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China Losing ‘South China Sea Battle’

No one in Asia is 'bandwagoning' with China in this issue. However, that does not mean a bully who stands alone is afraid of the many weaker potential victims when they either fail or refused to unite towards a common cause. The potential to teach the bully China is great here in a two-prong attack/approach. The US can lead an alliance of Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other financially and politically powerful states in the region who have strong trade relationships with China in a diplomatic challenge to China. In the mean time, India which is the most militarily powerful state that have a tense if not outright hostile relationship with China can lead a quasi-military alliance composed of smaller states with their own self interests in that area of the sea to physically confront China. If this alliance come to be, China will back down. All the hot air here about nuclear weapons from a bunch of Chinese conscript rejects and their traitorous 'brothers' in the US will come to naught.

The puppetmaster regime is moving its strings again.
Man, the Manila Times website is so low-budget - it looks like it was designed by a bunch a monkeys. Is this really the premier pinoy news publication?

Nope. It is one of the numerous independent Philippine media freely voicing out the sentiments of the Filipino people. How many of these are in China? Why is it that Bo Xilai and the blind activist and the woman who blew herself up not reported in Chinese papers?

200 nautical mile EEZ rule does not have any say on the issue of sovereignty. The islands belong to China by historical claim. That alone is sufficient.

Insufficient, absurd and out of this world (you should claim the moon, Mars and Uranus too). :coffee:
China did it in 1979, when China begged her papa US to attack Vietnam. It's shameful joke on Chinese.:enjoy:

Be a good boy now no fishing no drilling in scs then no harm will come your way, i must admit apart from making a stupid mistake of invitng india into scs vietnam behaviors is quite good.:D
Nope. It is one of the numerous independent Philippine media freely voicing out the sentiments of the Filipino people. How many of these are in China? Why is it that Bo Xilai and the blind activist and the woman who blew herself up not reported in Chinese papers?

Insufficient, absurd and out of this world (you should claim the moon, Mars and Uranus too). :coffee:

You are not a real Filipino. You are part of their elite 1%. Most Filipinos cannot go online. They are still fighting for independence from your regime.

If you were a real Filipino, how could you defend the regime whose police shakes you down for money every day?

If you were a real Filipino, how could you defend a regime that made you go from the richest nation in Asia to the poorest?

The only way you can defend your regime is because you are a regime puppet bought and paid for by Aquino.
Nope. It is one of the numerous independent Philippine media freely voicing out the sentiments of the Filipino people. How many of these are in China? Why is it that Bo Xilai and the blind activist and the woman who blew herself up not reported in Chinese papers?

Insufficient, absurd and out of this world (you should claim the moon, Mars and Uranus too). :coffee:

even worse misleadingfree media articles lead people to do stupid things you are a fine example .lol
You are not a real Filipino. You are part of their elite 1%. Most Filipinos cannot go online. They are still fighting for independence from your regime.

If you were a real Filipino, how could you defend the regime whose police shakes you down for money every day?

If you were a real Filipino, how could you defend a regime that made you go from the richest nation in Asia to the poorest?

The only way you can defend your regime is because you are a regime puppet bought and paid for by Aquino.

You are a fake Chinese. Maybe you are from overseas who escaped the persecution of the PLA. Your opinion does not voice out the sentiments of the Chinese people. Or you may be you is a paid hack by the PLA that belong to the 50-cent party- so how much pay do you get from Hu Jintao? If you are a real Chinese, how could you believe the preposterous, unbelievable claim that somebody else's backyard is China's own backyard?
even worse misleadingfree media articles lead people to do stupid things you are a fine example .lol

Should you be saying misleading PLA puppet media extolling false sense of nationalism to the ordinary Chinese?
Corruption in the CCP, Bo Xilai, Chen Guangcheng- these should be the concern of the peasant Chinese, not to believe PLA's absurd claim that somebody else's yard is Big Panda's turf. :coffee:
Be a good boy now no fishing no drilling in scs then no harm will come your way, i must admit apart from making a stupid mistake of invitng india into scs vietnam behaviors is quite good.:D

The blocks are in side EZZ of Vietnam. It was international bidding, China can join for it.:enjoy:
You are a fake Chinese. Maybe you are from overseas who escaped the persecution of the PLA. Your opinion does not voice out the sentiments of the Chinese people. Or you may be you is a paid hack by the PLA that belong to the 50-cent party- so how much pay do you get from Hu Jintao? If you are a real Chinese, how could you believe the preposterous, unbelievable claim that somebody else's backyard is China's own backyard?

It's not in your backyard. The Philippines is in China's backyard.
It's not in your backyard. The Philippines is in China's backyard.

Well as far as every body knows, the Philippines is an independent country so we can't be your backyard. Maybe you are referring to Taiwan which PLA does not have balls to take.

China is rest of s-e asia's backyard

China should become India's backyard. Testing ground for its Agni and Brahmos missiles.:yahoo:
China Losing ‘South China Sea Battle’
Monday, May 14, 2012
Written by : MANNY PIÑOL

One does not need to be a map expert or a historical genius to understand and realize that China’s claims to the whole South China Sea drawn in an imaginary nautical line that includes Taiwan and the islands and shoals in the vicinity of four other Southeast Asian countries is as ridiculous and preposterous as the idea of giving them the patent to pancit canton.

To assert that the Spratlys and the Philippines’ Scarborough Shoal are parts of Chinese territory because these were included in their old maps is just like saying that Galileo owns Earth because he once drew the map covering the whole planet.

A close scrutiny of the breadth and width of the South China Sea territorial claim of China will show an irregularly shaped nautical line that encloses the Republic of China or Taiwan and extends to the front yards of the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei.

China’s claim to the whole South China Sea is made more dubious by the fact that they have not even succeeded annexing the Republic of China, a democratic country established by the Koumintang Forces of Chiang Kai Shek when he fled the mainland following their defeat to the communists.

For decades now, the People’s Republic of China have made no secret of their desire to regain Taiwan and make it part of the nation of 1.6 billion people.

But for all their economic and military might, Mainland China has never ventured into launching an invasion against the smaller Taiwan knowing fully well that the Republic of China also possess a modern military force backed up by the United States of America.

The only country China succeeded in conquering was Tibet where peaceful Tibetan monks could not offer a military resistance. After a few whips of the cane and several kicks in the *****, China conquered Tibet.
China Losing


It looks like if you take a dip in the water off Malaysian or Brunei beaches you are tresspassing in China's waters.:no:
Haha lol exactly,they can't swim in the beaches because mighty PLAN will arrest them for trespassing.Now why don't PLAN be a good boy and abide by intl rules.
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