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CPEC- a window of opportunity for Pakistan

Poor Orion so worried for Pakistan and Chinese investment. Feeling the heat already mofo? By your argument you should be rather ecstatic for a repeat of 2010 as you mentioned! grab some popcorn and soda and enjoy the show... Mofo

instead you r squealing like a bitch(which u actually are) to double penetrated by China and Pakistan.

Peace out :)

These indian trolls make some outlandish and far fetched claims that it is too ridiculous to argue with. I have been on defence.pk less than a week and I have already seen an indian claim that india's nuclear weapons program is more advanced than that of China. I have seen on other forums indians claim that their economy is better than that of western European nations and that their standard of living is better. They also claim to be more technologically and scientifically advanced than the West.

There is no point in arguing with an indian. They'll claim they're the greatest nation/power on earth and look for the most ridiculous reason to prove it and argue till hell freezes to emphasize their point. And that is a characteristic of members of the indian race. To lie and be deceptive in order to prove false statements/reasons.

Whatever CPEC is, or isn't is of no business or concern of an indian. I don't know why they come and troll. It has nothing to do with them.

I myself have never been on an indian website, watched an indian film/program or ever entertained or acknowledged anything indian in my entire life. And I never would. Death for me would be better than doing the above.
Ok. But Gwadar port has been leased out to China for 40 years! So what's in it for you?

The bottom line is that the CPEC is for the Chinese, of the Chinese, by the Chinese. Pakistan is just a bit player in this project. Out of the $45 billion, $11 billion is a loan to Pakistan for road construction which it'll have to pay back to China in 15 years!

How much will the ordinary Pakistani be paying for electricity from coal fired plants being made by Chinese private companies who themselves would be borrowing from Chinese banks? Pakistani analysts themselves have calculated the tariff to be Rs 18 per unit to be paid to these companies! Wow!

Cost of transportation on the motorway from Lahore to Xinjiang? Calculated at Rs 4 Lakhs per 10 ton truck, it is going to be almost unviable for the type of low value goods that would be exported from Pakistan with profit margins close to zilch!!

The only redeeming feature would be the gas pipelines - probably.
Wow, you Indians are some rare breed, huh. CPEC really is causing you guys heartburns. Now Im totally convinced India and its people have anti Pakistan agenda and will go to any lengths to sabotage any good projects.

What's in Gawadar for us?, it's all for china?. Now you're gonna convince us he biggest and probably the best economicly sound thing to happen in Pakistan is a mere fluke.

The amount if time and energy you people spend to sabotage anything good Pakistan, is reason enough CPEC is a great thing. Btw, what was in it for india by taking all those American software jobs? After all it was American jobs, American software. What did India get out of it? Exactly!
Wow, you Indians are some rare breed, huh. CPEC really is causing you guys heartburns. Now Im totally convinced India and its people have anti Pakistan agenda and will go to any lengths to sabotage any good projects.

What's in Gawadar for us?, it's all for china?. Now you're gonna convince us he biggest and probably the best economicly sound thing to happen in Pakistan is a mere fluke.

The amount if time and energy you people spend to sabotage anything good Pakistan, is reason enough CPEC is a great thing. Btw, what was in it for india by taking all those American software jobs? After all it was American jobs, American software. What did India get out of it? Exactly!
Don't talk like a retard. It's not us who are commenting on the viability aspects of the CPEC. It is your own media highlighting the pitfalls in this project.

So chill. Go ask your experts (which are few and far between in Pakistan) who often discuss the issue in Pak media about the inside story of the CPEC, so you can get a little wiser on the subject.
Don't talk like a retard. It's not us who are commenting on the viability aspects of the CPEC. It is your own media highlighting the pitfalls in this project.

So chill. Go ask your experts (which are few and far between in Pakistan) who often discuss the issue in Pak media about the inside story of the CPEC, so you can get a little wiser on the subject.
Haha you're so stupid and jealous..not to mention. So, worried about the pitfalls of the CPEC, lol, how about you not be concerned and leave it as our buisness. But the fact that you people get so worked up over this corridor is very amusing.
Really? And what happened to Chinese 'investment' and trade with Pakistan amounting to $30 billion that then Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao promised in 2010???!! In fact 21 MOUs were signed! WTF happened to them? Gone with the wind! Nothing seen, nothing heard!

It's one thing to sign and another to get things actually going! And also what happened to the additional $200 million promised by the Chinese for flood relief in Pakistan in 2010 apart from $38 million given? Five years down the line and not a single dollar as yet!!

Probably getting those dollars are a higher-than-the mountains and deeper-than-the-oceans task!! :P :lol:

These chinese way of saying that china invested pakistan because pakistan does not have capability,correct.But they are also saying that if chinese company not making much penny from these project, then chinese govt will write off the loses.By the way this is the same country which least gives dollars as aid when they are enjoying record forex reserve in the world.
the Foreign Minister has pointed out a rising issue,
the transmission lines are indeed very old and obsolete.
a lot of lost Energy can be saved if the transmission lines in Pakistan are repaired and upgraded.
Not only energy is wasted but it is stolen due to this we can save the stolen portion too
Haha you're so stupid and jealous..not to mention. So, worried about the pitfalls of the CPEC, lol, how about you not be concerned and leave it as our buisness. But the fact that you people get so worked up over this corridor is very amusing.
'Our business'? Yes! We are worked up because you have permitted a third country to build projects in DISPUTED TERRITORY! (This in addition to the 2000 sq miles of Kashmir territory Pakistan has gifted to the Chinese in the Shaksgam Valley as a bribe to keep the Chinese on your side).

You want a plebiscite in Kashmir? Get the 2000 sq miles Saksgam territory back first which you have illegally gifted to your 'all weather friends' which legitimately belongs to the Kashmiris and then talk. You guys keep harping like a broken record about 'Wishes of the Kashmiri people'. Really? Did you ask them before gifting their land to your Chinese friends?

It's a well known fact that you guys care a fuk about the Kashmiris. All you are interested in is the control of the waters flowing into Pakistan from J&K. Period! Pakistan can't fool all the people all the time.
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Moronic reply! What I've written is from your own media discussions with economists and experts on the subject who have gone through this project with a toothcomb.

Do you profess to know more than them? You've just shown utter ignorance with your silly reply.
Quranic logic:D
These chinese way of saying that china invested pakistan because pakistan does not have capability,correct.But they are also saying that if chinese company not making much penny from these project, then chinese govt will write off the loses.By the way this is the same country which least gives dollars as aid when they are enjoying record forex reserve in the world.
Chill out dude. You say China is giving the money as a loan but you forgot to mention the terms and conditions. Its called BOOT (Built - Own - Operate - Transfer). This is exactly the same way we did our Motorway with the help of Korea. They did every thing, operate it, got their money back in couple of years and now it is ours and giving the gov enough money.
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