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China's Long March-7A carrier rocket fails in maiden flight
Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-16 23:18:01|Editor: huaxia

WENCHANG, Hainan, March 16 (Xinhua) -- The first of China's new medium-sized carrier rocket Long March-7A suffered a failure Monday.

The rocket blasted off at 9:34 p.m. Beijing Time from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on the coast of south China's Hainan Province, but a malfunction occurred later.

Chinese space engineers will investigate the cause of the failure.
装载着长征七号甲遥2运载火箭的远望22号运输船今早抵达文昌清澜港。随后,由海南文昌航天发射场通过公路运输方式将长征七号甲火箭分段运送至发射场区,按计划进行发射前各项测试准备工作。 长征七号甲遥2运载火箭计划3月份发射新技术验证六号02星!

China Aerospace
Today at 12:35

The transport ship Yuanwang 22 with the Long March 7AY2 carrier rocket arrived at Wenchang Qinglan Port this morning. Subsequently, the Long March 7A rocket was transported to the Wenchang Space Launch Site in sections by road transportation, and various pre-launch test preparations will be carried out as planned. The Long March 7AY2 launch vehicle is scheduled to launch XJY-06-02 satellites in March!

photo source: @64 core processor



Dreaming in the Sky V
Today at 10:32 from HUAWEI P30 Pro

[Lighter and cheaper rockets are coming! ]

On January 22, China first prototype of a 3.35m diameter composite storage tank was born at China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT). The storage tank is mainly used in liquid oxygen environment. Compared with the metallic storage tank, it can reduce the weight by 30%, and the overall cost of the rocket is reduced by 25%! With higher strength, it can greatly improve the structural efficiency and carrying capacity of the rocket. It marks that our country has broken foreign monopoly and has become one of the few countries in the world that has the ability to design and manufacture composite storage tanks.


Dreaming in the Sky V
13 minutes ago from HUAWEI P30 Pro

[A major breakthrough in the field of rocket telemetry, tracking and control! No blind spots in the whole low-medium orbit flight]

At the end of last year, the Long March 8Y1 carrier rocket was successfully launched. It carried the "Ka-band high-bit-rate space-based telemetry and control system" in its flight test, and for the first time realized the high-speed data communications of the entire flight. It marks a major breakthrough in the field of rocket telemetry and control, with high-bit-rate full-range space-based telemetry and control capability, there will be no more blind spots for mid-low orbit flight.

Space-based telemetry, tracking and control is the process of transmitting real-time telemetry data during the rocket flight to ground technicians through space-based relay satellites, and perform real-time telemetry and control of the rocket in flight, which is equivalent to building a mobile phone base station on 36,000-kilometer geosynchronous orbit.

Previously, designers have to consider the coverage of the ground telemetry network and the space tracking ship at sea when designing the flight path. The choice of launch window is affected by the availability and range of the tracking ship, and will also be further subjected to certain other restrictions.

The "Ka-band high-bit-rate space-based telemetry and control system" will change this.

The design and window selection of all low-medium orbit can now be more flexible. The rocket orbit design and launch time will no longer be limited by the time and space of ground station availability. The number of tracking ship departures and the utilization rate of ground stations will also be correspondingly reduced, which together can significantly reduce rocket launch costs.

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Russian space chief questions NASA plans, praises partnership with China
"Today relations between Russia and China are very good."

ERIC BERGER - 7/14/2020, 3:20 AM

The chief of Russia's space corporation, Dmitry Rogozin, offered less-than-flattering comments about NASA's Moon program in a recent interview with a Russian tabloid newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Asked about Russia's interest in sending humans to the Moon and possibly partnering with NASA, Rogozin dismissed the Artemis program. He responded: "Frankly speaking, we are not interested in participating in such a project."


Russian space chief questions NASA plans, praises partnership with China | Ars Technica
Long March rockets to support exciting phase of China’s space work in 2021
By Deng XiaociPublished: Jan 27, 2021 07:33 PM Updated: Jan 27, 2021 07:54 PM

A Mars probe is launched on a Long March-5 rocket from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province, July 23, 2020.Photo:Xinhua

Developers of the Long March rocket family have recently disclosed more exciting details of China's space endeavors in 2021, which is expected to see more than 40 launch missions including those tasked for the building of the country's first ever space station.

Long March-5B, Long March-7 and Long March-2F rockets will jointly execute launch missions for the space station construction from three launch pads in two space centers to send the core cabinet of the space station, Tianzhou-2 cargo spaceship and Shenzhou-12 manned spaceship, into space this year, and to complete docking and key in-orbit technological verification work, Global Times learned from the state-owned space giant China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) on Wednesday.

