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You buy them every two weeks? Those fresh grounds get stale quite fast.

Correct! A girl who knows her coffee. Nice.

Just 100 bucks worth each time. And stored in a stainless steel dabba - no plastic, no glass.
Dark roast.:sick:
I generally turn my coffee into hot chocolate at work. The taste makes me happy. :-)
I'm probably one of the rare kind of software guys - I can survive with one cup a day.
How about other software guys like @nForce?
Not entirely a software guy @Maira La ... But yes.. I can give most of the many a run for their money :)...again not something I'm proud about. But leave all that...yes.. If I'm an engine, then coffee is the motor oil.
One of my wife's patients (and my trekking buddy) presented me with a espresso maker with Barrista brew as a Diwali hamper. With those liliput shot cups and saucers.

Quite nice!
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