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Close Associate of Anti Pakistan Asadullah Khalid and Late Gen Raziq Eliminated in Kabul

Another misconception among many people in Pakistan. I have met many Pakhtun Afghans in Canada and USA and they all blame Pakistan. Your narrative seems
I think living in Canada has removed you from ground realities in Afghanistan's neighborhood and the history of the region.

Russians invaded, Mujahedeen were aided as USA supplied and Pakistan facilitated, Arab fighters were encouraged, Iran got agitated, but Russians were defeated, Mujahideen mutated, USA lost interest and avoided, then Taliban were elevated, Osama agitated, USA and NATO - Canada, even Australians invaded, Taliban defeated, Puppet Afghans were elevated, Pashtuns felt Alienated, Indians infiltrated, Pakistan was attacked as TTP was created, RAW and NDS colluded CIA deputed and TTP terrorists literally exploded...

...enough EDs for you yet in shortest possible refresher course?

But do you notice the number of countries involved in making Afghanistan a shit hole??? I haven't even mentioned the number of European spy agencies with all sorts of abbreviations involved in Afghanistan all over the place, lol.

... And here you are lamenting Pakistan's hand who actually sheltered the Afghan refugees?

...and their brethren, since then, those very same ungreatful Afghans scattered all over the world, who even used the Green Passport of ours, secured by hook and crook, for their flight to safety but can be found easily maligning what Pakistan has done to their homeland.

How pathetic is that?

Pakistan did what had to be done in its interest while keeping as good a care for our Afghan brothers with open borders but look at what we have got in return? Blood and sand and an even more ungreatful Afghan brought up on our own land demanding obnoxious rights.

Next time you see an ungrateful Afghan blaming Pakistan, be sure to put him in his place with respect of course.
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A great job!!!! Keep the pressure on these Mushrik supporting Murteds!!! Hopefully, the Hakiki Afgans are doing their parts too....

Afganistan is no BD which has voluntarily turned to be the Mushrikin....
Another misconception among many people in Pakistan. I have met many Pakhtun Afghans in Canada and USA and they all blame Pakistan. Your narrative seems to be based on false assumptions.


And that is the favorite pastime and full time of the Afghans---blaming pakistan---. If they would start blaming themselves first ---maybe---they would look for a solution---.
The best we could have done is not support any side especially barbaric Talibans. People usually associate with people with shared status and Pakistan Army supporting barbaric Talibans demeans the Pakistan army itself. Pakistani Militrary personnel send their daughters to the universities and many have even gone to Europe and Americas to attend universities. But the same generals support barbaric Talibans that destroy schools that educate girls in Afghanistan. Talibans wants to impose Islamic law yet they ignore the Hadith of our Prophet Muhammad “Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China” .
You seem to be saying nonsense, just for the sake of creating misunderstandings.

I think living in Canada has removed you from ground realities in Afghanistan's neighborhood and the history of the region.
Honestly it needs annexation, we want our ancestral lands back. As the majority of the population lives in Pakistan, we demand them to be merged into Pakistan. This isnt just my demand but the demand of hundreds of Pakhtoons


That is what I just wrote---but deleted it---.

3 million afghans in pakistan who would love to stay in pakistan---they should have their portion of the land from afghanistan and join it with pakistan---.

That is the only way possible for afghans to develop is to merge with pakistan / form a union / be annexed---.
You seem to be saying nonsense, just for the sake of creating misunderstandings.

I think living in Canada has removed you from ground realities in Afghanistan's neighborhood and the history of the region.

May be I am out of the well now and see the bigger picture while some people are still stuck in the well. "Frog in the well" (کنواں کا مینڈک) is used to describe an individual who cannot or refuses to see the big picture because of being sheltered and close-minded.

3 million afghans in pakistan who would love to stay in pakistan---they should have their portion of the land from afghanistan and join it with pakistan---.

That is the only way possible for afghans to develop is to merge with pakistan / form a union / be annexed---.

May be in the future when both Pakistan and Afghanistan will have good relations. We can relations like European Union but do not talk about changing borders. You are opening a Pandora box with that suggestions it will mean Afghanistan can also claim Pakistani territory.
Now you seems to high on something. Afghanistan has majority Pakhtun population. Afghan Tajiks are more educated and have professional jobs in Canada compared to Afghan Pakhtuns. They all our brothers and we need to make honorable peace with Afghanistan. Hopefully Imran Khan with majority government in KPK and senior Pakhtun ministers will be in better position for brotherly relations with our Muslim neighbor.

They are animals

They are our enemies and we should grind them to dust
May be I am out of the well now and see the bigger picture while some people are still stuck in the well. "Frog in the well" (کنواں کا مینڈک) is used to describe an individual who cannot or refuses to see the big picture because of being sheltered and close-minded.


There is no bigger picture other than Pakistan's point of view---.
As Pakistanis we must also accept the blame of interfering in Afghan affairs and supporting our puppets instead of coalition government in 1992. In hindsight, Ahmad Shah Massoud would have been a better leader of Afghanistan and nearly 4 million Afghan lives would not have been lost duet to civil wars, US invasion and occupation. On April 24, 1992, the leaders in Peshawar agreed on and signed the Peshawar Accord, establishing the post-communist Islamic State of Afghanistan – which was a stillborn 'state' with a paralyzed 'government' right from its inception, until its final succumbing in September 1996. Under the 1992 Peshawar Accord, the Defense Ministry was given to Massoud while the Prime Ministership was given to Hekmatyar. Hekmatyar refused to sign. With the exception of Hekmatyar's Hezb-e Islami, all of the other Peshawar resistance parties were unified under this peace and power-sharing accord in April 1992. Although repeatedly offered the position of prime minister, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar refused to recognize the peace and power-sharing agreement. His Hezb-e Islami militia initiated a massive bombardment campaign against the Islamic State and the capital city Kabul. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar received operational, financial and military support from neighboring Pakistan. Then we found another puppet Talibans and started another bloodbath in Afghanistan.
Oh yeah he was better leader..this kinda behavior what weakens Pakistan ..he was a "terrorist" who bombed Peshawar and openly accepted it..he also hijacked a school bus in Peshawar
Another misconception among many people in Pakistan. I have met many Pakhtun Afghans in Canada and USA and they all blame Pakistan. Your narrative seems to be based on false assumptions.
Of-course they do, that is what the puppet Kabul government wants. They have created an illusionary enemy out of Pakistan and use that as a weapon to unite the various factions and ethnic groups of Afghanistan.

That is what I just wrote---but deleted it---.

3 million afghans in pakistan who would love to stay in pakistan---they should have their portion of the land from afghanistan and join it with pakistan---.

That is the only way possible for afghans to develop is to merge with pakistan / form a union / be annexed---.
Its bound to happen, they can delay it but the cultural and historical connection is so deep that's its pulling both nations together.

He may think he is out of pakistani well but he forgets that he is currently in canadian well unless he moves to space he will always be in some kind of well.
That's cute
You do realize that the so called wells both helped me see the bigger picture and it's not just me repeating this. Go ask any pakhtoon on the roads of kpk and they will say the samething.
Wait who are u referring to, cause their is another dude with the same flags as me.

And that is the favorite pastime and full time of the Afghans---blaming pakistan---. If they would start blaming themselves first ---maybe---they would look for a solution---.
How are Afghans different than Pakistanis ??

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