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Jan 21, 2010
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I have been 'lurking' & sometimes contributing towards this forum for the past 5 years and I have noticed certain tendencies or beliefs among the Pakistani members which seem contradictary owing to either their confusion or ignorance regarding the matter or just plain hypocrisy.

Also I would like to clarify that this should not be taken as an insult and should be taken in a humourous manner which I intended it to be so. :)

1. An accurate belief stated by Pakistani members is that the Indus-Saraswati Valley Civilisation is the ancestral heritage of people of Pakistan & South Asia,
When Indian members would state that we are the same people even using the same argument as above, they would contradict it by saying that the Persians/Iranians, Central Asians, Turkish, etc are our 'true' ancestors.

2. Acc. to certain members, a common difference between Indians & Pakistanis is that the Pakistanis are more fairer/whiter than the Indians & therefore 'better',
it is the Indian's that are accused of being more discrimanatory & concerned about 'fair/white skin'

3. Acc. to some members, Pakistan's Nuclear weapons are an 'Islamic Bomb' meant to protect the muslim Ulema,
Openly call for nuking Delhi thereby killing 2 million muslims among others in a war with India.

4. Acc. to some members, Turkey is the closest 'Muslim' ally & a brother to Pakistan,
Made no fuss when Pakistan voted with China aginst Turkey in the East Turkistan Issue in UN even when Turkey stated that "These incidents(Killing of Turkic Uyghur's) in China are as if they are genocide."

5. Acc. to some members, Pakistan has an edge over/or better than India as they are a 'martial race',
they forget that of the 30 Martial races designated by the British, only 7 become part or migrated to Pakistan even then partially while the other 23 completely remained with India.

6. Acc. to some members, Kashmir should be a part of Pakistan as it is a muslim majority region,
they forget that a muslim majority region Bangladesh seperated after being 'Pakistan' for 24 years.

7. Some members would call for an 'End to America'
Sitting in America

8. Some members would accuse India of acting as a 'Big Brother' to other South Asian nations
are happy when Pakistan takes the same role when regarding Afghanistan as its own backyard or colony.

9. Some members would routinely remind that it is Pakistani Forum not an Indian forum whenever an Indian would post something positive about India,
Forgetting their own words, Would post any negative news about India in a 'Pakistani forum' themselves.

10.Acc. to some members, Pakistan aur Hindustan ke culture mein kuch bhi common nahi hai
Yeh baat sirf Indians aur Pakistanis he samajh payenge ;)

11. Acc. to some members, CIA/RAW/Mossad has infiltrated completely into Pakistan,
ISI is still better than CIA or RAW or Mossad.

12. Acc. to some members, elections in /Azad Kashmir are free
after signing an affidavit of allegiance to Kashmir's accession to Pakistan.

13. Acc. to some members, Pakistan should have Democracy or Military Dictatorship or Islamisation
Pakistan shouldnt have Zardari or Musharaff or Taliban

14. We like Dollars
We allow Drones

15. World Bank & IMF are controlled by the Jews
the next loan disbursement.

16. Some members complain that India marginalizes its minorities
to a Women President,a Muslim Vice-President & a Sikh Prime Minister.

17. Acc. to some members, Ghori is a Pakistani hero 'for Ransacking & looting Multan & Lahore'
Prithviraj Chuahan an enemy 'for trying to save Multan & Lahore.'

18. Acc. to some members, Ajmal Kasab is not a Pakistani
same goes for his parents living in Faridkot, Pakistan.

19. Some members were very proud & vocal when their Pakistani boy Shohib married an Indian girl Sania
now they remain silent as their bhabhi continues to play for India & their son wanting to play in IPL.

20.Acc. to some members,
Posts by Chinese members : Post
Posts by Pakistani Members : Post
Posts by Indian members : Troll

Again, I do not hope to offend anyone & would apologize in advance if someone feels they have been. Also, I would like to read any such ancedotes others may have regarding any member(s).

3. Acc. to some members, Pakistan's Nuclear weapons are an 'Islamic Bomb' meant to protect the muslim Ulema,
Openly call for nuking Delhi thereby killing 2 million muslims among others in a war with India.

Im pretty sure that only muslims that live in the world are in Pakistan. Do Indian muslims give us oil? I rest my case.

7. Some members would call for an 'End to America'
Sitting in America

Out of all your biased and presumptions quips, this one was the funniest.

10.Acc. to some members, Pakistan ka culture zyada karib Arabi/Irani ke hai, na he Hindustan ke.
Yeh baat sirf Indians aur Pakistanis he samajh payenge ;)

17. Acc. to some members, Ghori is a Pakistani hero 'for Ransacking & looting Multan & Lahore'
Prithviraj Chuahan an enemy 'for trying to save Multan & Lahore.'

Again, I do not hope to offend anyone & would apologize in advance if someone feels they have been. Also, I would like to read any such ancedotes others may have regarding any member(s).

If you expect your 1.2b people to come on this forum and talk history I am sure you will win the "ignorance " battle by just the numbers. Nothing you mentioned was incorrect, just that the same points are well entrenched within you own country and community as well. Coming to a Pakistani forum expecting rational and logical population replying you would be a stretch. The indian members here come because they are curious as to what the other side is thinking, some stay while others get banned. You cannot expect the two sides to be balanced in terms of opinion because one is coming to voice their opinion and the other to defend it. You really think someone will come up with a 40 point indian data sheet of hilarious screw ups here worth reading?
Nothing you mentioned was incorrect, just that the same points are well entrenched within you own country and community as well. The indian members here come because they are curious as to what the other side is thinking, some stay while others get banned. You cannot expect the two sides to be balanced in terms of opinion because one is coming to voice their opinion and the other to defend it.

Some more points regarding other members also..

1) Acc. to some Indian members, Pakistan holds no relevance in the Indian mindset
Would drop everything to watch an 8 hour Indo-Pak cricket match.

2) Acc. to certain Chinese members, We came in peace*
*Not applicable for Indians, Vietnamese & Japanese

3) Acc. to some Indian members, India is postioned to be no. 1
reminded, in poverty, malnutrition & AIDS victims.

4) Some Pakistani members would ask for a boycott of American goods
using a US made computer & OP. system, with a list complied from Google and backed by a video from Youtube.

5) Acc. to some Pakistani members, DRDO is dodo

6) Acc. to Chinese members, China has a free & open society
asked, are you on Facebook?

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