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Featured China’s growing nuclear strength worries the Pentagon


Nov 4, 2011
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China’s growing nuclear strength worries the Pentagon
'China is on a trajectory to be a strategic peer to us by the end of the decade ... the threat is significant'
While still trailing the US in nuclear weapons strength, experts say China is increasing its capability across the board.

It’s no big secret that the United States’ strategic deterrent will be tested in ways that it hasn’t been before over the coming years.

Specifically, China’s burgeoning military growth, on land, on the sea, and in the air is a big concern — but perhaps moreso, is its rapid progress on the nuclear front, according to a report by Yasmin Tadjdeh in National Defense.

“China is on a trajectory to be a strategic peer to us by the end of the decade,” said Adm. Charles Richard, who spoke at a virtual event hosted by the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.

“For the first time ever, the US is going to face two peer capable nuclear competitors … who you have to deter differently,” he said referring to China and Russia. “We have never faced that situation before.

“We need to be ready to answer that,” he said. “The threat is significant.”

Richard noted that Beijing is bolstering its atomic arsenal by investing in air-launched systems, a change in its approach from previous eras, National Defense reported.

“They are about to finish building out for the first time an actual triad by adding a strategic capability to their air leg.”

A nuclear triad consists of air-, ground- and sea-based weapons.

China so far has yet to deploy a formidable nuclear bomber force, according to the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, a bipartisan nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. The air-based leg of its triad has historically been a low priority, National Defense reported.

“China currently possesses a small number of air-based platforms for nuclear weapon delivery, but is expected to bring a new strategic bomber and air-launched ballistic missiles into operation,” according to a fact sheet produced by the center.

“That may include the development of a new nuclear-capable subsonic strategic stealth bomber, the Xian H-20, which could enter service as early as 2025.”

The H-20 will be similar to the B-2 bomber, according to the organization.

Richard said he could not go into great detail regarding China’s nuclear pursuits, but he warned that Beijing is expanding its capabilities across the board, National Defense reported.

“They have new command and control. They have new warning. They have better readiness,” he said. “While they espouse a minimum deterrent strategy, they have a number of capabilities that seem inconsistent with that.”

China is estimated to have about 300 nuclear weapons — a fraction of the 1,500 or so strategic warheads currently deployed by the US — and has espoused a strategy known as “minimum deterrence,” which seeks to ensure that a nation would have a sufficient second-strike capability if it were to suffer a nuclear attack, National Defense reported.

Unlike the US, China keeps its nuclear forces off-alert — its warheads are not mated to its missiles and its nuclear-armed submarines are not continuously at sea on armed patrols. This is consistent with a no first use policy.

However, Beijing has the capability to execute any number of strategic employment strategies, not just a minimum deterrent, Richard said.

Meanwhile, the US is not standing idly by as China modernizes its forces.

The Pentagon is in the process of upgrading all three legs of its triad, to include a new B-21 stealth bomber, Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent, Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines, and air-launched cruise missiles known as the Long Range Stand Off weapon.

A reminder. USA is the only country to have used Nukes on civilian population. USA has also lost nukes, and has many accidents where nukes were either left unguarded or accidentally discharged and lost.
A reminder. USA is the only country to have used Nukes on civilian population. USA has also lost nukes, and has many accidents where nukes were either left unguarded or accidentally discharged and lost.

Not once but twice on civilians packed cities amid imperial japanese army surrender process.
“They have new command and control. They have new warning. They have better readiness,” he said. “While they espouse a minimum deterrent strategy, they have a number of capabilities that seem inconsistent with that.”

Now we are in the first strike business! :)
As long as there is a nuclear triad and the other side knows they’ll be obliterated right back, it doesn’t matter.

The MAD scenario will always apply
Get rid of the stupid self-imposed no first strike policy and ratchet up the production of more lethal nuclear weapons.
A reminder. USA is the only country to have used Nukes on civilian population.
As if Japan did not deserve it? There were numerous demands for unconditional surrender before the atomic bombs were dropped and yet each time they thought the US was bluffing.
Get rid of the stupid self-imposed no first strike policy and ratchet up the production of more lethal nuclear weapons.
Do you actually think China would care about its NFU policy if it was planning on a first strike? If anything, this would help them in surprising whoever they intend on a first strike attack and catch them severely off guard. When you have decided to launch nuclear weapons on someone else, I really doubt NFU is the first thing you would consider lol.
As if Japan did not deserve it? There were numerous demands for unconditional surrender before the atomic bombs were dropped and yet each time they thought the US was bluffing.

Do you actually think China would care about its NFU policy if it was planning on a first strike? If anything, this would help them in surprising whoever they intend on a first strike attack and catch them severely off guard. When you have decided to launch nuclear weapons on someone else, I really doubt NFU is the first thing you would consider lol.

Oh that makes it OK then. Killing thousands of innocent civilians. Did USA designate all the killed civilians as terrorist before bombing the city. America, that land that loves killing civilians.
The only thing China nuclear not on peer with US is number of nuclear warhead. But what is the point of having nuclear stockpile enough to destroy the world 7 times? Is US prepare to fight alien?

China nuclear stockpile is enough to destroy the world once.
The only thing China nuclear not on peer with US is number of nuclear warhead. But what is the point of having nuclear stockpile enough to destroy the world 7 times? Is US prepare to fight alien?

China nuclear stockpile is enough to destroy the world once.
China needs at least 1000 nuclear warheads to guarantee a sufficient second strike capability against the United States or Russia.
China needs at least 1000 nuclear warheads to guarantee a sufficient second strike capability against the United States or Russia.
China needs at least 1000 strategic nuclear warheads to take out large and medium population centers.

Another 2000 strategic nuclear warheads are needed to take out military and industrial facilities far away from population centers.

Another 10,000 tactical warheads are needed for the battlefield. Twice the number is better.

I think China should race to parity by building about 3000 strategic and 20,000 tactical tactical nuclear warheads. Right now Beijing seems only interested in the 1000 strategic warheads for population centers.
China needs at least 1000 strategic nuclear warheads to take out large and medium population centers.

Another 2000 strategic nuclear warheads are needed to take out military and industrial facilities far away from population centers.

Another 10,000 tactical warheads are needed for the battlefield. Twice the number is better.

I think China should race to parity by building about 3000 strategic and 20,000 tactical tactical nuclear warheads. Right now Beijing seems only interested in the 1000 strategic warheads for population centers.
China need 1 thousand nuke will do.. Remember China HGV is impossible to intercept. One warhead with 3.3 megaton explosion is enough to knock a city of LA.
China has underspent on the military, so much that it has probably cost them in the development of dual-use tech which would have enriched civilian life. 3-4% of GDP, and I mean true GDP, would be a good starting point. An additional discretionary fund for making up for lost time should be included as well. It would provide good work for many of China's engineers as well. China is eventually going to have so many engineers that they're going to need these jobs.
The only thing China nuclear not on peer with US is number of nuclear warhead. But what is the point of having nuclear stockpile enough to destroy the world 7 times? Is US prepare to fight alien?

China nuclear stockpile is enough to destroy the world once.

At the height of cold war, both Soviet and US has tens of thousands nuke warheads, and still it cannot destroy the world or the country, let along China's rather small nuclear arsenal now.

People have been VASTLY overestimating the power of nuke bombs, for various reasons.
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