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Chinese expert says Huawei Mate60 satellite communication technology is more advanced than Starlink

Millions of transistors can be assemblied in to a nail size chip. In the future one satellites can have the function like one or 10 base stations.

What's that have to do with bandwidth? Transistor in a die increase processing speed, ie more transistor = more transistor to process a structure = faster processing speed again, it doesn't work that way for Bandwidth.

bandwidth is the physical limit of how many connection your device can handle. In term of Satellite Communication, it's a port to port connection, just because you transfer faster that does not mean more ports can be opened....

GPS and satellite phone are totally different things. Cable tv can also directly gets information from satellite.
You do know what is Base Station, right? It is the same concept on your phone receiving Satellite Signal and a GPS receiver receiving Satellite Signal.

It does the same things just the packet they carry are different. in GPS, the packet they carry is your location information, in Satellite phone, the packet they carry is the conversations......It went thru the same process.......
You are comparing 36000km with on the edge of solar system voyager probe distance? Joke
Physics is the same, you only quoted in the previous post that you can receive signals from light years away, so why does edge of the solar system matters?
I don't expect Chinese posters in this forum has ever taken physics class above mid school level.
From the answer I got from the poster, seems like he think 6G can bend medium density with its signal strength...."Everything goes faster on 6G" lol

Maybe they can break Space Time Continuum and make a time machine with 6G technology..............
From the answer I got from the poster, seems like he think 6G can bend medium density with its signal strength...."Everything goes faster on 6G" lol

I wonder if any Chinese scientist can discover a medium of '0' refractive index, then all EM waves will have infinite speed. :lol:
From the answer I got from the poster, seems like he think 6G can bend medium density with its signal strength...."Everything goes faster on 6G" lol

Maybe they can break Space Time Continuum and make a time machine with 6G technology..............
Physics is the same, you only quoted in the previous post that you can receive signals from light years away, so why does edge of the solar system matters?
Or could Australia and India collaborate to assemble a smartphone?

Australian and Indian members seem very anxious and flustered.

Calm down. Baby.
I wonder if any Chinese scientist can discover a medium of '0' refractive index, then all EM waves will have infinite speed. :lol:
What wavelength? 6G make signal just shoot up in the sky instantly......

Man, can't wait until they break space-time continuum with their mighty 6G.........I mean, if they can do that, it's not that far
Or could Australia and India collaborate to assemble a smartphone?

Australian and Indian members seem very anxious and flustered.

Calm down. Baby.

Baby, its time for you to learn basic physics, don't embarrass your papa Xi in international forums than he already is.
Baby, its time for you to learn basic physics, don't embarrass your papa Xi in international forums than he already is.
Can it create a hole in space time fabric and send signal throughout multi-verse? Or can the information from Huawei 6G phones travel back in time?
That's the true capacity of Mate 60 Pro... bring in the multi-verse of different version of Chinese phone together and defeat the evil Samsung, I mean, how can you beat the mighty Huawei when they can get access to mulitple of version of themselves in different universe and put together a phone that can singlehandedly defeat the west

Oh wait.......that Marvel Multi-verse.........
That's all the problems 6G is going to solve. Make impossible things possible. That is called technology revolution. Before Huawei Mate60, no one believed satellite antenna can be assembled into a phone. This is the reason I said Huawei opened a door for 6G
That's not a problem that can be solved, high altitude satellites will have high latency, it's physically impossible to solve.

"No one believed satellite antenna can be assembled into a phone" where did you hear that? It's simple and it has been done before, satellite phones aren't new
And 3 satellites only, I mean, how many account they are supposed to handle? Don't forget Satellite is direct 2 ways communication, so you can't share the bandwidth, because when you are using it, you occupied that bandwidth until you get off the phone, I don't know how big these Satellite Bandwidth is going to be, but judging from my own experience on using Satellite and Satellite Communication, I don't see any one of these satellite can handle any more than 100,000 connections, how many phones you are expecting to sell? In millions perhaps, so how are you going to offer this service in an unlimited capacity, not just for back up?

Bear in mind, Starlink have 4700 satellite in orbit to actually service the world, and you think 3 Satellite can cut it?
You are right. I said technically yes with 3 sats are sufficient to determine the position. the issue is however the globe is not flat. If I am standing on a market place with my iPhone in Germany the phone is inapt to “see” all 3 sats. Actually 4 are needed to determine the 3D picture.

That's all the problems 6G is going to solve. Make impossible things possible. That is called technology revolution. Before Huawei Mate60, no one believed satellite antenna can be assembled into a phone. This is the reason I said Huawei opened a door for 6G

Even quantum communication isn't faster than light. So unless you want AI to start anticipating what you are going to say on the phone you are going to be hit with a minimum of at least 1/4 second delay in your phone conversation.

GSM needs base stations. Huawei Mate 60 doesn't need base station. Which is revolutionary change.

With a satellite phone you can be on a boat in the middle of the ocean and call somebody else on a boat. Not needing base stations for a phone call is not new.

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