L-15 (and you saw how it works). The hybrid control system is fully satisfied our needs," said Colonel Ahsan from the Office of JF-17 Pakistan Air Force.

. "JF-17 is so safe and easy to fly that we have not yet decided whether we will ever develop a two-seater version," said Gen. Aziz, commander of the Pakistani delegation at the Zhuhai and pilot with many years of flying experience on the fighters, F-6 and F-7.

not yet decided??:undecided:

but there was clear indication that twin seater would be developed...
Proven operational groups

RD-93 To drive a group of JF-17 was chosen turboventilatorski jet engine RD-93
Given the long cooperation of Chinese and Russian aviation industry, the operational group of JF-17 was chosen turboventilatorski jet engine RD-93, which is nothing but a version of a proven engine RD-33 from the MiG-29? The economy and work-interval (of only 600 hours) on lags behind western contemporaries, but because his Soviet background gives a good reputation when it comes to the use and maintenance of the "less than ideal conditions" third world countries.

Meanwhile, China's AVIC Engines for some time working on developing an alternate engine WS-13 which, according to company representatives, should be ready by the end of 2015. . The engine should bring 10 percent more thrust that will be more than welcome for the evolution of aircraft in which the weight gain never absent.

Reduced zamjetljivost

Although the small radar and visual zamjetljivost "innate" qualities of light combat aircraft (especially from the front hemisphere), further reduce radar zamjetljivosti JF-17 was achieved by applying the editorial DSI Technologies (Divertless Supersonic Inlet), which today is found only in the U.S. fifth generation fighter F -35. . This is an editorial with no moving parts, but modeled using advanced aerodynamic hump on the very mouth of the editorial. In addition to basic functions (slow air flow and removing the boundary layer) the aerodynamic hump successfully hidden face of the compressor from a hostile radar.
In line with contemporary trends JF-17 is equipped with a network system that ubiquitous and Link-16 operates on the principle of TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access).
. When asked about which system is correct for the JF-17, Colonel Ahsan replied: "The network system is a national thing. I do not want to have someone else read the information, so we developed the JF-17's own system. We're currently working on networking systems JF-17 with AWACS platforms and systems (Link-16) we have on the fleet of F-16 ".


A2A (Air to Air) A2A (Air to Air)

Uvodnici DSI tehnologije Editorials DSI Technologies
The basic sensor JF-17 for aerial combat is a multifunction radar KLJ-7, which is based on the technology radar KLJ-10 from hunting aircraft J-10. Range is compliant with rocket SD-10/PL-12 that performance is reminiscent of the widespread American missile AIM-120 AMRAAM. As well as the AMRAAM, SD-10 missile in flight toward the goal of receiving the correct path of the radar hunter in the final stages of the attack uses its own radar.

Local military analyst who follows Usman Ansari believes that the program has the ability SD-10/PL-12 receiving information is the radar of other JF-17, not only from the radar plane from which it was launched, which Pakistan pilots get the opportunity to use advanced tactical actions in the fight for medium distances. According to his thinking at a sign with a picture SD-10/PL-12 and the words "silent killer" who was recently seen in overalls Pakistani pilots that further favors.

To fight for short distances JF-17 is now certified for IR guided missile PL-5E-II. According to representatives of the Chinese company AVIC Defence missile that has the same interface as the more recent PL-9C, which means that it can be coupled with a sight on the helmet the pilot. For now JF-17 has such a sight, but according to Pakistani engineers, all prerequisites for this exist because all podded points, including at the wing tips equipped with new digital interface to MIL-STD-1760C. . Unlike older analog interfaces that convey information in only one direction (to the IR head caught in a missile target), a new digital interface allows two-way communication to the pilot through the sight on the helmet gave information about where the missile is aimed.

JF-17 is equipped with modern electronic warfare system
. It should be noted that this technology significantly increases the area and will launch once it becomes operational, largely to compensate a little less mobility, which is the JF-17 is conditioned by the maximum permissible load of 8G. It would be interesting to know whether the computer with this technology a decade ago when the JF-17 was still in development because it would be a very farsighted measure savings through less structural strength or weight of the aircraft.


