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Chinese media warns India: 'Back off border dispute or Beijing will support Sikkim's independence

  • There are people in Sikkim 'that cherish its history as a separate state', Chinese media said :yahoo: :pakistan::china::smitten:
  • It implied China could fuel 'pro-independence appeals' in Sikkim
  • Such a move, it believed, would end 'New Delhi's regional hegemony"

An Indian and a Chinese soldier at Nathu La'

NEW DELHI: Chinese state media warned a "bullying" New Delhi that if it doesn't back down in the latest border dispute, Beijing may well begin supporting "pro-independence appeals in Sikkim".

Supporting Sikkim's "independence" will "be a powerful card to deal with New Delhi", said an editorial in the hardline Global Times, which is run by the Communist Party of China's People's Daily newspaper.

In fact, the editorial strongly advocated that "Beijing should reconsider its stance over the Sikkim issue". That's because it believed India "has to pay for its provocations" and because China needs to end "New Delhi's regional hegemony" which "is swelling to a tipping point".

The editorial spoke of people in Sikkim being "sensitive" to how the world views them.

"Although China recognized India's annexation of Sikkim in 2003, it can readjust its stance on the matter. There are those in Sikkim that cherish its history as a separate state, and they are sensitive to how the outside world views the Sikkim issue," it said.

In fact, the editorial all but said China could "support" Sikkim breaking away from India by fueling, "pro-independence appeals" there.

"As long as there are voices in Chinese society supporting Sikkim's independence, the voices will spread and fuel pro-independence appeals in Sikkim," said Global Times.

The editorial accused India of having "brutally cracked down" on Sikkim's "revolts over sovereignty" in the 1960s and 1970s.

"New Delhi deposed the king of Sikkim in 1975 and manipulated the country's parliament into a referendum to make Sikkim a state of India," the editorial said.

India's "annexation" of Sikkim "is like a nightmare haunting Bhutan", the state-backed publication said.

In this context, Global Times yet again accused India of coercing Bhutan to play on its side in this latest border dispute, which involves China constructing a road in the Donglang area in Sikkim.

"India has startling control and oppression over Bhutan, and as a result, Bhutan has not established diplomatic ties with its neighbour China or any other permanent member of the UN Security Council. Through unequal treaties, India has severely jeopardized Bhutan's diplomatic sovereignty and controls its national defense," said the Global Times editorial.

This alleged "control" India has over Bhutan is evident in this border dispute, it said.

"New Delhi's regional hegemony is boldly shown by the border face-off this time. Using the excuse of 'helping Bhutan protect its sovereignty,' India brazenly obstructs China's road construction in Chinese territory," said Global Times.

The editorial said China needs to make more efforts to establishing diplomatic ties with Bhutan.

China should lead the international community in restoring Bhutan's diplomatic and defense sovereignty. Unfair treaties between India and Bhutan that severely violate the will of the Bhutanese people should be abolished," said the editorial.


I think all chinese warnings have dried up but it seems they have too many warnings in their baskets. What happened the warning of doing another 1962? Has it been found to be too difficult and has china dropped that plan? In a mutual agreement, china accepted Sikkim as a part of India and India considered Tibet as a part of china. Soon as Sikkim becomes disputed territory, Tibet shall also become disputed territory. China should be ready to face the consequences.

India really has lots of internal crisis. We can easily make a list from gender discrimination, social inequality, religion conflict to region separatists. Every a crisis is dangerous.
We could stand off, observe how Indian destory its nation.

You are unable to control Xinxiang and dream of breaking India? Dood luck
I really dont know what will china gain out of this madness. They should have taken an opportunity and mended the relationship with India when Modi was elected as PM. A mutual barter of lands (just like India did with Bangladesh and settled by giving more land to them even though India is a larger country), along with settling the Bay of Bengal demarcation(though it was a loss for India), China could have shown the world by leading through example. By having a continuous opposing stand against India, China is not gonna gain anything.
India has only one main adversary since ages i.e. Pakistan, but with china things were working fine. It is china which is taking adversary position against all its neighbors, Vietnam is not happy, Japan is not happy. North Korea is creating trouble for you. Mongolia you have issues. SCS is another issue. Now you are starting to poke India too. With Russia also you have border issues. How would you be respected around the world if you dont accomodate but keep dictating based on age old maps. Start living in current age.

