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China’s potentially reusable Long March-8 makes successful maiden flight
By Deng Xiaoci Source: Global Times Published: 2020/12/22 13:02:30

Photo: CNSA

China’s new generation medium-sized launch vehicle Long March-8 made a successful maiden flight from the tropical island province of Hainan in South China on Tuesday, sending five satellites into designated orbit at the same time.

According to the model’s designers from the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), a subordinate to the state aerospace giant China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), Long March-8 is capable of launching a payload of three to four and a half tons to the Sun-synchronous orbit (SSO). As a new member of the Long March carrier rocket family, the development of the Long March-8 aims to fill this gap, and the rocket model will be tasked with meeting surging demand for launch services from commercial satellite companies at home and abroad.

The Long March-8’s successful maiden flight means a lot to China’s efforts to build itself into a space power, as it will strongly push forward the upgrading of China’s medium-sized launch vehicles, and will lead the development of the country’s satellites in medium and low orbits and meet the launch requirements for these spacecrafts, Xiao Geng, the rocket’s commander-in-chief, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

The 50.3-meter-long Long March-8 has a 3.35-meter-diameter core stage and two 2.25-meter-diameter side boosters. Weighing 356 tons at launch, it has a 480-ton take-off thrust and is capable of sending payloads weighing more than 4.5 tons into the SSO 700 kilometers above the ground, CALT said in a statement it sent to the Global Times.

We already had a carrier rocket that is capable of sending payloads of three tons to the SSO, and the Long March-8 will fill in a gap by boosting the country’s SSO launch capability from three to around five tons, which will help advance the development of a more powerful satellite platform, Xiao noted.

The model has been dubbed the “Chinese version of SpaceX Falcon 9” for its potential to be reusable. The first stage of Long March-8 is expected to become reusable 10 times by 2025, and by 2035, the entire rocket is expected to be reusable, the CASC said in early November.

A rocket engine needs to be throttleable to achieve zero velocity at the same time as it reaches the ground, which is a core technological requirement for building a reusable launch vehicle system.

This technology was tested for the first time in the Long March-8 maiden flight, which is also an experimental flight for the new rocket type, paving the way for further study and development for the reusable rocket system, according to the CASC statement.

In the long run, the Long March-8 will also be extremely smart, said the CASC. It will be able to adjust its flight status automatically if it encounters a malfunction, greatly improving the mission results.

Wu Yansheng, a senior official with the CASC, previously revealed in November that China aims to develop the first launch vehicle capable of vertical take-off and vertical landing (VTVL) by 2025.

Long March-8’s enhanced variant in the future could be the first Chinese rocket to become a VTVL launcher, space observers said.
A new TanSat XCO2 global product for climate studies

Since CO2 has been recognized as the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas owing to its significant impact on global warming and climate change, there have been a substantial number of studies that have focused on investigating the status of CO2 in the atmosphere in the past and present, and how it will change in the future.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (24th Conference of the Parties, COP24) will conduct a climate change action global stock-take for each of five years starting in 2023. Therefore, in support of these efforts, we need a new method to verify how much human emissions impact the global carbon cycle and climate change.

The 1st Chinese Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Satellite Mission, known as TanSat, which was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the China Meteorological Administration, launched in December 2016 for the purpose of monitoring CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere over the globe. The 1st TanSat global map of CO2 dry-air mixing ratio (XCO2) measurements over land was released as a version-1 data product with an accuracy of 2.11 ppmv (parts per million by volume).

"Unfortunately, it is not accurate enough to support estimation of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in cities due to it having a 1-1.5 ppm gradient across urban areas, as shown from ground-based measurement in Paris," explains Dongxu Yang, a scientist with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP/CAS), who is closely involved in TanSat data retrieval. "On TanSat's 4th birthday coming this year, we will introduce a new version [version 2] of the TanSat global XCO2 product."

The new TanSat global XCO2 product is retrieved by IAPCAS (the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Carbon Dioxide Retrieval Algorithm for Satellite Remote Sensing), and the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative plus (CCI+) TanSat XCO2 product is retrieved by the University of Leicester Full Physics (UoL-FP) retrieval algorithm. The new TanSat XCO2 data product is now retrieved by IAP/CAS using the O2 A-band and CO2 weak band together, after a new approach has been developed to improve the retrieval accuracy by optimizing the TanSat measured spectrum. The TanSat v2 XCO2 data product can be obtained from the CASA (the Cooperation on the Analysis of carbon SAtellites data) TanSat data and science service.

Intercomparison of TanSat XCO2 retrieval between the two algorithms shows good agreement for global Total Column Carbon Observing Network (TCCON) overpass measurements with 34,699 individual measurements. The dispersion between the two data products has a standard deviation of 1.28 ppmv, and there is also a -0.35 ppmv overall bias between both. These intercomparison results are introduced in a recently published paper in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.

In January 2020, a protocol was signed between the National Remote Sensing Center of the China Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST/NRSCC) and ESA regarding the intended coordination of their activities in the Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases and Related Missions. MOST/NRSCC and ESA intend TanSat to be a third-party mission of ESA, and TanSat data have been included in key ESA programs such as the Climate Change Initiative plus (CCI+) and Earthnet Data Assessment Pilot (EDAP).