It is expected that following the launch of the space station core cabinet by the Long March-5B, the Long March-7 and Long March-2F will lift off in succession, and the specific windows for these two launches will be determined by the core cabinet mission situation, China's biggest rocket contractor CASC said.

In a recent interview with China Central Television (CCTV), Mou Yu, a CASC official, said that that the deployment of a combination of Long March rocket types in space station construction would also mark a first in China's space work.

As the space station construction demands several docking events in orbit between different spacecraft, such as the core cabinet with the crewed spaceship, the Long March rockets involved in the launch missions would pursue "zero window" launches, allowing no room for mistakes in the preparation stage, which would result in launch delays, space observers noted.

"[Such challenges] require and will further verify the high technological reliability and precision of China's space launch system," Wang Yanan, chief editor of Beijing-based Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Wang expressed confidence in China's in-orbit docking technological readiness, while noting, "I believe docking events for China's space station construction will be mainly automatic and robotic, with less manual involvement by the astronauts."

The CASC also revealed that Long March 11 will carry out four to five space launch missions this year, and apart from one from the ground launch pad, they will all be from sea platforms.

The Long March-11 carrier rocket had previously carried out the country's first seaborne space launch in June 2019 and a second [first commercial application launch] on September 15 in 2020.

The Long March 11 carrier rocket scheduling more than one sea launch a year would prove that China's seaborne space technology has greatly matured, expanding the service scope of China's space with lower costs and higher flexibility, Song Zhongping, a space observer and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

In theory, with its much improved sea launch capabilities, Long March-11 would be able to carry out missions from much wider water coverage, whether it is along China's coast or even international waters, meaning more orbit options and more agile launch windows, Wang said.

It can also be launched from waters close to customers' home soil, Song added, hinting at enhanced competitiveness in the global market.

According to Li Dan, deputy chief designer of the Long March-3A rocket family, the "Gold Medal Rocket" series will carry out more than 10 launches in the second half of 2021, at intervals of at least half a month, and the Long March-3B will also conduct parafoil recovery system experiments, with the aim of solving the problem of falling parts from rockets after missions to avoid affecting people's normal lives.
China builds Asia's largest steerable radio telescope for Mars mission
Source: Xinhua| 2020-04-27 14:21:26|Editor: huaxia

Construction site of the steerable radio telescope in Wuqing District of northern China's Tianjin. (Photo provided to Xinhua)

With an antenna the size of nine basketball courts, a radio telescope built in north China will help receive data from the country's first Mars exploration mission.

BEIJING, April 27 (Xinhua) -- China is constructing the largest steerable radio telescope in Asia with a 70-meter-diameter antenna to receive data from its first Mars exploration mission which is expected to be launched this year.

China aims to complete orbiting, landing and roving on the red planet in one mission, which has been named Tianwen-1.

The telescope, with an antenna the size of nine basketball courts, was built by the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuqing District of northern China's Tianjin.

It will be a key facility to receive scientific data sent back by the Mars probe, which can be up to 400 million km from Earth, and the signals will be very weak, said Li Chunlai, deputy chief designer of China's first Mars exploration mission.

An illustration of data transmission between Earth and Mars (Photo provided to Xinhua)

China has successfully launched four lunar probes and completed orbiting and landing on the moon.

However, the distance between the moon and Earth is about 360,000 km to 400,000 km, while the distance between Mars and Earth is 56 million km to 400 million km. The longest Earth-Mars distance is 1,000 times that between Earth and the moon.

"Therefore, receiving extremely weak signals from Mars will be a great challenge," Li said, adding that only a telescope with a large antenna, working in combination with three existing telescopes in Beijing and the southern Chinese city of Kunming, can realize the data receiving.

The construction of the telescope began in October 2018 and is expected to be completed this year. Many new technologies have been utilized to improve efficiency and reduce interference noises, according to Li.

Scientists and workers pose for a photo after the antenna installation at the construction site of the steerable radio telescope in Wuqing District of northern China's Tianjin. (Photo provided to Xinhua)

With a similar natural environment to Earth, Mars has become a hot destination of deep space exploration. Among the over 40 Mars exploration missions since 1961, only about half succeeded.

The exploration of Mars will not only investigate whether there is or was life on Mars but also help bring to light the history of evolution and future development trends of Earth, as well as search for potential living space for human beings, Li said.

The Tianwen-1 mission also inaugurates China's planetary exploration, Li said.

