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Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

I'm not picky, i ...eat whatever. LOL.

Wise, never be picky, good for your health. Though I must say I like a good honey dew, it's just the right size, and has the right amount of sweetness, if you pick the right one, otherwise, watch out.

I feel we have branched from a purely fruits discussion, but we can always go back on topic and talk the lemons that appear on this thread if you wish.
True, true. That and LPDs can be easily fitted with ASROCs, ASMs, AAMs quite easily. Its a beautiful , adaptive platform. :)

Love the Type 071s buddy !




The 22DDH Izumo is impressive! The ROKN's LPX is also very nice.
Don't have anything with PLAN's 081 yet, hopefully it can come up asap.
And since JMSDF and ROKN can access to F35C, either PLAN will work on STVOL or let its LHD/LHA fleet just focus on traditional amphib warfare.


The 22DDH Izumo is impressive! The ROKN's LPX is also very nice.
Don't have anything with PLAN's 081 yet, hopefully it can come up asap.
And since JMSDF and ROKN can access to F35C, either PLAN will work on STVOL or let its LHD/LHA fleet just focus on traditional amphib warfare.


we have no officers to man these beasts, it's already stretching the PLAN to the limit with the amount of new tech we are introducing to the fleet.
I agree with your point that if China stops selling the world will not stop though it will surely go in recession for sometime (that includes China too)

In deed, as I said, Chinese market is currently the biggest one out there. And we in the west can make A LOT of money with it. And if suddenly said market ceased to be available to the west, of course there are going to be withdrawal effect from the West. As you simply taken out say 500 billions trade or whatever the figure today with China. And that drop would not be able to compensate "IMMEDIATELY" from other source.

But would that kill the market in the west? Well, let's just say the world is a lot bigger than China have to offer, and if Chinese think the world can do without Chinese market then I can only say the joke is on them. The market have a way to compensate itself, if you lose one supplier, that does not mean the end of the world, you simply go look for another supplier, and yes, that may set you back a bit money, and time, but eventually, the west would have and can get over it. And maybe China themselves can get over it too, I don't know, but the point being, you cannot use trade as a weapon.
In deed, as I said, Chinese market is currently the biggest one out there. And we in the west can make A LOT of money with it. And if suddenly said market ceased to be available to the west, of course there are going to be withdrawal effect from the West. As you simply taken out say 500 billions trade or whatever the figure today with China. And that drop would not be able to compensate "IMMEDIATELY" from other source.

But would that kill the market in the west? Well, let's just say the world is a lot bigger than China have to offer, and if Chinese think the world can do without Chinese market then I can only say the joke is on them. The market have a way to compensate itself, if you lose one supplier, that does not mean the end of the world, you simply go look for another supplier, and yes, that may set you back a bit money, and time, but eventually, the west would have and can get over it. And maybe China themselves can get over it too, I don't know, but the point being, you cannot use trade as a weapon.

I agree the Chinese would shoot themselves in the head while trying to kill the West by using trade as a weapon
wow, no words, seriously, do you ever argue on point. I have debated with other members before, so I know it's not me, well, since this is a two person conversation, I'll leave the math to you.

Quite convenient for you to retreat and discounted all my other point (even if you think the point you quote me is absurd)

Then what are you different from the like of @wanglaokan ? I thought you were better than this, but quite obliviously, I was wrong.
Quite convenient for you to retreat and discounted all my other point (even if you think the point you quote me is absurd)

Then what are you different from the like of @wanglaokan ? I thought you were better than this, but quite obliviously, I was wrong.

you want to do this, fine. Your funeral.

dude, you are talking about best price, it may work if we are talking about Philippine or Vietnam, but out here in the west, or the so called "CANADA" you said you lived in, paying another 100 bucks for a TV that did not make in China is totally affordable, and people with brand and country loyalty did do that.

Same goes to the electronic/component that built the TVs. If a Japanese Maker does not source those part in China, are they then have no where to turn??

In 2013, China produced 779 million metric tons, almost half of the world's steel. That be gone.

In 2013, China produced 22 million cars, more than a quarter of all cars.

That's only two, tell me, how are you going to replace all of that within a few years, do you know how long it takes, how much capital it needs, how much policy change and how impossible it is to do this.

You mentioned Philippines and Vietnam before, Philippines is a US ally, you like to use business is business, why isn't Philippines the center of manufacturing then. Oh right, they can't do it. Don't take my words for it. See the facts yourself. Compare Filipino industry to China's.

If you have some sort of basic economy sense (Taken a class in Uni or something) you would know, in this market, current market, EVERYTHING IS REPLACEABLE. If the TV maker in Japan or South Korea cannot source item in China to build their TV they would be moving on to Vietnam or Thailand, in fact, this is already happening.

