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Covid-19 in India - Second Wave - World Extends Help and Support - Updates and Discussion

No true son of Afghanistan would stand with India, these must be norther alliance skum soon to be hanging from a bridge in Kabul


These are brainwashed youth of Afghanistan. Just a few hundred years ago, the same Uzbek and Tajik people together with Pukhtoons were invading and ruling over India. Now they think they are friends.
If Chinese had any shame they would first apologise for creating this virus.
US to send Covid-19 aid worth $100 million to India, first flight to land today
The Joe Biden administration has also redirected its own order of AstraZeneca manufacturing supplies to India, which will allow it to make over 20 million doses of vaccine

Geeta Mohan
New DelhiApril 29, 2021UPDATED: April 29, 2021 10:25 IST

The US has dispatched its first batch of Covid-19 relief materials to India, including oxygen cylinders and regulators, Rapid Diagnostic Test kits and N95 masks. The White House has said the US would be sending supplies worth more than $100 million to India and "meet the urgent health needs of the Indian people".
In a statement on Wednesday, US Agency for International Development (USAID) said, "The United States deployed the first of several emergency Covid-19 relief shipments to India. Arriving in New Delhi from Travis Air Force Base on the world's largest military aircraft, the shipment includes 440 oxygen cylinders and regulators."
"In addition, on this first flight, USAID has sent 960,000 Rapid Diagnostic Tests to identify infections early to help prevent the community spread of Covid-19, and 100,000 N95 masks to protect India’s frontline healthcare heroes," the statement said.
READ | Why US’s belated offer of Covid aid to India has raised eyebrows
The Joe Biden administration has also redirected its own order of AstraZeneca manufacturing supplies to India, which will allow it to make over 20 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also locally procured oxygen cylinders and will deliver them to support hospital systems in India.
The US is also providing the first tranche of a planned 20,000 treatment courses of the anti-viral drug Remdesivir to help treat hospitalised Covid-19 patients.
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"The United States has stood shoulder to shoulder with the people of India for more than 70 years, and will continue to fight the Covid-19 pandemic together," said the statement.
"Just as India sent assistance to the United States when US hospitals were strained early in the pandemic, the United States is now helping India during its time of need," it further said.
Immediate US Emergency Covid-19 Assistance
The United States is providing:
Oxygen Support:
An initial delivery of 1,100 cylinders will remain in India and can be repeatedly refilled at local supply centers, with more planeloads to come. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also locally procured oxygen cylinders and will deliver them to support hospital systems in coordination with the Government of India.
Oxygen Concentrators: 1700 oxygen concentrators to obtain oxygen from ambient air. These mobile units provide options for flexible patient treatment.
Oxygen Generation Units (PSA Systems): Multiple large-scale units to support up to 20 patients each, and additional mobile units will provide an ability to target specific shortages. A team of U.S. experts will support these units, working hand-in-hand on the ground with Indian medical personnel.
Personal Protective Equipment: 15 million N95 masks to protect both patients and Indian health care personnel.
Vaccine-Manufacturing Supplies: The U.S. has re-directed its own order of Astra Zeneca manufacturing supplies to India. This will allow India to make over 20 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs): 1 million rapid diagnostic tests the same type used by the White House — to provide reliable results in less than 15 minutes to help identify and prevent community spread.
Therapeutics: The first tranche of a planned 20,000 treatment courses of the antiviral drug remdesivir to help treat hospitalized patients.
Public Health Assistance: US CDC experts will work hand-in- hand with India’s experts in the following areas: laboratory, surveillance and epidemiology, bioinformatics for genomic sequencing and modeling, infection prevention and control, vaccine rollout, and risk communication.
US support for India from the outset of the pandemic:
The United States and India have closely worked together to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. US Covid-19 assistance has reached more than 9.7 million Indians across more than 20 states and union territories, providing life-saving treatments, disseminating public health messages to local communities; strengthening case-finding and surveillance; and mobilizing innovative financing mechanisms to bolster emergency preparedness:
- Partnered with more than 1,000 Indian healthcare facilities to strengthen preparedness, including training of over 14,000 people on infection prevention and control.
- Helped keep more than 213,000 frontline workers safe — including risk mitigation training for doctors, nurses, midwives, community volunteers, sanitation workers, and others who are actively responding to COVID-19 in India.
- Launched joint public messaging with UNICEF on COVID prevention that has reached more than 84 million people.
- Provided 200 state-of-the-art ventilators to 29 healthcare facilities in 15 states to care for critically-ill COVID-19 patients.
US-India health partnership: Seven decades strong
- For seventy years, US public health experts from across the government, including USAID, HHS, CDC, FDA, and NIH, have worked in partnership with Indian officials to improve the health of India’s most vulnerable communities and the well-being of its people.
- Over the last 20 years, US foreign assistance to India has exceeded $2.8 billion, including more than $1.4 billion for health care.
- The United States, India, and other partners have worked together to reduce new HIV infections by 37 percent between 2010 and 2019.
- Since 1998, the United States and India have worked together to combat tuberculosis (TB) through improved patient-centered diagnosis, treatment and prevention, helping treat 15 million people with the disease.
- In the last five years, the United States has helped 40 million pregnant women receive vital health information and services.
- The United States, in partnership with the Government of India and World Health Organization, has supported initiatives at the District, State and National level to build frontline disease detection capacity.
- The United States and India are working together to advance global health security and fight outbreaks before they become pandemics.


