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Russia occupies a part of outer Manchuria. It's a matter of time until China takes it. Russian economy runs on oil and gas which are becoming irrelevant by the year so they will have no option but to end up selling parts of Siberia to China.
I know that. But it surprising for me to see a land dispute that was 150 years ago is still on the Chinese agenda. Still I thought there might be a wider field of struggle than the "Siberia" claim in Mr. @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8 message. Thank you for the correction and info.
I know that. But it surprising for me to see a land dispute that was 150 years ago is still on the Chinese agenda. Still I thought there might be a wider field of struggle than the "Siberia" claim in Mr. @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8 message. Thank you for the correction and info.
Dispute was formally solved but anyone would be naive to think that PRC policymakers aren't eyeing Siberia. Many PRC members here would say that Russia is an ally blah blah but the reality is that Russia only serves 2 purpose to China - oil and military tech. Russia is also reluctant to let China acquire critical tech. It will be a matter of time when China catches up in military tech and oil becomes useless and then Russia will be utterly useless and entirely dependent on China. Then we will what will happen to Siberia.
Dispute was formally solved but anyone would be naive to think that PRC policymakers aren't eyeing Siberia. Many PRC members here would say that Russia is an ally blah blah but the reality is that Russia only serves 2 purpose to China - oil and military tech. Russia is also reluctant to let China acquire critical tech. It will be a matter of time when China catches up in military tech and oil becomes useless and then Russia will be utterly useless and entirely dependent on China. Then we will what will happen to Siberia.
I do not deny the existence of (potential) geopolitical conflict points, but I guess that China will never dare to spoil its relations with Russia while the US problem continues. At least in the century we are in. There are too many events and ancient states in history that have taught this. So I assume that China will conduct its influence in outer Manchuria, or more broadly Siberia, not through territorial disputes, but through deeper socio-economic ties. In this case, China's interests and approaches in Siberia diverge more fundamentally than with India's region.
I do not deny the existence of (potential) geopolitical conflict points, but I guess that China will never dare to spoil its relations with Russia while the US problem continues. At least in the century we are in. There are too many events and ancient states in history that have taught this. So I assume that China will conduct its influence in outer Manchuria, or more broadly Siberia, not through territorial disputes, but through deeper socio-economic ties. In this case, China's interests and approaches in Siberia diverge more fundamentally than with India's region.
I agree with this. The same goes for Russia. It's only allying with China out of desperation so the threat of US will keep them together for now. My comments about Siberia is for the distant future. I think even Russians know this. That's why once in a while you see statements from Russian diplomats like Russia is a western civilisation and it's a European country even as Europe distances itself from Russia.
China is eyeing to wrest Siberia from Russia

But Russians general population seems Disagree with you, Mister indian.
They trust China as an Ally & sees Chinese Influence very Positively


indians should Follow Russians, Happy to have China as their neighbour 😉


As Negative Views of China Grow in U.S., Russians Are Happy with Their Neighbor

As negative views of China grow among those in the United States, Russians have overwhelmingly positive views of their neighbor, recent surveys reported.

A survey conducted jointly by the Chicago Council think tank and the Moscow-based Levada Center polling firm published Friday revealed that 74% of Russians have favorable views of China, a finding that reflects the growing geopolitical warmth between the two nations. Just 45% felt the same about the European Union, and only 39% had a favorable view of the U.S.

This data emerges amid a downward turn in the favorability of China in the U.S. A Gallup poll published earlier this month found that just one-in-five of respondents in the U.S. had a positive opinion of China. That was a drop from one-in-three just last year and an all-time low for reporting since 1979, the year Washington established relations with the People's Republic.

In the decades since, the country has established itself as a leading economic power, matched only by the U.S. Its military and diplomatic forces have also strengthened, and now challenge Washington's post-Cold War status as the world's only superpower, which it gained with the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s.