I dont think this to evade the subject. This was the main point in your response earlier or the story build up by your media blaming our minister for loose talk where as he was asked to respond to the warmongering article in the China daily.
Typical lying and running away from the facts culture

Nope- u r evading the context in my post again. my post which u originally quoted in post#141, post #91- was addressing post #90. Read post #90 carefully.

I can read you like an open story book.


Keep lying and deflecting

No wonder no one respects India and Indians
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Expression of Chinese delegation except Xi is quite interesting in the picture from informal meeting at G20 today.
Modi is looking straight at 11 and smiling confidently , while 11 is looking down shamefully , unable to maintain eye contact.
All the consorts of 11 are looking very worried , while our james bond is lurking in the background .
India 1.
Dragon 0.
Modi is looking straight at 11 and smiling confidently , while 11 is looking down shamefully , unable to maintain eye contact.
All the consorts of 11 are looking very worried , while our james bond is lurking in the background .
India 1.
Dragon 0.

ya u might as well conclude President Xi is shy and submissive(along with pissing in his pants) when seeing macho and dominant Modi in-person.
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ya u might as well conclude President Xi is shy and submissive(along with pissing in his pants) when seeing macho and dominant Modi in-person.
The crudeness i leave to the chinese.

And why r you worried as a singaporean ?

Traitors will sabotage in every nation's freedom struggle , this is also true in the case of India. If WW2 brought India's independence , India's war with China will bring freedom to Tamilnadu

tidbit of history for you:
The DMK politicians gave up on separatism in 1962 during the war with China. Some of them were in prison before the 1962 war. Nehru freed them after the war.
If they do, who would want to be part of OBOR since it becomes clear that china is seeking a military aggressive future. Those roads also lead into their country which the chinese can use to roll in their tanks :cheesy:

Do you understand the concept of "disputed territory" ? :cheesy:

Calling it your territory does not make it yours. In any case, this territory is Bhutan territory as made clear by the Demarche by Bhutan to china.

Whatever is disputed territory or not, it's the problem between China and Bhutan, what's the business with India?
Whatever is disputed territory or not, it's the problem between China and Bhutan, what's the business with India?
Because India and Bhutan has an agreement on defense. So, any attack on Bhutan is attack on India.

Again, when you cry foul here. Why China is wetting their pants about THAAD in South Korea? It's in another country, South Korea is in war with North Korea, what's China's interest in it? You even send your soldiers for Korean war.
So, shut up and deal with it. Indian army is there to stay, you can forget road construction along disputed territory.
So far we have not, have we ? We are in Bhutan on the invitation of Bhutan.

So china has no business tell us to quite from Bhutan. Only Bhutan can do that :disagree:

........ and did I say that the whole wold is watching ? :azn:

Invitation? :rofl::rofl::rofl: India issues himself a invitation to other country.
World watching? So what? We're watching too. :yay::yay::yay:

Because India and Bhutan has an agreement on defense. So, any attack on Bhutan is attack on India.

Again, when you cry foul here. Why China is wetting their pants about THAAD in South Korea? It's in another country, South Korea is in war with North Korea, what's China's interest in it? You even send your soldiers for Korean war.
So, shut up and deal with it. Indian army is there to stay, you can forget road construction along disputed territory.

Does China send its troop to South Korea or North Korea? We expresses our concerns, but doesn't invade a country like India does. That's essential difference.
Seriously, tell me which defence agreement between India and Bhutan allows India to do so?
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Does China send its troop to South Korea or North Korea? We expresses our concerns.
Really? That's weird but PLA takes pride in their CPVA, the army section that fought in Korean War. May be you need to check the real history.
We expresses our concerns
Does expressing concern involve taking down South Korean companies illegally? Issuing warnings to Chinese citizen on visiting SK. Threaten with 'serious' implication (whatever that means)?

but doesn't invade a country like India does
Na you didn't invade Tibet or Xinjiang. Come on man.:rolleyes:
Pakistan totally stands shoulder to shoulder with China. Let's teach these Indian macaca's a lesson they will never forget.
Nope- u r evading the context in my post again. my post which u originally quoted in post#141, post #91- was addressing post #90. Read post #90 carefully.

I can read you like an open story book.


Keep lying and deflecting

No wonder no one respects India and Indians

and I was correcting your understanding as a reply in post#90. Why do you think people will say what you want to hear in direct speech? There is a saying "A gesture is more than enough to the wise".

Seems I overestimated you.

Typical victimized and cribbing nation.
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