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Communal purge with in the ranks of indian military is around the corner

is land).
A India's idea of secularism is one that of Hinduism, 'Sarva dharma sama bhava'. Yes, foundational idea of secularism in Indian constitution is one of the Hindutva.
Secular means unrelated to religion [Google it's meaning]. You can't claim secularism while espousing Hindutva. Where is the secular principle in Hindutva? Islam declares it. Quran 109-6 To you your religion, to me mine.
... Wikipedia, Constitution of Medinah: "The constitution formed the basis of a multi-religious Islamic state in Medina."[3][4][5][6][7]

The philosophical idea or the purpose behind Secularism was about the right of humanity; the freedom to believe what they want to believe, which in the western context resulted in the separation of religious institutions from the state. It means you can't run the larger state as if you are running a mosque, temple or a church. Islam declares this as a God given right. For example, there were women visiting Medinah from Africa who were from different culture and religion and walked topless in public. The Prophet who was the head of State of Medinah did not tell them to cover up.
Contrary to popular belief original constitutional draft was prepared by Benegal Narsing Rau a Brahmin and Ambedkar only signed off on it by making some political compromises.
Ambedkar wasn't the one who wrote the constitution. The original draft was prepared by sir Bengal Narsing Rau, a brahmin. Ambedkar was allowed to make a final call because he represented the Dalits who were around 20% of Bharat at the time and were most marginalized.
Ambedkar alone didn't decide on constitution by the way. lol.

You are proudly championing the Brahmin person and disliking Ambedkar. Is it because Ambedkar chose to adopt Buddhism instead of remaining in an oppressed position as a Lower Caste within Hinduism / Sanatan Dharm / Hindutvad ?

All of it because of stupid secular policies adopted by congress for 70 years of our country. Had they been forthright with no appeasement and corruption India would have been much more inclusive and developed by now.

India is definitely progressing better under this government than anytime in its life.

1. So where is the 15 lakhs promised to me by Modi during his 2014 election campaign ? Where became of the 100 Smart Cities program ? What about the "Sabka saath, Sabka vikaas" ( Together with all, Progress for all ) slogan coined by Modi ? Wasn't this supposed to signify secularism ?

2. I read somewhere that in 2015 the National Crime Records Bureau was told by the government to stop keeping tally of farmer suicides so presently even if the numbers are known for throughout the country they will be sketchy. BTW between 1995 and 2015 more than 300,000 farmers committed suicide and 2015 was one year after Modi took power so why didn't these suicides automatically stop after 2014 ?

3. How is India progressing since 2014 ? Do I need to again post those threads of mine about the suicide of that unemployed civil engineer who also desperately got his family to form a suicide pact or the suicides of those students or those infants who died because they couldn't get their necessary imported injection while there is being built a new prime minister palace, religious and other statues and temples ? Is this your idea of national progress ?

Leftist nature of Islam is no where to be seen in any of the Muslim countries. Please fix it there before you start patronizing us.

Since the end of World War 2 there have been quite a few Muslim-majority countries that have had leftist governance. My user-name comes from my understanding of a person who fowards the Jamahiriya political theory that comes from Libya which was Socialist from 1969 till the NATO invasion in 2011 and overthrow of the Jamahiriya system. You should really read that Nadeem Paracha article I linked earlier. Another example is that in the USSR there were some Muslim-majority SSRs and some Muslim-majority regions within the Russian SSR.

OTOH there has been only one Hindu-majority country - Nepal - that has seen leftist governance in entirety.

India is a Dharmic land and not a seat of Islam. Indian policies and its governance will be Hinduism centric. Don't like it, there are other countries.

You should ask Modi to say this at the UNO General Assembly.

For all anti-hindu assertions you ascribe to Ambedkar, he is the one who added India that is Bharat to the preamble. He allowed for cow protection in the directive principles.

Some of the people lynched or have had their business destroyed since 2014 have been Dalits and some of these Dalits were disposers of dead cattle. And they were attacked by cow-protecting viraat Hindutvadis. What would Ambedkar's reaction have been ?

And he most certainly didn't refer to Quran or communism in any of the debates.

From this Wiki :
Article 19(1)(c) of the Constitution of India gives everyone an enforceable right "to form associations or unions".
Where do you think this idea came from ? From the Manusmriti ?

He and other founding fathers chose majoritarian democracy for India knowing fully well that it is Hindu who is going to rule this land.

1. If Ambedkar had known that India would become an unscientific, disharmonious and irrational society decades on he would not have gone in for the "democracy" system that the founding fathers set then.

2. If he had lived till the 1970s he would have perhaps looked at the political and socio-economic experiment begun in Libya, a direct democracy system, and would have perhaps adapted it for India like how the Hugo Chavez adapted it for Venezuela in the 2000s.

3. Majoritarian "democracy" is not democracy at all but a majoritarian dictatorship.

India was also not christian secular, it had secular principles because of its Hindu tradition.

You are being contradictory and just repeating vague statements produced by Hindutvadi "intellectuals".
This issue is being exaggerated by commies. Band arti is performed by many units across the Indian Army and it's an age-old tradition.

Ceremonial welcome of Guru Granth Sahib at Leh airport by jawans of SIkh Regiment.

Iftar at sarva dharma sthal.
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And will Indian Army as an institution accept any such measures?
Will it agree to abandon its secular triditions?
No resitance from them?
top brass have already knee down to hindutva and now no one can object if modi can use a blast and kill 40 CRPF then can use mirage2000 for attack and sacrifice a mig21 and mi17 for just elections then think where they have reached .
top brass have already knee down to hindutva and now no one can object if modi can use a blast and kill 40 CRPF then can use mirage2000 for attack and sacrifice a mig21 and mi17 for just elections then think where they have reached .

Not much cost, for winning an election.
Not much cost, for winning an election.

Not much cost, for winning an election.
yes for politicians but for officers modi just drag them in political mud . how they feel to be beaten by pakistanis ? taken as POW . then frindly fire killed 7 ? its all black spots of officers uniforms .
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