Today, while Washington views Beijing as its main competitor, Moscow sees it as a strategic partner with which it is enjoying the strongest bilateral ties in the history of the two nations.

russia, putin, china, xi, friendship, medal

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) presents the first Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China to Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on June 8, 2018. The award was said to be presented to foreigners who have who have made "outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, in promoting exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and in safeguarding world peace." GREG BAKER/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

The Chicago Council-Levada Center poll revealed that Russians saw the benefits of closer relations with China, which have played out in unprecedented diplomatic, economic and military cooperation.

A majority of 55% of Russians say that their country's relationship with China has the ability to improve Russia's position in the world, and 57% felt that these ties would grow closer throughout the next decade. Looking back, 56% said China gets more respect today than 10 years ago, 42% said the same for Russia and only 9% said so for the U.S.

And despite widespread perceptions of their unequal relationship, 56% of Russians said Moscow's growing ties with Beijing would not increase Russia's dependence on China.

"Russian President Putin's reorientation away from the West and toward Beijing in the aftermath of the 2014 Crimea annexation seems to have been accepted, if not embraced, by the Russian public," the Chicago Council-Levada Center survey report said. "Ironically, although the Obama administration planned for a pivot to Asia in 2009, it may be the Russians, not the Americans, who have successfully pivoted eastward."

As for worsening U.S.-China ties, the Gallup report saw the COVID-19 pandemic as a contributing factor, and warned that Asian-Americans were facing collateral damage as a result.
"In a year upended by a pandemic first discovered in China, and perhaps the most widespread cyber-attack in the U.S. attributed to Russia by the U.S. intelligence community, both China and Russia have reached new low points in Americans' views," the report said.

"The findings also coincide with reports of increased hate crimes against Asian Americans across the United States," the report said, "something Biden hopes to blunt by condemning anti-Asian speech in a recent executive order and directing the federal government to avoid such language in its operations."

President Joe Biden has repeatedly condemned the rise in hate crimes directed toward Asian Americans in the country. At the same time, he has largely continued his predecessor's tough line on China, and his administration has said it had "deep concerns" over the World Health Organization's recent investigation into the origins of COVID-19 in China.
In contrast, Moscow has praised Beijing's efforts to battle the coronavirus, particularly the efforts the two countries pursued in tandem.

"Our partnership is truly excellent," Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Thursday, according to the state-run Tass Russian News Agency. "Right from February, March and April last year, Russian scientists and medics were in contact with the Chinese partners. The Chinese helped us with individual protective gear, when there was a catastrophic shortage of it, the Chinese helped us with equipment and medicines."
On Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian reciprocated the compliments.

"China and Russia have stood shoulder to shoulder and worked closely to combat the coronavirus," Zhao told reporters Friday. "We've been helping each other with anti-epidemic materials, sharing practical experience unreservedly, and jointly carried out research and development of vaccines and drugs, and worked hand in hand to resist all kinds of 'political viruses.'"

He praised the cooperation between the two countries.
"This reflects the high-level operation of China-Russia relations in the new era and the profound friendship between the people of the two countries," Zhao said.

Palestinians team up with China, Russia, North Korea to rail against unilateralism at UN


Coalition in UN claims to be seeking to 'preserve, promote and defend' UN Charter in name of multilateralism

The Palestinians are teaming up with a group of nations, including China, Iran and North Korea, to set a coalition within the United Nations that would come out against unilateralism.
In concept note, first reported by Reuters, Palestinians and 16 countries proclaim the creation of what they call “Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations.”

In a letter seen by i24NEWS and accompanied by the concept note, the group declares its desire to support the UN Charter as a platform for the rule of law over brute force and setting up joint projects.
The group "will strive to preserve, promote and defend the prevalence and validity of the UN Charter, which, in the current international juncture, has a renewed and even more important value," the letter asserts.

The note itself, as cited by Reuters, declares that multilateralism “is currently under an unprecedented attack, which, in turn, threatens global peace and security.”

