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Chinese VCs dominate as most-active semiconductor investors


Nov 4, 2011
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Chinese VCs dominate as most-active semiconductor investors​

By Jacob Robbins
April 28, 2023

The US has been investing an unprecedented amount into the semiconductor industry. With the passage of legislation to invest in design and manufacturing domestically, the US has spurred on a new race with its rivals to ensure access to the best silicon on the market.

But it's a race that, at least from a venture capital perspective, the US is losing.

The majority of prolific venture capital investors in the semiconductor vertical are Chinese firms investing in startups in their country, according to PitchBook data. Besides Intel's corporate venture capital arm Intel Capital and longstanding firm Walden International, all other entries in this top-10 ranking are based in China.

This is all set against the backdrop of US-based startups that are racing toward the next big innovation in chips. There's Lightmatter, a startup using light-photonics-based chips, and SambaNova Systems, a startup that has attracted a lot of attention and investment for their chips made specifically for machine learning and artificial intelligence.

The semiconductor industry as a whole is poised for growth—and more competition globally. Set against that backdrop, these are the top ten most active global investors in the semiconductor vertical, according to PitchBook data.

Listed as below

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