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China has now become the biggest risk to the world economy

well, i have to say the economic boom of a country much depends on the international affairs and situation, the political reasons rather than sole economic reasons must be considered as well. anyone who thinks that a country can have economic boom whenever time it wants will be simple fool. if usa is able to do it, it will have done it already. as i always said, if usa is aware of its capability to conquer world, it will already annex the whole world...then the usa will not have to turn from a colonial old imperialism like great britain to modern usa with this kinda straight mentality of usa people, if usa has a card to destroy chinese economy to save its usa economy then why it doesnt choose to use it right now?? i think the answer is obvious to people with bright eyes except some blunt old fart sinking himself in scientific world without knowing reality.
if usa has a card to destroy chinese economy to save its usa economy then why it doesnt choose to use it right now??

The USA does not want to destroy the Chinese economy. The USA needs to restore its own economy by stopping the imbalance of trade by making and buying more that is made in the USA. In order to do this the USA may need to get serious about "fair" trade wherein foreign industries must follow similar environmental, safety and labor practices to those required of competing USA vendors, or pay a compensating import duty. China can develop its own domestic demand instead of relying on American consumers.
The USA does not want to destroy the Chinese economy. The USA needs to restore its own economy by stopping the imbalance of trade by making and buying more that is made in the USA. In order to do this the USA may need to get serious about "fair" trade wherein foreign industries must follow similar environmental, safety and labor practices to those required of competing USA vendors, or pay a compensating import duty. China can develop its own domestic demand instead of relying on American consumers.

china now is indeed increasing her export, but you have to know that the focus is no longer simply the usa and european countries, the export destinations are much tilted to south east asia, south asia, middle east, africa, and particularly brazil in south america continent.
as they know the western market has been saturated and they need to find another way rather than western world to keep them alive in this crisis initiated by wall street finance crocodile players. now the chinese exporters do indeed rely on other markets instead of usa market, how can you make that accusation when the normal people like you and me are enjoying the low cost daily basic nessity from china, it is not like we can reject those imported goods...

how come the usa will suddenly ask for balancing the trade?? why the usa dont do this when you usa people enjoy devouring cheap but useful chinese products to curb your cash outflow?? dont tell me you american people fail to realize the fact of cash outflow and deny the convenience brought by the low cost commodity to prevent the usa dollar inflation rate?? such a robber logics when others working so hard for the usa money paper and you want to rob back the money hard-earned by them in the name of balancing cashflow and restoring fair trade when you notice you are running out of money to sustain your luxurious american lifestyle at the expense of diligent labour????what a bunch of robbers in the high official and ranks in usa!!!!

and one more thing, why dont you export high tech product which you are only capable to provide rather than other commodities to china to balance your so called imbalance??are you so shy to import your high tech products??
as we know you usa are capable of nothing else and you are restricted by some harsh factors encountered also in all developed countries and some arrogant developing countries like korea, india and malaysia etc, the worker union, high labor, high material cost and low efficiency.you usa just run out of solution and you dont want to let your precious tech be transferred at a cost, what a waste!!! so you want others to sacrifice to make you comfortable, isnt it?? at the same time let the rmb overvalued like the japanese yen did in order to destroy chinese economy like what you developed countries did to booming economy of japan at that time right?? japanese export instantly stopped due to high cost of manufacturing and bubbles burst due to overvaluation of assets due to high japanese exchange rate being pressurized by you modern imperialistic robbers !!!
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