The attack, as the group declares, includes unilateral withdrawals from international agreements and bodies as well as the imposition of sanctions.

The UN Charter, the foundational document of the international body, declares in its very first Article that one of the organization's goals is "promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms."

Mark my words...by 2060 ...Russia will be driven back to the west of Ural Mountains by China...China will increasingly need the fertile, Canada like Greater Siberia for its various needs
Russia occupies a part of outer Manchuria. It's a matter of time until China takes it. Russian economy runs on oil and gas which are becoming irrelevant by the year so they will have no option but to end up selling parts of Siberia to China.

Siberia means nothing to China. A land that don't have host a million people. Taiwan is far more important to China. A land that hosts tens of millions of people. It is true China will take Taiwan. It is not true China will take Siberia. Hence 1991 China Russia border treaty. There is no territorial dispute between China and Russia. In fact, there is bridge of friendship and promotion of tourism.

Mark my words...by 2060 ...Russia will be driven back to the west of Ural Mountains by China...China will increasingly need the fertile, Canada like Greater Siberia for its various needs

Of course, if a far right fascist party ever comes to power in China, China will not only invade Russia but also America. Nazis invaded everyone, not just Russia. The west hoped Nazis would invade Russia and leave the west alone. Russia hoped Nazis would invade the west and leave Russia alone. Fact is, Nazis invaded everyone. If China invades Russia, you can bet your boots China will invade your beloved America too. So be careful what you wish for.
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Siberia means nothing to China. A land that don't have host a million people. Taiwan is far more important to China.

In general, I agree with your opinion, but I have an objection to this.

I think you don't have enough interest in climate / ecology projections for the next 50,100 and 150 years. Although Siberia has given raw material and logistics depth power to Russian heavy industries for decades, it is still largely an unopened treasure chest. Even the Northeast Passage alone has the potential to affect world trade axes thanks to global warming.

There were regional geopolitical conditions that supported the development movement towards the western regions of China and could easily be adapted to China's general foreign policy. Similar conditions will occur for Russia. Russia's global economic power may not be as strong as China. But in a world where food and energy security will become increasingly vital, Siberia will be at the service of Russia as a completely(or almost :) ) virgin land.
In general, I agree with your opinion, but I have an objection to this.

I think you don't have enough interest in climate / ecology projections for the next 50,100 and 150 years. Although Siberia has given raw material and logistics depth power to Russian heavy industries for decades, it is still largely an unopened treasure chest. Even the Northeast Passage alone has the potential to affect world trade axes thanks to global warming.

There were regional geopolitical conditions that supported the development movement towards the western regions of China and could easily be adapted to China's general foreign policy. Similar conditions will occur for Russia. Russia's global economic power may not be as strong as China. But in a world where food and energy security will become increasingly vital, Siberia will be at the service of Russia as a completely(or almost :) ) virgin land.

Climate changes over millions of years, not over thousands of years.
Said like a true terrorist. I see you are learning fast from your Pakistani brethren.

too late you!
the world now relates terrorism with India....Imaran Khan Zindabad
Agly bar bhi yehi Captan.
Climate changes over millions of years, not over thousands of years.
The Arctic has warmed twice as much as the world average due to the heat-retaining greenhouse gases generated by the use of fossil fuels, and the volume of Sea ice has decreased by 50 percent in the last four decades.

In the five-year average of temperature change compared with late 1800s, while the world average is 2-3 degrees, warming of +6 degrees has been observed in the Arctic region and Siberia. Last summer, 38 degrees celcius of temprature were observed in Siberia. According to many reports, it is written that there may be an 80-year 'calculation-error' in the projection of warming period in Siberia, which is expected to start in the 2100s. I am not a climate expert, but the articles I have read show that the transformation in Siberia is not far away.

Anyway, my purpose was not to distract topic. I just wanted to underline the potential that Russia has.
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