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Closing the gates of Lahore 'Pakhtuns allege discrimination as the gov cracks down on terrori

This post is full of racial slur. Black -faced Punjabis? All Punjabi Policemen are haramkhour? All are involved in extortion and that extortion is Pushtoon -specific? People from GB, Sindh and Balochistan do not travel to Punjab and get to interact with black -faced extortionist Punjabi Policemen? Similarly, all Biharis are Bhatta Khour? You must have thought a little before posting this racial slur.

In extreme bad taste and they label others as racists.

1. The Punjab police at Attock is certainly black faced black extortionist black sheep.

2. I already said the ones he was reffering to are NOT Biharis. Biharis are hardwokring people. the ones he was reffering to are bhatakhors

I apologize for my comments, I just didn't have my naswar that's all, Honestly I am sorry if anyone took offense.

@Spring Onion you do know people of attock are pukhtoon, they are even fairer then some of us.

No they are not much fairer than us but yes i know the area has concentration of Pothoharis and some Pukhtns too.

Anyway i was NOT talking about people of Attock but Punjab Police at Attock

I refute this article 100%. I am a resident of Lahore, and i am quite aware of what is happening in my city. The only crackdown that has happened is against the illegal Afghans, their ghettos were largely uplifted and they were deported back to their country. These Ghettos were the result of increase in street crimes in Lahore. This is why tough security measures had to be taken and these people shipped back.

Any Pakistani Pushtun Brother with a valid NADRA I.D was left alone and allowed to carry on with their business. Anyone without a valid I.D Card was picked up and sent back. These so called Puktuns are Afghans, not Pakistani Pukthuns.

@haviZsultan @Bratva @Spring Onion

Thank You

We Lahoris are very hospitable people. It is only the Afghans who are facing a crackdown. Ever since the Afghan Basti was uprooted and closed down, street crime has reduced by almost 30%.
:) what had been said in the article I would not bother about that because it is a culture in Pakistan in all parts of Pakistan when there is crackdown after security failure every time, they just round up innocent people in Punjab it is mostly Pashtuns who are targeted both Afghan and Pakistani, while in Kpk its mostly Afghans who are rounded up without investigation.

All I was mentioning about the treatment of people from KPK in Punjab specially at Attock.
Agreed. They don't form the majority in Chach(Hazro area) though, as a good number of people there are Potoharis, mostly of the Awan clan. The proper Pathan dominated area of Attock is the south-west of Jand, where the Khattak tribe resides, whose leader is known as the Khan of Makhad.

And I have got some bad news for you; the pathans of Attock intermarry with some Potohari clans(Khattars and Awans), hence they have "diluted blood". The Khan of Makhad has marital links with the Gakhar family of Haripur.

PS: A thing to add; Imran Khan considers himself a pashtun. Isa-Khel region of Mianwali is predominantly Pashtun and lies on the west of Indus. According to Gazetteers, till only 100 years ago, the Niazis of Isakhel could speak Pashto, but now they have forgotten. IK's Punjabi side comes from his mother, whose family was settled in east Punjab.
His mother is a burki pathan from jalandhar, I think he said they originate from orakzai
Yes I am a ghilzai, a Turk who has joined the Pashtun federation, I only said can someone from let's say Bihar or Bangladesh can claim to be a pukhtoon a genuine article?, they may have had some connection with us but now it's not the case they have have been absorbed in to the local culture so their claim is baseless.

Imran khan is a Niazi he has pukhtoon background but he identifies himself as a Punjabi and rightly so because he is born and raised there, even he doesn't consider himself a pukhtoon.

If I was born and raised and in Sindh then I will identify myself as a Sindhi.

Attock is quite big, mostly pukhtoons are settled in an area called chach, they settled along the the river banks, they are bilingual they speak Pashto as well as hindko.

Imran Khan speak perfect lahori punjabi, his urdu accent is influenced by punjabi. But recently he identified as pathan, muhajir, punjabi. Now he have to find some connection with Kashmiris and Baloch people somehow. Anyway I agree, Attock have lots of pre partition pashtuns like in Mianwali. I have seen pashtuns in Kharian who are here since 100-150 years and are bilingual in pashto & punjabi. So rural areas like Attock and Mianwali will obviously have more.


1. The Punjab police at Attock is certainly black faced black extortionist black sheep.

2. I already said the ones he was reffering to are NOT Biharis. Biharis are hardwokring people. the ones he was reffering to are bhatakhors

No they are not much fairer than us but yes i know the area has concentration of Pothoharis and some Pukhtns too.