The new dataset will be involved in global carbon flux estimations and climate studies in the near future. The TanSat mission will never stop, and developments are required in future generations of TanSat missions to contribute further to global stock-take and carbon-neutral research.

China to launch space station cabinet next spring
Chief designer says China ‘completed research and development work for space station core cabinet’
Riyaz Ul Khaliq |25.12.2020

China to launch space station cabinet next spring

Moving a step closer to launch its space station, China Friday announced that it will launch the core cabinet of the ongoing project in 2021 spring.
Zhou Jianping, the chief designer of China's manned space program, said the core cabinet will be launched "as a starter of the construction of China's space station.”
The country “completed the research and development work for the space station core cabinet as well as that of the Long March-5B launch vehicle,” Chinese daily Global Times cited Jianping as saying.
The testing work reached its final stage, he told reporters at Shaoshan city in the central Hunan province.
China’s large modular space station will be placed in low orbit. It will be roughly one-fifth of the mass of the International Space Station and about the size of the decommissioned Russian Mir space station.
“Chinese astronauts will carry out multiple missions outside the space station capsule and explore and experiment on new space technology that enables space missions to be more economic,” said Jianping, who also teaches at the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
To complete the construction of the space station, China is expected to conduct 11 space flight missions in the coming two years – which include four manned flight missions and four cargo spaceship flights.
The space station is expected to be operational by 2022.
Jianping’s announcement came after China’s newly built indigenous rocket made a successful flight to space with five satellites on Tuesday.
Deemed as a major push in China’s space program project, the 356 tons of new rocket from the Long March series is said to become reusable 10 times by 2025 and by 2035.
The designers of the Long March-8 rocket said the new rocket is capable of launching a “payload of three to four and a half tons to the Sun-synchronous orbit.”
Shaoshan is known as the birthplace of late Chinese leader Mao Zedong.
Mao is the founder of the People’s Republic of China, which he ruled as the chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until he died in 1976. His birth anniversary is on Saturday and people from across China are coming to pay tribute to him.


China Aerospace
Today at 19:47

[New Leap! China’s first 3.35m diameter aluminum-lithium alloy rocket storage tank was born in China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) ]

Recently, China’s first 3.35-meter-diameter aluminum-lithium alloy rocket storage tank was born in the CALT. It has been tested in various stages and found to have good performance and has reach preliminary engineering application conditions. The storage tank uses the third-generation high-performance aluminum-lithium alloy. Compared with the current international mainstream aluminum-copper alloy storage tank, the strength is increased by about 30%, and the structural weight is reduced by more than 15% under the same conditions. This indicates that China has achieve international first-class storage tank development level, and launch vehicle technological development has achieved a new leap.

The advent of the third-generation aluminum-lithium alloy storage tank is an important symbol of the further improvement of the structural efficiency and carrying capacity of China's launch vehicle. Hu Zhenggen said that currently only the US Space Shuttle, Falcon, and the former Soviet Union Energia have used aluminum-lithium alloy on a large area in the tank structure, which makes the structural efficiency and carrying capacity reach the international leading level, demonstrate the development direction of rocket tank.

Liu Guanri, Director of the Structural Department of the General Design Department of the CALT, introduced that the 3.35-meter aluminum-lithium alloy storage tank will be mainly used in the final stage of the new generation of launch vehicles to improve the structural efficiency and carrying capacity of Long March 5, Long March 7, and Long March 8 rockets. Will be able to greatly enhance China's deep space exploration capabilities and level, while laying the foundation for further development of larger-diameter heavy rockets and new generation of manned rockets.



Rice seeds carried to the moon and back sprout
chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2020-12-29 16:31

Some of the 40 grams of rice seeds that made a round trip to the moon have sprouted and are ready for follow-up studies, according to Science Daily on Monday.

The rice seeds traveled to the moon and returned to Earth after 23 days of flight aboard China's Chang'e 5 lunar probe. This marks the first time China conducted a deep space induced mutation breeding experiment on rice.

The seeds were handed over to their provider, the National Engineering Research Center of Plant Space Breeding of South China Agricultural University, on Dec 23.

China was the first country to use space technology to induce mutation breeding of crops. "Mutations are the basis of species evolution, as well as the basis of breeding of new variety," said Guo Tao, deputy director of the space breeding center.

Rice is a model organism in genetic research. Using rice as a deep space payload to study the evolution of species helps to understand hereditary effects in deep space. It may also produce beneficial mutations that could be applied to rice seed selection and breeding and boost agricultural production, Guo added.

Guo said next they will conduct a series of selfing and outcrossing experiments on the seed to cultivate new rice varieties that satisfy future requirements in terms of resistance to diseases and pests, stress tolerance and adaptation to mechanized production.

To ensure national food security, China's total yield of rice needs to grow about 10 percent by 2030.

As a leading scientific research and innovation platform in space breeding, the National Engineering Research Center of Plant Space Breeding has conducted 24 space-induced mutation experiments on plants since 1996.

