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Chinese Aero Engine information thread

Deino, i am sorry to say this, based on typical chinese behaviour, they will never use a Russian engine on J-20. From the documentary and the words used, we know for sure those 2 debut J-20s at Zhuhai are definitely Chinese. I have to declare that you lost the argument.
Deino, i am sorry to say this, based on typical chinky behaviour, they will never use a Russian engine on J-20. From the documentary and the words used, we know for sure those 2 debut J-20s at Zhuhai are definitely Chinese. I have to declare that you lost the argument.

No, not as long it is clearly on the table what kind of engine, its Chinese designation and specific performance data is know.

The fact alone that the j-20 uses a "locally manufactured (aka Chinese) engine) is not that los my bet !"
To admit I'm a bit irritated that You and others don't seem to be interested what kind of engine the J-20 uses.

No, not as long it is clearly on the table what kind of engine, its Chinese designation and specific performance data is know.

The fact alone that the j-20 uses a "locally manufactured (aka Chinese) engine) is not that los my bet !"
To admit I'm a bit irritated that You and others don't seem to be interested what kind of engine the J-20 uses.

Well lets see how it progresses these few months. Do you know J-10 was only officially acknowledged after 10 years. The most signigicant thing is this was revealed by CCTV and now the video is gone from CCTV archive. Lucky some copies wers uploaded to Sina and bilibili.

Btw, I am interested to know which engine was used. After this we can debate whether its up to international standards. But we can now close the mystery of J-20s engine, it was Chinese all along.
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Well lets see how it progresses these few months. Do you know J-10 was only officially acknowledged after 10 years. The most signigicant thing is this was revealed by CCTV and now the video is gone from CCTV archive. Lucky some copies wers uploaded to Sina and bilibili.

Btw, I am interested to know which engine was used. After this we can debate whether its up to international standards.

Agreed and YES I know. The J-10 was officially denied even if it was well known by more than one aircraft and several high-quality images were already posted.

But we can now close the mystery of J-20s engine, it was Chinese all along.

NO !! That fact alone it is "Chinese manufactured" is in no way an answer to what type of engine (= designation) and with what specifications.
Agreed and YES I know. The J-10 was officially denied even if it was well known by more than one aircraft and several high-quality images were already posted.

NO !! That fact alone it is "Chinese manufactured" is in no way an answer to what type of engine (= designation) and with what specifications.


We know your Germanness! And we love it...

Great hearted that you are... it is time to accept that Subtle Chinese have indeed started the mass production of WS15... if the grapevine is correct... PAC will also be getting some great ToT for local production of a certain Chinese engine...

With my Chinese brethren the Western logic doesn't apply... they follow the Way... even when most of them don't know that they follow the Way... it is Cultural Thing!

I, for one, am enjoying this unfolding...

We shall have to wait for another decade to see factory pictures of WS15 by that time Chinese will be on to something inter-galactic...

You have a great Sunday!

Back to the grind of School for you tomorrow...

AECC single crystal superalloy tur Bld & PM tur Disks has put China clearly in front head to head competition. C919 is another massive beneficiary. All euro-asian markets are now open to capture. Uncle sam should be having fits now.

abstract translation:
Daokou, he insisted that J20 use WS15 long ago just without any solid evidence. and he also pointed out the existence of WS14 Kunlun, now proved.

another rumor (2012) was:

there are four types of ws15, the reason why they have same code is unkown.
the first type ws15 is 15 ton thrust for J10, and at the same time Chengdu aircraft company need a 17 ton engine for her newly designed aircraft, based on ws15, 17ton ws15 appeared, chengdu applied this ws15 on J10 too though there were many small issues on the new engine.

at the same time, a strange event happened, a small stated owned manufacturer developed a new technological process which can massively decrease the weight of engine by "xxxxxxx turbine blade", such progress could be also regarded as a revolution, and engine made under such tech could be regarded as a new conception engine.

so, proof analysis were carried out internally, finally military related department reckoned it's feasible, since the new tech can massively decrease the weight of engine, new engine can carry more blades. the result is that J20's ws15 has 24ton thrust.

not too long, the new 24ton ws15 came out, but with many issues since the 15ton and 17ton were still under development.