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Israel to send aid to India amid COVID-19 spike
India, which has been faced with some of the worst coronavirus numbers in the world, will be receiving aid from Israel to help gain control of the pandemic in the region.
APRIL 28, 2021 05:58

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Struggling to breathe, COVID sick wait for oxygen at Sikh temple in India

Israel will take part in international efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday.

“One of the countries where the pandemic is spreading in such a cruel and difficult way is our friend India,” he said in a cabinet meeting. “I hope there will be an international effort, in which Israel is prepared to be a full partner, to stop this tragedy.”

Netanyahu sent Israel’s condolences to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the people of India.

“While we are happy here, we still understand that big parts of the world are suffering greatly,” he said. “We are ready to help in any way that is needed.”

Neither the Prime Minister’s Office nor the Foreign Ministry provided further details about the aid.

India did relatively well in the early months of the pandemic, but in recent weeks its morbidity numbers have soared.

On Tuesday, India had more than 300,000 new coronavirus cases for the sixth day in a row, with an overall caseload of 17.64 million. The death toll from COVID-19 in India was 197,894 at last count.

Less than 10% of its population had received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as of Tuesday.

The US, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAE and others have pledged to aid India, especially ventilators and oxygen containers.

Foreign Ministry Deputy Director-General for Asia and the Pacific Gilad Cohen tweeted that the ministry “has been organizing support from government, private sector & Israeli citizens to help our great friend India in struggling with COVID-19. A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Israeli aid organization SmartAID sent hundreds of oxygen concentrators to hospitals in New Delhi this week.

“SmartAID jumped into action as soon as we heard of the unfolding crisis in India,” SmartAID global goodwill ambassador Alethea Gold said. “We have been working tirelessly with our local partners in New Delhi to put together this support package, which is aimed at reducing the escalating number of deaths.”
If Chinese had any shame they would first apologise for creating this virus.

seems like you haven't learned your lesson. every time an Indian insults a Chinese over COVID an Indian gets hospitalized for COVID. I guarantee it. Keep it up.

Wish you a good recovery, and you're welcome for the aid.
it‘s not from China
The virus is from China. Period. Any sane persons knows so.
seems like you haven't learned your lesson. every time an Indian insults a Chinese over COVID an Indian gets hospitalized for COVID. I guarantee it. Keep it up.

Wish you a good recovery, and you're welcome for the aid.
Every time a Chinese denies the truth, CCP kills one Chinese to keep up their propganda. I guarantee it. Keep up. Hopefully wont be someone in your family this time.

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