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Coronavirus Evolved Naturally, and ‘Is Not a Laboratory Construct,’ Genetic Study Shows March 19, 20

Those people who were blaming each other for alleged deliberate attempt for spreading virus. Here is an update for you.

So the Chinese virus is due to their disgusting eating habits and not introduced by usa as claimed by senior Chinese officials ?
A international intervention is required to monitor the eating habits of the Chinese. The total lockdown of the world is ridiculous due to their taste in exotic animals.
So the Chinese virus is due to their disgusting eating habits and not introduced by usa as claimed by senior Chinese officials ?
A international intervention is required to monitor the eating habits of the Chinese. The total lockdown of the world is ridiculous due to their taste in exotic animals.

Watch your language. You will definitely not like if I began to call practising hindus as disgusting or some as disgusting provided that they consume cow's excretions as holy. Specially in my presence, make sure that you behave with others.
I am only going to reply you if you will behave nicely with fellow communities and avoid hateful remarks.

So the outbreak of virus was for natural reasons not as per conspiracy theories being floated around, but what the Chinese govt did after the outbreak was even more disgusting, they tried to suppress the news and even organized food festivals in Wuhan when the virus was spreading, also they arrested the doctor who had reported about this outbreak. The international community should hold Chinese accountable for the damages this virus has caused.
Watch your language. You will definitely not like if I began to call practising hindus as disgusting or some as disgusting provided that they consume cow's excretions as holy. Specially in my presence, make sure that you behave with others.
I am only going to reply you if you will behave nicely with fellow communities and avoid hateful remarks.

I find the cow piss drinking of some Hindus equally disgusting.
And since this forum is not yet under the Chinese communist party , I will have my say.
No need for you to respond ,if you are deeply offended by my comment.

So the outbreak of virus was for natural reasons not as per conspiracy theories being floated around, but what the Chinese govt did after the outbreak was even more disgusting, they tried to suppress the news and even organized food festivals in Wuhan when the virus was spreading, also they arrested the doctor who had reported about this outbreak. The international community should hold Chinese accountable for the damages this virus has caused.
I vote for economic sanctions against the Chinese. Time for them to behave in a civilized manner.
It is a developing story. There are numerous things popping out regarding Corona virus. However, you people need to understand that calling any particular nation such as US or China responsible for this without any proof is not correct. Recent research atleast dismantles that this virus was not mutated in Lab.
The term Chinese or Wuhan virus terminology was nothing but a political stunt made by Donald Trump. Even people surrounding him and American journalists do not like the way he was saying because everyone knows that he is doing cheap political stunt.When journalists asked him for not to say like that he opened up and clearly admitted that he was saying so because Chinese called his soldiers responsible for this. Similarly , what chinese officials are saying is totally wrong.We do not support anything like that. This is not the first time a deadly outbreak occurred. In past, countries like EU, Britain, Constantinople or other countries who become host for deadly disease. However, we never called them disgusting or unhealthy.
Our attitude is far more disgusting than this virus as it infects lungs and takes life. Our terrible wordings and dirty attitude takes away goodness and humanity from others. Our arrogance is far contagious and deadly than Corona virus.
I can only warn you all to change your ways.

I find the cow piss drinking of some Hindus equally disgusting.
And since this forum is not yet under the Chinese communist party , I will have my say.
No need for you to respond ,if you are deeply offended by my comment.

I vote for economic sanctions against the Chinese. Time for them to behave in a civilized manner.
There are certain forum rules you need to consider before remarking. This freedom of speech bullshit or communism or nazism nonsense is not gonna work with me. Be polite.

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It is a developing story. There are numerous things popping out regarding Corona virus. However, you people need to understand that calling any particular nation such as US or China responsible for this without any proof is not correct. Recent research atleast dismantles that this virus was not mutated in Lab.
The term Chinese or Wuhan virus terminology was nothing but a political stunt made by Donald Trump. Even people surrounding him and American journalists do not like the way he was saying because everyone knows that he is doing cheap political stunt.When journalists asked him for not to say like that he opened up and clearly admitted that he was saying so because Chinese called his soldiers responsible for this. Similarly , what chinese officials are saying is totally wrong.We do not support anything like that. This is not the first time a deadly outbreak occurred. In past, countries like EU, Britain, Constantinople or other countries. However, we never called them disgusting or unhealthy.
Our attitude is far more disgusting than this virus as it infects lungs and takes life. Our terrible wordings and dirty attitude takes away goodness and humanity from others. Our arrogance is far contagious and deadly than Corona virus.
I can only warn you all to change your ways.

There are certain forum rules you need to consider before remarking. This freedom of speech bullshit or communism or nazism nonsense is not gonna work with me. Be polite.

Actually Trump started using the term "Chinese virus" after they made a silly propoganda of how this virus actually originated from US, which was honestly pathetic. Trump said that in the press meet.
Actually Trump started using the term "Chinese virus" after they made a silly propoganda of how this virus actually originated from US, which was honestly pathetic. Trump said that in the press meet.

Both were equally wrong.
It is a developing story. There are numerous things popping out regarding Corona virus. However, you people need to understand that calling any particular nation such as US or China responsible for this without any proof is not correct. Recent research atleast dismantles that this virus was not mutated in Lab.
The term Chinese or Wuhan virus terminology was nothing but a political stunt made by Donald Trump. Even people surrounding him and American journalists do not like the way he was saying because everyone knows that he is doing cheap political stunt.When journalists asked him for not to say like that he opened up and clearly admitted that he was saying so because Chinese called his soldiers responsible for this. Similarly , what chinese officials are saying is totally wrong.We do not support anything like that. This is not the first time a deadly outbreak occurred. In past, countries like EU, Britain, Constantinople or other countries. However, we never called them disgusting or unhealthy.
Our attitude is far more disgusting than this virus as it infects lungs and takes life. Our terrible wordings and dirty attitude takes away goodness and humanity from others. Our arrogance is far contagious and deadly than Corona virus.
I can only warn you all to change your ways.

There are certain forum rules you need to consider before remarking. This freedom of speech bullshit or communism or nazism nonsense is not gonna work with me. Be polite.


Many of the Indian posters are using this pandemic to spew venom against China and Chinese, for obvious reasons. Had this calamity originated from India, for instance; their tone and attitude would have been totally different.
I find the cow piss drinking of some Hindus equally disgusting.
And since this forum is not yet under the Chinese communist party , I will have my say.
No need for you to respond ,if you are deeply offended by my comment.

I vote for economic sanctions against the Chinese. Time for them to behave in a civilized manner.
Yes that's appropriate, look how they have risked the lives of their own people for the sake of their international image and shabbily treated that doctor who was raising an alarm. Their stupid govt is a threat to the world and to its own, all they care about is their image.
Actually Trump started using the term "Chinese virus" after they made a silly propoganda of how this virus actually originated from US, which was honestly pathetic. Trump said that in the press meet.
The totally dishonest narative by the Chinese is what bothers most people. Your habits have shutddown the whole world and you try to blame others instead of accepting responsibility. Chinese think they are very smart but as this article shows, they get exposed very easily. And it is a chinese virus , the 2nd one in 15 years.
It and a thousand more Researches will not stop people from blaming other nations. Its Easier that way then to accept the responsibility.
I totally agree. In addition to that, making false conspiracy theories ruin not only the reputation of both parties, also false sense of inferiority or superiority complex is built. In addition to that, this ruins afterlife of people. This also reflects our character.
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