upon the same period, shenyang J31++ is looking for a suitable engine too because the original engine for J31 did not have good life span. then chengdu and shenyang two manufacturers established a jointed committee to co-develop a new engine, which code is still ws15, but was simplified version. last year, a craft body was transportted from shenyang to xian to study how to install new ws15 to J31. as for that J31 flying over shenyang is a smoke grenade.
View attachment 399765 View attachment 399766
( reasonable explanation is for static loads test, but shenyang has abilities to carry out such test on a such small body )

there is the fifth type of ws15, the Vector one, however it seems not necessary due to its high trust. except tech research, every one now focus on engine.

the recent results: the simplified version is ok now, 24ton ws15 is basically fine.

beliver it or not.



2017-05-28 08:14






  大家一直以为ws15是一款发动机,其实不是, ws15一共是四款,我不知道为啥不各自搞个代号,方便区分。这其中的曲折还是很有传奇色彩的。
  原本 ws15是最大推力15吨,用在歼十上的,结果中间出了一款小插曲,成飞设计了一款新飞机也缺发动机,就想把 ws15改一下,改到貌似是十七吨,但是当时把握不大,就想了个办法两款一起搞,当时口号是保十五争十七。
  当时就这事内部军工兔开会论证了一阵子,毕竟这玩意谁也没搞过,在某些方面上来说已经是款新概念发动机了。当时论证的结果是可以造出来。这里还有个大问题,航空发动机重了不行,轻了就更不行了,这种新工艺最大的特色就是降低了发动机的重量,如此就必须增加叶片,最后的论证,推力必须增加叶片,把最大推力增加到24吨才能装到新飞机上, 其实就是歼二十上,你没听错,是最大推力最低必须达到24吨。
  这个论证结果让军工兔顿时蛋疼的厉害,但是没办法还是得造啊。军工兔又开始了 ws15第三个个型号的设计制造,果然没过多久要出来了,其实整体上改的不大,就是叶片加了不少。所以造的倒是挺快,但问题就出在前两款都还没搞好,这款发动机搞出来了,问题大大的有。太先进了也蛋疼。
  这时候出了一件更奇葩的事情,应该就是沈飞的小二黑31型。也缺发动机。小二黑的个头不大,而且小二黑的发动机军工兔早研究过了,就是寿命不行。这下正好,把两个单位人员合并一下,成立个新的委员会统一指挥,做个简易型号安上去做实验,型号还是叫ws15. 蛋疼!这样就既能验证新概念发动机,又能两款一起实验好快速发现问题,快速定型。于是 ws15出了第四个型号。上次运去的那架粽子机就是拉去研究怎么装发动机的。实验这种简化版的新概念发动机。沈飞那架哥么觉得就是个烟雾弹。
abstract translation:
Daokou, he insisted that J20 use WS15 long ago just without any solid evidence. and he also pointed out the existence of WS14 Kunlun, now proved.

another rumor (2012) was:

there are four types of ws15, the reason why they have same code is unkown.
the first type ws15 is 15 ton thrust for J10, and at the same time Chengdu aircraft company need a 17 ton engine for her newly designed aircraft, based on ws15, 17ton ws15 appeared, chengdu applied this ws15 on J10 too though there were many small issues on the new engine.

at the same time, a strange event happened, a small stated owned manufacturer developed a new technological process which can massively decrease the weight of engine by "xxxxxxx turbine blade", such progress could be also regarded as a revolution, and engine made under such tech could be regarded as a new conception engine.

so, proof analysis were carried out internally, finally military related department reckoned it's feasible, since the new tech can massively decrease the weight of engine, new engine can carry more blades. the result is that J20's ws15 has 24ton thrust.

not too long, the new 24ton ws15 came out, but with many issues since the 15ton and 17ton were still under development.

upon the same period, shenyang J31++ is looking for a suitable engine too because the original engine for J31 did not have good life span. then chengdu and shenyang two manufacturers established a jointed committee to co-develop a new engine, which code is still ws15, but was simplified version. last year, a craft body was transportted from shenyang to xian to study how to install new ws15 to J31. as for that J31 flying over shenyang is a smoke grenade.
View attachment 399765 View attachment 399766
( reasonable explanation is for static loads test, but shenyang has abilities to carry out such test on a such small body )

there is the fifth type of ws15, the Vector one, however it seems not necessary due to its high trust. except tech research, every one now focus on engine.

the recent results: the simplified version is ok now, 24ton ws15 is basically fine.

beliver it or not.



