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"China is under US attack, but the world has no sympathy for us"-Dai Xu

China doesn't have a propaganda machine.

As well as NGOs in other countries to support China's cause.

In my opinion, China is too green, doesn't know the world is much darker than it seems.

But at least, it's better to have one bad country in the world, rather than two.

It's a Cold War propaganda.
The URL links to a news article in Korean about a speech given by top Chinese military strategist Dai Xu. He is like the Chinese version of Bolton (was it John?.. anyways..).

This is the original article : https://news.joins.com/article/23828567

I have taken the liberty to translate it to English, I am not native so please excuse any mistakes..:) Might be a bit long but I think it was a very interesting read.

Here we go.

China has been under unprecedented levels of attack on all sides by the US, giving rise to a sense of poignant regret that China has been misunderstanding the US. A speech regarding this issue given by Professor Dai Xu from China’s National Defense University has recently been gaining much attention from Chinese media.

Dai Xu is one of China’s most representative military hawk’s; he was chosen as one of the most influential figures in 2010 and is also widely known for being“one of Henan’s (Xu’s hometown) top three brains”.

While the United States is reviewing a travel ban on all CCP members and their family members to the US, Dai Xu’s speech on “four things that China overlooked and ten new perceptions about the United States” has been a popular topic among the Chinese.

The first thing Dai Xu claims that China has overlooked about the US is that China didn’t realize that America had so much resentment against them. According to Xu, President Donald Trump has not even a speck of goodwill for China and although he has been calling them a series of names including “trade terrorist”, “invader of the global economy”, “cheaters”, “thieves”, “rule breakers”, to the Chinese, America’s grudge feels like a punch out of the blue. While America says it will not idly stand by and ignore all of China’s evildoings, Xu adds that America is using all its resources to “demonize” China.

The second is that China did not know America’s tactics would be so ‘brutal’. Dai Xu said that China’s top government officials and professionals, himself included, did not expect an all-out attack from the US, without any wiggle room to even take a breath. US-China relations have been woven tightly over a long period of time which is why China thought that unless the US was out of their mind, it would not impose 20 billion tariffs on Chinese goods. However, America’s strong measures have taken China by surprise, highly exceeding its expectations.

The third is that while China is being beaten down by the US, not a single country has neither stood up at their defense nor even expressed a drop of sympathy. While numerous countries are against America’s trade measures, none of them have spoken out against the US or stood next to China, the greatest victim of the trade war. Xu said that although China has been assisting many countries around the world and these countries have benefited much from China, none of them have stood up for them when most needed.

The fourth is that to fight China, America has built a unified front. Republicans and Democrats disagree over any and every issue except on that of measures and policies on China; on these they are completely united. What is most surprising, Xu says, is that no member of the US Congress has spoken in favor of China and because of these four issues, it is time for China to see the US from a different perspective.

10 new perspectives about the US according to Dai Xu

  1. The US is a ‘real tiger’ not a ‘paper tiger’

  2. Must not assume that the US will continue making mistakes

  3. The US puts profit before ideology and value

  4. Never say “We are number one”, “we are better” before the US

  5. The US is indifferent about committing crimes against others

  6. Must admit that the US is the world’s “big boss”

  7. Do not mention “sharing information” before the US

  8. The US is a master strategist: Do not become their enemy

  9. Must not hope that the US elections will change the US’ national strategy

  10. Must not naively think about fighting the US until the end
First, China must realize that the US is a ‘real tiger’ that devours, not a ‘paper tiger’. American politicians are neither gentlemen nor philanthropists but workers who are devoted and prepared to do anything for their nation and its voters.

Second, China must not assume that the US will continue making mistakes. The US is a country that will turn its national strategy around 180 degrees if it deems its strategy to be wrong. The US can change masks quicker than you turn a page in a book.

Third, The US puts profit before ideology and value. When making money from the Americans, China must be careful and quickly catch onto changes to their facial expressions. Make sure that the money is flowing both ways and not unilaterally toward China.

Fourth, never say “we are number one”, “we are better” before the US. Even if the thought crosses your mind, take it as a sign to take a step down and be more modest.

Fifth, the US is indifferent about committing crimes against others. Although the US has many allies, it will not go as far as to sacrifice its core interests just to maintain the alliance friendly.

Sixth, must admit that the US is the world’s “big boss”. Although it is difficult to accept, it is the reality. The US controls vast amounts of resources, much greater than those China does. The best possible scenario for China is to digest and absorb US technology. And even after absorbing American technology, China must not go around blabbering that it is their “innovation”.

Seventh, do not mention “sharing information” in front of the US. Intellectual property is very important in the US. If you ask to share this technology you will be stamped as a “thief”.

Eighth, the US is a master strategist. Things will become very difficult once you become an enemy of the US. America’s war against terrorism shows us that the US can and will pool all its resources together, follow you to the very end of the earth and then kill you.

