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China granted $48.5bn in bailing out to Pakistan

China is doing what any other good business owner would do. The only mistake of China perhaps is not considering the risk of loosing/ delayed recovery of the investment, in case default. Or may be they did consider that probability after all (and has other contingencies in place, like Hambantota & Gwadar).

China is doing what any good business owner would do by issuing loans to basket case shitholes? These countries are undercapitalized for a reason.

"Considering the risk of losing investment" is kind of a central part of extending credit

Now they are stuck rolling over these dogshit loans so their banks dont get slapped if there are defaults. 0 credible threat of actually obtaining or keeping any assets they have as collateral unless they share a land border (pakistan lmao).

You guys will circle jerk china like they played some master stroke strategy.
6-month U.S. Treasury bills are yielding 5% now. What do you think a good rate for non-investment grade loan should be? Remember, Pakistan has never paid back a single dollar of loan in 75 history without borrowing more. No economist believes it will ever pay back (net) its external debts in foreseeable future. So, these 'loans' are actually grants for at least a generation or two.

Pakistan's External debt in millions of USD
View attachment 922625
The million dollar question is will the 5% return on Treasury bill be sustained for say 5 years as compared to an infrastructure project that Pakistan has borrowed for.
China is doing what any good business owner would do by issuing loans to basket case shitholes? These countries are undercapitalized for a reason.

"Considering the risk of losing investment" is kind of a central part of extending credit

Now they are stuck rolling over these dogshit loans so their banks dont get slapped if there are defaults. 0 credible threat of actually obtaining or keeping any assets they have as collateral unless they share a land border (pakistan lmao).

You guys will circle jerk china like they played some master stroke strategy.

Hambantota & Gwadar and god knows what!!
Hambantota & Gwadar and god knows what!!
If sri lanka took back humbantota tomorrow there is nothing china could do about it. Maybe make it harder for them to access imf funding. But im sure if there would be plenty of parties that would step up to fill that hole.
If sri lanka took back humbantota tomorrow there is nothing china could do about it. Maybe make it harder for them to access imf funding. But im sure if there would be plenty of parties that would step up to fill that hole.

When it comes to If & When, I stop participating in that discussion..

When it comes to If & When, I stop participating in that discussion..

Fair enough. If you want to stay in the present. Sri lanka just got china to do what it wants. Bilateral debt restructured and imf bailout secured.

Whos got the leverage?
China burned 1 Trillion+ USD in their foreign reserves on developing countries and those countries wasted all the money by being basket cases.

Anyone with half a brain knew that the BRI was always a creditor trap.

Anyone saying "Debt Trap" with a straight face knows literally nothing about economics.

The fact that those countries have the gall to then blame China for their own incompetence is just chef's kiss.

BRI is Xi's worst idea ever.

Imagine the industries China could have built in China with that Trillion+ USD in investment if they simply invested in themselves.
Fair enough. If you want to stay in the present. Sri lanka just got china to do what it wants. Bilateral debt restructured and imf bailout secured.

Whos got the leverage?

Like I said, business. You win some & you loose some. Its the net effect that counts. In any case, my intension in the original post was not to celebrate China's business acumen, but to point out that the borrowers are mostly to be blamed for the situation they are in. However, by being selective of that post, we have started to engage in a complete different discussion, which I do not wish to continue.

Have a good day, err... good night in Canada!
China burned 1 Trillion+ USD in their foreign reserves on developing countries and those countries wasted all the money by being basket cases.

Anyone with half a brain knew that the BRI was always a creditor trap.

Anyone saying "Debt Trap" with a straight face knows literally nothing about economics.

The fact that those countries have the gall to then blame China for their own incompetence is just chef's kiss.

BRI is Xi's worst idea ever.

Imagine the industries China could have built in China with that Trillion+ USD in investment if they simply invested in themselves.
Not sure but China came out with decent returns on the loans it provided to 3rd world countries.

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – China spent $240 billion bailing out 22 developing countries between 2008 and 2021, with the amount soaring in recent years as more have struggled to repay loans spent building "Belt & Road" infrastructure, according to a study published Tuesday.

Almost 80% of the rescue lending was made between 2016 and 2021, mainly to middle-income countries including Pakistan, Argentina, and Mongolia, according to the report by researchers from the World Bank, Harvard Kennedy School, AidData and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

China has lent hundreds of billions of dollars to build infrastructure in developing countries, but lending has tailed off since 2016 as many projects have failed to pay the expected financial dividends.

"Beijing is ultimately trying to rescue its own banks. That's why it has gotten into the risky business of international bailout lending," said Carmen Reinhart, a former World Bank chief economist and one of the study's authors.

Chinese loans to countries in debt distress soared from less than 5% of its overseas lending portfolio in 2010 to 60% in 2022, the study found.

Argentina received the most, with $111.8 billion, followed by Pakistan with $48.5 billion and Egypt with $15.6 billion. Nine countries received less than $1 billion.

The People's Bank of China (PBOC) swap lines accounted for $170 billion of the rescue financing, including in Suriname, Sri Lanka and Egypt. Bridge loans or balance of payments supported by Chinese state-owned banks was $70 billion. Rollovers of both kinds of loans were $140 billion.

However, there are big differences between IMF programmes and Chinese bailouts. One is that Chinese money is not cheap. “A typical rescue loan from the IMF carries a 2 per cent interest rate,” said the study. “The average interest rate attached to a Chinese rescue loan is 5 per cent.”

When they will rescue pakistan ?
China burned 1 Trillion+ USD in their foreign reserves on developing countries and those countries wasted all the money by being basket cases.

Anyone with half a brain knew that the BRI was always a creditor trap.

Anyone saying "Debt Trap" with a straight face knows literally nothing about economics.

The fact that those countries have the gall to then blame China for their own incompetence is just chef's kiss.

BRI is Xi's worst idea ever.

Imagine the industries China could have built in China with that Trillion+ USD in investment if they simply invested in themselves.
Xi's prestige projects which average Chinese have to foot the bill.
There is a silver lining in all this. There is a saying that if you owe a billion dollars to a bank, you own the bank. Using that formula, with $48.5 billion, China has great interest in Pakistan's economic stability. So, China will push, cajole and encourage Pakistan to maintain at least a modicum of economic viability.
This saying does not hold true with china , they simply take over the area . Go read how shri lanka was forced to part with humbantota seaport developed by china . Now that port is housed run and controlled by chinese .
Xi's prestige projects which average Chinese have to foot the bill.
Is there nobody who can pat on Xi's shoulders and say, bubba that's a bad idea?

This saying does not hold true with china , they simply take over the area . Go read how shri lanka was forced to part with humbantota seaport developed by china . Now that port is housed run and controlled by chinese .
What will they take over after building 6 and 8 lane highways, railways and airports? They can't cart them off to Beijing.
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