2017-05-28 08:14






  大家一直以为ws15是一款发动机,其实不是, ws15一共是四款,我不知道为啥不各自搞个代号,方便区分。这其中的曲折还是很有传奇色彩的。
  原本 ws15是最大推力15吨,用在歼十上的,结果中间出了一款小插曲,成飞设计了一款新飞机也缺发动机,就想把 ws15改一下,改到貌似是十七吨,但是当时把握不大,就想了个办法两款一起搞,当时口号是保十五争十七。
  当时就这事内部军工兔开会论证了一阵子,毕竟这玩意谁也没搞过,在某些方面上来说已经是款新概念发动机了。当时论证的结果是可以造出来。这里还有个大问题,航空发动机重了不行,轻了就更不行了,这种新工艺最大的特色就是降低了发动机的重量,如此就必须增加叶片,最后的论证,推力必须增加叶片,把最大推力增加到24吨才能装到新飞机上, 其实就是歼二十上,你没听错,是最大推力最低必须达到24吨。
  这个论证结果让军工兔顿时蛋疼的厉害,但是没办法还是得造啊。军工兔又开始了 ws15第三个个型号的设计制造,果然没过多久要出来了,其实整体上改的不大,就是叶片加了不少。所以造的倒是挺快,但问题就出在前两款都还没搞好,这款发动机搞出来了,问题大大的有。太先进了也蛋疼。
  这时候出了一件更奇葩的事情,应该就是沈飞的小二黑31型。也缺发动机。小二黑的个头不大,而且小二黑的发动机军工兔早研究过了,就是寿命不行。这下正好,把两个单位人员合并一下,成立个新的委员会统一指挥,做个简易型号安上去做实验,型号还是叫ws15. 蛋疼!这样就既能验证新概念发动机,又能两款一起实验好快速发现问题,快速定型。于是 ws15出了第四个型号。上次运去的那架粽子机就是拉去研究怎么装发动机的。实验这种简化版的新概念发动机。沈飞那架哥么觉得就是个烟雾弹。


WS-15 is a 24 tons engine for J-20!

While, I am not I sure I about the 24 tons figure, since I don't believe the reasoning that a lighter engine could make a engine lot more powerful, with the same dimensions.

But I do believe the actual maximum thrust of WS-15 is higher than my estimate of 21 ton, or 210kN. In fact, I have always feel 210kN is too low, so I always suggested its +210kN.

From beginning, I have always been wondering, why all the extraordinary tight secrecy placed around the WS-15 engine. Not one official picture of the complete WS-15 engine has been released, nor the engine type of J-20 has been officially confirmed.

In fact, Chinese officials in charged, has been deliberately avoided answering this question.

I can only concluded that the Chinese government is hiding something that is absolutely mind-boggling. They want to keep WS-15 under wrap as long as possible, so as not to alarm other countries, unduly.

WS-15 is a 24 tons engine for J-20!

While, I am not I sure I about the 24 tons figure, since I don't believe the reasoning that a lighter engine could make a engine lot more powerful, with the same dimensions.

But I do believe the actual maximum thrust of WS-15 is higher than my estimate of 21 ton, or 210kN. In fact, I have always feel 210kN is too low, so I always suggested its +210kN.

From beginning, I have always been wondering, why all the extraordinary tight secrecy placed around the WS-15 engine. Not one official picture of the complete WS-15 engine has been released, nor the engine type of J-20 has been officially confirmed.

In fact, Chinese officials in charged, has been deliberately avoided answering this question.