The experiment on the Chang'e 5 probe is different from previous ones. It was the first such experiment conducted in a deep space environment, the space flight time was longer and the probe encountered radiation in the Van Allen Belts and fromsunspot activity, said Guo.

Stronger hereditary effects are expected to be produced in this experiment, as a deep space environment is more similar to a real space extreme environment. It will help researchers learn how hereditary effects induced in deep space and a low-Earth orbit environment differ, and provide important experiment samples and data for further research on mutation rules in space breeding, he said.



Missile hit_Aerospace
57 minutes ago from Honor 30 5G

Recently, Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tianbing Technology)'s first "Tianhuo-3" (TH-3) liquid rocket engine completed the system-wide assembly work at the Beijing Tianbing Assembly Base. After more than a year of research and development, the 30-ton HCP liquid engine independently developed by Tianbing Technology and with independent intellectual property rights has recently broken its veil to show its true appearance.

Tianhuo No. 3 engine is mainly composed of head unit, combustion chamber, nozzle, and ignition device. As the first large-tonnage HCP liquid rocket engine in China, it has high performance, non-toxic and pollution-free, normal temperature storage, multiple repeated ignitions and deep variable thrust Ability, which greatly reduces the number and cost of engine components, while simultaneously improving the reliability of engine products.

今天 10:00 来自 微博视频 已编辑​
现在是点评时间,这个HCP应该是一种预混合的推进剂,国外叫NOFBX。绿色无毒比冲相对高,听起来很美,但国内外不大力推进是有原因的,有一定危险性。此类发动机国内外试车时都炸过台子,这种发动机在关闭时控制不好容易回火,沿着燃烧室往上烧,因为推进剂本身就是混合好的。航天爱好者网超话 #中国航天# L航天爱好者网的微博视频

Space Enthusiast Network
Today at 10:00 from Weibo video

Beijing Tianbing Technology independently developed the first domestic 30-ton thrust HCP rocket engine Tianhuo III (TH-3) full system hot test successfully.

Since December, the TH-3 engine has undergone a total of 6 steady-state program assessments. The engine starts and shuts down smoothly, and the steady-state working parameters are normal. The engine's performance indicators have reached the design requirements and fully passed the hot test.

The 30-ton engine of Tianhuo-3 is developed and produced by Tianbing Technology independently following the successful development of Tianhuo-1 (1000N) full-system hot test run and Tianhuo-2 (10000N) full-system hot test run. It is currently the largest thrust HCP propellant engine system in the world. From design to production, and then to the successful test ignition, it took one year. The main components of the engine used 3D printing. The design experience of the cross-fusion of liquid rocket motors and solid rocket motors was used for reference in the engine development process. A large number of pioneering engineering applications of precision structures, new materials, and new processes have been carried out to improve product reliability and greatly reduce engine production costs.

Tianbing Technology claims that HCP propellant is a recognized advanced liquid propellant system in the aerospace field. It has green, non-toxic, room temperature storage, and high performance (The company has not disclosed the specific impulse level of TH3, but according to NOFBX related papers, the specific impulse can be as high as 325s, which is far higher than that of other mono-propellant engine and even more than traditional hydrazine-based propellants), low cost, simple system and high reliability. The successful test run of the Tianhuo-3 engine indicates that the research on the propellant system has entered the engineering application stage. The Tianhuo-3 engine with HCP propellant has the high performance of traditional cryogenic bi-propellant, and at the same time has the reliability and convenience of mono-propellant engine. This means that the liquid launch vehicle equipped with the Tianhuo-3 engine has a 50% lower take-off weight and a 60% reduction in the number of parts than a rocket of the same capacity, which greatly reduces the manufacturing and launch costs of the launch vehicle, and at the same time significantly improves the reliability of the launch vehicle. It is a high-quality solution for low-cost, high-frequency entry into space in the future. In addition, thanks to the advanced design concept of the Tianhuo engine and the characteristics of the HCP propellant system, the Tianhuo series of engines also have the ability for continuous throttleability, which can make it easier for the rocket to realize the recovery and reuse function.

Here is the time for comment (Note: from editor of Space Enthusiast Network).
This so-called HCP should be a pre-mixed propellant, called NOFBX abroad. Green and non-toxic, the specific impulse is also relatively high, sounds wonderful. But there are reasons why domestic and foreign efforts are not vigorously pursue. There is a certain risk. This type of engine has a history of explosion during test runs at home and abroad. This kind of engine is not easy to control during turn off, when it could backfire and burn up along the combustion chamber because at that time the propellant is already well mixed.

Video link of the test -> L航天爱好者网的微博视频




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China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
Today at 09:39 from 360 Safe Browser

[Target: Sun and Earth Lagrange L1 point! Chang'e-5 orbiter launches extended test]

On December 17, the Chang'e-5 mission orbiter and the returner were separated and the evasion maneuver was successfully executed. After completing the established main mission, the orbiter set off for the Sun Earth Lagrange L1 point, about 1.5 million kilometers away from the earth, to carry out a circumnavigation flight and conduct exploration tests. After the sun-earth L1 exploration test, other extended tasks will be carried out according to the status of the orbiter and the constraints. (Source: China Lunar Exploration Project)

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