Ninth, do not hope that the US elections will change the US’ national strategy. The “Make America Great Again” strategy will not change even if the president does.

Tenth, do not be naïve and think you will be able to fight the US until the end. Every action made by the US has a butterfly effect. The US has many allies and many partnerships around the globe. If the US imposes a 30 billion dollar tariff on China, this will have a ripple effect and blow up into 60 billion, even 90 billion dollars’ worth of effects.

This is the reason why the US is so strong. Dai Xu says, if China wants to take on the US, it must approach with reason and not rage, wisely and courageously.

I guess that's not true.

Many countries have sympathized with China.

But it has been silenced, as mainstream media is dominated by the West.

China is at the forefront of USA attack, which decided the fate of many third world countries in the world.

After China is gone, if.

Third world countries will be toyed by USA again, just as before.

Just remember the financial crisis decades ago around the world.

The reason why the world is calmer today is because of China.

When China is gone, it will be repeated again.

As well as Russia's role, to prevent another USA military invasion.

I don't think most countries around the world want to join USA bloc by blocking China and Russia.

This is a fact.
Coronavirus revealed the weakness of the democratic system. There are 2.5 million cases in US with over 125,000 deaths. US and UK cannot handle it anymore. they just gave up.
Actually the US cases are close to 4 million.
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China doesn't have a choice. The US willl work to make it subservient to them and cut them down to size (ie weaken Chinese economic and political influence) through any means possible. If China doesn't want that, it'll have to fight the Americans and it'll need to be aggresive in it's policies to do so.

OBOR is just one step, China needs to have cultural and people to people exchange with countries. Pepsi is everywhere in the world, McDonalds is everywhere in the world, Hollywood is everywhere, The Chinese don't have that cultural export. We know Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee through Hollywood - we know Chinese food through local brands. How many people speak English compared to Mandarin/Cantonese? (not including native speakers). You can't have 100% the same influence as that came through centuries of oppression - those times are over, but you need to take steps in that direction.

Also China misses out on the more strategic side of things. You need to do more to prop up Pakistan as a military counter to India. You need to get Chinese influence close to American borders. China should be all over Cuba and Venezeula, and especially be trying to make inroads onto South/Central American counrtries which are not firmly in the US camp.

The Uighur issue will cost China too. The Muslim world should be firmly in the Chinese camp (minus the Gulf Arabs who are American stooges). Countries like Pakistan are as our interest align with China, but every time a story is printed about a new Chinese outrage in XianJing it undermines any roots to that support beyond government to government and business to business. I personally believe there is no smoke without fire, and the Chinese media is failing to project it's perspective across the world. This issue will be used by the CIA to get extremists to attack OBOR projects - ultimately causing loss to all partners in the projects.

China needs to be prepared for the long game now. Getting to the top is the easy bit, staying there is harder.
Coronavirus revealed the weakness of the democratic system. There are 4 million cases in US with over 125,000 deaths. US and UK cannot handle it anymore. they just gave up.
Isn't china responsible for spreading the virus globally in the 1st place by suppressing information?

Also see how the communist treats a whistleblower like Li Wenliang for simply doing his job:
If China is actually as competent as it advertised to be the virus would have been dealt with back in December & that would have been the end of it or at least not as bad as it is today.
Isn't china responsible for spreading the virus globally in the 1st place by suppressing information?

Also see how the communist treats a whistleblower like Li Wenliang for simply doing his job:
If China is actually as competent as it advertised to be the virus would have been dealt with back in December & that would have been the end of it or at least not as bad as it is today.
Actually no. China was transparent. It was a new virus that no one knew about. But if you want to play the blame game because of jealousy or hate the choice is yours. Why don't you blame the virus on Spain?


Your hatred for Chinese people is worse than that of white supremacist
Coronavirus revealed the weakness of the democratic system. There are 4 million cases in US with over 125,000 deaths. US and UK cannot handle it anymore. they just gave up.

Vaccine will come. The virus will be gone
But the lies and recklessness of china won't be there
Vaccine will come. The virus will be gone
But the lies and recklessness of china won't be there
By the end of the year the vast majority of Americans will have contracted the virus. That is when China will come out and play :)
Vaccine will come. The virus will be gone
But the lies and recklessness of china won't be there
You wish. This virus has shown strong resistance to antibody. Look it up. Even people who developed antibody can contract the disease again. Which means there will be no vaccine for a long time to come.

You better hope for a miracle, mercy of the virus so save you. While your democratic virus is running free we are going no where:azn:
China made enemy of former genocidal nations US + Japan

death toll of 100 million figure has been documented by the authors D.E. Stannard, author of American Holocaust, D.E. Stannard has said, "The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world." . And apparently it didn't take long for the Europeans to get this genocide started.


People talk as if only the West committed genocide in world history. :what:
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