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China urges U.S. to reduce surveillance operations


Jul 2, 2009
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(Xinhua) -- China has called on the United States to reduce, and gradually put an end to air and sea military surveillance and survey operations to avoid naval confrontations.The request was made during a special session on maritime safety between the two countries' militaries on Wednesday and Thursday, said China's Defense Ministry.

"China believes the constant U.S. military air and sea surveillance and survey operations in China's exclusive economic zone had led to military confrontations between the two sides," the Ministry said. "The way to resolve China-U.S. maritime incidents is for the U.S. to change its surveillance and survey operations policies against China, decrease and eventually stop such operations."

The U.S. delegation agreed to continue discussions with their Chinese counterparts on effective methods of ensuring safety of naval vessels and warplanes of the two sides. The chief negotiators attending the session were Guan Youfei, deputy director for China's Defense Ministry's Foreign Affairs Office, and Randolph Alles, director of the Strategy and Policy Bureau of the U.S. Pacific Command.

The two sides shared views on issues relating to China-U.S. maritime military security in a "substantial" and "candid" manner, and discussed ways and channels to settle relevant problems. It was the second special session between the two militaries bound by the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement (MMCA), following a series of incidents in the South China Sea and the Yellow Sea earlier this year.

Since the MMCA came into force in 1998, the two militaries have held seven annual meetings and 13 working group meetings to deal with maritime military matters.

ASIAN DEFENCE: China urges U.S. to reduce surveillance operations
China urges US to stop close-in surveillance - Headlines, features, photo and videos from ecns.cn|china|news|chinanews|ecns|cns

2014-08-24 07:37XinhuaWeb Editor: Qin Dexing


Chinese Defense Ministry urged the US side to stop close-in surveillance of China, and create a sound atmosphere for bilateral military ties on Saturday.

The ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said in a statement that one US anti-submarine plane and one patrol aircraft flew to an airspace about 220 kilometers east of China's Hainan Island to conduct close-in surveillance Tuesday morning, and then a Chinese fighter jet took off to make regular identification and verification.

Commenting on relevant criticism made by the US side, Yang said that was "totally groundless", as the Chinese pilot, with professional operation, kept the jet within a safe distance from the US aircraft.

It was US massive and frequent close-in surveillance of China that endanger the two sides' air and marine security, and is the root of accidents, he said.

China urged the US side to abide by international law and international practice, respect concerns of the coastal countries, and properly deal with the differences between the two sides on air and marine security issues, he said.

Yang said that the US side should follow the principle of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, take concrete actions, reduce and finally stop close-in surveillance of China, so as to create a sound atmosphere for bilateral military ties.

long as it's within our rights and not breaching international law think we'll do as we please :bunny:
long as it's within our rights and not breaching international law think we'll do as we please :bunny:

the reason why we dont like ur surveillance is that we dont want our secrets of delecious food to leak out.

btw,wlc to china if u come in another way...
long as it's within our rights and not breaching international law think we'll do as we please :bunny:

long as it's within our might and not breaching international law as we interpret, I think we'll do as we please.

Fixed it for you.
Does urging work? I want to urge China to stop being crybaby on India's border.
If I am not wrong China sent a ship to gather info of USN exercise. .. I don't know why China bringing maritime law here... when it ignore nieghbour countries EEZ. .
If I am not wrong China sent a ship to gather info of USN exercise. .. I don't know why China bringing maritime law here... when it ignore nieghbour countries EEZ. .
The ship was sent to international water, not even 100km close to any of US mainland. Please don't compare apple with Orange. The P-8 is just few km away from China air space.

I think China shall send CV-16 LIaoning to west pacific ocean and send a J-15 to fly few km away from US control sea and we tell them we are doing everything according to international law, see what is US reaction.
If I am not wrong China sent a ship to gather info of USN exercise. .. I don't know why China bringing maritime law here... when it ignore nieghbour countries EEZ. .
I think I need to say it again:"As long as USA no longer reconnaissance Chinese, Chinawon't pay attention to USA EEZ

Who was the first to do these?
who beginning these ?
who flew a Pacific distance, came to the China door arrangement of forces, containment of others?
Have Chinese aircraft flew to Mexico Bay in Florida around?
USA on Chinese monitoring high frequency, range is wide, has reached an alarming level. From the Yellow Sea to Hainan Island, the East China Sea, Xisha Islands, dispatched aircraft, naval reconnaissance aircraft, ocean survey ship and nuclear powered submarine, America monitoring activities every year to China up to hundreds of times, beyond the America reconnaissance frequency on the Soviet Union in the cold war era.
don't forget How American over Hainan Island at a distance of 70 nautical miles, Chinese exclusive economic zone ,American collision Chinese aircraft in 2001.
Chinese has not responded to America, American now is to be insatiable.
Before RIMPAC exercises, don't forget American was how to supported Japanese peeping Chinese exercises.
we disdain to see you Exercises, we are not interested in the f Mexico Bay,
also please self-respect, don't come to China door!
Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you!

we disdain to see the us Exercises, we are not interested in the f Mexico Bay,We are not interested in USA EEZ,
also please self-respect, don't come to China door!Please come back to the other side of the Pacific ocean,thats all.
I say it again, please take your spy plane, ship back,We are not interested in your USA native.If you put end to these acts, there is no dispute between China andUSA

In addition, Chinese intercept USA plane? No!Your plane can fly, China cannot fly IN OUR EEZ?
Why do USA say Chinese intercept your aircraft?

