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Chief of the Army Staff Desk.


New army chief’s worldview

Published December 11, 2022


If history is any evidence then one can say that on assumption of office every army chief comes with his own worldview about national security and political milieu he is to work for and live with. So, that was the case also with General Syed Asim Munir as he became Chief of Army Staff late last month. And it didn’t take him long to chalk up his priorities and frame his mindset in relation to these challenges. His first public appearance was on the Line of Control in Kashmir where he point-blank told India not to do any mischief.

He also called upon the international community to force India to abide by the UN resolutions that unequivocally uphold the Kashmiris’ right for self-determination. The next day was at the Tirah Valley where he warned the anti-state elements that should they commit an act of terrorism they would not be forgiven. He said no one would be allowed to disrupt hard-earned gains of the nation’s war against terrorism. Simply stated, General Asim Munir has showcased his priorities in which the defence of national borders and national security tops the list.

And then came General Asim Munir’s take on the political situation as it obtains today in the country. Addressing a workshop at the National Defence University at GHQ in Rawalpindi, he reaffirmed the commitment of his predecessor General Qamar Javed Bajwa (retd) that army shall stay away from politics, and also promised that he would not compromise the supremacy of the Constitution and the honour of his institution.

On the question of extension in service of army chief, he said it is there, but the parliament can, and should and if it desires so it can pass a law to undo this practice. The army’s job, he said, “is to share the input with the federal government and follow its order instead of dictating it”. If that is so then why General Bajwa asked the Chaudhrys of Gujrat to join hands with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leadership during the no-confidence vote against Imran Khan, questioned a participant at the workshop.

General Munir said he was not privy to that matter and therefore had no comment on it. But then he added that the army’s decision to remain apolitical is firm. And he assured the audience that he holds the Constitution supreme and would keep doing so as the army chief. Of course the army can give its opinion to the government on an issue but it is the federal government’s job to make decisions, he added.

Pakistan’s history is replete with instances when civilian governments were sent packing by military leaders with people distributing sweets. Then there have been three constitutions, each having its own scheme of things on issues like federalism, to be presidential or parliamentary form of government and distribution of finances. We also know that once elected by majority as prime minister or chief minister the incumbents rarely return to those houses. And quite often ordinance-promulgation outbids legislation-making by the legislative houses.

Then there are dynastic families who rule the roost by clinching important positions in clear violation of merit. Isn’t all this in negation of ambience of democracy, which is of the people, by the people and for the people? Do we have that kind of democracy, which the men in uniform are under oath to defend by word and action? So, now that there is peaceful, friction-free change of command of the army we would like to wait and see how the country’s political leadership vindicates the basic norms of a functional democracy.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022


Centcom chief calls on COAS, discusses regional security​

US delegation to visit Torkham border today, says ISPR

December 15, 2022

general michael erik kurilla commander us central command centcom l and coas gen asim munir r photo centcom twitter

General Michael Erik Kurilla, Commander US Central Command (Centcom)(L) and COAS Gen Asim Munir (R). Photo: Centcom/Twitter

Commander Central Command (CENTCOM) General Michael Erik Kurilla on Thursday visited General Headquarters (GHQ) and discussed the security situation in the region as well as other related matters of mutual interest.

The US general laid a floral wreath at the Martyrs’ Monument in honour of the martyrs of Pakistan, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

The military's media wing also revealed that a contingent of the Pakistan Army presented a guard of honour to the visiting dignitary.

Later, the US commander called on Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir followed by a delegation-level meeting.
It is rather funny, that the first order of business on the chief's desk was to see a white man.

I wonder if the new "chief" will do something in regards to nationlize our armed forces ?

How about changing the official language to Urdu instead of English ?

How about changing the uniform to shalwar qameez which is our national dress ?

Lets start with these two basic steps ...
New Doctrine by COAS, and now seen clearly in Foreign Ministry. Statements from both the ministers against India in strongest possible way. This happens first time in PDM regime. Any thoughts !


‘Butcher of Gujarat is the prime minister of India’: FM Bilawal responds to Indian terror allegations

“India has been playing in the space” that has made it “very easy” to bracket Muslims with terrorism, Bilawal tells UN briefing.

@araz @The Accountant @Irfan Baloch @PanzerKiel@Imran Khan @PAKISTANFOREVER @waz @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @MastanKhan @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Horus @SQ8 @Goenitz @Meengla @Dalit @Zibago @Reichsmarschall @Bleek @RescueRanger @Trango Towers @FuturePAF @Imad.Khan @blain2 @khail007 @N.Siddiqui @Great Janjua @Maula Jatt @_NOBODY_
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New Doctrine by COAS, and now seen clearly in Foreign Ministry. Statements from both the ministers against India in strongest possible way. This happens first time in PDM regime. Any thoughts !


‘Butcher of Gujarat is the prime minister of India’: FM Bilawal responds to Indian terror allegations

“India has been playing in the space” that has made it “very easy” to bracket Muslims with terrorism, Bilawal tells UN briefing.

@araz @The Accountant @Irfan Baloch @PanzerKiel@Imran Khan @PAKISTANFOREVER @waz @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @MastanKhan @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Horus @SQ8 @Goenitz @Meengla @Dalit @Zibago @Reichsmarschall @Bleek @RescueRanger @Trango Towers @FuturePAF @Imad.Khan @blain2 @khail007 @N.Siddiqui @Great Janjua @Maula Jatt @_NOBODY_

Ghazi sahab
I hope you understand and see the hypocrisy in that post.

On one side, generals are saying they have nothing to do with politics, and would act only in the constitutional ambit,
on the other hand this post claims that it's the general's doctrine and not the so called "civilian elected" government's prerogative to make policy.

This is the same mistake, DG ISI and DH ISPR made a few weeks back.
Ghazi sahab
I hope you understand and see the hypocrisy in that post.

On one side, generals are saying they have nothing to do with politics, and would act only in the constitutional ambit,
on the other hand this post claims that it's the general's doctrine and not the so called "civilian elected" government's prerogative to make policy.

This is the same mistake, DG ISI and DH ISPR made a few weeks back.
Yes! you are right, But , I am talking on Foreign front.
General Syed Asim Munir (COAS), met officers & men of SSG including the Elite Zarrar Company whose soldiers gallantly acted in Bannu CTD Operation.
COAS praised their indomitable spirit, sacrifices & commitment to duty in various operations.

Gen Asim Munir's official portrait in full ceremonial..


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