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China aims to become world technological power by 2049

All the best to China. Hope it achieves the sucess sooner than later which will give other Asian countries like India great inspirational story.
We have enough time ro make change happen,just look what happened in the past 30 years

it is just a stage of development
The parallel approach is the key. India is investing a trillion dollar in infrastructure development and you are right about economy, these developments will definitely improve the condition. There are many things India can learn from China, especially in manufacturing sector and skilled and technically more knowledgeable workers.

But at the same time we can't afford to lag too much behind, whether its space, military, advanced tech etc. All major countries are either developed or developing very fast like China, taking one thing at a time will just widen the gap.1
Thanks for your reliable reply. 1 trillion dollars is not enough, isn't ? In the next 5 years, China is going to spent 5 trillion dollars. Infrastructure is not like you invest 100, you get 100, you may get 10000 through a good transportation, telecom system. Different from India, China govt is far stronger, they did some bad things, but I am happy to see the way they do in Infrastructure. Now in Saudi, all railway are made by Chinese, thats a good business, also solved the problem of employments. Focus on one thing, you guys will get it.
the major problem is the university system. The old professors are hanging on to their seats and getting the money even as their knowledge is more and more outdated, while the young professors are starving for money.

this is slowly getting better though. what needs to happen is more young investigator grants that are barred from anyone over the age of 40, more even geographic distribution of PhD granting institutions, expanding enrollment to 50% by creating new schools, eliminating tenure and replacing it with 10-15 year contracts, doubling pay to academics, and simplifying both undergrad and graduate school admissions procedures.

The final goal should be, by 2020, producing at least 1/4 of all PhDs in the world, 1/3 of all citable papers, and above average citation rates. There should be at least 5 top 50 schools, 10 top 100 schools, and 20 top 200 schools.
All the best to China. Hope it achieves the sucess sooner than later which will give other Asian countries like India great inspirational story.

you are a real Indian. China and Indian all belongs to Asia. I hope that Asia will be better, including India and China. If all Indian like you, India and China will become more friendly. You maybe need to notice that not all of person who has the china flag are Chinese. According to statistics, more than 1 million Korea living in China, more than 100 thousands Japanese living in shanghai. Many of them can speaking Chinese just like Normal Chinese. But they are not Chinese. As a general Chinese, I don't hate India at all like most of Chinese. I like the india movie three idiots like most of Chinese. I like India food like many Chinese friends. Forgot the word some "chinese" said. I not sure they are real chinese, because not only mainland chinese speaking chinese. You know it.
According to me China can do it and certainly will do it one day. Asia will rise up with China to dethrone the west.

But it is going to one hell of a struggle, everytime China approaches America it will raise the bar again. China has won only 8 nobel prizes till date and needs to do more research. Even japan has won only 22 being one of the most developed country in the world. Now you guys would be surprised to know that 22% of all nobel prizes in history are won by jewish people, they are only 20 million in total.

All top Chinese students are moving out to America and Canada. America is one lucky country that gets the best of best all over the world and is not expected to suffer similiar population problems like japan. That means America will just keep getting stronger, bigger and better while europe and Japan will go in decline.

Now, China currently is approaching usa in every field, time will come for another race soon. To beat America china really has to go allout gangnam style..
Lol...my congratulation to China. Great! We will see you in 37 years.
Or as John Keynes said: "In the long run we are all dead". That´s for sure.

Yeh...and Vietnam will become the next regional power. When? soon!
I do not think it will take another 37 years. I think China definitely will achieve that way before that.
Nobel Prizes have little to do with it. What we need is many solid researchers with a wide breadth of knowledge and strong collaboration across disciplines.

There's some areas of research that simply will no longer give a Nobel Prize these days. You're never going to get a Nobel Prize for a better photovoltaic material, even a revolutionary one. You're never going to get a Nobel Prize for aerodynamics. Etc, etc. Yet can you say photovoltaics and aerodynamics, for instance, are useless? They're giving out lots of Nobels for biomedical related things; does that mean biomedical research is the key to wealth? (No, it is not.)
I think China may reach the Super Technological Power in next 10 to 15 years.
' Seek Knowledge even if you have to go to China ' - Muhammad.

I think the time has come to act upon this!! Islamic Nations , OIC should co-operate with China in industry and new technologies etc....

By 2030 , number of Muslims will reach more than 2.2 billion Inshallah...This will further increase Islam's global cultural , economic , political , legalistic influence and outreach Mashallah...BUT...it takes ALOT of energy , food , agricultural products , land , water resources , industry , and infrastructure to maintain THIS many people....

Co-operation between China and OIC will help both , the Chinese and Muslims ..both of whom have suffered at the hands of Western imperialism (Cultural Imperialism , Economic Imperialism , and classical imperialism) ....

Good luck China.
' Seek Knowledge even if you have to go to China ' - Muhammad.

I think the time has come to act upon this!! Islamic Nations , OIC should co-operate with China in industry and new technologies etc....

By 2030 , number of Muslims will reach more than 2.2 billion Inshallah...This will further increase Islam's global cultural , economic , political , legalistic influence and outreach Mashallah...BUT...it takes ALOT of energy , food , agricultural products , land , water resources , industry , and infrastructure to maintain THIS many people....

Co-operation between China and OIC will help both , the Chinese and Muslims ..both of whom have suffered at the hands of Western imperialism (Cultural Imperialism , Economic Imperialism , and classical imperialism) ....

Good luck China.

My personal opinion:
the muslim world is a very bad shape, even in a terrible situation today, just look at the events in the last days, months, and years, just compare the huge differences between the rich and the poor, just see the injustice (e.i. women). Not to mention the ongoing bloodshed in Syria.

Let hope that one day peace, properity and justice return to all the muslim countries, and all other non-muslim people can coexist peaceful with you!
In certain areas they are already at par with west..I think it'll take only 15-20 years for china to be known as second to none in technology.:china:

Not actually second but third cause japan is too much technological advance then more than half of the world. After us,japan,china and germany will be the most technological advance nation till lets say 2045 althought it will be hard for china to surpass the germans in car industry but china seriously need to develop realiblity of every product it develops.
Feel good thread for the less developed! How cute. In the end even beggars have to have hopes! Even if that hope is 40 years away and one half of its equasion is totally wrong and the other is based on a unsustainable growth number that is never coming back. But ye, carry on, nvm that the rest of the world is not standing still.

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