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China Planning To Help Tajikistan Protect Afghan Border



Pakistan is rapidly creating border controls and one must appreciate this effort as for over 65 years we simply didn't care about the porousness of the border.

The Baluchistan border has been trenched 1100 km and posts are being created and worked upon along with the number of FC will double if not triple to make sure the border is manned. Will it combat illegal crossing hundred percent. No. We are not nor can we build a wall like the great wall of China. Just not pheasible and unrealistic. However it will reduce it significantly and as years go by more additional controls will see the border chocked.


Pakistan is rapidly creating border controls and one must appreciate this effort as for over 65 years we simply didn't care about the porousness of the border.

The Baluchistan border has been trenched 1100 km and posts are being created and worked upon along with the number of FC will double if not triple to make sure the border is manned. Will it combat illegal crossing hundred percent. No. We are not nor can we build a wall like the great wall of China. Just not pheasible and unrealistic. However it will reduce it significantly and as years go by more additional controls will see the border chocked.

Mmm, I guess it's mounting evidence to support that the GHQ is building mechanisms to insulate Pakistan from Afghanistan.

No barrier is impenetrable but if it reduces the flow considerable then it will have been successful: case in point the Israeli wall seems to have dramatically increased security in Israel.

I guess two decades after the Berlin wall came down we're putting new walls up.

I wonder what people are thinking in Kabul (@A-Team) ??
Mmm, I guess it's mounting evidence to support that the GHQ is building mechanisms to insulate Pakistan from Afghanistan.

No barrier is impenetrable but if it reduces the flow considerable then it will have been successful: case in point the Israeli wall seems to have dramatically increased security in Israel.

I guess two decades after the Berlin wall came down we're putting new walls up.

I wonder what people are thinking in Kabul (@A-Team) ??

Completely sealing the border is unrealistic but the mission and goal is to choke the flow considerably. It has worked well so far even before completion. I think it will bring positive results in terms of security. The next step that is being worked upon is merging FATA with kpk to forever create state writ over there so that there will be no vacuum when the operation ends and army returns. However this has hit a few road blocks as the intelligentsia, the politicians, the students and analysts want a merger but the elders want special status in terms of GB.

Can't really use the example of Berlin here. Europe ( despite its destructive and chaotic history) received extreme calm after world war 2 and with the rise of the European union and nations joining in to increase trade and lessen war with greater dependency on each other. The wall broke down and Germany was united in a peaceful europe ( putting aside the Slavic issues of Yugoslavia) and the union of europe became all the more stronger and barriers broke down.

The same cannot be asked of Asia where each country is competing with each other and holds animosity or rivalry with each other. When Berlin walls were being tore down and europe was uniting into something grand, Asia was full of rivalries and wars.

The day may come when Asia may let go of all its animosity and rivalry and just open up with each other but I seriously doubt I will see that day in my life time.

Well if kabul had any sense it would applaud these measures and themselves implement these measures for better security that would benefit not only afghanistan but also pakistan. General bajwa something along the lines i believe.

If i rambled on or made mistakes while typing then i apologize as i havent slept in like 20 hours.
The day may come when Asia
You can't compare Europe with Asia. The former is very uniform in comparison. One religion, one race, one culture, one heritage but divided into squabbling nation states.

And the reason there was peace in Europe post 1945 was it was bought with the deaths of tens of millions. Everybody fought, killed, killed until exhausion and defeat brought peace.
I don't think India will loose her dollars -- India dollars are strategic investment to tie up and bleed Pakistan -- which I think India has been very successful at.

In that case, Pakistan needs to respond in kind. Pathankot and Uri in one year has India seeing bogeymen everywhere:



Pakistan is rapidly creating border controls and one must appreciate this effort as for over 65 years we simply didn't care about the porousness of the border.

The Baluchistan border has been trenched 1100 km and posts are being created and worked upon along with the number of FC will double if not triple to make sure the border is manned. Will it combat illegal crossing hundred percent. No. We are not nor can we build a wall like the great wall of China. Just not pheasible and unrealistic. However it will reduce it significantly and as years go by more additional controls will see the border chocked.


This was much needed.

Though its still a sad picture in a sense that this is what it has come to after Afghanistan has spent the last 70 years misleading its public on Durand line agreement and trying to annex parts of Pakistan, which itself is a clear breach of international law and norms.

Once this has been saturated then they will easily clasp Afghanistan from India. With the huge footprint they will have in the region down the road Afghanistan will fall in their order - by that stage US presence will have been vacated.

Until Afghanistan can stabilise, extract and export its resources, its utility lies in being a transit point for CAR, Iran and Pakistan. If CAR and Pakistan turn to China for economic growth while Afghanistan defies geography by moving in the opposite direction towards India, then as my good friend @pakistani342 likes to say the laws of gravity work in the same way for everyone. Sooner or later, Afghanistan will need to make a correction.
You can't compare Europe with Asia. The former is very uniform in comparison. One religion, one race, one culture, one heritage but divided into squabbling nation states.

And the reason there was peace in Europe post 1945 was it was bought with the deaths of tens of millions. Everybody fought, killed, killed until exhausion and defeat brought peace.
The day may come when Asia may let go of all its animosity and rivalry and just open up with each other but I seriously doubt I will see that day in my life time.
It will happen. It is inevitable. When it happens is the only question. It could be 50 years, it could be 300 years. But that is the direction of evolution on earth.
You can't compare Europe with Asia. The former is very uniform in comparison. One religion, one race, one culture, one heritage but divided into squabbling nation states.

And the reason there was peace in Europe post 1945 was it was bought with the deaths of tens of millions. Everybody fought, killed, killed until exhausion and defeat brought peace.

Yep. Despite having less differences and more similarities we saw europe partake in horrible wars where they did everything they could to crush each other. Asia stands very different.

The thing is I can't predict the future so I never count anything out. Thus I used that a day may come when asia stands united ( if it unites then no continent could stand against its power) but I am hundred percent sure I will never see it in my lifetime as the differences, the rivalries, the history, the culture, the religion and the very thinking is very different from europe which ( despite brexit) actually succeeded in creating a union of various nations of a continent.
Asia stands very different.
Well for a start you have to describe what is Asia? It is like defining the length of piece of string. Turks, Iranians are closer to Greece [Europe]. Jordanians closer to Egypt [Africa], Israel closer to Poland [Europe]. Where does Russia fit in? Kazahks regard themselves as Eur/Asian. Are Pakistani's closer to Turks or Japanese? I have had discussions with a Saudi member here who point blank refused to accept they are in Asia. Instead another donkey called "MENA" is articulated - which sort of grabs bits of Asia and Africa.

The truth is Asia was defined by Europeans as "just the other" and that stuck. And would a Pakistani fit more in Tokyo or Athens?
Reported. Stop quoting me troll, unless you have something concrete to add.
troll? and what the hell are you? now i really believe that Afghani are to high with garda and hashes etc

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