You have the right at my door swinging, I also have the right to salute you, OK? !"
long as it's within our rights and not breaching international law think we'll do as we please :bunny:
Your plane can fly,
We also have the right to not in violation of international law case, protect our privacy.
China also can fly IN OUR EEZ,
You go your way and I'll go mine.
Please don't complain about others "provocation",at least until China Fly to Florida
The ship was sent to international water, not even 100km close to any of US mainland. Please don't compare apple with Orange. The P-8 is just few km away from China air space.

I think China shall send CV-16 LIaoning to west pacific ocean and send a J-15 to fly few km away from US control sea and we tell them we are doing everything according to international law, see what is US reaction.

Okay so the P-8 was a few kilometers away from China's air space that don't mean you should be reckless over it or complain since you said its outside China's air space after all.

And we don't really complain since we play this game before with the Russians/Soviet when they sent recon planes and spy ships in our EEZ. Perhaps you just too new to this.

Forgot to include that Hawaii is part of the U.S., same as Alaska even if not part of the mainland. So being within the EEZ of the U.S. is the same thing as our ships in your EEZ even just outside100km. Because the EEZ is 200 nautical miles.
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Okay so the P-8 was a few kilometers away from China's air space that don't mean you should be reckless over it or complain since you said its outside China's air space after all.

And we don't really complain since we play this game before with the Russians/Soviet when they sent recon planes and spy ships in our EEZ. Perhaps you just too new to this.

Forgot to include that Hawaii is part of the U.S., same as Alaska even if not part of the mainland. So being within the EEZ of the U.S. is the same thing as our ships in your EEZ even just outside100km. Because the EEZ is 200 nautical miles.
You need to stop lying.


Pentagon Moves to Block Russian Spy Plane in American Skies
Russian surveillance planes already fly over America, thanks to a long-standing treaty. But a new, ultra-sophisticated spy plane has U.S. military and intelligence bosses spooked.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. military and American intelligence agencies have quietly pushed the White House in recent weeks to deny a new Russian surveillance plane the right to fly over U.S. territory. This week, the White House finally began consideration of the decision whether to certify the new Russian aircraft under the so-called “Open Skies Treaty.” And now the question becomes: Will the spies and generals get their way?

As the United States and Russia face off publicly over Ukraine, behind the scenes, President Obama’s national security cabinet is having its own quiet feud over a long-standing agreement to allow Russian surveillance flights over U.S. airspace.

The spies and the generals want to deny the Russians the overflight rights for its latest surveillance planes. The State Department, which ultimately makes that decision, has favored such certification. On Wednesday an interagency meeting of senior officials failed to reach consensus, delaying the decision until Obama takes it up with the National Security Council, according to U.S. officials involved in the dispute.

At issue is the Open Skies Treaty. First signed in 1992 and finally ratified in 2002, the treaty adopted by 34 nations allows the safe passage of planes equipped with advanced cameras and sensors that give governments the imagery and data they use to assess everything from compliance with arms control treaties to troop movements.

On April 15, the Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon, and the Republican chairman of that panel’s subcommittee that oversees the U.S. nuclear arsenal, Rep. Mike Rogers from Alabama, urged Obama to deny Russia the right to fly its new planes over U.S. airspace.

In their letter, the two lawmakers write, “We agree with the concerns expressed by the Intelligence Community and the military leadership of the Department of Defense” in their opposition to certifying the new Russian planes under the treaty.

The State Department on the other hand has argued the United States should live up to the treaty's obligations and approve the new Russian aircraft. The decision to certify the planes and their sensors has been pending since late last year, long before the Ukraine crisis began. One senior U.S. official said, “This isn’t just an issue between the United States and Russia. Our allies and partners depend on this treaty for insight into Russia because they don’t have the same capabilities as the United States.”

The Russians use the aircraft today to monitor U.S. nuclear weapons as part of arms control agreements between both countries. The Russian planes, according to U.S. officials involved in the dispute, contain a new sensor package that would allow Moscow to surveil American nuclear assets with a level of precision and detail that makes U.S. military and intelligence leaders deeply uncomfortable.

