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China wants India to accept the new normal on LAC, move on to restore bilateral ties

Modi has accepted it by saying no one has intruded in our land while keyboard Indian warriors are spinning stories right and left. He has brought shame to his army and country.

True, this is why warnings are now of a False Flag. Modi has 150k dead Indians on his hand due to Covid (even this is an underestimate according to many), lost massive chunks of land due to China, huge farmers protests and much work concern over Kashmir.

Expect something coming up to show world he has 56 inch chest....
True, this is why warnings are now of a False Flag. Modi has 150k dead Indians on his hand due to Covid (even this is an underestimate according to many), lost massive chunks of land due to China, huge farmers protests and much work concern over Kashmir.

Expect something coming up to show world he has 56 inch chest....
Any misadventure would be last nail in Modi's coffin. Someone rightly said that this is failure of diplomacy and military on India's end.
You need to come out of that weed if you think this will be taken as a new normal..

remember Indian rantings when PAF bombed your Brigade HQ on 27 Feb, that now prepare for war, you have entered the destructive territory, India will decimate you now. And here we are so get a life.
The selfdeluding nature of Indian state propaganda and popular culture to never admit failure or losses and answer any defeat with claims of victory or lies of already excuting retaliatory acts has put the Modi regime in a real dilemma.

The biggest pressure to confront China comes from the U.S.A. not from Indian voices. Indians believe they already dealt with and defeated China. There is no immediate internal pressure to actually show strength against a foe out of their league. The government has no need nor justification to fight and the population no urge to show support. Consequently there is also no pressure for the Indian military to clean and brush up the corrupt and shabby mess they call a military force. They are more concerned how to get kickbacks from the next arms deals to fill the pockets of family members.

China already lost whatever hundred WW2 generals on the frontline they want to believe, China failed to liberate any occupied Tibetian land, China poses no threat to whatever million starving Indian borderguards they hurried into the mountains, every Indian Super Jawan can defeat a Chinese legion with bare hands, every inch of Tibet is in Indias control and infact China retreated, Chinas economy is already on the verge of collapse after forcing Indian kids to use a proxy for TikTok
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Tough pill for India to swallow but definitely necessary ... it is a fait accompli. To be honest, India lost more in terms of territory and strategic objectives this year than in 1962. If they don't accept the Chinese demands, their fate will only worsen.
Hahahah, what choice do they have, no an inch apparently.
maybe from shiva?
His lingam.lol
no way ,
china will be forced to go back , otherwise india will occupy land on chinese side .
It's been 7 months mate, all I hear is talking and Camping EXACTLY on the LAC. Lol
Any misadventure would be last nail in Modi's coffin. Someone rightly said that this is failure of diplomacy and military on India's end.

Indeed, but now with big Chinese presence Indian forces may well be suffering from an overstretch. What their planners now have to contend with is that any strike on Pak will not only invite Pak retaliation, but potentially even Chinese intervention.

How do you cope with that? Can they spare enough high end resources like SAMS, AEW, EW aircraft and high end types to cope? Unlikely.

My guess is a small infantry intrusion that might disturb a few mountain goats in Poonch sector, than that being sold to Indian public as "Surgical Strikes MKII", a few quotes from Rawat after some whiskey, Modi shouting at rallies, detailed Twitter "analysis" on how the special operation was conducted but no video due to "security reasons", than the inevitable Akshay Kumar film.....
I really don't understand where their confidence comes from.
From this?

India wants China to be disbanded in 4 parts, best for all.
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