Anyway i was NOT talking about people of Attock but Punjab Police at Attock

:) what had been said in the article I would not bother about that because it is a culture in Pakistan in all parts of Pakistan when there is crackdown after security failure every time, they just round up innocent people in Punjab it is mostly Pashtuns who are targeted both Afghan and Pakistani, while in Kpk its mostly Afghans who are rounded up without investigation.

All I was mentioning about the treatment of people from KPK in Punjab specially at Attock.

Did Afghanis in KPK cry racism? Not right? So why blame punjab police for doing its job in Attock. Nothing wrong with asking for CNIC to identify. And as far as corruption is concerned then whole Pak police is corrupt outside motorway probably.
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I told you buddy ... there is no such thing as " Pakistani " exist here ...

Well even India is a example for us. Punjab constitutes less than 2% of India's total population. Yet 15% of their army is punjabi. I have never seen a single Indian complain about it and look at us.

I don't know what I can or should do to eliminate ethnic tensions. I am urdu speaker by birth and have adopted some pashtun culture, including language to unite the nation, I am also learning Sindhi... it pains me deeply to see my countrymen so badly divided. I witness racism and ethnic hatred constantly.

The problem I believe is we don't even believe the next person is a Pakistani brother and deserves equal rights because he is from a different ethnicity. I would request my people not to fall to the gates of ethnic hatred.

@ghilzai I think the problem is with these Afghan nationals. They come to our country with dreams of breaking the country. Why they want independent Pashtunistan when the local population does not want it? Even I have faced racism from these people. I think we muhajirs should give up links with India and Pashtuns Afghanistan. I have seen some of the hatred existent in the minds of Afghans and am shocked by their behavior. I think we all need to learn to love other ethnicities and respect them. The people most invulnerable to ethnic hatred I have noticed are Punjabis by the way.

There was even this case my relative used to tell me that a Punjabi mother had such a high opinion of urdu speakers that she used to beat her son if he did not speak urdu.
Notice how he or she mentioned "black faces". They live in a delusion that they're some sort of white race, and get a reality check as soon as they go abroad.

I just googled images of attock, gujranwala, peshawar police and yeah I call bs on her comment.
Well even India is a example for us. Punjab constitutes less than 2% of India's total population. Yet 15% of their army is punjabi. I have never seen a single Indian complain about it and look at us.

I don't know what I can or should do to eliminate ethnic tensions. I am urdu speaker by birth and have adopted some pashtun culture, including language to unite the nation, I am also learning Sindhi... it pains me deeply to see my countrymen so badly divided. I witness racism and ethnic hatred constantly.

The problem I believe is we don't even believe the next person is a Pakistani brother and deserves equal rights because he is from a different ethnicity. I would request my people not to fall to the gates of ethnic hatred.

@ghilzai I think the problem is with these Afghan nationals. They come to our country with dreams of breaking the country. Why they want independent Pashtunistan when the local population does not want it? Even I have faced racism from these people. I think we muhajirs should give up links with India and Pashtuns Afghanistan. I have seen some of the hatred existent in the minds of Afghans and am shocked by their behavior. I think we all need to learn to love other ethnicities and respect them. The people most invulnerable to ethnic hatred I have noticed are Punjabis by the way.

There was even this case my relative used to tell me that a Punjabi mother had such a high opinion of urdu speakers that she used to beat her son if he did not speak urdu.

why i care to compare myself with anyone else ? my own country men favor their ethnicity ,so yeah the problem is within us ... instead of pointing out others issues we should focus on fixing ours no ?

i am also Urdu speaker by birth , and i have enough of Experience watching the behavior of Punjabi , Sindhi , Baloch and Pathan ... so yeah i really thank God that i did not belong to any of that Ethnicity , than probably i would be like them ...
not all are bad , but the big part of them among are bad ..
Lol, they are at least 70% ethnic Potohari. The "Pathans" as they are called there are only found in the south-west and north. The speak Potohari and hindko.
And they hardly look like pashtuns.

Yes I am a ghilzai, a Turk who has joined the Pashtun federation, I only said can someone from let's say Bihar or Bangladesh can claim to be a pukhtoon a genuine article?, they may have had some connection with us but now it's not the case they have have been absorbed in to the local culture so their claim is baseless.

Imran khan is a Niazi he has pukhtoon background but he identifies himself as a Punjabi and rightly so because he is born and raised there, even he doesn't consider himself a pukhtoon.

If I was born and raised and in Sindh then I will identify myself as a Sindhi.