China is both Japan and Korea's biggest trade partner, guess what was sold there. What you don't seem to get is just because something seems replaceable, doesn't mean it can be done fast, or in this case at all.

What you don't seem to get, and you said you owned factories, and you say this.

You don't even know the basics of if the supply changes, there are many variables that can greatly alter one's effectiveness, like late delivery, quality, price and more.

On the other hand, what good of a market for China will be if they try to hold the world hostage by not import or export any Chinese goods or Service?? Can you honestly answer me that??

You are the one that suggest US can cut off Chinese trade routes, I never said it. You can check. China can destroy the world with our nukes, doesn't make it a good idea.

Plus I don't know where this HSR is coming from, HSR only do improve internal movement it would not work if you have to cross an ocean. And the west does not need to invest in other third world country to do their infrastructure, China is already doing it for the West, the moment Chinese keep building roadway and railway and port and service hub, they are building infrastructure for the world to use, or you seriously think building a port in Sri Lanka would only allow Chinese using those port??

Get back to me on this when you understand what I'm saying here.

As I said before, World is doing fine without the Chinese market before the Chinese boom. And the world will continue to do fine without the Chinese Market if push come to shove.

I was fine, before my paychecks for the last two years came over the last two years, but if you take that amount away and leave me with no job then I be living on the street.

China has investments from other countries and has made money for other countries, each year Audi takes into account China sales, if those disappear, what do you think happens to Audi's stock.

If that was the case, US only came into existence some 300 years ago, would you say taking the US out is ok, or do you have to be the US or #1 economy to matter.

Yes, Chinese market is the easiest and the biggest, hence businessman always goes where the money is, i suppose the president of Apple or Facebook will sigh about losing the Chinese market if the market did become Hostile, but would that spell doom of their business?
You tell me, China is the biggest market for Apple, would that take down Apple.

I don't understand, what's so hard about this, you take away even a bit of their business and their stock tumbles, you take away a major source and you think they are going to be fine?

Facebook will be fine because they were never in China, though that advertising revenue will be greatly reduced because their customers do business with China and in China.

Yes, people are greedy in nature and people want to earn the most there are to earn and Chinese market currently suit this purpose, but say if Chinese government now raise taxes on import and request those country to do business with them to paid tribute or join their alliance, would you think the West would simply say (Yeah, we need to earn that 2 trillions dollars a year more so we need to do that. Even tho the number actually gone down by hostile trading environment)

You are telling me to take a class with logic like this, is this happening right now. We are grown adults, nobody's going to go crazy like that.

The moment Chinese market cease to be profitable for Western Company, they will move out
, take no but or if about that, businessman always look at money, not look at friendship. And that's why you can't use trade as a weapon.

That day is 40 years ago, are you working on a time machine yet?

what forex comes into play with this??

Forex only there to stabilise an economy, that mean you have a more potent and stable economy to deal with, so when a company bough stuff in China, they will not get air instead of item, and also when people are selling stuff to China, they will get 80 dollars for that 80 dollars, instead of 70 or 60 of a dollar in one day (Look at The current Russian Situation)

Otherwise you are saying if the world stop selling to China, then Chinese will not release that Forex to stabilise the world market?? Then the west would simply withhold RMB and pump the inflation so the Forex Chinese holding would worth next to nothing. Again, all economic decision are dual direction, not just you said you would do that and the other did not have a countermeasure....

Again, let me know when you understand my point here, cause this is neither here nor there.
you want to do this, fine. Your funeral.

In 2013, China produced 779 million metric tons, almost half of the world's steel. That be gone.

In 2013, China produced 22 million cars, more than a quarter of all cars.

That's only two, tell me, how are you going to replace all of that within a few years, do you know how long it takes, how much capital it needs, how much policy change and how impossible it is to do this.

Was going to go as I have to leave for 7:09 train, but I will do what I can.

Lemme ask you this, how many of those steel and car made in China are for domestic consumption?

You mentioned Philippines and Vietnam before, Philippines is a US ally, you like to use business is business, why isn't Philippines the center of manufacturing then. Oh right, they can't do it. Don't take my words for it. See the facts yourself. Compare Filipino industry to China's.

You seems to forget the situation we are talking about is, we cannot use trade as a weapon, currently what is the reason we have to move when Chinese is all the money there are to made? What I am, and we are talking about is, IF CHINA SHUT ITS MARKET. Then can the west look elsewhere??

Or are you saying Vietnam and Phillippine are SO UNDEVELOPABLE that no one can set up factory and make stuff there??

China is both Japan and Korea's biggest trade partner, guess what was sold there. What you don't seem to get is just because something seems replaceable, doesn't mean it can be done fast, or in this case at all.

