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Cosmic map hints at first evidence of other universes


Nov 10, 2012
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Cosmic map hints at first evidence of other universes


LONDON (PTI): Scientists believe they have found the first evidence that other universes exist after analysing the data gathered by the European Space Agency's Planck spacecraft.

Theories that our universe could be just one of billions -- perhaps an infinite number - have been discussed for decades but until now they have lacked any evidence.

However, a few weeks ago, scientists published a new map of the cosmic microwave background - the 'radiation' left behind after the Big Bang that created the universe 13.8 billion years ago.

The map, based on Planck data, showed anomalies in the background radiation that, some experts say, could only have been caused by the gravitational pull of other universes outside our own, The Sunday Times reported.

"These anomalies were caused by other universes pulling on our universe as it formed during the Big Bang," said Laura Mersini-Houghton, a theoretical physicist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

"They are the first hard evidence for the existence of other universes that we have seen," she said.

Mersini-Houghton, and her colleague Professor Richard Holman, at Carnegie Mellon University, published a series of papers from 2005 predicting what Planck would see.

In particular, they predicted that the ancient radiation permeating our universe would show anomalies generated by the pull from other universes.

The scientists analysing the Planck data have now published a paper acknowledging the anomalies exist and cannot be explained by conventional means.

"It may be that the statistical anomalies described in this paper are a hint of more profound physical phenomena that are yet to be revealed," it said.

Planck gathered radiation from when the universe was just 3, 70,000 years old - still glowing from the Big Bang. It has been travelling across space for 13.8 billion years and so is remarkably faint but still detectable.

In theory, that radiation should vary a little on the scale of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, but at much larger scales it should be evenly distributed.

Planck's data showed the radiation is stronger in one half of the sky than the other. There is also a large 'cold' spot where the temperature is below average.

George Efstathiou, professor of astrophysics at Cambridge, who co-authored the papers setting out the Planck findings, said the suggestion that the data offered evidence for other universes was speculative but "very interesting".

"Such ideas may sound wacky now, just like the Big Bang theory did three generations ago. But then we got evidence and now it has changed the whole way we think about the universe," he said.

Cosmic map hints at first evidence of other universes - Brahmand.com
Indian Gods in 10th dimension told india that there are multi billion stars in galaxy, universe has multi billion such galaxies and there are multi billion universe.... indian Gods (human Gods) have said we rule our universe and other Gods rule their own universe.... In our universe there are 12 dimensions but other universe are more powerful and has 20 to 30 dimensions.... Scientists just accepting what our human gods have mentioned 55,000years ago.... Also pleaidians have mentioned only alpha draconians are trying to reach other universe but they not successful yet. i doubt they will ever be.... Humanoids can see other universe by the technology they use but they not trying to reach their as its impossible to them.... They busy searching many other humanoid planets in our universe....
Sorry I wont be able to see any of the success.

BTW how many time they will make false claims just to gather audiences.
@STEELMAN its real and shouldnt even doubt on it.... It was written few 1000 years ago. They claim 7000years ago but its much older.... Lord shiva came on earth 55,000 years ago and he was the first God that was mentioned in holy book.... Let me tell you that everything was written in Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagvad gita proven right by science.... Be it nuclear war, be it dwarka city, be it Mantras words changing DNA etc etc. Its not Mythology.... Goverment wants it to be Mythology but Mythology dont produce evidence....
Ancient City Found in India, Irradiated from Atomic Blast -
Nuclear Events in Ancient India?
Nuclear Wars in Ancient India – Literary Evidence | HitXP by Gurudev
32,000 year old underwater city found - Dwarka - YouTube
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
To know more click My facebook page http://www.facebook.com/shiva.bhakt.3
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big bang theory is also a false theory brother ........there are many other false theories about space...actually we dnt even know .5 percent of the space....
@uzair ramay last year i explained in details that big bang did happened but it was done to create only our orbit for life.... After sun exploaded by Gods in 10th dimension they made it cool down and place mars near sun. venus near sun. earth near sun (however mars been thrown away and venus pulled near sun after mighty alpha draconians attacked them. Life on mars and venus than shifted to earth and dinosaurs were targeted so they not harm humans).... They brought jupiter near earth to save it from meteor, astroids. They placed each planet at a exact distance and even the size comes at number 108.... bigbang was planned.
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@uzair ramay everything i say is proven.... i wont say nothing until science proves it. However i know the truth but i wait for science to prove it and than i post it here for u all people.... Btw even science prove it or not i know the truth. i wait because humans needs evidence.... Human race doesnt even knows is their life in our orbit. human scientists said there could be life on saturn and neptunes deep sea.... Am alot busy so i cant post much atm.... May be later i will. Must read specialy the last link.... Proven by science. Just that they dont know the whole truth.... i know it....
Was Venus Alive? 'The Signs are Probably There' | Space.com
Venus Had Water, May Have Been Habitable, Say Scientists - TIME
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Curiosity Finds Evidence For a Habitable Ancient Mars
Must visit the below link.... Check the evidence too....
The Phobos Incident - Malfunction or Early "Star Wars"?
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@uzair ramay everything i say is proven.... i wont say nothing until science proves it. However i know the truth but i wait for science to prove it and than i post it here for u all people.... Btw even science prove it or not i know the truth. i wait because humans needs evidence.... Human race doesnt even knows is their life in our orbit. human scientists said there could be life on saturn and neptunes deep sea.... Am alot busy so i cant post much atm.... May be later i will. Must read specialy the last link.... Proven by science. Just that they dont know the whole truth.... i know it....
Was Venus Alive? 'The Signs are Probably There' | Space.com
Venus Had Water, May Have Been Habitable, Say Scientists - TIME
New Planet Found in Our Solar System?
Curiosity Finds Evidence For a Habitable Ancient Mars
Must visit the below link.... Check the evidence too....
The Phobos Incident - Malfunction or Early "Star Wars"?
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