Attock is quite big, mostly pukhtoons are settled in an area called chach, they settled along the the river banks, they are bilingual they speak Pashto as well as hindko.

Majority is punjabi in attock, even in chach the so called pashtun seem to look more like fair skinned punjabis than pashtuns, and mostly they speak hindko, I would not be surprised if a lot of them had non pashtun origin.

His mother is a burki pathan from jalandhar, I think he said they originate from orakzai
His mother is of turkic origin, Orakzia are of karlani origin
And they hardly look like pashtuns.

It's because they have mixed with the local Khattars to some extent, and also with their hindko speaking Tareen neighbours in Haripur. They are hindkowan in the true sense of the word, i'e Potohari/Pahari + Pashtun mix breeds. The Khattaks of Makhad on the other hand though, are purer and still speak Pashto I think.

And Chachi is a very small community.
nearly all shahalam is now owned by pathan. I wonder where this discrimination comes from. My colleague just sold his house in wachowali to a pathan.
Lahoris do not discriminate. Thats why Baluch of Muzang, Pushtoon of Bund Road and Kashmiris of gawalmandi are all Lahori by heart :D
@ghilzai @Spring Onion

Yes i agree with you there is a discrimination.

Dear bro, as a pathan i faced discrimination only more in Rajanpur ( Punjab) and less in kashmor (sindh) travelling to

karachi by bus from pekhawar. I feel that i am in Jammu Kashmir ( at Rajanpur ) at that time i realized punjab police at

rajanpur are the M...F.. and Haram ki paidawar... that was not checking police man clear out the bus and police man shouts
on all of us "up your hands" we left the bus and they checked us our baggage ( i said ya allah khair ).

Other than that personally i never face something like that in lahore, isb, Rawalpindi, or in my city KARACHI.

By the way if someone in Pakistan ( Other than Police :D ) try to discriminate me i will slap him. I have a freedom to travel every where.:dance3:
This article and thread is a disgrace.

Everyone being racist should be ashamed of himself.


Our country doesn't need this bs.
nearly all shahalam is now owned by pathan. I wonder where this discrimination comes from. My colleague just sold his house in wachowali to a pathan.
Lahoris do not discriminate. Thats why Baluch of Muzang, Pushtoon of Bund Road and Kashmiris of gawalmandi are all Lahori by heart :D
There are Baloch in muzung?can you post a article or some pics of that community?
You do not accept hospitality and hugs from security apparatus, they have to do their job. 90% of Taliban are Pakhtuns, you expect to be viewed suspiciously by police and agencies if you are in Punjab. If 90% of terrorist were punjabis, our Pakhtun police would have been doing the same to them. As majority of terrorists are pakhtuns, so lets be not noisy and whiny about the "consequences" on our qaum, lets bear it and allow the security deapartment to do their job. Lets not forget that the same government and army is also targeting killers of pakhtuns in karachi i.e MQM.

Mal-treatment of Afghan refugees is happening through out Pakistan, not just Punjab. In fact Pakhtunkhwa is ahead of every one in giving bad treatment to Afghan refugees. The people of KPK use derogatory words for Afghan refugees, and make fun of their refugee status so in my opinion its unfair to single out Punjab. The Peshawaris will be very happy if Afghan refugees, who owns 10,000 shops in the city, are expelled.

Punjab police is dic-k to every one, like i said why expecting hospitality and hugs from them on provincial border?. Beside ethnic stereotyping about us (which originated in ganga valley), pakhtuns do no feel hate and hostility/enmity from punjabi awaam like they experience in Karachi. We are roaming around in Punjab as if it is our baap ki zameen. That Mohamand businessman whining in interview wont allow any outsider to do business let alone buying land in his Mohmand agency. How many Pakhtuns are cut into pieces and packed in boris in Punjab? How many punjabis are involved in smashing heads of Pakhtuns with 'hathora'? How many punjabis are involved in hate crimes like opening fires on random corn vendor or kabuli hotel wala while riding on bikes? How many punabis burn the buses of pakhtuns?.....
I hail from Balochistan and

People talk about anti-state activities of Altaf, if they get to know what Bacha Khan, Wali Khan, and Mehmood Achakzai sort of 5th columns have done to this country, they'll forget about Altaf and Mujeeb.
You have settled in Quetta but you are an urdu speaker with roots from India. You animosity and hostility towards Pashtun people is purely based on ethnic and racial hatred, nothing else. You are free to support MQM and your kin but kindly dont spread malice and hatred against us. We are already 'bad sey badnam bura', dont strain yourself.
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