A letter first published by the Weekly Standard on April 13 from two Republican and two Democratic members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence said the Russian Federation had just completed construction of aircraft that will “support digital photograph equipment, sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar, and infrared equipment.”

A U.S. official familiar with the dispute and sympathetic to the concerns of the military and intelligence community told The Daily Beast that the worry over the new Russian aircraft is independent of the standoff in Ukraine. “This would have been an issue even if there was no Ukraine crisis,” this official said.

In some ways, however, the Ukraine showdown has placed pressure the White House to hold off on further angering the Russians. The State Department, which has worked with Russia to iron out at least an agreement in principle to begin to disarm the pro-Russian militias that have seized eastern Ukrainian cities, wants to allow the new Russian aircraft to fly over U.S. airspace.

The Ukraine crisis has complicated the decision-making process on the Open Skies issue. Ukraine’s military has still failed to take back cities that have fallen to militias that Western leaders have said publicly are orchestrated by Russia’s special operations units known as the Spetsnaz.

In Geneva, Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced the beginning of a process to de-escalate the crisis. But Lavrov also promised Kerry there were no military plans to take Crimea in late February, only to see Spetsnaz soldiers in uniforms without insignia take the peninsula's airports and government buildings.

“The Russian planes contain a new sensor package that would allow Moscow to surveil American nuclear assets with a level of precision and detail that makes U.S. military and intelligence leaders deeply uncomfortable.”
In Moscow on Thursday there was the most bizarre spectacle. Edward Snowden, the NSA contractor now wanted in U.S. court to face Espionage Act charges, asked Russia’s president whether his government collected as much Internet data as his old government did.

Over the weekend in nearby Moldova inside the quasi-independent region of Transnistria, the United States observed Russian troop movements that looked like they may be preparing to launch stealth operations into southern Ukraine.

Sporadic fighting also continued ineastern Ukrainian cities on Thursday.

But nonetheless there were some signs that the fighting is coming to a pause. Lavrov on Thursday agreed to support the demobilization of the militias that Kerry himself said his government was responsible for helping organize.

President Obama expressed cautious optimism that the agreement in Geneva could bring the region away from the brink of war. “I don’t think we can be sure of anything [in the Ukrainian crisis]. I think there is the possibility, the prospect, that diplomacy may de-escalate the situation,” he said at the White House.

The White House convened a meeting of top deputies of its national security cabinet to discuss the issue on Wednesday. National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden declined to comment on that meeting.

“Without prejudging the outcome of that review, I would note that the Open Skies Treaty enhances confidence and transparency by allowing the 34 countries that are parties to it to obtain information on the military forces and activities of other Treaty partners,” she said. “It contributes to European security by providing images and information on Russian forces, and by permitting observation flights to verify compliance with arms control agreements.”

U.S. officials said the State Department favored granting the Open Skies certification for the new Russian aircraft.

Jennifer Elzea, a Defense Department spokesperson, said, “The Defense Department does not have a comment to provide at this time. Treaty compliance issues are the purview of the State Department. Department of Defense components, specifically the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the Air Force, do provide personnel and aircraft for Open Skies observation flights, but overall treaty compliance issues fall to our colleagues at State.”
The ship was sent to international water, not even 100km close to any of US mainland. Please don't compare apple with Orange. The P-8 is just few km away from China air space.

I think China shall send CV-16 LIaoning to west pacific ocean and send a J-15 to fly few km away from US control sea and we tell them we are doing everything according to international law, see what is US reaction.
You need to stop lying.

U.S. officials said the State Department favored granting the Open Skies certification for the new Russian aircraft.

Jennifer Elzea, a Defense Department spokesperson, said, “The Defense Department does not have a comment to provide at this time. Treaty compliance issues are the purview of the State Department. Department of Defense components, specifically the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the Air Force, do provide personnel and aircraft for Open Skies observation flights, but overall treaty compliance issues fall to our colleagues at State.”

No we didn't lie. Russian aircraft were allowed in American airspace right? This is about a new plane.

And to quote your source.
U.S. officials said the State Department favored granting the Open Skies certification for the new Russian aircraft.

Perhaps you should read before you post something to accuse me of lying.
No we didn't lie. Russian aircraft were allowed in American airspace right? This is about a new plane.

And to quote your source.
U.S. officials said the State Department favored granting the Open Skies certification for the new Russian aircraft.

Perhaps you should read before you post something to accuse me of lying.

I am sure American is hypocrite in lying Russian plane in American air space. Russian is not stupid to fly their spy plane into American airspace and give US the chance to shot them down. They are flying only few km from American air space and US claim they are not allow to do becos of their double standard. Same like in US context on China.

US is know to fabricate plenty of report like Iraq WMD, China hacking and Syria chemical gas.
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