A2G (Air to Ground) A2G (Air to Ground)

To engage targets on the ground JF-17 is equipped with INS / GPS platform that the pilot may use the standard and CCIP CCRP regimes sight. For now, the JF-17 is certified for general purpose bombs. However, in the near future should be certificated to carry smart weapons. More at last year's Farnborough with the JF-17 is shown in the family bomb LS-6, which greatly resembles the American JDAM system. This is a kit that general-purpose bomb into a modern "smart" bomb. Kit consists of the tail section of the guidance system (INS / GPS platform) and the wings that are placed in the middle of the body bombs in order to increase capacity. According to representatives of the company AVIC Defence, flight time bomb can be programmed to attack the target performed in less expected ways. However, the real power of this bomb comes from the fact that the guidance can also use the new Chinese GPS constellation satellites Beidou (Compass). should cover the whole of Asia and Oceania and the end of the 2020th i cijeli svijet. and the whole world. . This will China and its allies gain independence in the global use of GPS weapons.

As for the certification of weapons of JF-17, which is extremely important item in terms of independence, for now there are only unconfirmed information that the Pakistan Air Force is capable, but not in extent.

Electronic warfare system

Bomba LS-6 Bomb LS-6
For operations in scenarios where the only threat is not only small arms, JF-17 is equipped with modern electronic warfare systems. It is an integrated system that, according to available information, not of Chinese descent. It consists of a central control unit and four major subsystems: radar detector irradiation (RWR), missile approach detector (MAWS), launchers, IR / RD bait and subsystems for electronic jamming. " "This is a light fighter aircraft so it is understandable jammer will still have to carry the podded tank," said Colonel Ahsan. Will it be Chinese KG-300G, which has repeatedly (Farnborough and Zhuhai) shows the JF-17 is not yet known.

Joint cooperation

When the mid-nineties began the development of JF-17, the biggest regional rival, Pakistan, India has shown a high rate of economic growth on the basis of its Air Force runs the most comprehensive modernization of the fleet in the history of hunting. . At the same time, Pakistan's economy was on its knees, and Air Force no parts to maintain the F-16, the only modern aircraft in the fleet. Pakistan turned to China which had not yet developed its own modern fighter aircraft.


Late nineties Chinese Chengdu Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAC) for a time worked on the hunting of small aircraft. However, the Chinese Air Force did not show particular interest in, and soon came up to lack of money. For the Pakistan Air Force was an opportunity that should not have missed. In addition to his lack of interest of Chinese Air Force aircraft provided uncompromising customize their own operational requirements, investment in the project brought him to a substantial industrial participation. Pakistan's airline industry this is with a 25 percent stake in the production of training aircraft K-8 received more than 50 production units in multi-hunting aircraft.

If he manages to sell Pakistan JF-17, money could be his great extent restored. . As the only air force with operational experience in the JF-17 and K-8, what the market can offer at an affordable price truly comprehensive solution to replace the fleet of second generation.

Today, after a little bit more than ten years, Pakistan has a usable combat aircraft that will be present when the planned number of 150 to 250 pieces, it is essential to strengthen Pakistan air force.
The hybrid control system is fully satisfied our needs," said Colonel Ahsan from the Office of JF-17 Pakistan Air Force.

hybrid control system

my question is wat is that ? hybrid control system
another statement here--
"JF-17 is so safe and easy to fly that we have not yet decided whether we will ever develop a two-seater version," said Gen. Aziz
The hybrid control system is fully satisfied our needs," said Colonel Ahsan from the Office of JF-17 Pakistan Air Force.

hybrid control system

my question is wat is that ? hybrid control system

Digital multi channel fly by wire system, six channels to be exact, backed by a manual hydraulic system in case the digital system fails. This will allow the aircraft to fly safely home. In modern aircraft including f-16 blk 52, there is no manual back up FCS and this has caused many incidents due to fly by wire failures. Call it a cautionary measure by PAF.
another statement here--
"JF-17 is so safe and easy to fly that we have not yet decided whether we will ever develop a two-seater version," said Gen. Aziz

K-8 can train pilots for thunder.
and PAF can market both of these aircrafts!
[advanced trainer]L-15 and dual seater jf17 rumours had appeared 6 months back but havent seen anything other than updradation of k8 to k8p standard

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