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Christian Students in China Barred From Going to College


Oct 10, 2013
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Christian Students in China Barred From Going to College Unless They Stop Going to Church
By ChristianPost.com

Published July 19, 2016

In this photo taken July 16, 2014, members of Yayu Christian Church gather in a hall during their turns to protect the rooftop cross from being demolished at the church in Yaxia village, Pingyang county in Wenzhou in eastern China's Zhejiang province. Across Zhejiang province, which hugs China’s rocky southeastern coast, authorities have toppled, or threatened to topple, crosses at more than 130 churches. (AP Photo/Didi Tang) (The Associated Press)

Chinese students attending a Christian house church in the central Guizhou province are being threatened by government authorities who are warning them that if they don't stop going to the church, they will be barred from going to college.

"This notice was sent to all of the schools in Huaqiu," explained Mou, the person that human-rights advocacy group China Aid said was in charge of Huaqiu Church. "They (public security) intend to cleanse us and ask us to join the Three-Self Church."

The house church members have also reportedly been pressured into signing a document vowing that they will not take minors into the church. Additionally, parents have been told that they will be sued if they bring their children to church, while the children themselves will not be allowed to take the college entrance exam or be admitted into the army.

House churches in China face regular crackdowns from the Communist Party, which fears the rise of Christianity in the world's most populous nation, with followers of Christ outnumbering members of the Party.

Even state-run churches have faced religious freedom challenges in the past couple of years, with an ongoing-campaign continuing to tear down church buildings and church rooftop-crosses over alleged building code violations in several Chinese provinces. Protests from Christian pastors and church members have led to hundreds of arrests.
China is a huge country with 1.3 or 1.4 billion people and it is not strange if some biased or corrupted officials in some counties (like the judges and Sheriff in US counties) acted illegally or waywardly.

Hardly surprising but there are legal redress as China today is under the rule of law. We have heard and seen plenty of these.
I get that government is based on atheistic principles, that doesn't mean they can shove their ideology someone's throat. Atheist community condemns such move.
I get that government is based on atheistic principles, that doesn't mean they can shove their ideology someone's throat. Atheist community condemns such move.

So long as these organisations or religions obey the nation law.

That is fine with folks like me if we are law abiding citizens.

We get used to that in Singapore. Do not litter like others do in other countries liberally in Singapore, one will be fined. What is wrong with that?
I agree with Chinese government should not to let religion influence students, Student duty is to be success on school be high skill professional and contribute to China modernization progress, religion is secondary, If China want to be amount the high tech competitive society, we should not let religion take away student's time.

It's western plan to cultivate and spread Christianity in Chinese society and make these people religious while their own children has never or extreme rare to attend church so their children will have more time for school homework, and give them an unfair advantage, If China has to carry the religion burden, we can only make the matter worst for our society. I think Chinese government has seen the future and western religious intention...so they do what must be done regardless if these religious people cry or not.
That's strange. There were tons of Christians among my friends in China and they all went to universities without any issue. They must belong to an unregulated sect.
Hope they extended this policy to all the religions. I always thought religion is banned in China. What a fail.

Is this the same PRC which split with the USSR claiming that USSR was not adhering to true communist principles...
The news might die down on its own like it did when the rumor of Muslims not allowed to observe fast was circulated in whole world and only came to its natural death when President Xi Jinping visited Xincheng Mosque in Yinchuan city. With the tensions brewing up in South China sea esp with US, such propaganda mouth piece are no surprise.
Has it ever occur to christian that a giant cross that was prominently put in a community could be offensive to some people there?

China is multi-religion, regulations need to cater to people of all faiths including those without any.

For millennium, multiple religions has co-exist by and large peacefully along side each other. For that to happen, a centralized authority is required to mediate and coordinate the concern of all. It also require the religion organizations themselves to accept certain give and take.

Western media taking bias one-sided view is not helping.
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Usual Christian Propaganda ... If the law set by the country is hindering religious practices then the religion should reform rather then the countries Law.

Chinese government should fund and institutionalize the Spread of Buddhism and Taoism which is China's real identity... I hope Indians dont take a strong view on this accusation on China As we ourself know the dirty work of these missionaries...
Christianity is white men's fairy-tale of human origins. I find it embarrassing that many East-Asians are now adopting this Western nonsense and applaud any East-Asian country that tries to curb its dissemination.
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