I never said it have to be fast, but just saying is it doable, and indeed China is the top trading partner for Japan and Korea, but can you care to look at the value with regard to Japan and Korea trade with the world?

Again the situation as per now is good, but again we are talking about if China use trade as a weapon, so you are saying the world either trade with China or nobody or group of body can take its place? lol

What you don't seem to get, and you said you owned factories, and you say this.

You don't even know the basics of if the supply changes, there are many variables that can greatly alter one's effectiveness, like late delivery, quality, price and more.

Them can you please name me one example that a MNC got done in purely for chaning supplier and late delivery?

Do you remember the HDD shortage during Thailand flood, the supplies of HDD got heavily disrupted by the flood, did Seagate and Western digital gone out of business because of the 1 year disruption due to the flood?

Mate, have you heard of the term, parallel import, mirror production and surplusing?

You are the one that suggest US can cut off Chinese trade routes, I never said it. You can check. China can destroy the world with our nukes, doesn't make it a good idea.

Lol I did not say US can cut Chinese trade route, i said if China decided to use trade as a weapon and imposing condition on trade, the world would simply move away from China, i said nothing about cut China trade route, did you mistook me for somebody?

Get back to me on this when you understand what I'm saying here.

When I say i do not understand what is the connection, that mean i do not understand what is the connection, i will not suddenly understand that by you saying get back to me when I understand lol

I was fine, before my paychecks for the last two years came over the last two years, but if you take that amount away and leave me with no job then I be living on the street.

Again will a company go bust simply becuase they take away the profit they make in China? Lol you have to think really hard about that.

That would probably be the case if that company only do business in China, then they deserved to go bust.

What you are saying js arrogant at best and idiotic on the far end of a scale, you were saying company have to continue conduct business in China even after the the profits goes away lol? At one point China will lose it s competitiveness just like US used to be and Japan used to be..

China has investments from other countries and has made money for other countries, each year Audi takes into account China sales, if those disappear, what do you think happens to Audi's stock.

You tell me, China is the biggest market for Apple, would that take down Apple.

I don't understand, what's so hard about this, you take away even a bit of their business and their stock tumbles, you take away a major source and you think they are going to be fine?

Facebook will be fine because they were never in China, though that advertising revenue will be greatly reduced because their customers do business with China and in China.

lol you tell me

What you assume is Apple will keep making 200 millions iphone more for the Chinese market when they know they are going to lose the market. Or makong another millions car for China for the market that will not going to be there

If they are thqt stupid then yes, they will go bust.

In reality they will simply close their factory and let go of the worker (Mostly Chinese) they hire and save expense and move out completely.

You are telling me to take a class with logic like this, is this happening right now. We are grown adults, nobody's going to go crazy like that.

Lool its not crazy, but that would be the reality if and when China uses trade as a weapon, or you simply assume we will throw down our arms and be in Chinese way?

If that is the case, then I wonder why they were not happen already? Chinese market is at it prime and there are no time better to blackmail the world if this is indeed possible.

For your comparsion, please do go look at Ukraine and Russian Trade and US and USSR trade for your answer.

That day is 40 years ago, are you working on a time machine yet?

hmm, if you think China can keep their competitiveness edge forever, then I can only say good luck

Again, let me know when you understand my point here, cause this is neither here nor there.

Then i can also say let me know when you speak spanish, that is a moot point.
The 22DDH Izumo is impressive! The ROKN's LPX is also very nice.
Don't have anything with PLAN's 081 yet, hopefully it can come up asap.
And since JMSDF and ROKN can access to F35C, either PLAN will work on STVOL or let its LHD/LHA fleet just focus on traditional amphib warfare.



Izumo is no LHD. Its basically a helo carrier. Most countries nowadays go for LHD becos its very flexible rather than just a flat top. Yes, Izumo can haul large number of helo but it cant transport troops and armour to support expedition forces.
And who says china can't acess f-35c lol.

And who says china can't acess f-35c lol.
Here are some more examples of things made in China.

Things China Makes (manufacturing).jpg

China is an irreplaceable link in the global economic system. There will be consequences if you stop trade with China. Anyone that doesn't recognize these economic facts is either retarded or a troll. Maybe both?
Izumo is no LHD. Its basically a helo carrier. Most countries nowadays go for LHD becos its very flexible rather than just a flat top. Yes, Izumo can haul large number of helo but it cant transport troops and armour to support expedition forces.

The Izumos are all-in-one. Can function as a helo carrier, can eventually function as a light carrier (for future F-35B variants; she can carry up to 28 aircraft, lol), can also function as a troop transport, can function as a destroyer (well, more like a Super Cruiser, lol) as offensive firepower can be easily installed; ASROCs, ASMs, AAMs.

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