I can only concluded that the Chinese government is hiding something that is absolutely mind-boggling. They want to keep WS-15 under wrap as long as possible, so as not to alarm other countries, unduly.
24 tonnes is too much for a single engine, i assume its a variant with a high bypass ratio for the y-20.
abstract translation:
Daokou, he insisted that J20 use WS15 long ago just without any solid evidence. and he also pointed out the existence of WS14 Kunlun, now proved.

another rumor (2012) was:

there are four types of ws15, the reason why they have same code is unkown.
the first type ws15 is 15 ton thrust for J10, and at the same time Chengdu aircraft company need a 17 ton engine for her newly designed aircraft, based on ws15, 17ton ws15 appeared, chengdu applied this ws15 on J10 too though there were many small issues on the new engine.

at the same time, a strange event happened, a small stated owned manufacturer developed a new technological process which can massively decrease the weight of engine by "xxxxxxx turbine blade", such progress could be also regarded as a revolution, and engine made under such tech could be regarded as a new conception engine.

so, proof analysis were carried out internally, finally military related department reckoned it's feasible, since the new tech can massively decrease the weight of engine, new engine can carry more blades. the result is that J20's ws15 has 24ton thrust.

not too long, the new 24ton ws15 came out, but with many issues since the 15ton and 17ton were still under development.

upon the same period, shenyang J31++ is looking for a suitable engine too because the original engine for J31 did not have good life span. then chengdu and shenyang two manufacturers established a jointed committee to co-develop a new engine, which code is still ws15, but was simplified version. last year, a craft body was transportted from shenyang to xian to study how to install new ws15 to J31. as for that J31 flying over shenyang is a smoke grenade.
View attachment 399765 View attachment 399766
( reasonable explanation is for static loads test, but shenyang has abilities to carry out such test on a such small body )

there is the fifth type of ws15, the Vector one, however it seems not necessary due to its high trust. except tech research, every one now focus on engine.

the recent results: the simplified version is ok now, 24ton ws15 is basically fine.

beliver it or not.



2017-05-28 08:14






  大家一直以为ws15是一款发动机,其实不是, ws15一共是四款,我不知道为啥不各自搞个代号,方便区分。这其中的曲折还是很有传奇色彩的。
  原本 ws15是最大推力15吨,用在歼十上的,结果中间出了一款小插曲,成飞设计了一款新飞机也缺发动机,就想把 ws15改一下,改到貌似是十七吨,但是当时把握不大,就想了个办法两款一起搞,当时口号是保十五争十七。
  当时就这事内部军工兔开会论证了一阵子,毕竟这玩意谁也没搞过,在某些方面上来说已经是款新概念发动机了。当时论证的结果是可以造出来。这里还有个大问题,航空发动机重了不行,轻了就更不行了,这种新工艺最大的特色就是降低了发动机的重量,如此就必须增加叶片,最后的论证,推力必须增加叶片,把最大推力增加到24吨才能装到新飞机上, 其实就是歼二十上,你没听错,是最大推力最低必须达到24吨。
  这个论证结果让军工兔顿时蛋疼的厉害,但是没办法还是得造啊。军工兔又开始了 ws15第三个个型号的设计制造,果然没过多久要出来了,其实整体上改的不大,就是叶片加了不少。所以造的倒是挺快,但问题就出在前两款都还没搞好,这款发动机搞出来了,问题大大的有。太先进了也蛋疼。
  这时候出了一件更奇葩的事情,应该就是沈飞的小二黑31型。也缺发动机。小二黑的个头不大,而且小二黑的发动机军工兔早研究过了,就是寿命不行。这下正好,把两个单位人员合并一下,成立个新的委员会统一指挥,做个简易型号安上去做实验,型号还是叫ws15. 蛋疼!这样就既能验证新概念发动机,又能两款一起实验好快速发现问题,快速定型。于是 ws15出了第四个型号。上次运去的那架粽子机就是拉去研究怎么装发动机的。实验这种简化版的新概念发动机。沈飞那架哥么觉得就是个烟雾弹。

Sorry guys ! ... and You believe this BS without any scepticism ??? :crazy:

Installing a WS-15 into the FC-31V2 :rofl: ... having four different WS-15 engines each more powerfull than any other engine so far available worldwide :rofl::rofl: ... WS-15 with 24t of thrust ! Sorry, but I am out, that's too much after this heavy weekend. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Sorry guys ! ... and You believe this BS without any scepticism ??? :crazy:

Installing a WS-15 into the FC-31V2 :rofl: ... having four different WS-15 engines each more powerfull than any other engine so far available worldwide :rofl::rofl: ... WS-15 with 24t of thrust ! Sorry, but I am out, that's too much after this heavy weekend. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

This should be considered as a disgusting reply on a serious discussion for ordinary members let alone a moderator, pathetic cheap shot indeed
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