After completion, the telescope will greatly improve China's ability to receive deep space exploration data and will lay a foundation for China's future asteroid and comet probing and other planetary exploration missions, Li added.

今天,我国自主研制的亚洲最大70米口径全可动天线正式交付给中国科学院国家天文台,它将在我国首次火星探测任务中负责接收天问一号探测器传回的科学数据。随着火星探测器逐渐飞抵环绕火星轨道,这座天线也将正式上岗。 2内蒙古自治区·阿拉善盟 L空天逐梦V的微博视频

Dreaming in the Sky V
February 3rd at 13:58 from HUAWEI P30 Pro

Today, China self-developed Asia’s largest 70-meter fully steerable antenna was officially delivered to the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It will be responsible for receiving scientific data from the Tianwen-1 probe during China first Mars exploration mission. As the Mars rover gradually arrives in orbit around Mars, this antenna will also be officially put into operation. Link-> Kong Tian Zhu Dream V's Weibo Video




China develops new tentacle-like robot to clear space debris
Source: Xinhua| 2021-02-04 17:28:10|Editor: huaxia

TIANJIN, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Removing trash in space will now be easier thanks to a China-developed continuum robotic arm.

Inspired by human limbs, most robots are created with discrete links rigidly connected by joints. The continuum robot, in contrast, can move by bending through a series of continuous arcs producing motion akin to tentacles or snakes.

Researchers from Tianjin University has developed such a robotic arm that can be used to chase down and collect debris from satellites and other space technology orbiting high above Earth.

The robotic arm, which resembles the arm of an octopus or the trunk of an elephant, includes a central backbone made up of a superelastic metal alloy of nickel and titanium, which can revert naturally back to its original shape after being bent or deformed by outside forces. It also has a camera and a grasping claw attached to the head.

A 12-second video released by the university shows a precise capture by the robot, which snakes its way through a tricky maze without human help and catches a subject no bigger than a ping pong ball.

Lead researcher Kang Rongjie who is also an associate professor at the university's Center for Advanced Mechanisms and Robotics said the continuum robotic arm in experiments exhibited better flexibility and adaptability to the external environment than conventional robots. The latter requires tactile sensors in operations.

Kang's team has had previous successes in studying and making robots. The latest invention was published in The International Journal of Robotics Research.

The robotic arm can also be used in hazardous operations, such as search and rescue at natural disaster sites, and engine maintenance in industrial situations where space is restricted, said co-author Dai Jiansheng, a robotic expert with Tianjin University.
Chinese astronauts in EVA training for space station mission
Source: Xinhua| 2021-02-18 18:52:45|Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, Feb. 18 (Xinhua) -- The first group of Chinese astronauts who have been selected for the mission of building China's space station is currently undergoing training for extravehicular activities (EVA), preparing for the scheduled manned space mission.

According to the China National Space Administration, a total of 11 missions to build China's space station are planned for the next two years, including the construction of the core module that is scheduled to be launched in the first half of this year, two lab capsules, as well as four manned craft and four cargo craft.

At the China Astronaut Research and Training Center in Beijing, Wang Yaping, a female Chinese astronaut who traveled for 15 days in space in June 2013, put on training suits weighing more than 120 kg and entered a large water tank with the help of a mechanical arm.

Water provides the best medium on Earth for simulating weightlessness in space and helps astronauts train for EVA, such as spacewalking and maintenance. The water training tank, 10 meters deep and with a diameter of 23 meters, is the largest in Asia.

During the training session lasting more than four hours, seven divers assisted Wang to complete her tasks, while staff also monitored proceedings from a control room.

Wang Yanlei, a staff member at the center, told Xinhua that to simulate a five-hour mission in space, an astronaut will undergo 50 hours of underwater training on Earth. Each training session lasts four to six hours.

He noted that if it is a complicated task or involves many maneuvers, the astronaut will become exhausted and lose 1 to 2 kg by the conclusion of the session.

Last month, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) said the core module of China's planned space station has passed a factory review, along with the project's Tianzhou-2 cargo craft.

On Tuesday, the CMSA said in a post on its official WeChat account that the Long March-5B Y2 rocket, which is scheduled to launch the core module into space, is on the way to the launch site, and the Long March-7 Y3 rocket, the launch vehicle for the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft, is in assembly.

According to Zhou Jianping, chief designer of China's manned space program, the core module will be launched from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan Province. The launches of the Tianzhou-2 cargo craft and Shenzhou-12 manned craft will come after the core module is sent into orbit.
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